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3DUSS Enterprise NCC1701 Deck by Deck..



  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Given my first hand knowledge of just how crazy this is I am extremely impressed by the skill and attention to detail!
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Would progress on this project be faster if you left out the spaceframe girders?

    Who is going to see them when the project is complete?
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    JWWright wrote: »
    Would progress on this project be faster if you left out the spaceframe girders?

    Who is going to see them when the project is complete?

    No, those are done largely freeform and in consideration of structural needs. They really don't take that much
    time to generate. The real time issue is in research. It takes a lot of time, for instance, to look through multiple seasons of trek episodes and screencaps to figure out the button colors for the consoles, etc.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Work has begun on Deck 4 finally. Ran into issues after importing into 2016. Had to reset xforms and
    flip a lot of normals in order to straighten out the meshes; but, a couple of days of chasing that stuff and
    we're on again. You can see the conference table temporarily sitting out of place. I dragged it in to
    inspire a bit. There is a lot of work to do here for the moment, cutting the walls, expanding their girth,
    putting in the removable panels, etc. Largely this is an issue only in the corridor. However, this has
    to be done first in order to re-position the doors and ensure we have at least 32 inch clearances on the
    width of each door. I'd like to have 40" but I'm not sure if the geometry is going to allow that yet.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Spent last night and a good part of this morning trying to get these bloody pylons created. Still not
    thoroughly happy with them; but, for now they'll have to do.
  • SnowCrashSnowCrash191 Posts: 279Member
    Looks stunning
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Trying to get some more done this morning. :)


    Got the supports aligned, the back wall is in.. still got some tweaking to do; but, getting there.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    ..a few more shots from today's progress so far
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    I always pictured those ceiling joists as more functional than decorative, as in they were part of the ships spaceframe structure and that room was located on the outer edge of the curved top decks hull or even the edge of the saucer as the outer wall of the room was angled much like the outer edge of the saucer.

    This project is an amazing undertaking... a life's work!
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    I second all of the above post. Very good work.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Closing in on finishing the conference room area. Lots of cleanup still needed when it's done; but, gettin there.

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    I second all of the above post. Very good work.

    Thank you. Happy you're all enjoying it ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Looking great. In fact, with that lighting and seen from above like that, it almost looks like a plastic model somebody is putting together. :)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Making space for new toys this morning.. Lulzbot Taz 5 knocked on my door yesterday ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Wow, that's really cool. Those are pretty expensive, but not too bad as far as 3D printers go.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, that's really cool. Those are pretty expensive, but not too bad as far as 3D printers go.

    Yeah, the printable area is what got me. At nearly 1 cubic foot, it's tough to pass up. I've been scratchbuilding all my life; so, as long as I can get a good rough model out of the printer, I can do what is needed to make it look nice afterward. That said, on high detail it is really good. Going to be cleaning up a burke chair to export today and attempt to print it at 1/8 scale.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    That's fantastic. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm interested in seeing how that comes out. :)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Still chugging along. I rebuilt the blue Burke chairs over the last week. Kept the FJ version; but, I now have the standard
    style as well and that will probably be in scenes from now on. Also:


    It works great in 8th scale..
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Dude, that's awesome! I love seeing stuff like this come out of a 3D printer. It's every Trekkie's dream. :D
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Dude, that's awesome! I love seeing stuff like this come out of a 3D printer. It's every Trekkie's dream. :D
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Still tweaking a bit; but, I've printed 9 sets of the seat pads and four chairs as of now. After that, I'm debating what to do next but I'm thinking conference table and the Bridge navigation console and captain's chair. Got some issues to work out with the transparent buttons though; so, we'll see. Still working the walls for deck 4 as well. Lots on the plate.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    I've been reading and watching YouTube videos a lot lately about 3D printers. What make and model is yours and what material are you printing in? I really don't see any layer marks in the blue chair part, which turned out great. About how high is your chair?
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    I've been reading and watching YouTube videos a lot lately about 3D printers. What make and model is yours and what material are you printing in? I really don't see any layer marks in the blue chair part, which turned out great. About how high is your chair?

    Ok, the printer I'm using is the Lulzbot TAZ 5. It's my first one; but, I now can't imagine buying anything else. The printable volume of this printer is almost a cubic foot. Roughly 10" x 10" x 12" and it's open source; so, if you want a bigger one, you can mod it and make it. If you have the technical knowhow, much of the structural stuff is printed on a 3d printer, so you can reprint repair parts or print parts to make another printer, or several. The chair was printed on high detail mode, which lengthens the print time but minimizes the groves between layers. So the chair has a more finished look overall; but, it still needs polish. The materials used are PLA for the plastic parts and NinjaFlex for the Black cushions. Yeah, the cushions are rubber instead of plastic and they're printed with low infil to give them springiness. The TAZ has a pretty long list of different filament types it can use. If I'm not mistaken, it's got the largest list of materials usable of all the printers on the market besides having the largest print volume. To your question on the size of the chair, it's 1/8 scale making it roughly 5" tall. And if you have further questions, feel free to ask. I can't promise how quick I can respond; but, I will respond ;)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Still working on the rest of it; but,...
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    That's really sweet.

    I was thinking, "I know that, but what is it?" Then I saw the last pic with the little switches and intercom speakers and I realized what it is. ;)
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    I was thinking, "I know that, but what is it?" Then I saw the last pic with the little switches and intercom speakers and I realized what it is. ;)
    I had the same experience!
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