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Picard [Spoilers]

LouieLouie0 Posts: 1Bot
edited February 2020 in General Discussion #1

This discussion was created from comments split from: ***Warning Possiable spoilers*** Star Trek News and Rumour's.
Post edited by Guerrilla on


  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    edited January 2020 #2
    Just posted a little review of the first episode on Trekmovie. Thought, I‘d share it here too:

    #Spoilers, obviously#
    Ist was better than I expected. So I have to give it that. I must say it felt nice, having a look at civilian life in the future. Also that Interview scene was nice. A little clumsy, as It‘s just an exposition dump, they weren‘t able to do through dialouge or action, but as to what‘s beeing said: that felt very in character for Picard and was well delivered by Steward.

    As for the Story so far: Im kinda tired of this „Starfleet turning evil“ and „going rougue“ Thing, so that might become boring fast. But the decision Picard quit over made sense to me, as a political play (I got some Star Trek VI vibes, which is nice). I really hope they don‘t treat it as obviously wrong or evil as political decisions usually have to sides that are equally valid.

    The direction/editing is kinda mixed for me. It‘s not as hyperactive as discovery but still could be a little more subdued. Let the scenes breathe a little, let me have a look at the scenery. Get to know the People a little bit better. What‘s ten minutes more to a streaming service?

    But my only real criticism is more of a personal preference. Every time an action scene startet, I thought to myself: „Why? It was so nice just now. Why didn‘t you just talk some more?“ — The hinted at Backstory for Dash is interesting enough as it is. I don‘t need to see her do Robot-fu. In fact you could probably cut all the fightscenes without impacting the Story — she feels, she needs to go to Picard but doesn‘t know why; He finds out, who she might be and there‘s your mystery. Detective Story for him (Dixon Hill anyone?) and (probably) coming of age story for her.

    Not a huge criticism but I‘d thought I share.

    On a final note: Anyone else feel like the TNG/Nemesis Uniforms looked really weird? Like they just bought them of the rack at Anovos or something.
    Post edited by Guerrilla on
  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    Added spoiler tags, since we have those. ;)

    Ahh ... sorry! Didn‘t know that 😅

    But seems like someone did it for me
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10157 Posts: 5,373Member
    edited January 2020 #4
    Snuck a peek
    Surprised they took the effort to find those bodum espresso cups. The gloss dipped galaxy though ehh dunno.

    ok watched it not s bad as expected, a bit of an odd mix of pick and choose canon from jjtrek. Accepting some but dismissing others. Not at all sold on what looks like redresses of STD ships. But very little so far to complain outside of some small things "speak english" should be Speak fed standard or standard. I think the supernovae thing being part of canon or original timeline bothers me more than anything else. And yes uniforms were all a bit ill fitted. Rolled up and stuffed in a bag. Maybe a lack of years of tailoring them or just a lack of skill/finishing. Picard's pips could have used more flake in the gold. I have a few props from TNG Ds9, pips badges for fed and Bajoran and they generally are a black resin with a highly metallic gold flake paint. (and full of bubbles! lol) Could be post is drabbing them down or they are worried about blow out and wanting the flattest source to work from.

    They want S2 they better get cracking.
    Post edited by MadKoiFish on
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Well I just finished watching it.
    Given the Short Trek and Discovery, I was expecting more of the same.
    I did not hate, there are a few things that bugged me, that I can live with like the de-aging of Brent Spiner. It looks better than what we saw in the trailers, but could have done much better to look like Data from Nemesis, instead of looking fat faced.
    I won't go into more details now. I will write up a review of the episode and post it onto my blog and leave a link here.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10157 Posts: 5,373Member
    Here is my set of these and no, I did not buy them cause of TNG. I think it dawned on me on one of the more recent rewatches of TNG. Probably when I first got netflix.


    I do not even think I have ever used that press. Really I dunno where it came from. >_>

    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Damn! I never even noticed the Cups. Now I need to get some of those 😁
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    I watched the first episode and I liked it. I'm looking forward to the next one.

