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3DMy BSG Models



  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    yes, indeed.
  • ChrisGFXChrisGFX362 GermanyPosts: 607Member
    cool update :) I like it
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    this version of Colonial One is a hell lot better than your first attempt.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks XRaiderV1.7, kenny, Chris & Freak
    Freak wrote: »
    this version of Colonial One is a hell lot better than your first attempt.
    :lol: your not wrong there :lol:
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    Freak wrote: »
    this version of Colonial One is a hell lot better than your first attempt.

    I agree with that.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok so here is another rebuild I have started:D

    I thought it was about time I redid the colonial liner model, so here is the start of it.
    Not much done but so far but you can see that I'll be adding all the windows in this time around:D
    ( yes I know there is a big hole in the side it, that's because it's awaiting some windows :lol: )

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    You really are going to build the whole frackin' fleet, arent you?
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    well I was planning to :D
  • MephMeph331 Posts: 0Member
    Hehehe, then I'll be watching from the sidelines with a big bucket of popcorn and a footballmatch rattler. *TRRRRRRRRR* pmpn

    Damn, and I've been working since september '06 on just one ship....
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    ^ Not as long as that but I been working on the fighter for awhile/ hehehe

    I-D nice love those engines.
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Reminds me of both a cricket bat and a baseball bat....But' of course it's the starting stage and every stage look's weird..But' I agree Nice Rear Tail End of the Colonial Linner Rob. Car'nt wait to see the details begin..
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    here is a small update as I haven't had much time to spend on this:(
    tell me what you think.

    Now it's time to start doing all the windows:(

    comments are welcome
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice Mate really Nice
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    WOW!! Really Good Rob..
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Freak & kenny.

    Still haven't had much time to spend on this:( but I now have most of the windows put in:)
    Here is a render.
    and I have started to do a little bit of work on the under side.

    I should have some more free time this weekend to have a real good go at this model, so with a bit of luck there should be another update very soon:D

    Comments are always welcome:thumb:
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1190 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,631Member
    Nice... I love the look of the Olympic Carrier.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    nice detailing.
    What ref do you have for the underside?
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys.

    @ Freak:- these are the refs I'm using.
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey, Rob - Instead of a Gemon Liners, how about Picon Liners or Virgon Liners - for a name of your design tag for the ship you are createing ?
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    I've put the liner model to one side for a couple of days and started this th_CYLONRAIDERMKIpic2.jpg
    The cylon Raider MK1 from TOS I will be making an updated one from razor as well:D

    @ kenny : when I get the hang of texturing I'll make a texture for each liner:D but in till then I'll just keep making more of the fleet:D

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    Always nice to see some original series ships around here. :)
  • kennykenny0 Posts: 0Member
    No problem Rob, Nice start to the first version of the cylon raider:thumb:.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice mate,
    Your starting to turn these out fast now.
  • Dr.SleepDr.Sleep0 Posts: 0Member
    love your models Ice D. Very nice raider...
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Can't wait to see the Razor version of the Raider. Great job, as usual.
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Guys

    With a bit of luck I should finish modeling this one tomorrow then I can start the razor version:D

    @ Freak:- I don't know I still haven't finished the last few that I have started:eek: BUT I will:D
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    This is as far as I'm going to take this fighter now and I'll start the razor version in the next couple of weeks ( Need to finish off some ships first:D )

    Here are some renders for you to look at.
    Poly count on this is only 9k.

    Comments are welcome:thumb:
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Here is a little something new ( Old ) I have been working on:D

    The Colonial Guardian.

    It is a tos design but with a little tweak here and there:D

    I hope you like

    Poly count so far is 32k

    Comments are welcome
  • ElffinElffin171 Posts: 0Member
    interesting work Id - nice details and looks very promising

    What type of role? missile gunboat type?
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