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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well, I can't say I like the central area, but we got it from the Hathaway, so it's canon.....
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    @JMP11 - The Lexington-B was launched four years after the Enterprise-E. It's a subtype that utilizes a few experimental systems, such as Type XII-HEF (High Energy Focus) phaser arrays (50% more output than normal Type XII) and thicker ablative armor than her sister ships. She also has the regenerative shielding that the Prometheus-class has. Also, she has a "turbocharged" warp core (not in the internal-combustion sense though).

    @Aresius - I know it's controversial.
  • RekkertRekkert4080 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,308Member
    @JMP11: Having grown up with Bridge Commander, I always imagined the USS Sovereign bridge as featured in that game (so, almost identical to the Ent-E except for some slight color variation).

    @evil_genius_180: Thanks!

    @Freak: Haha, indeed! Those seats should be required in all stations if you ask me. :tongue:

    @Aresius: It's funny, I never much cared for asymmetrical bridges myself, being super OCD about symmetry and all that. But after doing more than 50 bridges, I welcome the variety!

    Did some more work on the Swiftsure and Ranger bridges (another commission I've been working on but haven't shown yet), however now I'm focusing on a new commission I just got, but was small enough that I decided to do right away: the bridge for the USS Yamato, as seen in 'Contagion'.

    It's always exiting to work on canon stuff, even if it's the simplest of redresses. All we've got on the Yamato is the fact that the Captain's chair had some green padding on it, green bands over the headrest, and that the tactical console was covered in a similar green fabric, with some straps around the central support. (no, I won't be counting the USS Yamato NCC-1305-E from 'Where Silence Has Lease', that whole bit of the episode was silly beyond belief, and they didn't even changed the Enterprise dedication plaque).

    First order of business is actually to modify my existing TNG bridge to represent the season 2 version, which I hadn't done before. This is mostly a mix of the S1 and S3 looks, but with some unique elements to it; most notably the transparent decorative bits replacing the guest seats, the ribs added around the viewscreen, and the circuitry access panels being covered by the same fabric as the chairs. All these changes were new to this season and removed/replaced by the next. Of course the full list of episode by episode changes I compiled a while back is available over at Ex Astris Scientia, and I'll be using it as a guide to make sure the bridge is accurate to how the set was during filming of 'Contagion'.

    I've added most of these in, though I still have to do the transparent things; plus change all the LCARS to their season 2 version.

    Moving over to the Yamato specific changes, I've added the new green fabric material for the chairs and horseshoe. Given that in season 2 the Enterprise circuitry access panels were the same color as the chairs rather than the same grey as the alcoves, I replicated that here, with the panels the same green as the chairs. I know the color's not perfect, I'll be tweaking it once all the changes are in place.

    I've decided to add the same green padding on the XO/Specialist chairs (and I'll be adding the straps around the headrest as well), and on the Conn/Ops chairs.

    I want to keep the changes minimal and plausible for what could've been done for the set on the cheap, but I also want to somewhat add a bit more of a unique personality to this one (if my client approves the changes, of course). Any ideas? :)

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    edited May 2020 #2705
    Looking great so far. Are you going to change the carpet colors? I sure hope so, that red looks kind of terrible with the green, in my opinion. Aside from color changes and the obvious stuff like the dedication plaque, I don't imagine this bridge would be that much different than the Enterprise's main bridge.

    It's definitely interesting to see how they did this on the cheap, since their set budget was limited and the changes to the Enterprise's bridge couldn't be permanent. It never occurred to me that they just put fabric over the horseshoe, but seeing your HD screen cap, I can see it now. They probably just made a slip cover for the command chair's back pad.

    As for NCC-1305-E, that definitely doesn't count. It should be stricken from the record. Funny story, for those who don't know: Mike Okuda saw the script for that episode and was going to send a memo saying that it wasn't a proper TNG era registry number. Then Riker's line was gone from a later draft, so he never sent the memo. Obviously, it was added back in at some point on down the draft line. By the time the episode aired, he had already done the markings for the Yamato's saucer that explodes in Contagion, complete with the registry number NCC-71807. Given the tendency towards not having ships other than the Enterprises have the -A, -B, etc, I think we can agree that NCC-71807 should be the proper registry.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    edited May 2020 #2706
    Oh yeah, I've been looking forward to the Yamato! I love when you work on canon bridges. One thing I've noticed, is that the captain's chair, if not all the command seating, is about a foot higher than what they are on the Enterprise. You can really tell from that first screenshot compared to the render.

    @Rekkert You could mix up the style of padding, like they did in the Yamato's Ready Room. It looks like they added the 10-forward style in the same greenish-blue color.
    Post edited by JMP11 on
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1115 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,568Member
    Oh, sweet! I always loved the Yamato bridge!
  • RekkertRekkert4080 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,308Member
    edited May 2020 #2708
    @evil_genius_180: I know the red clashes horribly... but it's also seen on screen behind Captain Varley, and my client chose to keep it, so...
    It's not the worst color combination that cheap redresses-of-the-week gave us...

    Oh absolutely, the whole 1305-E registry number is silly, and was contradicted in 'Contagion' with all the Yamato logs having the 71807 registry. Plus with yet another number appearing on the ship's saucer section during the explosion sequence... and yet another number appearing in an LCARS list in 'Measure of a Man'... Early TNG was messy...

