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3DKlingon Carrier Concept (once again)



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Yeah, Hulu is like that. It can only be seen in the US, US overseas territories and Japan. Supposedly, it's a licensing thing. They were working on a UK version, but they apparently abandoned that.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    What I found funny about this one was the sound was only available up to the first commercial and during the other commercials but not during the actual show. Then again, it could just be my system acting up again.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    I've been a bit busy working on various projects. Here is a little update to the carrier. I am currently reworking the troop shuttle because I was not very happy with it, but I'll post those pics when I'm done with it. Enjoy.










  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nice progress on the guns. :)
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Thanks. I'm trying to stick with the idea that Klingons like to be "hands on" when shooting at the enemy, so all the barreled gun use a crew to operate. There would be a gunner, a spotter, and an engineer; the gunner shoots, the spotter identifies and programs potential targets, and the engineer maintains the systems to ensure optimal operation. If you notice, the ball-turrets style guns are bigger, these are medium range guns. The smaller ones are in-close guns and are placed around key areas of the ship. The phaser strips are there for general purpose and catch-all shooting, a sort of just in case system.

    Anyway, more to come soon, I hope.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    It's true. Sometimes, Klingon captains even like to take matters into their own hands. Captain Klaa and the Duras sisters are a couple great examples of that.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    As I stated before, I took a little break from the carrier to reconstruct the troop shuttle. I based it on the same ship, but went a slightly different route. I was not happy with the original, especially the paneling and the smoothing issues the model had, so here is my newest attempt. What do you guys think?










    As a reminder, this is the ship that inspired me.


    Back to the carrier for more detailing.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    It looks good. Though, the mouth with teeth on the underside doesn't seem to fit with the general bird motif of Klingon ships, since birds don't have teeth. ;)
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Yeah, but I was looking at this big gap the transition between the front and the "wing" created and it just screamed mouth. I was thinking about how the WWII planes had the shark mouth on them and it seemed to fit. It still gives a perception of intimidation and fear because it looks like the ship is about to take a chunk out of its target.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    Made twice the size of that Klinger concept too I see Well Width Wise Also How Do They Get in
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    There's an access door in the back. it splits, the door swings up and the ramp goes down.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    BoogerMc wrote: »
    Yeah, but I was looking at this big gap the transition between the front and the "wing" created and it just screamed mouth. I was thinking about how the WWII planes had the shark mouth on them and it seemed to fit. It still gives a perception of intimidation and fear because it looks like the ship is about to take a chunk out of its target.

    I could totally see the Klingons doing it, I'm just saying it's not bird-like. Though, we also don't know what kinds of birds they have on Qo'noS. Maybe the have some with big teeth. ;)
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Been making slow progress on the carrier, added the RCS thrusters (a ship this size needs a lot of them), but ran into a small snag. I was about to start the sensor arrays when I realized, I don't know what a sensor array looks like. I went searching the net and these forums, but nothing of significance.

    Therefore, I ask for your help. What does a sensor array look like or does it really matter? Should I just make up a bunch of greebles and say that's it or are there some things that definitely need to be included?

    What say you guys?
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    sensor arrays look different depending on what types of sensors they are, it could be large radar dishes and high gain antennae, alternatively domes containing rotating radar as you find on the type 45 destroyer. long aerial booms may be helpful to get sensors away from any radiation, heat or EM fields on the ship that may affect them, on a small scale you would have cameras in pods like the front of an apache or the nose of a predator drone but on a ship the size of yours they are probably to small to bother modelling. other good ideas may be a large apparatus containing a few tubes in which laser beams are shone down the tubes, distortions would help identify gravity fields, long wires outside these tubes could detect electric and magnetic fields. the main thing though would look like radar apparatus. now for ftl sensors none of my suggestions would be helpful as you would hit the thing before you detected it's gravity or electromagnetic emissions, you will need to invent something, work out some physics for it if you really want otherwsie just look at radio telescopes and say that it uses a dish to collect "something" with which to detect the objects on your ships path.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    In other words, wing it. Gotcha.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Thank you, I'll make use of this.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Minor update, sort of, no recent progress on the carrier, life has been requiring most of my free time lately. however, I will post something when and if I get a chance. I will finish this eventually.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Unfortunately, life can be very inconsiderate when it comes to taking time away from the important stuff. ;)
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Is it just me or is this ship cursed?

    I backed up my computer files on 2-7-14 and less than a week ago my hard drive died, and I mean gave up the ghost and perished. However, I was able to replace the drive, upgrade my OS, and get my computer back; however, I do not know how much of my recent work was lost. I had to put the carrier and its related ships on the back burner, which is why I haven't updated this thread in a while. Life, work, and other issues have been consuming my time; however, once I get the time to give things a good once over, I'll know how bad the bad news is. Just thought you guys deserved to know what was going on.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    You can back up files to a USB drive (Aï¿¡5 to Aï¿¡20 depending on size) or to the cloud (google offers 5 gigabytes free cloud storage in the form of "google drive" if you have a gmail account). That way if you ever have another hardware disaster your files hold be safe. it takes less than two minutes work at the end of each day to backup big files to a usb stick, and not too long to upload them to the cloud either.

