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3DUSS Enterprise NCC1701 Deck by Deck..



  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    mdbruffy wrote: »
    I still have trouble wrapping my head around this. You have spent so much time on this- and the detailing...! Just incrediable.

    It's likely to get more crazy as I add the detail. I've got to find pics of desalination equipment, Environmental installations for ac and heat, etc so that I can try to come up with something that looks like updated for that time period. Fun fun lol.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, Decks 2 & 3 are now completed.



    No more protruding walls or floors anywhere on the ship now. What remains is the Bridge deck and trimming the upper decks of the dorsal section.. A few days of work essentially.

    Back at it.
  • A question Havoc92.

    The Independence Class Armed Freighter's warp nacelles are smaller versions of the warp nacelles of FJ's Constitution class, being 73.5 metters long, by 6.63 meters in diameter... How does this change the interior of them? Assuming that they are scaled down versions?

    As near as I can make out, the inner flux chillers, both main and primary, are larger in proportion to the nacelles of the Independence Class, so how does this affect things?
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Nick R. wrote: »
    A question Havoc92.

    The Independence Class Armed Freighter's warp nacelles are smaller versions of the warp nacelles of FJ's Constitution class, being 73.5 metters long, by 6.63 meters in diameter... How does this change the interior of them? Assuming that they are scaled down versions?

    As near as I can make out, the inner flux chillers, both main and primary, are larger in proportion to the nacelles of the Independence Class, so how does this affect things?

    Mechanically, you have a platform running down the center of the nacelle interior that really doesn't need to be as wide as it is, unless of course you're looking to do interior work with lifts and the like. Personally, I'd keep to the same basic plan but narrow that platform to a catwalk or do
    away with it altogether, though the latter would be an extreme case. The walk could always be lifted higher up. Kinda have to keep in mind that
    the ineriors are only supposed to be accessed with the engines offline. The Connie has a catwalk and a crawlspace, so I'd also consider that either one could be done away with. Crawlspaces are tight; but, they still do the job.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Alright, guys and gals. I got some software installed and, well...

  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    Havoc92 wrote: »
    Alright, guys and gals. I got some software installed and, well...


    Just watched the video. That's an incredible amount of work. When people find out the hi-res verison exists, you're going to get ALOT of downloads!
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Eh, maybe lol.

    The dorsal section is finished!


    Will be starting back on the bridge next. The whole process for the dorsal took the whole day today. I originally only figured on a few hours; but,
    that was before deciding to remake the floors from scratch with a new set of dorsal hull skins. My revised estimate was a day and a half, so I beat
    it by half a day. My estimates suck. Going to have to start estimating weeks or something lol.

    Off to work.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Jaw dropping... everytime I check in on this project... stunning work!
  • I am waitng for him to do the plubimg, and electrical wiring... Plus the mini turbolifts for food and supplies.;)

    By the way how would the elctrical system be set up? As an uninteruptable power supply? Do the main systems feed directly into the batteries, which then distrubrute power?

    Or would it be something else?
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    JWWright wrote: »
    Jaw dropping... everytime I check in on this project... stunning work!

    Thank you. I take time every now and then to just frame shots and do renders for myself. Really get a kick out of seeing it all come together.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, guys, the cleanup phase is officially DONE! Next stop, detailing and texturing. God help me!
  • todaytoday0 Posts: 37Member

    Awesome!! you've put a lot of work into this!

    Can't wait to see the detailing phase!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    May the Lord bless you and keep you safe. And may he bless your family as well as keep them safe. Amen.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Nick R. wrote: »
    May the Lord bless you and keep you safe. And may he bless your family as well as keep them safe. Amen.

    LOL, thank you. Was being a bit dramatic; but, after two years, I'm hoping it doesnt' take three to finish lol.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I am not joking. My personel belief is that we all need all the help we can get. From God.

    The amount I goof up in my life proves this to me each and every day.

    And if you are going to do the plumbing, and the electrical wiring, plus the lift tubes for food and othere things as well... You will really need to have God's help.

    You do realize that in truth, thousands of people would be working on the "Detailed Working Drawings" of the Constitution Class Starship? For that is what you are doing, detailed working drawings. You like others have before you found flaws in FJ's work, this isn't surprising, for they are General Plans, not Detailed Working Drawings.

    You may, find, however, in a few years, that somebody going through your drawings, will take the next step. Construction Level Drawings. Either Partial, or full.

    Just remember to save all dimensions generated for these works of yours. What I mean is How thick are the walls? How think is the Hull? How thick are the support beams?

