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3DKlingon Carrier Concept (once again)

BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
edited August 2017 in Work in Progress #1
Welcome back fellas!

The down time let me get some stuff done. I'll post an overall to start for new members and as a reminder to latecomers. Then it's back to buisness.

Added the RCS thrusters, will have to add these to the nose section when I touch it up later. Also did a few beauty shots and some inside out shots to give you guys a feel for things. Enjoy.


The forward, upper neck RCS


The aft, upper RCS


The lower RCS

Post edited by BoogerMc on


  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Sorry for the double post, but I couldn't add everything in one, so here's the rest of the update.

    After I took this shot I realized the airlocks looked bland, so I did a little detailing...


    And now a view from the "balcony"...


    And one with out the interior...


    Hope you guys like them and again welcome back to all.
  • CrimsonLineCrimsonLine171 Posts: 0Member
    Glad to see you back, BMc. Thanks for the renders! I like your airlocks and RCS packages.
  • BlueRaaBlueRaa331 Posts: 0Member
    Ah, the magnificent carrier. Been watching this since the beginning, from the line designs and the dk'tahg fighter through to this. Love watching it develop. Keep it up.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Nice to see you back BlueRaa. More to come, tonight I hope.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Yay!!!! The Klingon carrier is back!! Looks outstanding, of course. :D
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    First off let me start by saying excuse me for the double post, but with the four images limit it will take me two to get it all in.

    Last of the work that I can think needs doing. I added the lateral sensor arrays at eight point along the side of the neck/tail section. If you guys can see or think of anything I'm missing, please let me know. I still don't have the complete list of "necessary spaceship parts" in my head, so I might have missed a few details here and there.

    Anyway here is the lateral sensor array fort the port rear...


    Now a little walk around the ship as it stands now. This is where you get to nit pick guys, so let me know what you think and what I'm missing if anything...



  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    And a few more...



    Well there she is, no major close ups, but if you want to look at the stuff that came before go here...

    Hope that works. Enjoy.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Just a little info, I did a screen cap of the ENterprise D from Jeff Russel's Starship Deminsions, then resized it to match the one in the pic at the top of the page. According to this site, Ent D is 643 meters long and it covers 65 graph squares per the site background. That means each square is about 10 meters. I used this to establish the general (not exact) deminsions of the carrier. They are as follows: Height - 270 meters or 67.5 decks (4meters per deck); Beam - 800 meters (nose to tail); Span - 720 meters (wingtip to wingtip). All in all not nearly as big as I'd hoped, but still rather impressive. It still gets dwarfed by a Romulan Warbird, damn. Little pic to help illustrate the size comparison. (yeah I know it's old)

  • CrimsonLineCrimsonLine171 Posts: 0Member
    Damned Romulans!!


    Looking good, BMc.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Yeah, they might have the bigger ship, but I'll bet mine's got a harder sting.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    I had an idea for a new wing section. I'm going to post two shots at different angles for the original and two at the same angles for the new one. Let me know which you guys like better. I'm not kidding around here, I really want your input on this one guys. Enjoy.

    First the old one...



    and now the new one...



    So which one do you like better. I designed the new one off the neck shape to see if it fit the overall appearance better, but I'm not sure one way or the other. The neck in these shots is just a place holder, it is the original neck before I started to doctor it up. So don't think I regressed or that I'm gonna do that part over again because I aint, I'm happy with the neck as it appears in the posts above. But I still get this feeling I'm missing something, just don't know what. Anyway, let me know what you think on this new wing.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    I like the first one if for no other reason than the Klingons like edged weapons. :) It sort of reminds me of a bat'leth. The second one doesn't have the sharpness and doesn't seem as Klingon. :D
  • CrimsonLineCrimsonLine171 Posts: 0Member
    I agree with the evil_genius (he IS a genius, after all, even if he is evil) unless you have something cool in mind for the flat center strip, the edged configuration looks more bat'leth like. And that's the inspiration for the ship, isn't it?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    "It's Doctor Evil. I didn't spend eight years at evil medical school to be called 'mister.'" :D
  • OovebeiOovebei171 Posts: 0Member
    Perfect found another thread I was following ;)

    i would go for the first one, it's looks more 'Klingon' (aggressive and similar)

    One of my fav threads :D
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    We'll that's three for three, guess the edged one wins. If all goes well then I'll have some progress to show tonight. Thanks guys, I really appriciate it.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9920 Posts: 5,337Member
    Well here I go to RUIN everything
    I like the flat one. Reason is you can stuff a hell of a lot of weapons in there. EXP if you inset that flat area. HOWEVER I would like to see the outer wing thinned down some to give more detail IE have it sharped edged while the inner wing bit has the chamfered flat area with a recess for windows or weapons of pain. see attachment. I think dropping the height on the one wing will give you more visual detail and more surface to stuff things on.