    I know what it's like when you have no time to work on 3d stuff, or any other personal projects.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    The problem with the Cloud is that it can be hacked. (just ask Apple Cloud users about that)

    Damn, that sucks, bro. I hope you didn't lose too much more current work. At least you did have a backup. It's a good reminder that I need to go back to religiously backing up my models. I've gotten lazy over the past few years about that, despite losing everything once in a HD failure.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Unfortunately, the los of 3D models is the least of my worries. I lost a ton of very important files for my company, my other hobbies, and some that I was storing for a few friends. I can't even remember some of my log in codes for certain accounts and this has proven frustrating because I can't access those accounts until I can recover the files or remember the passwords, etc.

    Once I get my computer back to a stable foundation point, I'm creating a permanent restore point for all base files. This is the second time this has happened, but this is the worst of them.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Yep, I'm cursed.

    After several days of work to recover what I could of my files, no good news is the only news. Although I still haven't been able to access my old drive, I haven't given up yet. Unfortunately, my backup files did not improve my situation. Apparently, I did not lose everything, but I might as well have because the carrier's current file contains only the neck, wing, and shroud, no head or anything else. In fact, what remains is the basic foundation mesh that which is pictured in post #120.

    At this point, I just don't know anymore; I'm going to have to give serious consideration to what to do from here. I'll update when I figure things out.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    I'm sorry to hear about all of your woes, especially the massive loss of data. What exactly happened to the disk? Did the drive disks themselves go bad or was it a mechanism failure? If it was a mechanism failure, you may be able to mount the disks on a working drive mechanism and recover the data. I've heard of people doing that.

    Were you at least able to reset those passwords you can't remember?
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Don't know exactly, I can plug the drive into an external hook up and I can feel the drive vibrate as if it's getting power, but the computer cannot recognize the drive as being present. I was online on Facebook, I opened a new window and everything froze up. My mouse wouldn't move, I couldn't pull up my task manager, nothing. I shut it down and restarted the computer and the computer couldn't recognize the drive as being present nor could it load the operating system. So, now I'm SOL until I can find out what is really going on.

    As for the passwords, no luck on some and recovered some of the others. My biggest concern is recovering the important files for my company and my personal records, many of those are not replaceable or if they are I can't remember most of the changes I made to the original files that I still have.

    Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Good luck, you are going to need it. Unfortunately, attempting to recover data from a dead drive is a hit or miss.

    If the drive was working fine and hadn't "lost" any files before the computer spontaneously stopped reading it, it's likely a mechanical issue. That means the disks should be intact and recoverable. I don't know if there are any shops where you live that can do this kind of recovery, but it may be worth the money to get all of those important files back.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    There is one I think can do it, ACS or ASC something like that. I plan to take it to them if I cannot get it to work myself doing what I can, short of taking it apart.

    On to the carrier, as I said, the base foundation mesh is all that was left, I started to rebuilds the head last night and started noticing a lot of issues with the mesh. Rather than attempt o fix all of them, I just started over, again. This makes version 10, technically speaking. Who knows, maybe I'll get to finish this one. By the way, all shuttles were also lost in the crash, so I also get to rebuild them as well. Oh, joy, what fun.

    I'll post some pics when I get them.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Ok, let's try this again.

    I have spent the past few weeks rebuilding this ship from the ground up, literally. In that time, I have rebuilt certain areas two or three times just to get it right; however, the curse of the Klingon Carrier continues to hound me. As some of you who have been following this thread and its predecessor may recall, the most recent computer crash was just another mark on the wall of this cursed ship. From the beginning it has been wracked with issues and one of them has reared its ugly head once again, Blender and my computer are in constant dispute and the computer is winning.

    As you may recall, prior to my first computer crash and loss of the one good mesh of this ship, I was experiencing issues with Blender constantly crashing because my computer could not keep up with the demands of the program because of the size of the ship's file. Well, it's happening again and this time it's just the head of the ship that's doing it. However, other than a few minor fixes that need to be made, the head is finished; therefore, here is the latest incarnation of the Klingon Carrier Version 10 (technically and officially).

    Image 1


    Image 2


    Image 3


    Image 4


    Image 5

  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Surprise! I'm back!

    It's been a while, but I've finally found some time to work on a few things, especially the carrier. Long story short, I'm working as a night security guard and I'm stuck in a booth all night bored to tears. So, I started revisiting the carrier and it's support ships. Problem is I forgot where I left off on the previous mesh, and it was getting too big for my computer once again. Additionally, I started finding issues with the mesh, details I didn't like, and scaling problems. Therefore, I'm back to the drawing board. Starting fresh with attempt number 11.

    I had been working on a troop shuttle, but haven't posted anything yet because I've been too busy with other things. However, I will try to have some images up before I go to work tonight. I don't like using my mobile data to upload files, so I try to do that at home on my home Internet connection. Until then, let me just say I think everyone will be pleased with this latest version, it draws heavily from the previous ships, but has its own unique design elements as well.
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