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3DMy BSG Models



  • backsteptbackstept2285 Posts: 957Member
    sweet mother of artemis!
    lookin' great! keep it up, man :thumb:
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Backstept:thumb:

    Here is an update for you all:D

    I have now finished the engine section ( minus the thrusters :D)

    comments are welcome:thumb:
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    that is really incredible. I really hope you release this one. I'd love to play with it.
  • backsteptbackstept2285 Posts: 957Member
    Lonewriter wrote: »
    that is really incredible. I really hope you release this one. I'd love to play with it.
    hehe me too :D
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice bodywork to the two views Rob :thumb:, Plus it would be nice also if they released this to the model kit's then I too could play with the model too..;).
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    very nice work I-D.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    I agree with all the comments above :D It's a really awesome model. Your modeling skills are absolutely top-notch :thumb:
    I also hope that you will release the model. I don't exactly want the model but others do so I wanted to help them :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    That's an interesting ship.
  • backsteptbackstept2285 Posts: 957Member
    kenny wrote: »
    Nice bodywork to the two views Rob :thumb:, Plus it would be nice also if they released this to the model kit's then I too could play with the model too..;).
    you mean like a physical model? it's out there :thumb:
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    ^ Where ???
  • backsteptbackstept2285 Posts: 957Member
    just do a search on ebay
    they came out pretty nice
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, Cheers.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for all your comments guys:thumb:

    I should have an update for you all very soon:D
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi guys

    sorry this it not an update for the Cygnus MKII:p I had to take a little time off it:D
    I was thinking about the colonial movers and it seems to me that you wouldn't just use that ship design to move containers around with, so I have come up with a tanker version of the ship.

    I got the inspiration from looking at this ship by smallworld

    Here are a couple of renders of my Colonial Tanker.

    Now I'll get back to the Cygnus MKII:D

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Here is an update on the Cygnus MKII:D

    I have now added the side pods and build the underside still have to panel the underside tho, guns are in place but need a little work to make them look good.

    here is a render for you all to look at:D ( I have opened one of the missile bays to show you what it would look like:D )

    I still have lots of work to do on this :D

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    both look really nice.
  • DarkoneDarkone177 Posts: 258Member
    You do yourself proud ICE D.
    Wonderful wips!

    Anyone know the number of HOLLYWOOD?
  • backsteptbackstept2285 Posts: 957Member
    wooh! I love it :D
  • williethefoolwilliethefool331 Posts: 0Member
    :eek!: I love it! Looking forward to seeing the completed picture.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Love all three Rob :thumb:, just to that a nukelear silo door operning up on the ship you've been re-doing..?
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Lonewriter, Darkone, backstept, williethefool, XRaiderV1.7 & kenny.

    @ kenny:- yes that is a nuke silo door opening:D I have to do a little work on the doors to make them a little better.

    I should have an update in the next day or so:D
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just a small update for the moment:D
    I'll let the pic speak for it's self:D

    just one main thing I have changed is the four main guns on the side of the ship, I have changed them for some Valkyrie style guns which I have put in the recess of the pods:D

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • backsteptbackstept2285 Posts: 957Member
    man that's killer! :D
  • williethefoolwilliethefool331 Posts: 0Member
    I gotta say that you have outdone yourself on this one! :thumb:
    This version is better than the original (no offence backstep, you do good work too:lol:), if this is what to expect, the ortho pic will be worth the wait.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    i love it!
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks backstept, williethefool, Lonewriter & kenny
    I gotta say that you have outdone yourself on this one! :thumb:
    This version is better than the original (no offence backstep, you do good work too:lol:), if this is what to expect, the ortho pic will be worth the wait.

    My ship may be as good as backstept's but it is not better then his:D

    OK here is a small update.

    I have started to model the inside of the docking bays:D
    I know not the best render I'll try and make sure there better as I keep you updated:D

    Comments are welcome
  • scbypwrscbypwr0 Posts: 0Member
    Have not been following this too closely...could you provide some perspective as to where this bay is located on the ship.


    I love all the work that I have seen here in relation to BSG.

    now if there was an emoticon that drooled...:D
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    scbypwr wrote: »
    Have not been following this too closely...could you provide some perspective as to where this bay is located on the ship.


    I have cut the hole ship in half to show you where the docking bay and hanger are located.
    Looking at this pic I might need to make the hanger bay a little smaller and get rid of the shuttle bay as well:(
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