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  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    It's not worth argueing over guys.
    I personally believe they can traverse galaxies in minutes when they have to(As mentioned before, in the episode with Thor's hammer being damaged, and the episode with the Replicators on the russian sub), but everyone else is free to believe what they will.
    This is a friendly thread, folks.

    I'm not arguing. I'm pointing out the truth. :lol: They did it many times on screen. They talked about it on screen before. And isn't the canon based on what's seen on screen? It would be one thing if the item in question was inconsistantly portayed, but it never has been. Oh, and it's the same in the books too. so what's to argue about?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Agreed, I don't think it was a plot device for particular episodes when it suited them, I just think the Asgard are very fast that's all.

    If it was something that had been directly contradicted on screen at another time then fair enough, like the size of the O'Niell class ships in previous episodes compared to when it was shown in the battle scene in the season 9 finale "Camelot," it was a lot smaller than it previously had been.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    I'm not arguing. I'm pointing out the truth. :lol: They did it many times on screen. They talked about it on screen before. And isn't the canon based on what's seen on screen? It would be one thing if the item in question was inconsistantly portayed, but it never has been. Oh, and it's the same in the books too. so what's to argue about?

    I know. I hold the same beliefs as you do.
    I wasn't blaming the argueing on you...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Another little update to the Icarus. I've started work on the hyperdrive spires (basically because I felt like it). I'm not sure I like the actual panelling on it yet, but it may look better when textured (that'll be a miracle). Anyway, just thought I'd post it to stop you guys from arguing :p
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I am debating weather to rebuild much of ther Churchill or not....

    Nothing majorly major (:lol:) but after working on the archer class i can see a number of improvements i can do. Part of me is thinking of completely rebuilding it as well. At the moment all but the Churchill are to the same scale (A 6ft person being the basis with the churchill having the people at 2ft) but the amount of work it'll take to rebuild the almost completed bridge (As the cargobay can be hidden i don't need to convert that) and other areas is forcing me to think again.

    What would you guys do in my place?

    Liking the Icarus panels Scorp....
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I'm always in favour of rebuilds. Personally I'm constantly learning new things in my modelling and when I look at my previous models I think "I really could have done that better." That's why I've started a rebuild of the Valkyrie. And I feel the rebuild of the Argo was a vast improvement on my original effort.

    So in conclusion yes, go for the rebuild! lol
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Well as it turns out i can't do sh*t atm. Somehow i've turned off the...axis arrows in Move/Rotate/Scale.

    And i dunno how to turn them back on...:(

    EDIT-Scratch that... found the reason
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    What are you saying? Are you saying that the speed of the Asgard ships was a plot hole or a ploy just to move the story along? I'm unsure as to what you are trying to say.
    All right all right, you've beaten me :-) But I still think this all is quite uncertain. Canon or non-canon, for me it's more like logical or unlogical. I mean, no one expect that Starfleet troopers fight only in those pyjamas, right? This is the same. Officialy, Atlantis is smaller than you've said. I just think, that if Asgard have that instant HD, it would be freakingly easy to win any war against anyone 'cause war is more about where you are than what is your weapon, they shouldn't have bother with long trip with Prommy in S6, they shouldn't get to Earth using gate in 4-01, etc. etc.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Well as it turns out i can't do sh*t atm. Somehow i've turned off the...axis arrows in Move/Rotate/Scale.

    And i dunno how to turn them back on...:(

    EDIT-Scratch that... found the reason

    hehe. don;t worry about it Dr Lee. it happens to us all. :lol:

    First time it happened was at college. lets just say i kind of panic. I paniced even more when my tutors didn't know, then all of a sudden i think someone presses x and its there. We were all like "aaaahhhh" and slightly embaressed! :shiner:

    Seriously, why is the "make arrows disapper" button right next to the undo one!?! :shiner: :p

    oh, and don't forget tadz had a little update on the previous page...*ahem* ;) :cool:
  • cookycooky0 Posts: 0Member
    Been experimenting with particles and animation a little bit over the last few days. Came up with this. Not perfect yet, but I think its a start.

    [ame=""]Hyperspace test vid[/ame]
  • TolbertTolbert331 Posts: 0Member
    This is my new destroyer class vessel, so it has no name yet.

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    All right all right, you've beaten me :-) But I still think this all is quite uncertain. Canon or non-canon, for me it's more like logical or unlogical. I mean, no one expect that Starfleet troopers fight only in those pyjamas, right? This is the same. Officialy, Atlantis is smaller than you've said. I just think, that if Asgard have that instant HD, it would be freakingly easy to win any war against anyone 'cause war is more about where you are than what is your weapon, they shouldn't have bother with long trip with Prommy in S6, they shouldn't get to Earth using gate in 4-01, etc. etc.

