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AnimationStar Trek: Retribution



  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    The Joker playing card. Being a joker either means you are the clown of the bunch (which is not what i am reffering to), or the special card in the deck, outside the standard playing cards.

    Synonym would be 'wildcard'.

    It is an expression i heard regularly: 'being the joker', referring to 'wildcard'. Oh well.. :) :cool:

    ps: please hold your horses.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    @Thy King: you keep referring to Prentice as "the joker," but try as I might that reference makes no sense to me (and accordingly I'm not sure I like one of my characters being referred to in that manner). Either explain the reference or stop using it.

    joker=ace in the hole. except for this ace never leaves the hole.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Just be mindful that certain things can carry different meanings for different people. "Joker" to me meant the character from the Batman franchise, the playing card which in certain card games causes the player to lose, and a malicious individual (none of which carry a positive connotation, and certainly nothing I want one of my characters likened to).
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    Noted. :)

    For future refference: if i want to insult anything or anyone on purpose, everybody will know. Anything else that loses something in the translation from one part of the world to the other, please just ask instead of almost barking orders (at least, that is the tone as i interpret the last sentence). I am always willing to explain myself if needed.

    Back to the topic at hand: Any reactions about the suggestions offered?
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir, i got exactly what Thy meant; not sure why you were confused, but it seems you were the only one who was. And a little feedback on our suggestions would be appreciated :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homer: considering whose project this thread is about, I'm the only one whose clarity of perception matters :)

    As far as the various suggestions are concerned, I've read through them all several times, and have been working on the script throughout the day. It's closer to where I want it to be, but it's still not there yet.

    I do like Thy King's idea of intercutting flashbacks while Reyf is talking (I've actually already rigged up a "horizontal pan across Reyf's face" shot, and I haven't even made the scene before it yet), but the trick is refining the dialogue to a form I like. With that version, I miss the back-and-forth with the crew, with the payoff being the flashback shots. With my version, we get to see the crew react to everything he says, but at the expense of the flashback shots, some of which would be really neat (even if one would require the construction of the Voyager sickbay set, not altogether a bad thing).

    I'm still working on it...I've literally got them open side by side (dual-monitor setup) and working on them both to see if I can find some kind of happy medium.

    Eventually I'm going to have to make Scene 36...what I think I'm going to do for the time being is set 37 aside so I can work on that, then focus on 37 without anything else in the way.
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    My original idea of the 'narrated flashback' was that after the first image of Garr on the screen, you just see the narated scene. The whole flashback is continuous, with Reyf talking (narrating) the happenings. The [SCENE DISCRIPTION] parts in the text is the marker where i thought the next 'slide' needs to be shown (still continuous). You (only) switch back to Reyf at the end of this narrated slide show, which ends with the new face of Drakus on the screen. (Perhaps you can end that with Drakus flashing his eyes, straight into the camera, and then zooming out, showing his still picture on the viewscreen (like an almost seemless transition between flashback and reality).)

    Also: i think you need to decide your climax, since from this scene forewards, you would need to prepare for it. Perhaps with a key question like i proposed in the turbolift.

    We wait in patience to see what you come up with.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Thy King: I understood what you meant, but I was thinking about most of the flashback montages I've seen, usually there was at least one pan across the speaker superimposed over the shots.

    The question of the climax is still one I haven't quite figured out yet. The more I think about it, the more I think it's going to take on a form something like this:
    Fleets meet in battle, and the crew does sneak aboard Drakus' command ship as previously discussed. Just when they think they've talked him down, he gives the "no surrender, no retreat" order, and Prentice shoots him with his phaser. Before they can apprehend him, he transports to the ISS Voyager, which as we've discussed is cloaked nearby, but in a final act of vengeance he transports Reyf over as well. By this point, the proof has already been sent to the rest of the Romulans, who attack the ISS Voyager on sight. In the process, the ship is damaged, and plunges down into the black hole. When the gravity well tears apart the temporal reactor on board, a temporal shock wave washes over the battle scene, and when we see the Fitzgerald next, suddenly Good Garr is there, and the bridge is back to TNG-esque colors.