    Though, I wish BS All Access didn't have their ads a few decibels higher than their shows. It's aggravating, but I refuse to pay more than I need to in order to watch this show.

    Though, I did sign back up for Amazon Prime (just the streaming) and added All Access that way. So, I'm going to have to check out "The Boys," I've heard it's good. I watched the trailer and it looks cool, plus it's got Karl Urban in it. And, there's some other stuff on there I want to watch.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    I watched Picard on Thursday night here in Canada. It was broadcast for free. Anyway, I really did enjoy the 1st episode. Damn, Patrick Stewart is getting old. I liked the fact that they didn't try to make look like an active 20 year old. And I have already watched The Boys. It also was a great series. You'll be surprised by it. It's not your kids super here series.
  • P5ych0p4thP5ych0p4th476 GermanyPosts: 341Member
    Yeah! The Boys was Great. Reminded me of the Watchmen Movie in that it tries to have a somewhat realistic depoction of Superheroes. Not in the Powers themself but in the way humans would react to having them and How a society and economy would deal with that. Definatily worth a watch. 👌
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    I liked the fact that they didn't try to make look like an active 20 year old.

    Weil ... in one of the trailers you see him in a swordfight. So let‘s wait on that 😅
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    And I have already watched The Boys. It also was a great series. You'll be surprised by it. It's not your kids super here series.

    I watched the trailer. They didn't hold back in showing what kind of show it is. ;)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    The Boys is a great show and I am looking forward to Season 2.

    I think the swordfight is with the Romulan Legolas, who will become Picard bodyguard or something like that.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    For those of you that don't have CBSAA or Amazon Prime.
    The first episode of Picard is now available on CBSAA youtube channel.
    It will stay up until the 5th of Feb. With it being on CBSAA it is region locked, so those that don't have Amazon Prime and want to watch it, you will need a VPN to access it.

    I have also just finished watching the Second Episode of Picard. I will write a review of it shortly and post it to my blog and leave a link here.

    Again I thought the episode was okay, but not as good as the first one. We are still Earth locked with Picard.
    The beginning has a bit of a CSI vibe to it, and not a very good one. Once again there are more conspiracy wrapped in a conspiracy.
    Still better than anything that Discovery has done.
    I give this episode a 4.5 out of 10.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10157 Posts: 5,373Member
    Think I am done with this. Just canned pseudo clancyesque super secret $hit clandestine horsecrap story tacked into trek.
    The androids are like data clones whole intent was data was not reproducible either in his neural net or in his technology, second it was known in canon holograms were used for menial labor.

    The "racism" it was like watching a film from the 50s the whole of the workroom crap was way too 20th cen. Humans of that time should be beyond this sort of behavior. Even today in a public area people would not behave like this.

    NOOES, corruption everywhere, yes it reflects the times but it is not fit for trek.

    Breaking canon It is all over within classic TNG as well as Kelvin (countdown)
    I mean, who the fuq is this?

    Show is a hot mess.
    I find old Doctor who more convincing. Wobbly walls and all. Least I am not seeing stuff that was phased out 20years ago in a show that takes place in 2399.
    Enough not said about ships and shuttles the better. EXP that TAXI, why taxi shuttle on a planet with a world wide transporter system? (maybe that woman has special dispensation to have a transport blocker but it still does not explain a taxi shuttle service.) EXP when in the same ep they show people walking through a transporter gate something even TNG never showed it being so "casual" or fast.

    I wont even tough on the crap spouted by that "romulan" agent. Even the computer spiel was hard to swallow. Very much like CSI shows a whole bunch of wrongly understood "ideas" and huge walls of anti reality bullshit.

    Technical screw ups see the same "extras" in multiple scenes and some appear as multiple clones due to poor shot edits and continuity. See aliens on BORG ship, see same exact aliens and humans in scene with Picard and teleport wall.
    Probably more as I only watched it once.

