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AnimationStar Trek: Retribution



  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    And further, I would love to get my hands on that cargo bay set :p

    You know I'm not in a habit of releasing my sets while there's an ongoing project :) Besides, this is only a partial construction of the cargo bay set--only the portions seen in "Schisms" and "Emergence," a total of about 2/3 of the full set (if you look closely over Garr's shoulder, you can tell there's nothing behind the stacks, the blackness back there is absolute). These are the two screencaps I used in constructing it:


    And it doesn't even go up to full height--if you look carefully in a few shots you can see where the walls stop, far lower than the actual set did. I plan to go back and fix it, along with making the monitors in the back have video images...just not yet.
  • DrToiletDrToilet0 Posts: 0Member
    I may have said this What-IF before, if so please ignore:

    Would't it be kinda weird if we found out that E-Garr has tried to change the timeline but it always has ended in disaster. Finally he found if he didn't interfer past a certain point the timeline would progress but by then after constent pain, re-living every thing he just accepted he couldn't change the past and said "F*** it" and is now going to destroy humanity....

    Just a weird thought that would throw "Everything" we know or are told on its head.

  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @DrToilet: you did suggest that before...gonna have to pass.
  • DrToiletDrToilet0 Posts: 0Member
    I though I might have.
  • andar_bandar_b0 Posts: 0Member
    @ DrToilet
    That would fit with the fact that I can't figure out how E-Garr broke out of the loop, that still doesn't jive with me. Looking forward to more Retribution! :)
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    You know I'm not in a habit of releasing my sets while there's an ongoing project :) Besides, this is only a partial construction of the cargo bay set--only the portions seen in "Schisms" and "Emergence," a total of about 2/3 of the full set (if you look closely over Garr's shoulder, you can tell there's nothing behind the stacks, the blackness back there is absolute). These are the two screencaps I used in constructing it:


    And it doesn't even go up to full height--if you look carefully in a few shots you can see where the walls stop, far lower than the actual set did. I plan to go back and fix it, along with making the monitors in the back have video images...just not yet.

    Looks good, I assume youre gonna try to use Diaster and The minds Eye for more detail of the exterior walls? I think Power Play and Ethics had roof shots if you need em.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Thy King wrote: »
    Despite your claims of my idea being silly, you have a nice sarcastic interaction between Reyf and H-Garr. I dont know if this is the 'normal' friend-interaction between Garr and Reyf, but my idea was not that far off, so you managed to set the difference quite nicely.

    To be clear, your idea was for Holo Garr to be "smiling and cracking jokes," as I recall. That idea was silly, no way around it, as described it was far too lighthearted. The interaction here is, as you pointed out, still sarcastic on Garr's part and shows that more of his core personality is intact than Drakus' is--but there's nothing lighthearted about it.

    The only line that comes close is the one that I ad-libbed, Garr's remark about, "How did you manage to put up with him as your first officer for all those years?", and Reyf's response.

    As for the red eyes, you could call it Rule of Plot :) Remember that Reyf said clearly that it was a "custom" holomatrix. We can infer from that that either whoever designed it made his holographic form as close to his biological form as it existed at the time of the download; or else it was a change that Holo Garr himself made, to preserve what Reyf correctly realized in Specter was a method of intimidating others.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    I'm going to go with the assumption that when reconstructing the holomatrix, someone accidentally added a red-alert subroutine into his optical matrix :flippy:
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homer: sometimes I think you're deliberately trying to annoy me :)

    Next piece is up:

    This is actually a bit of a "hybrid" scene, it's Scene 38 as presented but with some better renders for most of Kristie's shots. The biggest addition is at the end: a montage sequence showing the crew preparing to implement Prentice's plan. (And I know some will be giddy with relief at the fact that it's a piece of score instead of a pop song, "International Code" from Independence Day)
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Very nice. I see you fixed the hair of the android in the first part (scene 38). However, you failed to do that at the end. The hair there is still in, what is it, wireframe?

    There is another problem: you just told the crew to give their best ideas in one hour, and now you skip whatever they can come up with, to go with an untold 'whim' of the captain. Now i know he can do that, but that makes the notion of the crew comming up with ideas kinda useless.