    Speaking of which, check out the new version of the TNG-style bridge:


    If it looks slightly different from the Specter bridge, it should--this is the Retribution bridge set, with its vastly improved lighting scheme, with colors from the old bridge brought over and adjusted as needed. Also note that the LCARs along the back wall don't have the VOY-style metal brackets anymore.
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    The bridge colour do look cool, can you shows up what the bridge colour scheme looks like now as well, so we can see a comparison shot?
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Here ya go:


    "Current" bridge, with STFC colors.

    (...and that "burned carpet" texture I never got around to fixing. Mea culpa!)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Okay, here's the latest revision of Scene 37. I haven't given up on the "animated flashbacks" yet, but I also know I can't just open the scene with them. Reyf needs to have at least a few exchanges with the crew first, then we can launch into a block of exposition which would work for flashbacks.

    (This version of the script still includes the references to "rumors about Section 31," I haven't decided what to do about that yet, so don't get too hung up on that one point.)
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    - Can you tell what happened to G-Garr? Because the way i see it, the Fitz crew should already know what happened to him. If he was on board and he died, they would know. If he had is own ship and died, they would know. If he served on another ship, they would know. If he died somewhere on a station or planet, the minute Reyf got the message, everybody would again know (it was/is his best friend after all). So asking for 'what happened to Garr' seems pointless. And even if not the whole ship knows, at least Prentice does.
    - I might be missing something, but where did you do the flashbacks in this scene? This is the old script with ajustments. Having a flashback with a conversation on the background is going to be distracting.

    What you can do, basically starting from my script-mashup, is to let Reyf have a small intro about why he had to (or felt too) keep his mouth shut, but that they still failed, and he was out of ideas. You can let the crew make a comment about it to react. Then after the intro you start with 'this is garr as we knew him 10 years ago', showing his photo on the monitor. The next story point you make about garr then becomes the start of the narrated flashback.
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    The question of the climax is still one I haven't quite figured out yet. The more I think about it, the more I think it's going to take on a form something like this:
    Fleets meet in battle, and the crew does sneak aboard Drakus' command ship as previously discussed. Just when they think they've talked him down, he gives the "no surrender, no retreat" order, and Prentice shoots him with his phaser. Before they can apprehend him, he transports to the ISS Voyager, which as we've discussed is cloaked nearby, but in a final act of vengeance he transports Reyf over as well. By this point, the proof has already been sent to the rest of the Romulans, who attack the ISS Voyager on sight. In the process, the ship is damaged, and plunges down into the black hole. When the gravity well tears apart the temporal reactor on board, a temporal shock wave washes over the battle scene, and when we see the Fitzgerald next, suddenly Good Garr is there, and the bridge is back to TNG-esque colors.
    Unfortunately, i can shoot some holes in this:
    - Garr excapes to his cloaked ship, why on Earth/Space would he decloak the damn thing in a battle? That is almost a nomination for a Darwin Award.
    - Why would the Romulans stop firing on the ship as soon as it is disabled? If you are used/misled in such a manner, whould you not shoot the ship back to its component parts? I would :)
    - Are you having the battle above a black hole? Not a smart location.

    Or am i misinterpreting the whole deal, and Garr does escape, and only decloaks over his black hole? But why does he need to be there in the first place? And how can there be a lot of romulan ships are pressent (which are needed because E-Garr's ship is strong), even though most of the romulan fleet is having a war with the Federation fleet?

