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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    very nice RJB and Scorp:thumb:

    and to answer your question Scorp, I think I will know if I am accepted or not on monday or tuesday. I am just hoping i do get in.

    Regards Jesh
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    hermiod wrote: »
    What are the smaller objects between your cruisers? I can't quite make them out.
    This scene was done for the Gateworld virtual fleet so they will be the new villains who will show up in this round of the story. They are called the swarm and that is the attack ships they will be using. (about 50m in length.)
  • gateworld virtual fleet?
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Carach wrote: »
    gateworld virtual fleet?
    Over at we have an ongoing stargate story which the different members have been adding to. Right now we are starting on the 3rd installment, after the last war 1/3 of the fleet was wiped out so we are in the fleet rebuilding phase. So this means we are voting in new ships and coming up with the basic overview of what the 3rd installment will be about.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    very nice work everyone i like the Exculibur in batle scene ;) also updates on ther serpent.. only small updates but only ones in a while lol sorry about the background but i was stuffing around a bit in max again hehe
  • RJB wrote: »
    Over at we have an ongoing stargate story which the different members have been adding to. Right now we are starting on the 3rd installment, after the last war 1/3 of the fleet was wiped out so we are in the fleet rebuilding phase. So this means we are voting in new ships and coming up with the basic overview of what the 3rd installment will be about.

    I thought this forum might as well do the same thing...create a virtual fleet...with animation and everything.
  • there a link to this? i checked out gateworld but cannot find it
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Carach wrote: »
    there a link to this? i checked out gateworld but cannot find it
    Gateworld Virtual Fleet 3.0!
    A number of our own members here also take part in it.

    They also have there own model thread.
    Original Starship Design Thread

    ray243 - Yes we really should do something with the fleet we are making.

    tadz - She looks like she is coming along well.
    Keep up the good work.
  • cookycooky0 Posts: 0Member
    First Gateworld Fleet Effectivelly complete.

    Second Virtual Fleet Effectivelly complete.

    Third Virtual Fleet Current fleet, now about one week old.
  • first page of the first gateworld fleet.. a guy stole the caldari fighter design from eve online and put it on the thread claiming it as his own wtf

    a few pages later another guy nicks another caldari ship design... what the hell is going on here

    theres actually a bunch just on the first dozen pages.. of eve online screenshot and artwork steals.

    Ipresume most of them dont have their own 3d programs then.
  • cookycooky0 Posts: 0Member
    Carach wrote: »
    first page of the first gateworld fleet.. a guy stole the caldari fighter design from eve online and put it on the thread claiming it as his own wtf

    a few pages later another guy nicks another caldari ship design... what the hell is going on here

    theres actually a bunch just on the first dozen pages.. of eve online screenshot and artwork steals.

    Ipresume most of them dont have their own 3d programs then.

    He was shut down a long time ago. Far as I know, he's not on Gateworld anymore. I'd thought the mods had deleted the posts he made on that thread.
  • there was more than one guy doing it, there were a few :/
  • cookycooky0 Posts: 0Member
    I don't remember the second guy, but I doubt he was allowed to get away with it either. I do remember the thread was shut down for a couple weeks because of the first guy, and he never came back.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    My Tempest model is now done all that is left to do is the lighting setup.
  • Your ship looks great RJB:thumb:. I've never understood this but apart from armor plates why are the hulls of all ships so bumpy? Wouldn't it be better to have smooth hulls? And I'm wondering that for ships that have shields not the Battlestar Glactica type ships.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    cooky wrote: »
    He was shut down a long time ago. Far as I know, he's not on Gateworld anymore. I'd thought the mods had deleted the posts he made on that thread.

    Who was it that was doing it? I looked but couldn't tell who it was.

    And yes, I know I have been M.I.A. for quite a while. It's been a very rough month.
  • cookycooky0 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Who was it that was doing it? I looked but couldn't tell who it was.

    And yes, I know I have been M.I.A. for quite a while. It's been a very rough month.

