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3DMy Random W.I.P. thread



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    japetus wrote: »
    Ah man that was the coolest thing as a kid! :)

    Me too. I was ten years old when it came out and I got to go see it in the theater. :) So, I guess I haven't always found it funny, but I have for a long time. ;)
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    Haha, yea. its a great moment in the movie, even though you know only the camera's pov can see it :)

    one last pic for the day, ended up doing normal scribing. a quick test to see if they're deep enough to even see on the black skin (barely, gonna go a lil deeper).
    turned on the armament too :devil:
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    japetus wrote: »
    Ah man that was the coolest thing as a kid! :) I've always wondered how well an aircraft with wings like that would actually fly...not at all I imagine ;)

    i cant find the thread anywhere at the moment, reverse image searches arent finding anything but more "look at this! posts"; but there's a guy who built one at 1/8 scale (i think) as a turbine powered R/C. and he said he was surprised at how stable it flew!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That's freaking cool. :)
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    its amazing how much character a few panel lines can add!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Yeah, panel lines add a lot. That looks freakin' fantastic. :D
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann698 Posts: 1,343Member
    I think part of the fun of the Batwing... especially that shot with the moon... is that it literally looked like a toy that we would have (even before the Batman movie, it's shape was basically a toy) flying the way we imagine our toys flying, and then when it's splashed against the moon, looking cooler than we could IMAGINE our toys flying could look. Although I don't think that was really something in Burton's head when he was making the movie.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    started to rough in the detailing on the Phoenix this morning
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    I forgot to model the Gatling gun! :lol:
    cockpit instruments/controls, and rear landing gear is all thats left. i'm going to spend a week or two on the Phoenix though :devil:
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    a bit of progress, got most of the nacelles modeled today
  • BorklessBorkless171 Posts: 0Member
    Looks great! love the detailing on the nacelles and engine.
  • BorklessBorkless171 Posts: 0Member
    Looks great! love the detailing on the nacelles and engine.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    re-textured, i love how much the skin changes now under different light sources :cool:
    and finished the nacelles
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    been making Tie Figher greebles today.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    It's looking really good so far. Though, you have some minor smoothing errors on the part I circled (both sides of the cockpit) It's nothing major, though, and shouldn't take long to fix. :)
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    yea, i still have not really gotten into much detail on the arms yet. i seem to have lost the backup file with most of my tie saves in the move. (when upgrading computers) i had to re-create almost everything. all i had was 1/4 of a wing the front canopy, and the basic scribed ball...

    on the upside though, i still had my notes and kit list on the greebles so i didnt have to find any references and could just get right into re-creating them :)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    anystar wrote: »
    been making Tie Figher greebles today.
    nicely detailed, good greebles on the curved surface and nicely done with the cockpit "canopy".
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    On Friday morning when I was all set to get started for the day, I decided to spend a few hours more on the Tie before getting back into the Phoenix. However, on Thursday afternoon just before I was done for the day I had a power outage only to discover that last month during a different storm/outage my son had "borrowed" my UPS to use his ps3... Not a big deal, I was only minorly annoyed. but cut back to Fri AM and before opening up MAX i grab my most recent .bak, and the last 3 autosaves. (untill yesterday i left the autosave count max at 3, today my settings are 1 per minute for an hour... lol)

    well, i look in the project folder and the most recent hard save was at 3:11pm. the .bak was at the same time. the autosaves were 3:48, 3:51, and 4:02 (outage was at 4:05)

    i thought all these timestamps were extremely odd btw. autosave settings were 3 files at 5m interval...

    well, the hardsave was fine, i thought i had interval-saved past then because there were a LOT of changes since then. so i go into the autosaves. most recent (4:02) all the data is there, it just WONT LOAD. no errors or anything, and not corrupted...

    so i dig into the 3:51. same deal. getting a little frustrated at this point.
    now i try the 3:48 file. just fine, except: all the data is exactly identical to my 3:11 hardsave.

    at this point i shut down MAX and fire off an email to Autodesk CS, and start looking online for file recovery or auditing software while i wait for a response. the various forum hits i find in google arent promising, and ****-out-of-luck are what i expect for the files and my eventual response from Autodesk.

    when i do get a response the rep notices i have a 2012 license too and asks if i can open the files in '12.
    i had forgotten just WHY i decided to uninstal '12 and go back to 10, but i figured its worth a try and i'd re-install.
    turns out every time i try, the installer just tells me its already installed and no option is available for a repair-install, or simple re-install is available. this starts to tick me off, and the only option the rep has is to completely uninstall all autodesk software, settings, and even registry entries.

    i scoff at this and ask the guy if he's serious, i have cad 08, and 10 installed, each with extensive customizations, and i dont really want to go through all the hassle of customization/plugin/script backup re-install of both those and max10.

    this is the point in my day (well past lunchtime at this point) that i'm really frustrated and seriously wondering if i need anger management classes...

    well, its a day later now and ive gotten all the apps re-installed. i *think* max10 is set up the way i had it, i have only opened it once to see if those autosave files will load or merge ~ nope they still dont.

    spent all AM today integrating all my scipts/plugins, hotkeys and UI configs into '12 figuring there's no reason now that its installed to not start using it.

    THEN as i try to open the files in '12, nope still no luck. just have to re-do all the changes. i accept this fate as i'm more pissed about all the trouble so-far than i ever was about re-doing an hours worth of changes. i start in and instantly remember WHY i didnt use '12. i cant stand the "caddies" and i'm also more fond of the older style material editor and other UI changes... so i spend 3 MORE hours finding scripts and hacks to revert those.

    aaaaaaaanyway, long story short: i'm rather disinclined to do any modeling any time soon. updates next week,

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Damn, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear about that turn of bad luck.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    in the end, i'm trying to stay positive; i got to clean up some installs and consolidate a few folders, etc-etc.

    the frustrating part is that i wasted a day and a half because i wanted to save and hours worth of time... LOL
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    funny story, son wants a better computer and is going to inherit this almost new one and i get to re-build and re-install all over again next week. hahaha :)

    tiny progress on the TIE, built the lower hatch and a few more greebles.
    just need to finish a couple more greebles and the top hatch, then i can move on to the arms and wings. there's sooooo many greebles on the wings, and the interceptor wings have even MORE... gonna be fun though!
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    found my old homeworld game discs, extracted all the goodies and been playing around seeing how the first fleet compares to the second :)

    fyi its a big pic.

    hmm, cant post em that big i guess, it shrunk it :(

    edit: wow didnt ever pay attention to just how big some of these are...
    inserted the Enterprise and dry-dock to add scale.
  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Whoa, nice! I didn't realize the ships were that big either, except of course I knew the Mothership was huge. I love the Homeworld still sad that they probably won't make a HW3. Are you gonna mess with teh models at all? Detail one out?
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    it keeps growing! haha

    after a little closer inspection i had to scale down the HW1 fleet a bit, and scale up the HW2 fleet even more!

    2.6.jpg 109.8K
  • TallguyTallguy351 Posts: 468Member
    Oh, YES! Those are lovely. I knew they were big, I didn’t know they were THAT big.
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    Anyone around here into KSP?
    been adapting some trek nacelles into engines:
    the Excelsior and Voyager textures are thanks to Cpt. Kippard over at the kerbal forum.

    a couple effect tests of them in-game:
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    God I haven't played that in a while.
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