    Thirdly, i think you should make the crew react more as soon as H-Garr appears in engineering. Let them grab for a weapon or make them call security or something. This reaction is way to soft for what is basically their enemy. By now the crew will know who Garr is. Then let prentice come in and tell them to calm down (that hands foreward and pointing up gesture).
    The biggest addition is at the end: a montage sequence showing the crew preparing to implement Prentice's plan. (And I know some will be giddy with relief at the fact that it's a piece of score instead of a pop song, "International Code" from Independence Day)
    The song... I am glad it is not a pop song :), but i am very conflicted inside about this song. On the one side, it fits nicely, but on the other side, i cannot shake that image of will smith going "i gotta get me one of these!". I guess i have to sleep on it. :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Thy King wrote: »
    Very nice. I see you fixed the hair of the android in the first part (scene 38). However, you failed to do that at the end. The hair there is still in, what is it, wireframe?

    Excellent disguise, colbmista.

    I didn't "fail" to do anything. All the shots of Kristie in Scene 38A "Cargo Bay Six" have been rendered so that the hair appears properly. Shots from Scene 38B "Prentice's Plan," which starts immediately after Prentice says "I have a plan," have not.
    There is another problem: you just told the crew to give their best ideas in one hour, and now you skip whatever they can come up with, to go with an untold 'whim' of the captain. Now i know he can do that, but that makes the notion of the crew coming up with ideas kinda useless.

    Prentice gave them the best orders he could given the situation. Would it make more sense for him to simply walk out of the room and not have the crew brainstorming? Go back and watch Specter--seems like at the end of every scene, Reyf was giving orders that contradicted something he'd said earlier.
    Thirdly, i think you should make the crew react more as soon as H-Garr appears in engineering. Let them grab for a weapon or make them call security or something. This reaction is way to soft for what is basically their enemy. By now the crew will know who Garr is. Then let prentice come in and tell them to calm down (that hands foreward and pointing up gesture).

    They're engineers, not security officers--they reacted with shock and awe (you're right, they all know who he is), but were frozen in terror until Prentice showed up to assure them all was well.
    The song... I am glad it is not a pop song :), but i am very conflicted inside about this song. On the one side, it fits nicely, but on the other side, i cannot shake that image of will smith going "i gotta get me one of these!". I guess i have to sleep on it. :)

    The key phrase to this is "it fits nicely." That's the only part that matters to me. :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Next question:

    The next scene is a real quick one, basically Prentice saying, "Are we all clear on what we have to do?" The crew answers in the affirmative, but just when you think all the loose ends are mopped up, Ronston steps up to Prentice and quietly asks him to hold off for a few minutes: "If we're going to do this, there's something I need to do." Prentice nods, and Ronston exits.

    Simple question: bridge or observation lounge?
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Why not Quarters?

    But I suppose if its for something a bit more private, and has has too be those locations, probably Observation Lounge

    In the montage scene, it was a good little scene with everyone working together, good to see Ten Forward finally brought back too with some nice lighting
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-Timelord: as a matter of fact, all the shots of Ten Forward in that montage were re-used from Scene 11, the scene between Reyf and Prentice just before the close call with the Romulan task force. :)
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    Thirdly, i think you should make the crew react more as soon as H-Garr appears in engineering. Let them grab for a weapon or make them call security or something. This reaction is way to soft for what is basically their enemy. By now the crew will know who Garr is. Then let prentice come in and tell them to calm down (that hands foreward and pointing up gesture).
    They're engineers, not security officers--they reacted with shock and awe (you're right, they all know who he is), but were frozen in terror until Prentice showed up to assure them all was well.

    I have a problem with that answer in this post-dominon war world you're set in. Every engineer, scientist, medic, field officer, grew used to having weapons and heightened security at any time. I can understand it if it were pre dominion wars (The Borg attacked D's engineering and it wasn't until Worf arrived that anyone was armed. Likewise, the Ansata terrorists invaded engineering and all the engineers could do was flee) But we've seen Engineers as gunho as the most brainless security grunt every since the DW. Not to mention STarlfeet would not "lax" their security post war, especially wtih the change changeling could still infiltrate and reignite a conflict.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    @homer: sometimes I think you're deliberately trying to annoy me :)
    only sometimes :D