    Best scene was when the Romulan woman whacked gross neck beard Romulan for giving the wrong reason. Also think kelvin Romulans must have been drinking that green koolaid, 3 eyed fish man.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    edited February 2020 #17
    I watched the second episode. It's keeping me entertained so far, that's all that matters to me.

    I find the fact that they've slowed down and are showing more of 24th century Earth refreshing. We've spent little time on Earth in Star Trek, especially "future" Earth. Stuff like using the transporters casually is something you'd expect from people who grew up with this technology. It's like one of us using an escalator to get to the second story of a building. We just walk onto it and walk right off without even thinking about it. This is what transporters are for the people of the late 24th century after over two centuries of use. Other tech like holograms is shown being used casually, just like when you casually go into a room and flip on the television because you're used to it.

    I also like the fact that the show is a mystery. We know from TNG that Picard loves mysteries. Honestly, despite Picard allegedly being a "changed man," I'm finding him to be more like the Picard we remember from TNG. He still looks after people and has that instinct to do the right thing and cares about upholding the ideals of the Federation. He's not so different from the Picard of 18+ years ago.
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    The androids are like data clones whole intent was data was not reproducible either in his neural net or in his technology, second it was known in canon holograms were used for menial labor.

    The "racism" it was like watching a film from the 50s the whole of the workroom crap was way too 20th cen. Humans of that time should be beyond this sort of behavior. Even today in a public area people would not behave like this.
    Quite the contrary. If you watch the TNG episode "The Measure of a Man," trying to create more Soong type androids to do whatever tasks were needed of them is exactly what Bruce Maddox was working on. This was stated quite clearly in that episode. They wanted to create more androids, possibly even a whole race of androids.

    Data was also never opposed to creating more androids and in fact tried it himself when he created his daughter Lal. He also tried to help his brother Lore and the less advanced B4 android. The episode "Data's Day" also indicates that Data was assisting Maddox in his research into the field of androids, as he was recording the events of his day for Maddox.

    Holograms only work where there are holo emitters. A power failure of a facility where you need emitters to work could cause trouble. Granted, they did have that mobile emitter on Voyager, but that was cutting edge 29th century tech and may not have been reverse engineered successfully by this time.

    Those type of racist attitudes are way more present in Star Trek than people give them credit for. In fact, both Bruce Maddox himself and Dr. Pulaski treated Data like he was a mere piece of machinery. Maddox's mind was changed by the end of "The Measure of a Man," but there was no clear indication if Pulaski's mind was really changed by the time Gates McFadden was allowed to return to the show because Maurice Hurley had left as show runner after the second season. There's also plenty of other racism that has reared its ugly head in Star Trek. Odo was openly discriminated against numerous times on DS9, even way before the Dominion entered into the picture. "A Man Apart" is one episode that comes to mind. I could state more examples, but I've made my point. The "enlightened" 23rd and 24th century galaxy of Star Trek is actually less enlightened than people give it credit for.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • kadenkaden800 JapanPosts: 219Member
    The feel of it seems weird in some places, like the hardhat people. Everyone doesn't speak to each other like the previous shows.

    I noticed in the last few scenes of episode two, the lieutenants pips were sticking to each other in a few shots.
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    edited February 2020 #19
    kaden wrote: »
    The feel of it seems weird in some places, like the hardhat people. Everyone doesn't speak to each other like the previous shows.

    I noticed in the last few scenes of episode two, the lieutenants pips were sticking to each other in a few shots.

    Agreed, the only one who seems to be speaking in the familiar canon's verbal mannerisms of TNG is Picard..And the F-Word in Trek??!!!

    W T F!! Pun intended!

    We get bombarded with fowl language in nearly every other incarnation of TV and film far more then needed for the purposes of entertainment value and even, on some shows and movies, well beyond what's actually common in today's society. I think it's clear that Hollywood's Liberal Mania has gotten to even the production team and writers of Trek. It's about the appeasement of the millennial viewer I think. That's my theory anyway. The only way many of these poorly raised kids know how to communicate is by using the F-bomb in every sentence and civil conversation largely eludes their understanding. That's a generalization of course as there are certainly exceptional millennials out there but my goodness why?