    The guy who started the first thread stole some designs and posted them there. The thread got shut down for a couple weeks, and when it came back origionally, most of his posts were gone (Though they seem to be back now). As for the second guy, I don't know who it is. I only remember the one guy.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    just a figered out how to merge lol.. so heres a screen shot and the sizes are way off but just a pic i made when i was bored
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    what do you call the bottom one tadz?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    "Serpent B-314" it is way over size tho it should be about 1/4th that size
  • nice finish for the tempest rjb.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    That is a sweet loking ship RJB:thumb:

    Tadz- what program are you using again? if it's Max i might be able to help resize the smaller ship for you.

    Good to see you Freek, hope the trouble is over and we see you in here more.:cool:
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    That is a sweet loking ship RJB:thumb:

    Tadz- what program are you using again? if it's Max i might be able to help resize the smaller ship for you.
    Thank you and talking with Tadz yesterday I'm 95% sure he said it was max he was using.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    It's definately max he's using cos I've been trying to help him get to grips with the basics of it
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    A new size chart with the finished Tempest.
  • Good to see you back Freek. Hope your feeling a-ok :thumb:

    Tadz, nice ship, and i see you've got lots of masters to teach you max :cool:

    RJB: like the Tempest. Tough little ship :D;)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Well it's happened again.... Yet another ship has entered my long list of projects:rolleyes:

    Presenting the Sword/Katana-Class stealth ship (312).

    Reading through the Gateworld fleet threads i came across a list of different classifications of ship and the Stealth idea jumped out at me....


    Originally this was going to be a triple Decker but after looking ar the space i reverted this into yet another double deck ship. The ship contains one GJ in a small hanger near the front of the ship and can carry up to around 8 crew.

    While it contains a small bank of missile tubes above the tip of the nose (Yet to be modelled) this ship isn't designed to charge head on into battle with guns ablaze. This ship is designed to sneak behind the enemy lines and deposit troops and/or bombs and retreat to safety.

    It can also be used as a 'Watcher'. the PuddleJumper-derived cloaking shield can cloak the ship for very long periods at a time. The modified Hyperdrive and sublight engines emit a quarter of the energy and emissions the Daedalus-class ships emit thus making it harder to detect.

    Along with the missile tubes the ship will have a large number of railguns dotted around the hull, For defensive means mainly, and the ship will carry up-to-date state-of-the-art communications and radar systems.

    Not sure weather to name this the Sword-Class or the Katana-Class, in either case the five or so ship that would be built ships will be named after famous Swords.

    Should i call it Sword-Class or Katana-Class:confused:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok to start RJB thats a very nice ship you have there :thumb: freek good too see you around, dr lee very nice design looks stealthy hehe and also too everyone that has helped it is muchly appreciated :D:D:D:D:D
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    looking like an excellent start Dr Lee. :thumb:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Great work as always RJB
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Not sure weather to name this the Sword-Class or the Katana-Class, in either case the five or so ship that would be built ships will be named after famous Swords.

    Should i call it Sword-Class or Katana-Class:confused:

    I think if you intend on naming all ships of this class after swords then you should probably name it sword class and maybe have Katana as the name of one of the ships.

    As far as the design, it certainly says stealthy to me. I think maybe sort out the ass a bit so it's less blocky. I love the engines on the side like that, really like.

    I've got an update on my still as yet unnamed battleship. I didn't like the backside very much, it was very flat and plain. I took some inspiration from both Alnair's Achilles class and RJB's Excalibur and extended a section back (in my case the engines) to sort of balance it all out. To me it looked like a capital T before now it looks more like a lower case t (minus the curvy end of course). I think it's improving anyway, I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things.

    As you can see there's 3 bigass cannons on the ship (mainly to keep O'Neill happy lol). I can't decide whether to keep them as they are with the inner ones on both sides further down the ship, or have them back how they were when i originally made them which was all 8 being in line with each other.
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