    And if you remember, and if the bridge can be detached, how are the connections made? Where are they? Can the impulse engines be removed at a Star Base? Or does the whole impulse deck pull out?(my choice)
    I. E. quick change units.
    Can a starship crew do extensive repairs to the ship given time, and resources?
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Nick R. wrote: »
    I am not joking. My personel belief is that we all need all the help we can get. From God.

    The amount I goof up in my life proves this to me each and every day.

    And if you are going to do the plumbing, and the electrical wiring, plus the lift tubes for food and othere things as well... You will really need to have God's help.

    You do realize that in truth, thousands of people would be working on the "Detailed Working Drawings" of the Constitution Class Starship? For that is what you are doing, detailed working drawings. You like others have before you found flaws in FJ's work, this isn't surprising, for they are General Plans, not Detailed Working Drawings.

    You may, find, however, in a few years, that somebody going through your drawings, will take the next step. Construction Level Drawings. Either Partial, or full.

    Just remember to save all dimensions generated for these works of yours. What I mean is How thick are the walls? How think is the Hull? How thick are the support beams?

    And if you remember, and if the bridge can be detached, how are the connections made? Where are they? Can the impulse engines be removed at a Star Base? Or does the whole impulse deck pull out?(my choice)
    I. E. quick change units.
    Can a starship crew do extensive repairs to the ship given time, and resources?

    Lots to think about for certain, and thanks again. Just started back up after a bit of downtime. I'm back to plugging away. ;)


    Well, vacation started a few days back and I've begun work adding in more detail on the model.
    First area to be worked on is the nacelle support pylons. So, underlying structure has been added along with the primary energy exchange conduits and warp core linkage. These have been run through the structure in rudimentary form and
    now must be worked through the structure of the ship itself. My next area of interest will be how I'm going to deal with warp core ejection and routing it through the dorsal section.




    My basic thinking at the moment is to swing open a section of the aft dorsal for core ejection. Anyone care to offer some input on this line of thinking? My gut instinct is just to hinge the back side of the dorsal section on both sides and open the neck to just spit the core out the back between the pylons.
  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    The only problem I see, is, if there's a warp core breach, you'd basically be ejecting a bomb at the warp nacelles. Anyway of ejecting it UP through the the saucer and away?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Here is something to think about.

    Let us take a look at the crew quarters.

    Are they "simple" compartments? I have been thinking on this for quite some time.

    The answer I have come to, is 'No!'. Most definately not.

    Why? There are things that are needed, but will be kept out of the way, like first aid kits, emergency kits, all kinds, ration kets, as well.

    But why are the bulkheads so thick along the corridor? Life support for the ship entire/partial, as needed. But there is another reason., If you look at the doors to the corridor out side, then this gives a us a clue. A partial airlock exists there, it can be temporary, or semi perminat, in nature. In other words a forcefield could spring up, to provide for exiting the compartment, if there is no air(useable or vacuum state), on the other side. But a mechanical version can be assembled too, from parts already located, in the compartment.

    In other words the compart is designed from scratch to keep whom ever alive, for as long as possible, if need be. So a power supply must be included as well - microfusion would be my primary choice, followed by batteries.

    Weapons? Of course.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    mdbruffy wrote: »
    The only problem I see, is, if there's a warp core breach, you'd basically be ejecting a bomb at the warp nacelles. Anyway of ejecting it UP through the the saucer and away?

    Not that I can see. The design on this is pretty poor in that regard. I'd considered a lot of possibilities but none of them seemed practical in a real
    emergency. I'd considered a flow reversal coupled with an ejection through the shuttlebay, which might be doable except for the fact that you're
    adding time to the equation for getting the thing expelled. Thought of expulsion through main engineering as well; but, that also seemed to add
    time and create a rather larger problem of clearing engineering and depressurizing that whole section. Bad idea. And upon examination it just kept getting worse. So, this seems the best of the options. And as FJ really didn't deal with it in the plans...
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Nick R. wrote: »
    Here is something to think about.

    Let us take a look at the crew quarters.

    Are they "simple" compartments? I have been thinking on this for quite some time.

    The answer I have come to, is 'No!'. Most definately not.

    Why? There are things that are needed, but will be kept out of the way, like first aid kits, emergency kits, all kinds, ration kets, as well.

    But why are the bulkheads so thick along the corridor? Life support for the ship entire/partial, as needed. But there is another reason., If you look at the doors to the corridor out side, then this gives a us a clue. A partial airlock exists there, it can be temporary, or semi perminat, in nature. In other words a forcefield could spring up, to provide for exiting the compartment, if there is no air(useable or vacuum state), on the other side. But a mechanical version can be assembled too, from parts already located, in the compartment.

