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3DRomulan T'Varo-class Bird of Prey (22nd Century)

McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
edited July 2014 in Finished Work #1
I was really impressed by the work Tommy Kraft was doing for Star Trek: Horizon and I dropped him a line back in February to say so and offered to help out with any VFX work he might need. He took me up on the offer and asked me to build a 22nd Century, Enterprise-era Romulan Bird of Prey for use in the film!

In Star Trek: Online, this design is still in service in the 25th Century as the T'Varo-class light warbird, which is the name I've been using to identify it. Modeled and rendered in Blender, textures created in Photoshop. I'm passing the model over to Tommy for use in 3ds Max for the final film animation and rendering.


Start to finish, this project spanned exactly 5 months (started Feb 20, finished July 20).

WIP thread here.
Post edited by McC on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    She really came out great, man. Excellent work. :thumb: I'm sure she's going to look really badass in the film.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work fella, she's a beauty!

  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    5 months!? Bloody hell. You probably already know what I think. :p
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Lovely bird.
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    Let's be honest, the design looks worlds better after echoing the famous hull markings of its TOS relative!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    It also fits better with Stiles' comment about war era Romulan ships:

    "After a whole century, what will a Romulan ship look like, Mr. Stiles? I doubt if they'll radio and identify themselves."
    "You'll know, sir. They're painted like a giant bird of prey."
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    It also fits better with Stiles' comment about war era Romulan ships:

    "After a whole century, what will a Romulan ship look like, Mr. Stiles? I doubt if they'll radio and identify themselves."
    "You'll know, sir. They're painted like a giant bird of prey."

    Was it painted on with glow in the dark paint or did they have to get really close to a star to see it in enough light? :p
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    Was it painted on with glow in the dark paint or did they have to get really close to a star to see it in enough light? :p

    Well, common sense would suggest that a lot of the major battles would take place inside of solar systems, which typically have stars. ;)
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    That's assuming that the Rommies had warp drive to get there. :p *Runs*
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    Without warp drive, they'd have never made it out of their solar system, much less created an empire. A lot of people misunderstand the line from Balance of Terror about their power being simple impulse. Since it was stated in the episode that the cloaking device consumes much power, it's reasonable to assume that they were stuck at impulse due to the power drain from the cloak. However, the ship had to have warp drive to even make it to Federation space before everybody aboard died of old age.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    This was already covered in the WIP thread, hence my tongue in cheek and running. :p

    I watched the episode a couple of days ago, I rather wished that they'd have kept the scene in about it being a stolen Federation design. That would have been great and could have opened possibilities for future episodes. Now, if they remade that into a movie, that'd be ace.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    This was already covered in the WIP thread, hence my tongue in cheek and running. :p

    I gathered as much, but there are still a number of people who actually think the ship only had impulse power, which is a scientific impossibility. So, my remark was intended for them. ;)
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    I watched the episode a couple of days ago, I rather wished that they'd have kept the scene in about it being a stolen Federation design. That would have been great and could have opened possibilities for future episodes. Now, if they remade that into a movie, that'd be ace.

    It wasn't necessarily a stolen Federation ship, but Romulan spies had stolen technical specs for Federation ships and had used it to construct their own vessel. I agree, it's a shame that they cut that part out. Not only would it have added to the story, but it would have made Stiles' comment about how they could have Romulan spies aboard the Enterprise not seem so out of the blue.

    After all, we found out in Space Seed that the technical specs are available for any patient in sickbay. (wonderful security) So, a spy wouldn't even have to work that hard to get them. :lol:
  • Fanman88Fanman88-10 Posts: 5Member
    Just curious if there is a download meches for the model.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    @Fanman88 we've been through this before, and nothing has changed since then. :eyeroll:

    Stop digging up old threads to beg for meshes. It's really annoying and very much against the rules here.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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