    great scene! i still think that reyf and prentice look like theyre bouncing when they walk down the corridor, but i understand if you want to keep that in to save time fixing it.
    Nadesico wrote: »
    I have a problem with that answer in this post-dominon war world you're set in. Every engineer, scientist, medic, field officer, grew used to having weapons and heightened security at any time. I can understand it if it were pre dominion wars (The Borg attacked D's engineering and it wasn't until Worf arrived that anyone was armed. Likewise, the Ansata terrorists invaded engineering and all the engineers could do was flee) But we've seen Engineers as gunho as the most brainless security grunt every since the DW. Not to mention STarlfeet would not "lax" their security post war, especially wtih the change changeling could still infiltrate and reignite a conflict.
    engineers are only armed on duty when the ship is on combat-pending status, or in enemy territory. Besides, a phaser cant do much damage against a hologram ;)
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    only sometimes :D

    great scene! i still think that reyf and prentice look like theyre bouncing when they walk down the corridor, but i understand if you want to keep that in to save time fixing it.

    engineers are only armed on duty when the ship is on combat-pending status, or in enemy territory. Besides, a phaser cant do much damage against a hologram ;)

    Ahh, but it's not the job of an engineer (or any officer) to make the decision on whether something is not a threat. Their response, trained into them since day one should be "Unidentifed person(s) in a secured area. Detain them and report to command for instructions". Whether it's a hologram, a 12 eyed long horned large purple people eater or just some kid that's gotten lost, they should be pointing their guns at the apparation and waiting for someone in authority to tell them to stop. And again, being post DW, every engineer should have firearms training and should be on a heightened alert when operating in a secured environment like engineering, the bridge or torpedo room, etc...

    Maybe in Ten Forward, or the arboretum, sure it makes more sense for there to be more of a "what the hell is this guy?", then a "he's a hostile, stop him" approach. But engineering? It's not believable no matter how you slice it.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Simple question: bridge or observation lounge?
    Bridge. When the captain is about to start his plan, his place is on the bridge, as is the place of the first officer.
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Prentice gave them the best orders he could given the situation. Would it make more sense for him to simply walk out of the room and not have the crew brainstorming? Go back and watch Specter--seems like at the end of every scene, Reyf was giving orders that contradicted something he'd said earlier.
    still, didn't they come up with anything usefull? It is, at any time, stupid to trow out any and all good ideas.
    They're engineers, not security officers--they reacted with shock and awe (you're right, they all know who he is), but were frozen in terror until Prentice showed up to assure them all was well.
    They are trained for what can happen on a starship. Sudden incursion is one of them. To expect that they cannot appropriately react, means that starfleet is lacking in its training. Besides, the emotion you showed was surprise, not 'frozen in terror' (imo). And for some reason, all of them have the exact same reaction. This seems to me your entire staff is not properly trained.

    In case of an emergency, you fall back on training. What would be usefull as a procedure to do when faced with an emergency of this kind? Containment, alerting the rest of the ship, and defensive to protect the ship untill security arrives. That is what the engineers need to do (or something in that general line of thinking). They are now all standing, eating out of their respective noses.

    As far as emotional expressions go, i suggest you take a look at this chart, which explains exactly what the face needs to show to convey an emotion. :)
    The key phrase to this is "it fits nicely." That's the only part that matters to me. :)
    But if you do want a pop song for your 'montage', i nominate this one. :D
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    only sometimes :D

    Well, knock it off. It's beginning to get ridiculous. I've already ignored two users this thread whose "feedback" became more trouble than they were worth, I'd hate for that number to increase to three.
    I still think that Reyf and Prentice look like they're bouncing when they walk down the corridor, but I understand if you want to keep that in to save time fixing it.

    This one isn't about time--it's the more mundane fact that it isn't a problem I can fix. What you see there is one of the standard Poser 4 walk templates, but slowed down to 30% normal speed. The "bounce" you see is perfectly normal for when they're moving quicker--but now that they're moving slower, I agree it looks unnatural. Unfortunately, like I said since it is a preset there isn't much I can do. (I can animate a character perfectly well doing just about anything else, but walking is something I've never had any success with unfortunately, so I'm reliant on presets.)
    engineers are only armed on duty when the ship is on combat-pending status, or in enemy territory. Besides, a phaser cant do much damage against a hologram ;)

    That could easily be interpreted as a primary reason they don't react--they all heard (as we did) the "buzz" of the hologram appearing, so they know what he is, even if they don't know why he's there, and because of who it is, naturally they're afraid.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Thy King wrote: »
    Still, didn't they come up with anything useful? It is, at any time, stupid to trow out any and all good ideas.