    I cant remember if you had stuff on the ends of the wings? I could swear you had a gimbal style turret on there.

    either way hope you dont mind at all ~_~and I hope more that you can tell what Im trying to depict from the cheapo 1min doodles I did :(
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Great minds think alike, madkoifish. I like the idea of filling the flat spot up witrh stuff, in fact that's why I came up with it in the first place (you'll see what I mean with tonight's posts). I'm not sure however I like the thinner wing idea though, it would seem to throw the overall appearance off a bit. You are correct I did have four main guns, one on each tip, but I have been considering some different designs and am not sure what exactly I'll go with yet. I had even considered insetting the flat area on each tip and placing some sort of capital gun in there. But I do appreciate the input and there is some good ideas there none the less.

    I know I gave you guys the option to choose and I still am. I thought If I illustrated my idea a bit better maybe you'd think twice. I'm not saying I'm going against anyone here, but I thought I'd give it one more shot to see if the new design does have its merits, or if it's just wishful thinking.

    So I started to panel the original wing tonight (first pic) and then I "cut" a launch door into the old and the new wings to show where I had considered placing them. I included a fighter for comparison and a little nod to scale as well. (All credits given to where they are due, if anyone feels I credited them wrong please let me know [nicely]). The second pic is of the new wing and the third is the old wing. Again, I'm not sold on either one right now, so let me know what you think, opinions do count. Just don't be surprised if I beat you to an idea first, if you guys only knew how much I think about this thing all day long. I'm constantly building and rebuilding it in my mind, trying new ideas to see what works best before I actually sit down and do it, saves me a lot of time I wouldn't otherwise have. Anyway enjoy the updates however small they might be and let me know what you really think no matter what.



    New wing...


    Old wing...


    One last question for you guys, I did a paneling test some time ago (I'll repost the pic as well), I'm considering doing something like this at the end of the project over the whole ship, to give a bit more detail to the bland flat panels, if you think this would help, let me know, if not same goes. I was looking at some of the close ups and they just seem a bit bland without some extra panel lines, but maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. What do you guys think?

    Old panel test...


    Later gators.
  • Prime_8Prime_80 Posts: 0Member
    i think i said this before ..GOD IT'S BIG .

  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Welcome back Prime8, missed ya.
  • Prime_8Prime_80 Posts: 0Member
    oh i keep a close eye on your efforts to improve the klingon empire . Well it's ships at any rate because we know the klingon empire is perfect .
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Ok one last shot, I thought maybe a little detailing on the new wing might look better so here is a bit more for your pleasure.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    You know, after reading Madkoifish's post, I do like the second wing for specifically the reasons mentioned. I just wasn't thinking outside the box I guess. :D
  • CrimsonLineCrimsonLine171 Posts: 0Member
    Like I said initially, I like the sharper wing unless you have something specific to fill that new space with. Looks like you do, so I say go for it. I think you definitely need to panel the interior spaces of those flat panels, too.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Well guys, thanks for the input, I really appreciate it. I will give the new wing the go ahead, but I'm gonna keep the old one in reserve just in case. More to come tonight after I get home (if all goes well).
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    A minor update, had a lot of personal stuff to take care of tonigh and I had to work over so I got a very late start.

    Added some details to the new wing design and three sets of launch doors for the fighters. This looks to be as many as I can add on the outside wing face, but I should be able to get four, maybe five, sets on the inside wing face. That's a far cry from my original count, but still not bad. That would give me as little as 14 launch doors to a much as 16 doors. That means a total of 28 to 32 fighters can launch at a time in each wave. That's like two squadrons at a time, not bad. Anyway here's what they look like. Enjoy.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Sweet. I like the bay doors in the wings. This leaves other areas of the ship available for other systems. :D
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    This was always my intent, the current layout should give a few meters between the two launch bays. The launch bays are just single level areas that hold the fighters during engagements, the actual hangars and storage bays are above the upper doors and below the lower ones. There would be a total of four on this ship, two in each wing. The rest of the wing would be storage holds and some crew quarters mostly for the on call pilots and hangar staff. The neck is where the majority of the crew would live. The hooded section to the rear of the neck is main engineering and related areas.
  • Prime_8Prime_80 Posts: 0Member
    so mor shielding and such in the neck .
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Well that's one reason for the heavy armored "cobra" styled shroud extending from the base of the neck all the way to engineering and spreading out to the first wingtips. It would provide extra protection for the crew area (from the top and partial sides) and it gives an extra area of protection for the fighters launching nearest the ship. Don't want them going boom and crashing through this part of the superstructure.
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