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3DMy BSG Models



  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    You done a great job on that landing bay.
  • ChiletrekChiletrek0 Posts: 0Member
    I agree it has tons of great detail, I hope you'll be able to also get references from the ship as seen in BSG, specially in season4 (it has the landing bay now :D ).
    Keep up the amazing job:thumb:
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Sweet, images Rob :thumb:....Just wondering on the last image for the front of your ship design..are those venting plates or something completey different all together..?
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks somacruz145, XRaiderV1.7, Freak, Chiletrek & kenny.

    @somacruz145 :- sorry if I confused you there mate I guess I didn't make my post that clear :D

    @Cyba_storm :- That's a cool looking ship:thumb: have you started a wip thread on this yet?

    @Chiletrek :- I might have fudged some of the detail on this ship but over all it's starting to come together.
    It'll be interesting to see what happens when I start doing a re-imaged version:D

    @kenny :- the ship with the venting plates is Cyba_storm's Colonial Defender CD60 Anubis so you'll have to ask him any questions:D
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Er'e Rob, those slits on the launching Bay - bottom, are they Viper Tubes..?
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Ice-Dragon and Cyba_Storm: YouA’re doing an inspiring and fine job. Makes me think about to start my own BSG thread. ;)
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Starship,

    @kenny :- yes those are Viper launch Tubes but in the series this is just one of the civy ships so weather it was ever used as a military ship is still unknown ( as far as I know:D )
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    OK, ditto - I've seen it in nearly every shot..But' never seen it in a fight. All Seasons - No Action.
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    some nice work here guys...
  • ChiletrekChiletrek0 Posts: 0Member
    I was watching your first post (the one you are updating every once in a while:p) and I noticed you have a model of the Gideon, can you please post some pics of it? I am very interested, please? :D .
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Lord Ravensburg.

    @ Chiletrek :- I no longer have that model dew to the fact that there are no good reference pic's of it:( it's still posted up to remind me to keep looking for any pic to help me out:D

    Time for a small update.

    most of the underside in now compleat:D
    now all I have to do is finish of the top and then I can move on to something else:D

    comments are welcome:thumb:
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    Looks pretty good to me. you do have an odd shadow on the connection between the engine housing and the main hull... right buy that set of three plates that wrap around. could just be the lights and angle though...
  • ChiletrekChiletrek0 Posts: 0Member
    What can I say? the ship is outstanding, but I thought that was a landing pod, well, maybe it has it's doors closed... it would be better to ask for permisiion to land there first :shiner:.

    I cannot find more references on the Gideon either :( , but I will look for more too :D .
    Keep up the great job!!:thumb:
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Damn, that things is looking good in all it's glory. Capital design ol' chap! pmpn
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice under belly Rob :thumb:.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    nice job as usual.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Man that is one sweet looking ship
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Lord Ravensburg, Chiletrek, Meph, kenny, Lonewriter & Freak

    I have now finished modeling this ship:D
    here are the last renders of the Defender

    Comments are welcome:thumb:

    Now it's time for me to start or finish off something else:D
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    nice work:thumb: love all the greebles.
  • InsanityInsanity0 Posts: 0Member
    i like that ship, i think it would look really cool to have a pod on top as well
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    The ship looks out standing mate.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Lord Ravensburg, Insanity & Freak

    here is a render of the three TOS styled ships I have done.
    I you guys like it:D

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    The Lords Of Kobol have blessed this man for his greatness in building a brand new fleet in which to defend the god's against all evil and those who stand in our path to Victory...

    Really, really good work Rob' :thumb:, thy thinks maybe a header to come?
  • gthompsngthompsn171 Posts: 0Member
    All your ships look good. I like the update of the Defender over what I've seen from other attempts. I also like the Cygnus and Athena. wtg!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Man those three ships look great!
    Keep up the good work. :thumb:
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    very nice work Rob. :thumb:
  • SastreiSastrei171 Posts: 0Member
    Very awesome.

  • The Oroel OfsThe Oroel Ofs0 Posts: 0Member
    Cool ships,
    I Like the colonial seal on the CO's, like on the Battlestar Athena.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks kenny, gthompsn, Freak, Lord Ravensburg, Sastrei & The Oroel Ofs for your comments:thumb:

    I started building the Battlestar Valkyrie late last night.
    For the ref's of this ship I'm using the othos done by Infinity 238 and also renders of spudmonkey's Valkyrie class ship.

    Here is what I have done so far, hope you like it:D

    Poly count on this so far is 14,000

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    The Valkrie is one of my favorite Battlstars, keep it up.
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