    Who said any good ideas were being thrown out? What I said was that he had them brainstorm while he went down to the cargo bay, then came up with his own plan while he was down there. Who's to say that some of the ideas generated by the others couldn't contribute? Point is, no one said anything about throwing out anyone else's ideas.
    Besides, the emotion you showed was surprise, not 'frozen in terror' (imo). And for some reason, all of them have the exact same reaction. This seems to me your entire staff is not properly trained.

    Tomato/tomahto. "Surprise" it is, then. The point remains the same: they're in safe harbor, and no one on the engineering staff would have any reason to expect an incursion. Therefore none of them would have reason to be armed. As you can see, none of them were carrying hand phasers, and they were all just going about their business when Holo Garr showed up. And as I said, the fact that they could hear the "buzz" of the hologram activating same as we could means they know it's just a hologram, generated by the ship's internal holoemitters, rather than a flesh-and-blood intruder.
    As far as emotional expressions go, I suggest you take a look at this chart, which explains exactly what the face needs to show to convey an emotion. :)

    I minored in psychology. I know what the face needs to show to convey an emotion. Between that and several seasons of "Lie to Me," I think I've forgotten more than most people will ever know about facial expressions. I suggest that you take a look at the limited capabilities of Poser 4 characters before popping off a comment like this again.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Thy King wrote: »
    They are now all standing, eating out of their respective noses.

    I've told you before not to say things like this. The last metaphor you used (calling Prentice "the joker") fell flat and didn't properly convey its meaning to me. Now I'm saying it again--for what I hope will be the last time.
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Well, knock it off. It's beginning to get ridiculous. I've already ignored two users this thread whose "feedback" became more trouble than they were worth, I'd hate for that number to increase to three.

    I'm pretty sure homer meant it as light banter, not to be taken seriously in the first place. Well that's how I read it,
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    I'm pretty sure homer meant it as light banter, not to be taken seriously in the first place. Well that's how I read it,

    I'm pretty sure of that too. But I'm also sure that between colbmista farther up the thread and some other things more recently, my patience for certain things is diminished, and I've become of the mindset that it's better to head some things off before they become a problem rather than afterwards.

    I let some things get out of hand when I was making Specter, and that's a mistake I have no intention of repeating this time around.

    To give some idea of where I'm coming from, a couple of situations over at from recent memory. That site is a Price is Right fansite that's pretty loosely moderated (not a slight against the mods there of course, they just try to stay handsoff until it's really necessary). The thing is, we have some users over there who don't know when to stop. I had planned to write full summaries, but instead I'll encourage you to look for posts by the following users there: mt0708, elskunkoman, JonSea31, nicholasdreyer, John92, tryingtobecharming, FFTEST22, 444dd, offerta. Two more to watch (for different reasons) are shieldsy101 and Cyclone. I'll explain in general terms:

    Most of these users in the first group simply don't add anything constructive to the discussions already in progress. One of them has been banned, and two others have come very close. The majority of them don't use proper grammar or spelling in their posts, and so no one over there really takes them seriously. One was constantly awarding meaningless "technical wins" and wouldn't stop talking about a particular way the show should change its format. And I'm pretty sure one of the users in that bunch holds the record for "Ignored by Most Users."

    shieldsy101 and Cyclone at least participate in the discussions like they're supposed to. The problem is that they both push ideas that repeatedly get shot down by the rest of the user base. Shieldsy lives in Australia and so he likes to bash everything about the US version of the show as inferior (including its longtime host, Bob Barker, as being inferior to the now-former Australian host whose name escapes me); naturally, this greatly annoys the US fanbase on the site (I'm not joking, over there every nuance of the show is Serious Business). Cyclone, meanwhile, recently spent about a page and a half arguing with other users about whether the show's current Door #1 is yellow or orange (all sides except him agree that it's orange); not long after that, he claimed that he "had to start a rumor" about one host being more popular than another or something along those lines.

    The pattern here is users who don't know when to quit, many of whom post even when they have nothing to say. Some of them post things just to rile others (troll-like behavior at its worst), some just don't understand what the word "no" means, and too many post just to hear themselves talk.

    In any case, after having gone through the Specter thread here, and seeing thread after thread over there derailed by people who think they're being funny but really are just irritating, my patience for that sort of thing is limited.

    Long story short, I want posts here to be constructive and add to the discussion.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Well, knock it off. It's beginning to get ridiculous. I've already ignored two users this thread whose "feedback" became more trouble than they were worth, I'd hate for that number to increase to three.

