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3DProject Cosmos - The Morningstar



  • backsteptbackstept2403 Posts: 975Member
    fantastic new front-end there, Boss! :thumb:
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    nhall wrote: »
    O.O Awesome! Project Cosmos 3D WIP -- all I needed to see to know this was going to be awesome. Great work as usual, tovette. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: (By the way, are you ever going to open the Project Cosmos store on the site? I've had my credit card ready for some time, and my fingers are getting numb from gripping it for so long. :lol: )

    Yeah, It will open. Sorry for the delay. I've been going in ten different directions with Cosmos. I want to make sure the stuff that I post on the store will be the best quality I can make it, so that's probably another factor that is taking a long time.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Been a while since I visited the wips section and saw something that had really caught my interest. Your whole project is really great. Almost makes me wanna revive some of my old ideas :)
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Viper wrote: »
    Been a while since I visited the wips section and saw something that had really caught my interest. Your whole project is really great. Almost makes me wanna revive some of my old ideas :)

    Thanks, Viper! :) Workin the ol' creative muscle is fun!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    New front area is looking sweet Mate.
  • The details look excellent, sweet work, I can't wait to see more, how're you thinking of doing the texturing?
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    I'm not sure yet. Probably just a mix of procedural and painted.
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Decided to get back to the Morningstar and do some more work on her. The white is her final hull color.

    Started working on the entrance to the ship.
  • How big is that door? It looks like it could be huge or just the size of a person I can't really tell. The details look good though, solid work.
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    The door is about about 2.1 meters tall.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    just right for a person to walk up right though. but what is the width? 2m or 4m, or even bigger?

    Anyway very nice work mate. :thumb:
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    I'd guess it's about 1.5 wide. maybe a little more.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    so it big enough for a single person to walk though.

    Will you be adding a slighty bigger one say for Cargo and what not to go though?
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Yeah there will be a cargo hatch as well.

    Also, on a slightly different note, the lastest episode of Jack's Journal is up.
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Started some detail work on the Morningstar, Jack's ship from Jack'
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    She looks great Nate.
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    looks good nate, but i think the edge loops could use some tightening up, things look a bit "soft"
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Looking great so far, dude. :D
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Lee80 wrote: »
    looks good nate, but i think the edge loops could use some tightening up, things look a bit "soft"

    In what part?
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Worked on a little more of the dorsal aft section. My plan is to keep the majority of the surface smooth but have pockets of somewhat dense greebles.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice, looks like it oculd be all part of the engine.
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Actually I have the foggiest idea what it all could be. :p I'll be making this ship into a cutaway cross-section similar to the star wars incredible cross-section books, so I'll know one way or the other what that stuff is :p
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Look forward to seeing it.
  • backsteptbackstept2403 Posts: 975Member
    I like this little shippy
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    Tovette wrote: »
    In what part?

    nvm nate must have just been the shadows. Like the new render, the greebles are looking sweet
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Nice greebles. :)
  • LarsenLarsen171 Posts: 0Member
    Oh man... Nate is modeling again! Oh wait or is just me online again...LOL Anyway, I love your designs bro, you know that! you blow me away with your talent, 2D or 3D dosn't mater, your designs allways rock!
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Thanks, Larsen!! I love your stuff too! You're one of my favorites.
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Started blocking out the interior of the ship so that when I start blocking in superstructure, the rooms and passages won't get in the way. I've still got a few more rooms to go. So far I have the cargo bay, engineering, bridge, and jack's quarters placed. Still need to add Jan's and Chalk's room, the galley, medical bay, escape pods, supply closets, and the computer core. Not sure if there will be room for all that. Guess we'll see...
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Sweet... looks good so far. I assume one of those large blocks/areas is the computer core?
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