    I don't care for the "current times" dialogue at all. Star Trek was always about our civilization having risen above the petty contrivances and problems of today to present an optimistic future. The "construction worker" blue collar type scene was poorly written and not in line with canon Trek. The 24th century has made such jobs obsolete. We don't need PC in Trek and the show doesn't need to go out of its way to be "inclusive" because it was always more open minded then almost any other TV show or movie series ever produced.

    I absolutely HATE that they are presenting Romulans to be identical to humans in their mannerisms as well. Romulans had always emulated Vulcans with a slight side helping of emotion.
    The story thus far is also disappointing and little silly. So some Romulan double super-secret police organization is trippin to the point of psychotic paranoia and insanity because of Androids? Androids? Really? That's what they're going with?

    Post edited by sorceress21 on
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10157 Posts: 5,373Member
    edited February 2020 #20
    Quite the contrary. If you watch the TNG episode "The Measure of a Man," trying to create more Soong type androids to do whatever tasks were needed of them is exactly what Bruce Maddox was working on. This was stated quite clearly in that episode. They wanted to create more androids, possibly even a whole race of androids.

    Data was also never opposed to creating more androids and in fact tried it himself when he created his daughter Lal. He also tried to help his brother Lore and the less advanced B4 android. The episode "Data's Day" also indicates that Data was assisting Maddox in his research into the field of androids, as he was recording the events of his day for Maddox.

    Holograms only work where there are holo emitters. A power failure of a facility where you need emitters to work could cause trouble. Granted, they did have that mobile emitter on Voyager, but that was cutting edge 29th century tech and may not have been reverse engineered successfully by this time.

    Those type of racist attitudes are way more present in Star Trek than people give them credit for. In fact, both Bruce Maddox himself and Dr. Pulaski treated Data like he was a mere piece of machinery. Maddox's mind was changed by the end of "The Measure of a Man," but there was no clear indication if Pulaski's mind was really changed by the time Gates McFadden was allowed to return to the show because Maurice Hurley had left as show runner after the second season. There's also plenty of other racism that has reared its ugly head in Star Trek. Odo was openly discriminated against numerous times on DS9, even way before the Dominion entered into the picture. "A Man Apart" is one episode that comes to mind. I could state more examples, but I've made my point. The "enlightened" 23rd and 24th century galaxy of Star Trek is actually less enlightened than people give it credit for.
    Never said he (Data) was apposed, just that you did not see evidence of all menial tasks being taken over by androids, only canon we see is EMH holos mining and spoken word of them cleaning warp engines or impulse exhausts or some such. This belies the possible "risk" of a holo emitter as I cannot see them having them mine anything with anything "risky". Besides the hologram thing is a example of how the premise is just wonky. It is just another stand in for slavery because they need it to work that way, be dammed anything else in canon.

    Of course past eps would show a vein of what we would find unacceptable, these shows span a period of 60 years. It does not excuse the use of a ill fitting scene befitting tv of the 60s. Again it is situation and people behaving a way to push a agenda and point instead of progression of story. This scene is the same type as that stupid security chief getting herself killed by the tardigrade just to show someone getting killed, not because she acted with intelligence or experience but because she needed to act like a moron to get killed because it was desired as some poor attempt to shock the viewer with DEATH. Same can be said for all the swearing.

    My argument is these things stand out as ill fitting. Ill fitting of NOW and ill fitting of a period some 300years in the future with a multi species society spanning hundreds of systems.

    Casual use of transporters fucking DUH. The point was that they treated it as walking through a automated door. Never in trek prior have we seen transport on the fly. It was always manual or a sequence of events. More like unlocking a door opening then passing through. So this says to the viewer tech has advanced enough it is much more automated than in previous canon.

