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3DKlingon Carrier Concept (once again)



  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Sorry for the long hiatus, was about half finished with this section when I discovered some serious flaws, again. So, now it's back to the beginning and a fresh restart of the BoP docking bay. Updates ASAP.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    At least you don't have to restart the whole ship again. Still, that's always frustrating. Too bad too, because it was looking good.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    As I'm rebuilding, I'm finding a lot of repetition of patterns, so I'm finding ways to use this to my advantage. Unfortunately, I'm also finding mistakes and misalignments as I go, so as I create one part, I have to fix others so they line up properly. I'm about halfway through the inside wall, then the floor, the ceiling, and as I go, I have to correct the catwalks because I'm finding they don't align properly with the panels, or to be more precise, the mounting points on the wall.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Not going to get into too much detail, I'll let the images speak for themselves; however, in some of the later pics, I "turned off" the camera lighting and allowed only the "interior" lighting to be active. This gives a better feel for what it would really be like to be on the ship. Also, keep your eyes peeled for my little dude, he's in a few shots to provide a sense of scale, but he's not all that easy to find, just look for the "red shirt."

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  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Sorry for the long break, but I’ve been hacking away at this thing like crazy and it seems that for every day I get something accomplished, I find issues with it the next. Either that or I find I’m not happy with the previous day’s work and start over to create something I actually like. In fact, I’m going to do some commentary on these next updates to kind of demonstrate what’s going on in my head. So, here we go.

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    These two are basically beauty shots to show the progress on the ship as I complete each section. Even though you can barely even see the BoPs in the second image, I am still giving credit where credit is due because it’s the right thing to do and it’s forum rules, so there’s that too, LOL.

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    I started the shroud or what I had been calling the cobra hood, but I was not happy with it at all. Too many misaligned verts and strange issues with the normals; in fact, this would plague me for a few go arounds and several days as you’ll see in the next group of pictures. Pay close attention to the plate lines as they do change through out this series of images.

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    Next, a few more beauty shots without the camera lighting; however, these too would change as I would bet I have revamped that upper shroud/wing combo at least four or five times since I started it. You’ll see the progression in the next several sets of pics, even after I thought I had finished it and moved on.

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    This next image shows the underside of the engineering and wing section, it’s kind of hard to see at this angle, but the pattern I created on this section inspired me to change the upper section again. Additionally, take notice of the busard collector inside the lower section of engineering. The entire engineering section, upper and lower, is double armored to better protect the multiple warp cores this ship would have. In fact, it has six, two in the head, and four in this section. Only three are used at the same time, the others are redundant backups, you know how those Klingons love to have fail safes and backups. :D

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    Here, I started on the engineering section’s upper portion, again double armored. The image actually shows the completed section, but even it went through several stages before I was happy with it. Those bright glowy orange things are plasma coolant tubes, under them are thermal vents and they are all protected by energy shielding, but the cold of space still keeps things cool. Pay attention, as you’ll see the wing pattern change toward the end of this next series.

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    Now we come to the rear of the engineering section, the primary impulse engines are located here, those on the head section are secondaries, but necessary to move this massive ship. The blue glowy things are part of the warp coils and there are additional medium range guns here to protect everything.

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    On to the front and the upper busard collectors, some additional vents and plasma cooling tubes. I tried to incorporate the various design elements into each section of the ship to tie it together; for example, instead of the phaser strips being individual strips, they are part of the superstructure that encompasses the ship, those black bulky lines you see everywhere. As you can see, they tie the ship together.

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    Again, several beauty shots, which have since changed due to some minor mistakes on my part; I completely forgot to add the RCS thrusters before I armored the wings, but luckily, I left room for them on the bottom, but unfortunately, not the top. So, I had to make some minor adjustments to it that do not appear in these images.

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    These last two pics show the beginnings of my work on the wing section, I was considering how do they work on the BoPs when they need repairs or major maintenance, without clogging up the primary launch and recovery/docking bay, so I added a large bay on the inside of the wing section closer to the ship’s neck. The BoPs would have to enter with their wings in flight or landing position, but they do fit. To the left are shuttle bays, these would be for launching and recovering troop transports and other smaller ship, but not fighters; those are coming soon.

    Each shuttle bay is two decks high and for the upper bays, there is an area above them that is three decks high, for the lower bays these areas are underneath. These areas would serve for storage and repair. The BoP bay comes out to be about 15 decks high, so there is no above or below areas for them, just one very large repair bay. LOL.

    Anyway, enjoy the updates; I’ll be posting more when I get a chance.
  • DannageDannage236 Posts: 634Member
    Either my memory has gone, the BoPs have shrunk, or this thing is fifty times bigger than I remember. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    It depends on which scale you use for BOPs. Officially, there are two different sizes, despite identical external details. Due to various scaling issues, there are several sizes, ranging from less than 50m to around 350m.

    But, yes, this ship is huge. And looking good too. :)
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Dannage, go back to posts 234 and 240 for a better explanation of the scaling and relative sizes of the ships.

    More to come, hopefully by the weekend. I spent all day Saturday with friends riding roller coasters at Cedar Point. Had a blast, but I'm paying for it now. My voice is shot, laryngitis, yeah! Got a dime sized blood blister on my big toe of my right foot, again, yeah! But damn did I have fun!

    Unfortunately, I'm back to work tonight, blah.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    So close to finished now, should have more updates this weekend.
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Final stills and a little video flyby, it's done as far as I'm concerned on the outside. Starting to work on some interior shots of various portions of the ship. Enjoy and commentary is always welcomed.

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    Video Preview
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Did something happen to the forums? I couldn't find this thread in the regular postings and most of my picture links are broken.
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771390 PNWPosts: 761Member
    Looks like photobucket might be down.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    Photobucket has stopped allowing third party sharing unless you're willing to pay $400/year. So, no more Photobucket account and no pictures until I get time to address the issue.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Yes, it's an issue we're all familiar with, unfortunately. :rolleyes: A lot of people have been switching to Imgur.
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