    In other words the compart is designed from scratch to keep whom ever alive, for as long as possible, if need be. So a power supply must be included as well - microfusion would be my primary choice, followed by batteries.

    Weapons? Of course.

    You two are going to keep my brain spinning for a while aren't you.. lol.

    I pretty much figured the crew quarters modules are self contained units that can pressurize. How I'm going to get to self contained in the course of the build.. is going to be a nightmare; but, it will be done lol.

    And another update:




    What you're seeing here is that I've rebuilt the structural supports that connect the shuttlebay pressure wall
    to the outer hull on the top side. There's a whole lot of work in there that I don't want to redo again. That said,
    the primary plasma containment runs are visible here too. The secondary and the wiring trunks for the nacelles
    and aft section still have to be completed.

    I have to check but, I think there are a few more structural beams to create for this area and some cross-bracing.
    And the conduit at this point is bare. I haven't decided what the shell is going to end up looking like; but, some of the
    examples I've seen at this point would be a nightmare for polys. So that may go on the backburner until I figure a
    way to do it without expending a fortune in polycount to do it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Maybe not a nightmare. Assume that they plug into the decking, and the ceiling. In other words when she is underconstruction, they just slid the compartments along - or beamed them into position.

    With the early days version of this, the compartment would be an empty shell, with connections ready to go. After that some team of construction works would come along, and install the needed componants, that couldn't have been beamed in. In other words, the principal of K. I. S. S.

    To put it another way, let us assume that computer power avialble severly limited what could be transported safely in terms of volume, and mass, so what would be beamed in, was tha bare essentials of the compartment.

    Now as to power, that in the matter-antimatter reactors, they are up in the nacelles. Why? The farther you have to send power the greater the loss will be, just like at the stats for long distance power lines, in the real world. The ideal is to produce power where you need it, when you need it.

    This means that if need be the entire warp nacelle can be jetisoned, if a situation arises. By the way by this time, that should be pretty unlikely - the whole is more likely to be destroyed first.

    But that is the question.

    The question is: How much power in excess of warp six power is produced for the ship? What is the energy budget for the ship under normal conditions. And no there is no contrdiction here, the ship's energy, isn't by comparsion to the warp drive that high, so power feeds can exist, and be cross circuted as need be - damage conttrol needs and so on.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Nick R. wrote: »
    Maybe not a nightmare. Assume that they plug into the decking, and the ceiling. In other words when she is underconstruction, they just slid the compartments along - or beamed them into position.

    With the early days version of this, the compartment would be an empty shell, with connections ready to go. After that some team of construction works would come along, and install the needed componants, that couldn't have been beamed in. In other words, the principal of K. I. S. S.

    To put it another way, let us assume that computer power avialble severly limited what could be transported safely in terms of volume, and mass, so what would be beamed in, was tha bare essentials of the compartment.

    Now as to power, that in the matter-antimatter reactors, they are up in the nacelles. Why? The farther you have to send power the greater the loss will be, just like at the stats for long distance power lines, in the real world. The ideal is to produce power where you need it, when you need it.

    This means that if need be the entire warp nacelle can be jetisoned, if a situation arises. By the way by this time, that should be pretty unlikely - the whole is more likely to be destroyed first.

    But that is the question.

    The question is: How much power in excess of warp six power is produced for the ship? What is the energy budget for the ship under normal conditions. And no there is no contrdiction here, the ship's energy, isn't by comparsion to the warp drive that high, so power feeds can exist, and be cross circuted as need be - damage conttrol needs and so on.

    All my deck level walls are generally 6" thick. I kept thinking that might not be enough; but, 8" was impractical to the spaces; so, my fingers are crossed. The other concern is that I think the floor joists are going to send the poly count into the stratosphere. Another "we'll see" type thing.
    I played with that for the pressure wall support aft because I really wanted to see my idea fleshed out. It seemed to work; but, was impractical
    for the pressure wall. I just have to cut the spars down for segments and use smothing on all the cores of the joists or I'll have a mess.

