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3DExcelsior Class

ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
edited August 2023 in Work in Progress #1
Thread for my Excelsior Class project. First post begins after this one. This will be reserved for the thumbnail image.

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  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    I've been super busy with work the past few weeks, but things settled down a bit the past few days and I decided to get back into this project. Another new one you ask. Not really, I started working on this a couple of years ago, but I always felt things were off. I've recently got some new reference images that helped me nail the proportions much better. And that's what I'm focused on right now, getting proportions and sizes as close as possible. I'm also trying to fit things in a sensible deck plan. Here's what I have so far:

    ashleytingerLizzy777lewisnivenrojrensrspicerMcCjapetusHunter GFreakBolianAdmiraland 2 others.
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771425 PNWPosts: 767Member
    Shaping up to be another master class, to be sure.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • markmasseymarkmassey515 StaffordshirePosts: 588Member
    beautiful renders viper....
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Work continues. Still adjusting proportions and shapes, but started to bring some details in:
    japetusHunter GLizzy777FreaksrspicerRekkertMcCBrandenbergBolianAdmiral[Irishman]and 2 others.
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Looking good!
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2554 UKPosts: 464Member
    Top tier work as always. Great model.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited September 2020 #8
    If there's one thing I'll never complain about it's seeing more Excelsiors around, great work here! :p You're amassing quite the TMP era fleet!
    Post edited by Rekkert on
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Rekkert wrote: »
    If there's one thing I'll never complain about it's seeing more Excelsiors around, great work here! :p You're amassing quite the TMP era fleet!

    Thanks! I loved that shuttle bay you did. I might still some ideas from there :tongue: Also, I like doing TMP cause I feel like not many people do for some reason. Anyway, the plan is to do all the Enterprises so this has to get done ;)

    BTW, Sean gave a great suggestion on these strips. Might tweak and change, but it's a nice improvement without messing with the original intent.

    Lizzy777ashleytingerMadKoiFishrojrensrspicerlewisnivenjapetusMcCWarp Propulsion LaboratoryBrandenbergand 4 others.
  • yotsuyayotsuya177 Posts: 13Member
    Nice to see the grooves in the edge. The studio model just had 3 painted lines.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    yotsuya wrote: »
    Nice to see the grooves in the edge. The studio model just had 3 painted lines.

    Whenever I see a change to improve on the original, I take it. To be clear though, these ships are so well made already that there isn't much to change. This was a good spot to do so though.

    I'd be very interested to know if you see any areas I could improve the general shape of the ship. You seem to have done a lot of research into this ship.
  • seanrseanr1465 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 642Member
    If I ever attempt this ship again, this is probably the approach I'll take to that sacer rim detailing:

    TBH, though, it's all open to interpretation anyway, they never got close enough to that part of the ship to necessitate a detailed close-up model, so who knows what it "really" looks like? ;)
    BrandenbergWarp Propulsion LaboratoryLizzy777ViperwibbleStarCruiser
  • Warp Propulsion LaboratoryWarp Propulsion Laboratory915 BrooklynPosts: 324Member
    seanr wrote: »
    ...TBH, though, it's all open to interpretation anyway, they never got close enough to that part of the ship to necessitate a detailed close-up model, so who knows what it "really" looks like? ;)
    True. The great thing about building CG models like this is we can reach an arbitrarily high level of detail and fill in some blanks that weren't possible/practical to fill on the physical miniature.

    Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
    Please visit my YouTube channel!

    Formerly furswift
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10501 Posts: 5,420Member
    Yeah this has me thinking about that close up hero model of the refits neck and torp housing. All those little warning stickers and bits of gundam and macross decals sheets.
    Warp Propulsion Laboratory
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Slow progress this week, mostly because I'm still going back sometimes and reworking proportions of a few objects. But I'm starting to tighten things up. I was hoping to start on details this weekend, but I want to make sure some parts are good to go first. Anyway, a lot of adjustments on the saucer, which you probably won't notice, and then redid the entire pylon assembly, adjust the shape of the impulse engines and added the navigation dome.

  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Wow! This is absolutely beautiful work!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Awesome work... always good to see another Excelsior.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Rebuilt engineering 3 or 4 times today. I think I finally got it to a place where it matches what we see on screen, while also keep the surface as smooth as possible. Also started on the attachment for the Refit.

  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Spent the past few days trying to get the deflector right. Hopefully this is final. I want to get to the actual detailing, but I know there's more to adjust here.

  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771425 PNWPosts: 767Member
    As a casual observer, this already looks amazing. But as someone working on their own starship, I completely understand the desire to nail down those tiny adjustments!
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • markmasseymarkmassey515 StaffordshirePosts: 588Member
    You're clearly an acomplished 3d artist viper.. but I think more so because of your avatar, my gut reaction is, the deflector looks great sir....
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited October 2020 #22
    Got a little carried away with the saucer here, but it's nice to see some details in. Probably have to redo most of it though.

    Post edited by Viper on
    MadKoiFishLizzy777srspicerMcCashleytingerFreakBrandenbergpubliusrMustang13Camaro68wibbleand 1 other.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    Your details are superb Diogo
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Thanks :) Unfortunately, I think I'll have to halt the project. I made a few mistakes which will require a rebuild from scratch and I'm not in the mood for that right now. Will probably move back to one of the other stuff I have happening.
  • markmasseymarkmassey515 StaffordshirePosts: 588Member
    what mistakes?? i understand if you don't want to talk about it :)
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    Viper wrote: »
    I made a few mistakes which will require a rebuild from scratch and I'm not in the mood for that right now.

    Ouch. :s Really sorry man. I've been there a few times...

  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    markmassey wrote: »
    what mistakes?? i understand if you don't want to talk about it :)

    It's fine. I messed up on the length of the nacelles and that throws off all the other parts. I also made a mistake on the height of the engineering section, that one isn't so bad, but the first one means all my measurements for the saucer were wrong.
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 340Member
    Ugh! at least its not a physical model.
  • markmasseymarkmassey515 StaffordshirePosts: 588Member
    First of all I'd probably say that nobody else would have noticed that.... then id have said something like dont get so bogged down in the minute details... then id have realised that I'm the guy that's got 87 versions of a ship that I've been modeling on and off for 8 years now and is comprised of 6 pieces... so I totally understand where you're coming from.

    I'll just end by saying I think your model was beautiful.. the geometry and the renders.. and I hope you get back to her someday..
  • johnl2112johnl211248 Posts: 54Member
    Oh man, I really like the detailing you did. Like, a lot. I think that overshadows any of the measurement problems you perceive.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    So, time to get back to this one. Over the past couple of years I've worked on this on and off trying to get proportions right and I think I'm finally at a place where I'm happy. Still some things to adjust as more reference showed up, but nothing major. Anyway, renders!

    Lizzy777evil_genius_180wibbleRekkertStarCruiserMadKoiFishtrekkibacksteptpubliusrashleytingerand 3 others.
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