    Lastly: what happens with the timeline once they both hit the black hole?
    - Are you eliminating both characters from the timeline? That means, no G-Garr or E-Garr, and also no Reyf. That means a lot of changes to your original timeline. Prentice might not even be Captain. Also, nobody remembers the two characters (essentially that reset you want to avoid).
    - Or just resetting the timeline? If you do the last, you have the Garr -> Spectre ->G-Garr towards ships -> E-Garr destroys federation cycle again. This would also be that reset, but would end up right where you left off. E-Garr did have one good influence on the timeline, and that is nudging G-Garr towards ships, avoiding the whole Spectre deal (with G-Garr).
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Thy King:
    Responding very quickly to one plot point, I'm pretty sure we've already had the discussion about why there's a black hole involved. Remember waaay back in the first crew briefing, Reyf said that Admiral Janeway is assembling a fleet in Sector 585? That's the same place as the Devil's Heart black hole, which Garr visited to extract fuel from near the end of Specter.
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    True, i forgot about that. But:
    The sector is larger than just one anomaly. And having a capital battle right above/in the gravitational field of a black hole is not a smart thing to do. Garr still has to travel towards the black hole from the battle. And only an idiot would drop his cloak while running away and while being surrounded by enemy ships.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Thy King:
    You're forgetting one thing: the Federation fleet would naturally want to "take shelter" near the black hole, to take advantage of the gravitational lensing to afford some cover from Romulan observation, an effort to disguise their numbers. And the intent is for the Romulan fleet to essentially ambush them--remember, they'll be launching 12 hours ahead of schedule.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    i didnt read the new script, but i for one prefer to skip the flashbacks altogether; its not necessary and I think it takes away from the crew interaction. And as i said before, If you're going to 'restore' the timeline, i suggest either Yesterdays Enterprise style where no one remembers what happened - as you said, you want everyone to remember - or only a partial restoration. Garrs manipulations DID happen, but the ISS Voyager ceases to exist from the timeline; everyone remembers that he wasnt actually there. And please, please, PLEASE do not bring back "good Garr" - too confusing, for starters, and besides, he's already dead no matter what timeline you use. but i dont blame you for bringing back the old TNG colors (how about Generations colors?) its an awesome show.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    @Thy King:
    You're forgetting one thing: the Federation fleet would naturally want to "take shelter" near the black hole, to take advantage of the gravitational lensing to afford some cover from Romulan observation, an effort to disguise their numbers. And the intent is for the Romulan fleet to essentially ambush them--remember, they'll be launching 12 hours ahead of schedule.
    I disagree. The Federation goes about their way showing their forces as a way of deterring confrontation, not sneaking around. If they snuck around everywhere they wouldn't have banned the development of cloaking devices. They'd have done a better job of concealing the minefield they were deploying at the Bajoran wormhole and they wouldn't regularly "display a show of force" whenever the Romulans were acting up near the neutral zone (or klingon border for that matter). The core principal of the Federation and Starfleet has NEVER been to skulk around in the shadows, but be a beacon of strength. So they may have a probe or advanced guard near the black hole, but they'd never hide their entire fleet near one. Not to mention if they're about to engage a larger force, they wouldn't be stupid enough to compromise a WHOLE fleet by sitting near a giant gravity well... That's Berman & Braga style thinking.

    Also, if the Federation fleet is expecting a romulan confrontation, it may be better to have the romulans emerge from the black hole space to ambush them. Starfleet would be tachyon scanning and everything (as well as spreading their ships out) if they knew they were going to engage a large cloaked force.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    the mines at the bajoran wormhole were supposed to be cloaked
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    the mines at the bajoran wormhole were supposed to be cloaked

    Yes, but if starfleet really wanted to keep it 100% secret, they wouldn't have made the deployment so flashy. They could have concealed the job wel enough that the Dominon wouldn't know until the first Jem'Hadar ship exploded. Starfleet planted them in full view of everyone to send a message. Which is inheriant to how they operate.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    Nadesico wrote: »
    Yes, but if starfleet really wanted to keep it 100% secret, they wouldn't have made the deployment so flashy. They could have concealed the job wel enough that the Dominon wouldn't know until the first Jem'Hadar ship exploded. Starfleet planted them in full view of everyone to send a message. Which is inheriant to how they operate.