    As to power generation, I'm still working on figuring that out. I may have to just break down and have a full conversation with some people on it to flesh it out a little more clearly because certain parts of it don't make a lot of sense to me.
  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    Havoc92 wrote: »
    Not that I can see. The design on this is pretty poor in that regard. I'd considered a lot of possibilities but none of them seemed practical in a real
    emergency. I'd considered a flow reversal coupled with an ejection through the shuttlebay, which might be doable except for the fact that you're
    adding time to the equation for getting the thing expelled. Thought of expulsion through main engineering as well; but, that also seemed to add
    time and create a rather larger problem of clearing engineering and depressurizing that whole section. Bad idea. And upon examination it just kept getting worse. So, this seems the best of the options. And as FJ really didn't deal with it in the plans...

    One way that might be a "work-around" on this, would be to have an automatic course change as part of the ejection protocols. The second the core clears the ship, have it dive or drop away from the core so the warp nacelles are out of danger.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Alright, the plasma and electrical runs are in above the shuttlebay. They still have to be run forward; but, that should be (cough) cake next to what I've done so far. The next real problem.. well..


    You can see the runs here from below with some minor mods to the pressurewall supports.


    And another view from above. The forward portion of the lines still need a tweak to the angle up the spine; but, that's 2 seconds.

    progress_101810_03.jpg's the problem. The ribbing hasn't been booleaned to fit up to the hull structure of the nacelle yet; so the lines may or my not fit. Once cutout, there may be just enough room to squeek by; but, we'll see.

    Back to work..
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    mdbruffy wrote: »
    One way that might be a "work-around" on this, would be to have an automatic course change as part of the ejection protocols. The second the core clears the ship, have it dive or drop away from the core so the warp nacelles are out of danger.

    Not a bad Idea. I'd considered a short range booster pack with nav protocols. That would probably do it; but, I don't know how realistic it is.
  • mdbruffymdbruffy180 Posts: 2Member
    Havoc92 wrote: »
    Not a bad Idea. I'd considered a short range booster pack with nav protocols. That would probably do it; but, I don't know how realistic it is.

    Wouldn't that require altering the design of the warp core? Not that we ever saw anything resemling a warp core as we now know them in TOS...
    Some tend to think the Engineering "Island" is the warp core since the Dilitum chamber is located there, like it is in all the Next Gen warp cores. If that's the case, I don't think a booster pack would work.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    mdbruffy wrote: »
    Wouldn't that require altering the design of the warp core? Not that we ever saw anything resemling a warp core as we now know them in TOS...
    Some tend to think the Engineering "Island" is the warp core since the Dilitum chamber is located there, like it is in all the Next Gen warp cores. If that's the case, I don't think a booster pack would work.

    Not entirely certain to be honest. I mean if you look at the JJ Abrams approach to things and the early ships didn't have warp cores in the same
    manner as the later refits did, then he's jettisoning something. The only thing I can imagine it would be is the plasma fuel wherein the reaction
    is literally destablized. If my general understanding is correct, they don't dump the dilithium necessarily, they're dumping warp plasma in segmented
    reaction chambers. The chambers are essentially magnetic bottles. So, it may be a matter of semantics; but, I don't know what else one would
    be ejecting. And if you look at current tech, a plasma conduit is simply a smaller version of a collider. You have a very high powered electromagnetic cylinder that contains the plasma and from my understanding, it's pretty tough stuff as the plasma can be at insanely high temps.

    So, I'm thinking this is another of those areas that's largely going to boil down to artistic license; but, I'm trying to make that an informed position.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Problem solved ;)



    In this second shot you can see that I reworked the arrangement of the primary feeds.


    And here's the primary exchange uplink to the secondary hull in
    place. I made this very early on and it now must be changed; so,
    that's the next step. The two outer lines off the nacelles are power feeds up between the engines and main engineering. There will be
    junctions coming off this area later to feed the rest of the ship; but, for now, I have to fixup the core and the primary feed lines.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Well, vacation ends today; but, work continues:

    This is my rendition of the "core". This is the primary reaction chamber feeding into
    main engineering..


    ..and this is what it's looking like in place at the moment.

    It consists of large and small segments at the moment. The smaller segments will
    wind up being anchor points connecting the larger portions to the dorsal spine.
    The half-round purple and gold section in view will end up being the seat these
    sections rest in. I've got a ways to go in finishing the core out, obviously.
    The next step is to design the connections and ejection seats.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    That is a radical reintrepretation of where the reactor is supposed to be. If I have understood what you are doing, correctly.

    My understanding of FJ's plans has always been that the reactor(s) are in the nacelles, with power feeds coming down from the nacelles, to supply powerr for ship's systems, and Hotel functions. I am not sure that the risk would be justified, considering that MJ, was very concermed with the nature of the matter-antimatter reaction, and the nature of the space warp.

    But your attempt is very good looking, however.
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