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3DStarTrek DS9

gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
edited October 2012 in Work in Progress #1
Hello . . I thought I would take a break from Thor's Settlement and break in my new MacPro on another project. I decided to build DS9 because I haven't seen it around lately and it would give me a practice on my new upgrade to LW9 . .
DS9 . . LW9, hmmm I see a pattern . . :D
Anyway . . Thanks to Treybor, who hooked me up with some sweet reference materials ( thanks dude), Hopefully I can deliver a cool model . .
As most of you know DS9 isn't exactly riddled with detail, so I am going to take an artistic license here and nurnie it up a bit, not too much but enough to make it interesting.
This first image isn't much but I wanted to post something before I get distracted.

double posts . . LWG and SFM
Post edited by gpdesigner on
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I wouldnt say its not riddled with detail :p Theres alot of hull panneling that needs to be modeled. As well as all teh sensor areas :p Its a fair job i can tell you

    But seriously I cant wait to see it finished.

    Also this puts me in the mood to get around to making Atlantis
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    if you're looking at proper references you'll see it is pretty detailed
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    IRML wrote: »
    if you're looking at proper references you'll see it is pretty detailed

    I got some pretty good prints, but if you have links that would be awesome.
    below is some of what I have . . .
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Take the plans with a healthy pinch of salt - for the most part they are reasonably accurate, but some areas are off quite a lot - always refer closely to screencaps and any other photos of the relevant section. Good to see another one of these under construction though - might pick mine up again in the not too distant future :)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    cool! cant wait to see this get underway.
    @martocticvs: Have u finished ure IKS Rottaren yet?
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    yeah what the Martok said is correct, you'll always find at least one thing wrong on those type of plans

    sure your refs look great, but what I meant was that if you find some up close photos of the physical model you'll see there's a ton of detail all over the place, especially around docks and stuff
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    here check these out

    these are pretty small but you can see there's detail all over the place, I hope you can find some high res images because I'm sure there's much more you can't see properly in these

    I don't think I've ever seen a DS9 done properly before, especially in LW, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    homerpalooza67: not yet - an update is on its way soon though (ie tomorrow hopefully)
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    Score . . . . thanks for those links IRML, they will definately come in handy . . . Martocticvs true what you say, I already found a few things that are off and jotted them down so I could deal with them when I get there. This is going to be interesting I think, it will be a good break from my current project.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    looks good. I'm looking forward
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    small update . . just adding some details to the habitat section. There is some mesh errors happening in the background . . will have to check that out.

  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    If you can keep up that level of detail over the whole thing (besides taking about 0.001x as long as tobian's station - ie bloody ages :p) it will be moste impressive!
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    Gonna try not to take too long . . maybe a month would be nice, no more than that . .
    The place is round . . lots of repeating, how long can it take? :lol:
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    Progress is slow going but I am working my way throught the Habitat ring.

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    very cool.
  • NevetsNevets201 EarthPosts: 137Member
    A nice start.

    It's always good to see DS9.
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    that mesh error in the update before last looks familiar to me, it looks like you've got a poly inside the tubes and it's casting GI shadows on the rest of the mesh it's connected to, I could be wrong of course

    looking at the station I would have thought you could make only 1/3 of it and then copy and paste and rotate 120 degrees around the centre point a couple of times and you'll have the whole thing, that should save a lot of time
  • 1of331of330 Posts: 0Member
    Oooooh this looks nice, will have to keep an eye on this
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    Thanks 1o'33 . . cool to have you lookin' in . . .:D

    IRML wrote: »
    that mesh error in the update before last looks familiar to me, it looks like you've got a poly inside the tubes and it's casting GI shadows on the rest of the mesh it's connected to, I could be wrong of course

    looking at the station I would have thought you could make only 1/3 of it and then copy and paste and rotate 120 degrees around the centre point a couple of times and you'll have the whole thing, that should save a lot of time

    Still haven't gotten to the error yet I will locate it this morning and fix it . . .
    definately true about the copy-paste method . . :lol:
    can you say "Radial Array" this model is going to be all about the radial array, sad but true, with that in mind this shouldn't take too long.
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Yeah radial arraying is definitely your friend on this one :) Looking very nice so far!
  • OdinOdin0 Posts: 0Member
    Yet another WIP to keep my eyes on. Love the detail and congrats on your fine work so far. :thumb:
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    I fixted the mesh error yesturday, it was a bevel issue on an end poly, I just lopped it of and rebeveled the end. Update- started to work on hull plating this morning to me the surface needed something other than those large @ss pannels that are just sitting there. I should prolly do something with those as well. mabey add some design or something to them, just to break up the blandness, any suggestions?

    I did make all the different styles of pannels that you see on the model, but for the renders here I just picked one set and duplicated those, faster. anyway hopes you like . . .

  • DerekDRPDerekDRP0 Posts: 0Member
    This ds9 is very detailed.
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    This is turning out great so far, but I think I've got some more references you might not have found. The DS9 model was sold in the recent auctions, and there are some pics I picked up at the time.
  • 1of331of330 Posts: 0Member
    looking nice mate
    keep it up
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    experimenting with the window on the outside edge face . . .
    it's hard to tell as the reference images are not that specific. can't really get any definate details from them but I think they look something like this.
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Ooking good, but I think the little cubes the windows are set into around the outside edges are generally a bit chunkier than you have them at the moment. ie they stick out further (mind you I haven't looked at the refs for a while :p)
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    Come to think of it, the DS9 technical manual had quite a few close up images of the nooks and crannies of the station, though how accurately they match up to the physical model I don't know.
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    but I think the little cubes the windows are set into around the outside edges are generally a bit chunkier than you have them at the moment. ie they stick out further

    I think you are right . . . dude, I have been slaving over these windows all day, I can't seem to get them right. I have my method for stagering them but the actual window design is eluding me. I see the image you are talking about in the refs but I am trying to over compensate for the "chunky" by having some inset into the hull, but of course this isn't right.

    Now . . if they do stick out . . how much? I have no idea so I guess I will keep experimenting.

    Pearse wrote: »
    Come to think of it, the DS9 technical manual had quite a few close up images of the nooks and crannies of the station, though how accurately they match up to the physical model I don't know.

    That would be a good idea, I should check into wheather or not they do match the model, it may be worth the purchase if it is . . .
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    Quote from
    The information in this manual was authored by the production staff of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and as such most of it is directly derived from filmed references. While some consider the speculation within to be canon because it was devised by DS9's own creative staff of graphic artists, illustrators and craftsmen, for purposes of Memory Alpha it has non-canon status. In fact, some data is contradictory with that shown on screen as the nature of a continuing series is that new plot points may contradict previously assumed or unfilmed data.
    That being said, this manual was a valuable source of behind the scenes information. Many pieces of art and behind the scenes graphics information used in the filmings are presented clearly here.
    Many discrepancies exist with the starship information presented within, compared both to other technical supplements, and filmed episodes. However, there are still many interesting facts presented in the starships section.
    Some illustrations were used in the Deep Space Nine DVDs.
    Unlike its Next Generation counterpart, the Deep Space Nine Technical Manual has become a scarce collector's item, with used copies online easily worth 2-3 times the original cover price.
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