    Rule of Plot :D According to the episode, they were working on a deadline, and were more concerned with efficiency than secrecy
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    Nadesico wrote: »
    [...]they may have a probe or advanced guard near the black hole, but they'd never hide their entire fleet near one. Not to mention if they're about to engage a larger force, they wouldn't be stupid enough to compromise a WHOLE fleet by sitting near a giant gravity well...
    This. You dont park your battletanks on a frozen lake, or in a minefield. You dont park your battleships near corral reefs or in a mine field, and you dont park your important spacefleet in a gravity well so large, it sucks light in. Any commander who would do that, would screw himself over bigtime, because it does not matter from whatever direction the enemy comes, he always has the 'high ground', and therefore the advandage.
    Also, if the Federation fleet is expecting a romulan confrontation, it may be better to have the romulans emerge from the black hole space to ambush them. Starfleet would be tachyon scanning and everything (as well as spreading their ships out) if they knew they were going to engage a large cloaked force.
    This might be your solution, but E-Garr seems more of a frontal attack kinda man in my eyes though...

    As far as the taking shelter goes, it is smarter to do that close to a planet, or in an asteroid field or something like that. But with a large fleet, even that will not really matter.

    Either way, E-Garr will have to make his way to the black hole, and unless he is rather stupid, he will do that cloaked. As soon as he gets into the gravity well, he might be detected, but the reaction time of the Romulans depends on the distance from the battle itself.

    Speaking of battles: you tend to battle for imporant stuff (planets, starbases and such), not a black hole. The other location to battle is an intercept point set up by the defensive fleet to intercept the attacking enemy fleet, moving directly for a space target. I guess the last one can be the battle you want, but that would still not be above a black hole. You also dont have capital ship battle in a minefield. I think it is best to rethink some of the climax points.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Thy King:
    According to the rules set down in Specter, the gravity well of the Devil's Heart only extends "100 million kilometers in every direction." Starfleet is said to have lost "a number of ships" trying to study the phenomenon. It's a known hazard, and therefore its proximity is one of the last places the Romulans would think to look for a Federation staging area. Sensor interference from the black hole is a worthy tradeoff.

    Remember also that the Romulans will be ambushing them. They're not fighting over the black hole; the Romulans will arrive 12 hours before they're expected, and so the point will be to eradicate the Federation fleet, not to secure a strategically worthless sector.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Scene 36 is up:

    Scene 37 coming soon.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    @Thy King:
    According to the rules set down in Specter, the gravity well of the Devil's Heart only extends "100 million kilometers in every direction." Starfleet is said to have lost "a number of ships" trying to study the phenomenon. It's a known hazard, and therefore its proximity is one of the last places the Romulans would think to look for a Federation staging area. Sensor interference from the black hole is a worthy tradeoff.

    Remember also that the Romulans will be ambushing them. They're not fighting over the black hole; the Romulans will arrive 12 hours before they're expected, and so the point will be to eradicate the Federation fleet, not to secure a strategically worthless sector.
    These are romulans, the FIRST place they'd look is inside the Devil's heart because any Romulan commander would easily consider staging an ambush in their themselves. I'm sorry, your logic fails in this particular instance. The only reason for starfleet to be hiding in the gravity well is dramatic storytelling, but makes absolutely no sense in any military or strategic context. Hell, it's the kind of thing (as i said before) we screamed at the Beebs for 7 years on Voyager for doing.

    Not to mention that Starfleet is not stupid enough to put the entire fleet near a gravity well that has TAKEN ships in the past. If it were just a hazard and risky, sure, it'd be marginally more believable but if it's one that's taken ships, there's no way any sane captain would be there. AND any Captain who tried would be relieved by his XO for endangering the ship.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    Nadesico wrote: »
    These are romulans, the FIRST place they'd look is inside the Devil's heart because any Romulan commander would easily consider staging an ambush in their themselves. I'm sorry, your logic fails in this particular instance. The only reason for starfleet to be hiding in the gravity well is dramatic storytelling, but makes absolutely no sense in any military or strategic context. Hell, it's the kind of thing (as i said before) we screamed at the Beebs for 7 years on Voyager for doing.

    Not to mention that Starfleet is not stupid enough to put the entire fleet near a gravity well that has TAKEN ships in the past. If it were just a hazard and risky, sure, it'd be marginally more believable but if it's one that's taken ships, there's no way any sane captain would be there. AND any Captain who tried would be relieved by his XO for endangering the ship.