    BUT I was more pointing to the fact that if the tech has become SO CASUAL that they just treat it as walking through a door, why are there TAXI shuttles. Even if you bring up the excuse that that location is shielded, blocked or there is some "ban" on transporters having a abused dirty TAXI shuttle that appears as a regular service device makes no sense to a world using transporters for travel.

    This is used as an example of how sloppy the show is. If you can overlook this stuff so be it. I cannot. It is as terrible as those CSI shows for making logical real sense and contradicts itself frequently.

    also note how the ever present Mastiff is suddenly not there. oops no cash for the dog trainer I presume that or sloppy planning and lack of continuity.
    tagged it as it I guess could lead to spoilers.

    Post edited by MadKoiFish on
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Casual use of transporters fucking DUH.

    You know, you could be a little more respectful with the way you word things. I never say anything like that to you, and in fact I never see anyone else here say anything like that to you.

    I'm done discussing this topic with you.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    edited February 2020 #22
    I hate the swearing in Trek, STIV:TVH has already established that foul langue is not used in the future, and Kirk travel back in time over a hundred years before the events in Picard.

    Okay before Discovery we had only seen swearing in The Voyage Home in our own time period and Data in Generations.
    I let the Data saying "O Shit!" slid because he just got his emotion chip and it was used to show his emotion at the situation. Which makes the context of him saying it funny. It not done to be hip or edgy.

    But Tilly, the Romulan Housekeeper and that female Admiral saying it, was just uncalled for.
    If you want the Romulan to swear fine, she an alien from outside of the Federation, have her swear in Romulan and not English.

    Did anyone else get the impression that the Admiral was pissed with Picard before he even sat down. If felt that way to me.
    So she would not reinstate Picard and won't give him a ship. Big whoop. Picard has severed in Starfleet for what 50 to 60 years?
    Your telling me that in all that time, he has not worked with or command anyone that still in Starfleet that could help him out though back channel and get round this Admiral? I call BS there.

    Okay let say he can't get a Starfleet ship to help. He is well regarded by the Klingons and with Worf's close ties to Chancellor Martok (assuming he is still Chancellor), Picard could easily get a Klingon BOP for the mission.

    Yes they mention Picard old crew to help but he does not want to get them involved as they are too loyal to him. Then who the hell does he want to get to help? People that are not loyal and will betrayal him? It does not make any scenes.

    This is just poor writing by people that don't know Trek.
    Post edited by Freak on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    edited February 2020 #23
    They had swearing in TNG. In Klingon and Romulan. ;) (The Defector) I've personally never liked swearing in Star Trek either. Even Spock comments on how out of place it is in the 23rd century.

    I got the feeling the Admiral just didn't like Picard at all.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    They had swearing in TNG. In Klingon and Romulan. ;) (The Defector) I've personally never liked swearing in Star Trek either. Even Spock comments on how out of place it is in the 23rd century.

    I got the feeling the Admiral just didn't like Picard at all.

    See Alien race from outside the Federation and not in English.

    Glad to know I was not the only one that saw that, she came across as a right B****.
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    edited February 2020 #25
    The irony here is utterly classic....
    Freak wrote: »
    I hate the swearing in Trek, STIV:TVH has already established that foul langue is not used in the future, and Kirk travel back in time over a hundred years before the events in Picard.

    Okay before Discovery we had only seen swearing in The Voyage Home in our own time period and Data in Generations.
    I let the Data saying "O Shit!" slid because he just got his emotion chip and it was used to show his emotion at the situation. Which makes the context of him saying it funny. It not done to be hip or edgy.

    But Tilly, the Romulan Housekeeper and that female Admiral saying it, was just uncalled for.
    If you want the Romulan to swear fine, she an alien from outside of the Federation, have her swear in Romulan and not English.