    Actually it just so happens I just watched that exact episode tonight, in fact I finished watching it about 2mins ago. Thor states that the reason he has travelled to Earth is that all their ships are tied up fighting the replicators. And if you remember, at the end of that episode Thor and Sam get from the Asgard home galaxy (or what is considered to be their home Galaxy) of Ida in a Beliskner class ship to Earth in absolutely no time at all to save Jack and Teal'c from the soon to explode Russian sub. Not arguing, just stating the evidence as I'd so recently watched the episode.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Well as it turns out i can't do sh*t atm. Somehow i've turned off the...axis arrows in Move/Rotate/Scale.

    And i dunno how to turn them back on...:(

    EDIT-Scratch that... found the reason

    Oh boy, been there lol...sooooo many times. The other one I keep doing is inadvertently pressing space and turning the selection lock on so when I try to select something else suddenly I can't do it. It's a simple case of pressing space or the little lock icon at the bottom of the screen yet I still forget and end up restarting max.
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    oh, and don't forget tadz had a little update on the previous page...*ahem* ;) :cool:

    Oh yeah meant to reply to that. Looking good so far. It's quite ironic that I was one of the ones that said I thought the ship was way oversized, and with it at it's current size the Argo is actually bigger lol.

    Nice work cooky. Like you say, just a start but it's a very nice start. With a bit of refinement, resizing etc, that could be one of the best hyperspace exits I've seen

    And Tolbert, nice start on the destroyer. I like the panelling. Nice to see another non-standard daedalus/prometheus clone
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice ship Tolbert, Do you have any stats on it? Also what program are you using for it?

    Cooky- Love the effect but is it possible to slow the ship down a bit?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Oh yeah meant to reply to that. Looking good so far. It's quite ironic that I was one of the ones that said I thought the ship was way oversized, and with it at it's current size the Argo is actually bigger lol.
    well she used to b huge and i mean death star huge lol but then she kept getting smaller and smaller but it is better that way and she is still practically the same strength just smaller lol but not to strong
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    well she used to b huge and i mean death star huge lol but then she kept getting smaller and smaller but it is better that way and she is still practically the same strength just smaller lol but not to strong

    Yeah I remember when you first showed her to us, ended up in quite a few arguments about the size (not very often that happens is it tadz? you getting into arguments lol :flippy:). I think the current size is good anyway, she still looks mean and imposing without being unrealistically big.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Started on the rebuild of the Churchill into the same scale as the rest of my 'Fleet':D


    Not so confident on how the drive pods came out.. I'll change them later


    Changed them... Also changed the way i'm building stuff. instead of multiple files I'm going to use one file for it all (That is unless i can find a way of Exporting the ships WITYH the assigned textures attached)

  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    cooky wrote: »
    Been experimenting with particles and animation a little bit over the last few days. Came up with this. Not perfect yet, but I think its a start.

    Hyperspace test vid
    Not a bad start. Although, just some suggestions, I'd slow the ship a bit. I think the rate of decelleration should be squared and not so linear. Meaning, and this is just an example, the starts by going 1 meter and slows by 1 meter/s, then the next meter is goes, it slows by 2 m/s, the next meter, it slows by 4 m/s, and etc etc. Also, I'm not sure if you can do this in the program you are using, but how about blurring the particles and adding a spawn on collision function. That might make it look me gas like than just particles.
    Tolbert wrote: »
    This is my new destroyer class vessel, so it has no name yet.

    WooHoo! An unconventional design. I like it, I like it alot. It's different yet you can still see the familial resemblance.
    scorpius wrote: »
    Actually it just so happens I just watched that exact episode tonight, in fact I finished watching it about 2mins ago. Thor states that the reason he has travelled to Earth is that all their ships are tied up fighting the replicators. And if you remember, at the end of that episode Thor and Sam get from the Asgard home galaxy (or what is considered to be their home Galaxy) of Ida in a Beliskner class ship to Earth in absolutely no time at all to save Jack and Teal'c from the soon to explode Russian sub. Not arguing, just stating the evidence as I'd so recently watched the episode.

    And Tolbert, nice start on the destroyer. I like the panelling. Nice to see another non-standard daedalus/prometheus clone
    I just saw that episode the other day on SciFi. Just another example of it being consistantly portayed.

    Also, I agree with you on Tolbert's design. I really like non standard designs, much more so than Daedalus clones. I think the Daedalus design has been done to death. You know, make it your own. No need to do something that's already been done. Know what I mean Vern?
    scorpius wrote: »
    Yeah I remember when you first showed her to us, ended up in quite a few arguments about the size (not very often that happens is it tadz? you getting into arguments lol :flippy:). I think the current size is good anyway, she still looks mean and imposing without being unrealistically big.