    I get the feeling I'm one of them. tnpir's stopped answering any post I make directly...
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Who said any good ideas were being thrown out? What I said was that he had them brainstorm while he went down to the cargo bay, then came up with his own plan while he was down there. Who's to say that some of the ideas generated by the others couldn't contribute? Point is, no one said anything about throwing out anyone else's ideas.
    Ok, but that is not the suggestion you give in the story. The montage (if that is the right term) suggests that Prentice is going with his own idea, without having a meeting with his crew, who, only one scene ago, where brainstorming for themselves. The montage is a good one, and i fully support your plotpoint of not revealing the plan. However, as a viewer, i interpred the montage right after "i have an idea" as following Prentice's idea, regardless of the fact if the others might have something to add.

    Perhaps the way to counter this, is to start the beginning of the montage with a few seconds of prentice walking into that briefing room, and everybody stopping their conversations and looking up at him (and the admiral?), and then prentice letting of a smile or something (like he hit a 'eureka' moment).

    This would also tackle the problem of the crews reaction, since they can now be considered 'briefed' about H-Garr's involvement, and the reaction of surprise then fits perfectly.
    I suggest that you take a look at the limited capabilities of Poser 4 characters before popping off a comment like this again.
    Again: Hold your horses. I am not aware of your life story, nor am i aware of all the limitations of Poser 4. I just know 'it has a lot'. If i see something worth mentioning, i will mention it. If i give a friendly suggestion for improvement, there is no need for a high-horse notion.
    I've told you before not to say things like this. Now I'm saying it again--I hope, for the last time.
    Let me rephrase it then: (without briefing): they are wasting precious time not defending the ship.

    Also, B'lana always had phasers tucked in 'corners' of the engineroom. She was always prepaired to defend the ship. It is reasonable to assume that other starfleet ships have phasers around, especially after admiral Janeway has returned, and perhaps made it standard practice.
    [...]colbmista farther up the thread[...]
    I got the hint the first time (where you noted you did not 'fail' anthing). As a Dutchman, English is not my native language, and i am well aware that i sometimes make mistakes in getting the tones and subtleties right. No need to get anoyed by it.

    Colbmista and i have nothing in common, as far as comments go. This therefore rather overreacting, and perhaps even insulting comment, is uncalled for.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Well, knock it off. It's beginning to get ridiculous. I've already ignored two users this thread whose "feedback" became more trouble than they were worth, I'd hate for that number to increase to three.
    sorry you took that the wrong way, it was meant as a joke "explanation" for why you were keeping the red eyes in a hologram. tbh, i try and provide constructive feedback, but sometimes it seems you're ignoring what i feel are very valid points - i dont know if you just havent had a chance to read it, or if you dont think it fits, etc, but sometimes i just like making people laugh - nothing against you - i do it with everyone, everywhere.
    I"ll do my best to tone down my smart-assness on this thread :)
    I'm pretty sure homer meant it as light banter, not to be taken seriously in the first place. Well that's how I read it,

    This one isn't about time--<snip>
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    I'm just letting everyone know that I'll no longer be monitoring or participating in this thread, and that the status of "Official Project Thread" is hereby transferred to the sister thread at 3DGladiators. The blunt truth is that I'm tired of wading through poor attempts at humor and nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking (homer), poorly chosen metaphors and silly ideas (Thy King), and strange tangents (Nadesico), in order to find useful feedback--and the benefit has long since ceased to be worth the effort.

    I thank everyone else for their participation and support, for further updates be sure to visit The Wiki, and of course all new material will be posted on YouTube.

    As always, thanks for watching!
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    I can't wait for the next update, Brandon. Scene 38 has "been removed by the user."
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    I'm just letting everyone know that I'll no longer be monitoring or participating in this thread, and that the status of "Official Project Thread" is hereby transferred to the sister thread at 3DGladiators. The blunt truth is that I'm tired of wading through poor attempts at humor and nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking (homer), poorly chosen metaphors and silly ideas (Thy King), and strange tangents (Nadesico), in order to find useful feedback--and the benefit has long since ceased to be worth the effort.

    Are you being serious? Are you really going to " pick up your ball and go home " ?
    Well i dont really have any wish to sign up to another fourm to follow one project, so I guess that is that.

    But seriously dude, Grow thicker skin
This discussion has been closed.