    Did anyone else get the impression that the Admiral was pissed with Picard before he even sat down. If felt that way to me.
    So she would not reinstate Picard and won't give him a ship. Big whoop. Picard has severed in Starfleet for what 50 to 60 years?
    Your telling me that in all that time, he has not worked with or command anyone that still in Starfleet that could help him out though back channel and get round this Admiral? I call BS there.

    Okay let say he can't get a Starfleet ship to help. He is well regarded by the Klingons and with Worf's close ties to Chancellor Martok (assuming he is still Chancellor), Picard could easily get a Klingon BOP for the mission.

    Yes they mention Picard old crew to help but he does not want to get them involved as they are too loyal to him. Then who the hell does he want to get to help? People that are not loyal and will betrayal him? It does not make any scenes.

    This is just poor writing by people that don't know Trek.

    I think what they were trying to establish is that Picard betrayed Starfleet from Starfleet's point of view and for all intents and purposes been shut out as a result of his view on the Romulan issue. He dared to speak out..

    Interesting that this again devolved the show's integrity to current times mentalities. Why all of a sudden would the Federation or Starfleet be so put off on an officer exercising Freedom of Speech that said officer (retired or otherwise) be then ostracized? Certainly "politics" will exist in the 24th Century but on the same petty level as today? That's hard to swallow given how often Trek characters went against Strafleet Command and/or the Federation Council.

    This is an obvious preamble for current times politics being interjected on an even heavier level then we've seen in the first two episodes.

    This is really not just a Trek problem. It showed up in droves in the last 4 Star Wars films. Scifi in general has ceased presenting future humans as having grown beyond simple minded 21st Century nonsense that used to be standardized dialogue. It's really quite sad.
    Post edited by sorceress21 on
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    It's interesting to see the comments here are basically a complete 180 from the ones in the Discord server, heh. I've been enjoying the show a lot. Episode 2 was a bit meh, but 3 was very solid. Eager to see where they go next.

    Also, as far as the representation of the future goes, I think they are just adjusting the show to current times. And to be honest, even in the old shows, things were not really that bright and shiny as they seemed. Picard himself butted heads plenty of times with Starfleet, and dealt with his fair share of corrupt Admirals. At the end of the day, for 99% of the people in the Federation, everything is fine.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Why all of a sudden would the Federation or Starfleet be so put off on an officer exercising Freedom of Speech that said officer (retired or otherwise) be then ostracized? Certainly "politics" will exist in the 24th Century but on the same petty level as today?

    They're still human. The Admiral took personal offense at Picard's comments. She was livid. He also was making a highly unusual request that he had no right to make. At best, she was under no obligation to help. But she was also not even remotely inclined to help, given he'd questioned her integrity and that of the organisation she's served her entire life.

    Seems entirely plausible to me. 21st century or 24th.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Comco wrote: »
    They're still human. The Admiral took personal offense at Picard's comments. She was livid. He also was making a highly unusual request that he had no right to make. At best, she was under no obligation to help. But she was also not even remotely inclined to help, given he'd questioned her integrity and that of the organisation she's served her entire life.

    Seems entirely plausible to me. 21st century or 24th.

    Agreed, it was a totally human reaction. If a Vulcan had done that, it would have been wrong. But, not for one of us.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    edited February 2020 #29
    The third episode is the last one Kurtzman did as showrunner before Michael Chabon took over.
    It was an okay episode, still not as good as the first one.
    I thought Michelle Hurd who plays Raffi Musiker acting was bad and I mean really bad. It seem more like she was acting on some chessey 70's - 80's Soap Opera.

    Can someone tell me why two of the main characters are Vaping/ Smoking? It has already been established Humans stopped doing this when they relaised it was killing them. (Voyager episode: The 37's)
    Did they put this in so we can relate more to the characters? or are they just trying to make smoking "Cool" again?

    Also what with that Vulcan or undercover Romulan (Commodore Oh) wearing 1980's style sunglasses?
    If she is really Vulcan, the suns brightness would not have really bother her. She from a planet that is mostly desert, her spices eyes would have naturally evolved so that bright light would not effect them. That would have been like overcast day for her.
    Or did they just do it, so you suspect her and make her menacing like a Men in Black? (Hmm I wonder if she had a neuro-lieser in her pocket?)