    Te he he he. Naughty boy. But I agre. You don't need to be huge to be dangerous. You just need to be designed right and built tough.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Started on the rebuild of the Churchill into the same scale as the rest of my 'Fleet':D


    Not so confident on how the drive pods came out.. I'll change them later


    Changed them... Also changed the way i'm building stuff. instead of multiple files I'm going to use one file for it all (That is unless i can find a way of Exporting the ships WITYH the assigned textures attached)


    I had an idea for your Churchill class, something to set it apart more and make it a little more different from the Daedalus style. How about making the aft section wider than the bow section? This way, the main hull is more triangular yet retains the general shape. It doesn't need to be drastic, just something to make it more unique.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    wow nice work guys:thumb:

    hey DR Lee I havent seen that big grey ship befor, what is it(class wise) and what is its perpose? it looks like a really mean ship to me I cant wait to see more of all of everybodys stuff.

    also Scorpious, your Icarus design, kinda looks like an SR-71 BlackBird to me with the fins and all

    Regards Jesh
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I like that idea Freek.. I'll give it a go in a sec

    That grey hulk is all i have done in regards to the Carrier idea i've had floating around my head for a while now.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I like that idea Freek.. I'll give it a go in a sec

    That grey hulk is all i have done in regards to the Carrier idea i've had floating around my head for a while now.

    You could then integrate the engines into part of the back end too. So in a way, it would have a tiny bit of Al'Kesh look to it from behind. And because of it's size and purpose, it would be a sort of Al'Kesh counter-part, sort of. Also, given it's small size, relatively of course, I'd surmise that it is more of a shorter range ship than a Daedalus class. Not necessarily stuck in our solar system, but not going back and forth to Atlantis either. You have to remember that, the greater the distance, the greater the resources they have to take with them, and the larger the crew would need to be as well. You can't have a dozen people working 16 hour days every day for 3 weeks to get to Atlantis, especially if the air gets a little stale. Boys locker rooms in high school are only used what, 6 or 7 hours a day, and look how bad they tend to stink. LOL!!!!!! If you stick a bunch of guys in a flying tin can for anything more than a few days then it's gonna get a bit ripe. LOLOLOL!!!!!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member

    *Runs off to re-write entire fanfic*


    The only problem i have with making massive changes to the Churchill is that it has it's own fanfic and is described (Badly) already...

    *Goes off to think*
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Yeah I remember when you first showed her to us, ended up in quite a few arguments about the size (not very often that happens is it tadz? you getting into arguments lol :flippy:). I think the current size is good anyway, she still looks mean and imposing without being unrealistically big.
    hahahaha lmao i remember BSG reckon (i think)we dide'nt get along( but we might now lol ) lol but i don't want to get kicked from the site and also would rather have ppl like me or not bother not hate me
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Boys locker rooms in high school are only used what, 6 or 7 hours a day, and look how bad they tend to stink. LOL!!!!!! If you stick a bunch of guys in a flying tin can for anything more than a few days then it's gonna get a bit ripe. LOLOLOL!!!!!

    Dude. havn't you heard of Mop Boy before? Does all the cleaning for you while everyone else goes out on daring adventures!! :lol:

    oh, and ... *hands mop and bucket to freek* ... i wanna see it all SPOTLESS!!! :cool: :devil:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok update... mostly just a little bit more detail and the hangers have been done a lot better BTW: that tiny little green square on the hanger under the 302 is a person lol and any idea's for anything we can add to the design?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    ok update... mostly just a little bit more detail and the hangers have been done a lot better BTW: that tiny little green square on the hanger under the 302 is a person lol and any idea's for anything we can add to the design?

    a BIGASS CANNON!...sorry, the fanboy in me coming out there lol. Can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do I'll let you know. By the way, what's the gold coloured section underneath the hangars?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    a BIGASS CANNON!...sorry, the fanboy in me coming out there lol. Can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do I'll let you know. By the way, what's the gold coloured section underneath the hangars?

    Those are the Viper launch tubes...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I actually thought that too when I first saw them lol, I so hope they are lol
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    a BIGASS CANNON!...sorry, the fanboy in me coming out there lol. Can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do I'll let you know. By the way, what's the gold coloured section underneath the hangars?

    More you letting your O'Neill side out, he was always wanting a "big honking space gun...big and honkin!"
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    a BIGASS CANNON!...sorry, the fanboy in me coming out there lol. Can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do I'll let you know. By the way, what's the gold coloured section underneath the hangars?
    lmao bar is almost exactly right lol they are viper lunch tubes exept they are for Serpents ( my bomber class ), Larobers( my scout class ) and puddle jumpers, its purpose it to keep the scout or slower moving ships out of the way of the fighters when launching and just to save room on the main hanger and yes it does have cannons but there not there yet lol anyone else with some idea's. oh BTW: i have already explained the cannons awhile back but if u need to be refreshed just ask
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent idea, the design Im slowly working on has something similar with seperate launch areas for different craft
This discussion has been closed.