    Scene 36: Nothing spectacular, but no crits either :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Alright guys, I've come up with a version of Scene 37 that I think is workable. Unfortunately, it doesn't include the flashbacks, but I think it covers all the bases. Going to start working on it today and see what happens. When it goes up, if it's not well received, nothing stopping us from going back and trying an alternate route.

    Stay tuned...
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    Scene 36: quite good. You have a nice buildup of logic going on. It is still strange that the Romulans did not cought on on the same reasoning, but i guess i can live with that :).

    I know you dont want to rethink your climax, but we are not wrong about parking at a black hole being stupid. If you have the stargate episodes available, look up S10E03 "The Pegasus Project", where a similar scenario takes place. There the Earh ship uses maximum sublight engines, just to stay in place, and when the Wraith attack, their shields are low, and they cannot counter attack, since they cannot see them due to sensor interference. The Wraith literally have the higher ground and have a free fire fest. [side note info: due to the 3d nature of a black hole, from whatever location around the black hole, every direction pointing towards the center of the blackhole is 'down'.]

    If you do something similar with the Federation fleet, you will have a similar type battle, where the Romulans can just pick them off from a safe 'altitude', while the Feds need all their power just to keep their ships from falling appart. It is going to be a grandiose failure. Or as someone on dutch television once said: Failing Cum Laude.

    And then there is the matter of what is going to happen once E-Garr's ship explodes. You have 2 options, no time jump started (any other options do not make sense):
    - Nothing, just Reyf and Garr dead.
    - Reyf and Garr are deleted from the timeline.

    With a timejump started, you have more options:
    - Both travel into the past, set up for a new confrontation, only they remember, possibility of more than 1 of themselves allive (2 Reyfs, 3 Garrs)
    - Only Garr travels into the past, mayhem follows
    - Reyf travels back into the past, alters some things for the better (if he hits the right time)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Thy King:
    Regarding the climax, the Federation fleet is going to be near the black hole but not so close that they'll be in danger (the magic number is 100 million kilometers--as long as they stay outside that radius they're fine). They're not trying to study it, just "hide behind it" so that the Romulans won't see them, or at least will have a hard time determining exact numbers. Naturally, being Romulans, our villains already know exactly where the Starfleet ships are, so when they drop out of warp, they can come around the black hole and surprise their opponents. No one has "higher ground" or anything like that--it's just something that will appear in the backgrounds of several shots, and will ultimately snare the ISS Voyager as it tries to escape. I've got a few different ways worked out that this can happen--the leading cause is battle damage, coupled with Reyf transporting aboard and doing something that neutralizes Garr's nanoprobes, effectively disabling him--but when the ship gets pulled down into the event horizon and gets torn apart, cue temporal explosion, and so on and so forth.

    By the way guys, I'm beside myself with excitement to announce that Mark Kingsnorth--known for his Insignia class starship, which has already appeared in Retribution several times--has agreed to allow me the use of his Ascension-class ship, to be referred to in dialogue by class and by name (the USS Phoenix), to play the role of the flagship of the Federation fleet. If you're not familiar with this particular design, take a look:


    I'm going to upscale it a bit so that it's larger than the other ships, I'm planning to have it be roughly twice the length of the Enterprise-E. As I understand it, it was conceptualized to be a large ship anyway, so it all works out.
  • Thy KingThy King0 Posts: 0Member
    More pics of the Ascension class. I dont think it is a particular beautiful ship (just personal taste, i dont like the insignia either), but it will do nicely. It is 1400 meters long, according to the topic under the link.

    Found an aft view.

    Google is your friend :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    I agree they're both nonstandard designs, but remember that Retribution is set ten years into the future from the most current timeframe we've seen on screen. Ships that look advanced from the familiar are the standard here (though obviously some classic designs are still very much in use as well, as the Fitzgerald herself shows). The Insignia and the Ascension both exemplify that "state of Starfleet's art" very well, I think, and with the Ascension being that large and looking as powerful as it does (the Sovereign-class of its generation), it seems like the perfect candidate for flagship. Nothing else that I've seen--not even the Enterprise-F concept--can match its screen presence.
This discussion has been closed.