    If Android have been banned though out Federation due to being an A.I and having "a bad bit data." How come the EMH still allowed.
    Just like an Android they are programs and I would say that they could be even more dangerous than a Android. As we saw with the Doctor on occasion in Voyager.

    This show has me asking more question than it should and I got a feeling the one relating to story are going to be mystery boxes. In another words they will never get answered or they will in such a way they hope you don't think about it, because if you do it does not make scene.

    Anyway it was good seeing Jonathan Del Arco back as Hugh.
    Post edited by Freak on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    edited February 2020 #30
    I'm through episode 3 now, and I'm still liking the show. It's different from other ST shows, but that's kind of the point.
    Freak wrote: »
    The third episode is the last one Kurtzman did as showrunner before Michael Chabon took over.
    It was an okay episode, still not as good as the first one.
    I thought Michelle Hurd who plays Raffi Musiker acting was bad and I mean really bad. It seem more like she was acting on some chessey 70's - 80's Soap Opera.

    Can someone tell me why two of the main characters are Vaping/ Smoking? It has already been established Humans stopped doing this when they relaised it was killing them. (Voyager episode: The 37's)
    Did they put this in so we can relate more to the characters? or are they just trying to make smoking "Cool" again?

    Also what with that Vulcan or undercover Romulan (Commodore Oh) wearing 1980's style sunglasses?
    If she is really Vulcan, the suns brightness would not have really bother her. She from a planet that is mostly desert, her spices eyes would have naturally evolved so that bright light would not effect them. That would have been like overcast day for her.
    Or did they just do it, so you suspect her and make her menacing like a Men in Black? (Hmm I wonder if she had a neuro-lieser in her pocket?)

    If Android have been banned though out Federation due to being an A.I and having "a bad bit data." How come the EMH still allowed.
    Just like an Android they are programs and I would say that they could be even more dangerous than a Android. As we saw with the Doctor on occasion in Voyager.

    This show has me asking more question than it should and I got a feeling the one relating to story are going to be mystery boxes. In another words they will never get answered or they will in such a way they hope you don't think about it, because if you do it does not make scene.

    Anyway it was good seeing Jonathan Del Arco back as Hugh.

    For starters, it should be noted that Raffi was actually doing drugs, not just vaping. "Snakeleaf"

    I view Raffi and Rios as career Starfleet officers who lost everything and are trying to cope with the pain. That's why they're intentionally doing self destructive things. It's not entirely unknown in Star Trek. In the Voyager episode "Non Sequitor," Harry Kim was in an alternate reality where he never was assigned to Voyager. As a result of him not being there, Tom Paris got in a fight with Quark and was thrown in jail, also missing the departure of Voyager. Once he was cut loose by Starfleet, he entered a self destructive downward spiral where he became an alcoholic pool hustler. (and let's not forget that other time he got the boot and joined the Maquis) In the main timeline, Paris got his redemption by becoming a member of Voyager's crew, which resulted in him becoming one of Janeway's best officers. Without that second chance and Starfleet in his life, he was kind of like Raffi and Rios (or they're like him, whichever you prefer.) Perhaps Raffi and Rios will get from Picard's quest what Paris got from being on Voyager; that sense of belonging.

    One would think the EMH programs would be part of the ban on synthetic life. Though, Rios's ship is "off the books" with the Federation and keeping a banned technology might be a further act of defiance from Rios.

