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3DOvermind's meshes of meshiness



  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    You lazy cheat! :p
  • triple111triple1110 Posts: 0Member
    Much better! The Vagyr have no time for curves and rounded objects!!

    I would chamfer the corners of the depressions though, keeping them squared off looks unnatural and looks out of place with the rest of the angles.

    That also goes for the two recesses cut into the underside where the nav lights are. If you look at the hangar bay, then the recesses, it looks a lil bit sketchy.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Good point. I'll see what I can do.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    What are you referring to?

    I was talking about the read part. I think it would help break up the monotony there a little bit.V_FS_ChamferHighlight.jpg
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    I knew you were referring to that region, I just didn't understand what you wanted me to do with it. It's gonna be a mish mosh of greeble and plating. I might even go so far as to add subsystems such as the sensor arrays.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, I feel stupid, I was wondering if you were going to do a hull plate looking thingy there like on the main hull, but you answered my question.

    Sorry, I tend to articulate myself poorly a lot.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    A word of notice to everyone lurking around this thread. I am gonna start learning Maya, so I won't be posting anything any time soon. For all we know, I might be better with Maya than with Max. If I can handle the software, you might see better-detailed Homeworld ships in the future.
  • triple111triple1110 Posts: 0Member

    BTW any chance you're using the student versions?
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Yes I Am. I'm still learning the software, plus I'm still in High school. Good thing Autodesk made the software free for students.
  • triple111triple1110 Posts: 0Member
    Haha same!! Ive been wanting to try Maya too, gonna Dload tomorrow. Im also in HS, senior. Learn it together!!
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    I have a good handle on maya, but back in 3ds max, I pulled out a surprise...
    Here is a proxy model of what I wanted to go for in terms of an atmospheric Taiidan gunship, mostly used for police duties and troop drop off. I will add the guns later on, but that's what I have so far. The 5'11" biped is to scale.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Turbosmooth has been applied, along with a few mesh tweaks.
    Here's a quick little pose I made after smoothing the mesh.
    Smoothing the base mesh is almost done. Just gotta smooth the blades, the wings, and the door in the back which I forgot to show you all.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Any crickets about this post?

    Here's the mesh so far, 234k polygons without turbosmooth.

    A close up of one of the vents at the side.

    And a close up of the fuel injected rotor system I thought of.
    Comments anyone?
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Again, wasn't happy with the old model, so I rebuilt it.
    Rotors are larger this time, since in the old model, they looked too wimpy. Plus she's bigger than before.
  • Sukhoi_FlagonSukhoi_Flagon0 Posts: 0Member
    hehe bigger works, i dont know where i have put it but i used to have some old HW1 concept art of a corvette sized ship docked on planet, and it appeared to be pretty large, so i think it works! keep it up :)
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    I'm taking a break from the Homeworld Series, and felt I could work on something I feel was hardly attempted in 3d.

    "Battlecruiser Operational."
    Start a project, never finish. Start a project, never finish. When will this cycle end?!
    EDIT: 850m long and 13k polys so far by the way.
  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Very nice! Are you going for the SC1 or SC2 version? :)
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Sort of a mix of both, along with my own elements, like the Bentusi vessel I paused on.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Keep those acursed scourges away from my ship!!! (for good reason)
    After you get past the concept of interior windows, it's not all that bad. All the characters are silhouettes of a simple model.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Neck segments are done. Pardon the graininess. 2-3 minutes to render, 200k polygons, a best guess of 3, maybe 4 million polygons when she's done.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Filled in the gaps between the segments:
    Any suggestions for this ship aside from the possible "Needs more gunz!" or "Needs more greeblez!"?
  • AardwolfAardwolf171 Posts: 82Member
    Eh... IMO you started the greebles too soon, i.e. it needed some larger-scale features first.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    I see what you mean. I'll look into that.
  • fluxfirefluxfire181 Posts: 604Member
    Nice start to the battlecrusier... be interesting to see where you take this one :D
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Aardwolf: I took your word for it, which also led me to rebuild the base model (as usual -_-) and go with a bit more game accurate approach to the SC2 Cinematic model.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    "Let's go this way really really fast. If something gets in our way, shoot it."
    Modeled, textured and rigged. Now to set up the particle emitters. Not the best texture in the world, but it's alright, right?
  • fluxfirefluxfire181 Posts: 604Member
    Not the best texture in the world, but it's alright, right?

    I think the texture is fine if its gonna be from a med-long range distance... If your going for a closeup shot of these in a video might want to add in some rivets or bolts... the rest of the texturing on it is great.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Lookie what I made in maya! Still gotta work on the turret pivot though. 230k after 2 subdivisions in smooth preview by the way.
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Greebles to the fuel cell thingies under the neck of the ship:
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Fun with normal maps!
    2.6 million polygons on the box to the left, 1k to the right:
    It isn't the best normal map in the world, but it's a start, right?
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