    As for the sunglasses, I have no idea. She looks "cool?" ;)

    On a plot point note, I'm highly suspicious of Dr. Jurati's "timely" arrival at Piard's residence, and at the incompetence of the assassins. They can't shoot worth a damn and are supposed to be from the Tal Shiar? I think their appearance was a convenient ruse to get Jurati in Picard's good graces as a spy. Perhaps Commodore Oh wants to find Maddox also and is using Picard to do it. We'll see if that theory holds water as the series progresses.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    edited February 2020 #31
    Freak wrote: »
    The third episode is the last one Kurtzman did as showrunner before Michael Chabon took over.
    It was an okay episode, still not as good as the first one.
    I thought Michelle Hurd who plays Raffi Musiker acting was bad and I mean really bad. It seem more like she was acting on some chessey 70's - 80's Soap Opera.

    Can someone tell me why two of the main characters are Vaping/ Smoking? It has already been established Humans stopped doing this when they relaised it was killing them. (Voyager episode: The 37's)
    Did they put this in so we can relate more to the characters? or are they just trying to make smoking "Cool" again?

    Also what with that Vulcan or undercover Romulan (Commodore Oh) wearing 1980's style sunglasses?
    If she is really Vulcan, the suns brightness would not have really bother her. She from a planet that is mostly desert, her spices eyes would have naturally evolved so that bright light would not effect them. That would have been like overcast day for her.
    Or did they just do it, so you suspect her and make her menacing like a Men in Black? (Hmm I wonder if she had a neuro-lieser in her pocket?)

    If Android have been banned though out Federation due to being an A.I and having "a bad bit data." How come the EMH still allowed.
    Just like an Android they are programs and I would say that they could be even more dangerous than a Android. As we saw with the Doctor on occasion in Voyager.

    This show has me asking more question than it should and I got a feeling the one relating to story are going to be mystery boxes. In another words they will never get answered or they will in such a way they hope you don't think about it, because if you do it does not make scene.

    Anyway it was good seeing Jonathan Del Arco back as Hugh.

    Agreed on all points..did you notice the Commodore's rank pip was quite crooked? VERY sloppy quality control on the production end there...The Elvis sunglasses looked ridiculous. I have no technical issue with someone in the 24th century wearing sunglasses, just make them look like something less vein and more in line with the times.

    I don't care for the layout of Rios's ship, while the "cockpit" looked good, the open nature of it was nonsensical. No one in their right mind would design a ship that way for simple engineering reasons of today OR in the 24th. Spacecraft design will always use "compartmentelization" in the internal structure for the simple reason of being able to isolate decompressed sections in the event of damage. Before anyone tells me about emergency force fields like I've never watched Star Trek before what happens when that system is damaged as well? Simple: you die. Even for a civilian ship it's just a stupid and dangerous design style and is "unprecedented" in Star Trek. One could argue that there is a far more heavy reliance on redundancy insofar as protective emergency systems and that the designers felt even in a catastrophic damage scenario the emergency force fields would hold at least long enough for the crew to reach the escape pods but I call BS! But let's face it..production designers even in Trek rarely think that deeply into what they are designing and focus primarily for artistic appeal.

    I just have a hard time with engineers in the 24th century being..hmmm..what's the word here...ahh yes.."stupid!" That's the pilot in me I guess. I don't like fly-by-wire aircraft in the civilian world either because if there is a total loss of electrical power I have zero chance of a "controlled" forced landing. So my critiques of future technology are based on real world views as a professional pilot...I guess being it's fiction one could say I'm nitpicking.

    Th episode itself still felt slow to me and I agree that Hurd's acting was abysmal. And once again, narcotic oil or not, vaping in the 24th? Ughhhh..this show is just killing Roddenberry's vision of a better and more "elevated" future of humanity via death by a thousand cuts. It's too much in line with today's reality and that hurts the show for me, it doesn't help it.

    I'll keep watching for now but I hope it gets a lot better. I'm doubtful of that outcome. As of today it's two thumbs down and 2 stars for me. Frankly Discovery is a better show and that production also has a lot of things I take issue with.

    I've said it once and I'll re-state. The Trek we all grew up on from TOS to ENT is gone and it looks like its gone for good. I mean Nemesis sucked so what could I have expected from Picard??

    Post edited by sorceress21 on
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