    @JMP11: Holy cow you're correct! I never noticed that, but it's so obvious. Ha! It gets me so happy to still learn new things about these sets. I imagine they used 'apple boxes' to place the command chairs higher, something that was done quite a lot on the Enterprise-D bridge in order to have more dramatic shots.

    Regarding the use of Ten Forward style padding, the question would be 'where'. I did some tests with all the alcove padding green, and with just one strip turned green, and both versions didn't look quite good to me.

    @BolianAdmiral: Always wished we could've seen more Galaxy classes on TNG and not have them explode, I feel like that was a bad habit from TOS that they needlessly used in 'Contagion'.

    I've added the strips to the headrests and started work on the LCARS, plus I've done those weird translucent arcs next to the XO/Specialist consoles.

    As you can see, to accommodate for the higher chairs @JMP11 mentioned, I've created a small platform for the command area. This isn't necessary per-se, and definitely wasn't on the set. As mentioned raised chairs were frequently used on all sets for TNG and the rest of the 90's series. But on the case of Yamato, that one shot is all we've got, so I'm choosing to take it as accurate of the ship's bridge, as it offers an excuse to make it more unique to the Enterprise.

    Rather than a boring square platform like what was used on 'Parallels' or even the redressed battle bridge, I decided to go the Probert route, and do a curved platform with a ramp on it. The Yamato was lost in early TNG, so what the hell it might as well scream early TNG. ;)

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    I like the platform. It's got a nice shape to it. And, of course, the translucent plastic "seats" look great.
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Isn't fun catching all the little changes they made and thinking, "why didn't I catch that before?" I've always really liked the straps on the headrests and the third ramp is a fun new take on it, great work!

    Yeah, I was thinking the padding in the alcoves could be changed, but it might be too busy there.

    It's fun to catch all the subtle changes they did during filming too, like in the picture below. On the right the command seating is in its normal configuration, but on the left the captain's chair has clearly been push forward for more of an "USS Odyssey command seating style." Because they needed the shot! :)

  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Loving the Yamato bridge.
    As for NCC-1305-E, that definitely doesn't count. It should be stricken from the record. Funny story, for those who don't know: Mike Okuda saw the script for that episode and was going to send a memo saying that it wasn't a proper TNG era registry number. Then Riker's line was gone from a later draft, so he never sent the memo. Obviously, it was added back in at some point on down the draft line. By the time the episode aired, he had already done the markings for the Yamato's saucer that explodes in Contagion, complete with the registry number NCC-71807. Given the tendency towards not having ships other than the Enterprises have the -A, -B, etc, I think we can agree that NCC-71807 should be the proper registry.

    The only other ship I know that was meant to have the - A, -B added to the registry was the Defiant from DS9.
    This would be on the Defiant that replaced the one that was blown up in the show.
    The Idea was that the team that was doing the CGI just needed to add it on the model they where using. But as it was the last season, it was decided not to bother as it would cost to much to render all the old effects shots that they used from episode to episode.
    This is why when you see the replacement Defiant, it still has the same Reg as the original
  • RekkertRekkert4080 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,308Member
    edited May 2020 #2712
    @evil_genius_180: Thanks! :)

    @JMP11: Oh absolutely, those continuity gaps are fun to spot once you know they tended to do that, it's also cool to see how creative they got in order to shot the same handful of characters on the same chairs all the time in interesting ways. :tongue:

    @Freak: Yeah, honestly I'm glad they didn't do that for the Defiant. Being an already commissioned ship, it should keep the Sao Paulo registry of NCC-75633, even if the reuse of old footage didn't permit for that to be done either. Personally, I subscribe to the theory that Starfleet never uses the "A, B, C" etc. thing except for the Enterprise, as it's the flagship. This was an unwritten rule Okuda used back in the TNG days, when creating the 'master ship list' that they used around 1991.

    Going back to the base, unmodified TNG bridge after so long really highlighted to me the problems the mesh has. It's understandable, I guess, as it was the very first canon bridge reproduction I did, originally as the USS Quasar bridge; and I had only been using Blender for half a year at that point.

    Some areas are very much under-segmented (the viewscreen most notably), while some others are insanely overdone with a ton of vertices that aren't even visible. The season 7 Ent-D bridge .blend file is almost 150MB in size. For comparison, newer models I do with better techniques like the Ross, Cerberus and Constellation (NX-1974) bridges are all around 10MB, as are their myriad redresses.

    So for the Yamato bridge I was very tempted to solve some of these issues, cleaning up the topology and simplifying the meshes when they were overdone. But being obsessive as I am, I knew I couldn't just do it to this new bridge and leave the previous canon bridges alone, no, I had to go in and change those as well. It was all or nothing.

    Compounding to that, ever since the Stage 9 days @Nayslayer (fellow S9 dev who did wonders with the Unreal Engine lighting, and who probably did more research into the TNG sets than the rest of us combined, seriously he could've easily walked the sets blindfolded), highlighted to me that the door frames on the bridge should be further recessed by about 10cm.

    A small issue for some, but he made sure I remembered it every time I worked on a Galaxy-class bridge, it's been something of a running joke between us, as I've been resistant to change it due to... well being OCD and then having to modify all my existing bridges. Still, given that I was already tempted to rework the canon bridges this time... I decided to finally do it.

    So, I've taken today to work on my Enterprise-D bridges again. One thing lead to another, and I ended up not only correcting these issues, but also completely redoing the lighting, and doing some further accuracy work.

    All the light emitting materials were replaced with gradients to better achieve the look of the neons used on the set. The rest of the materials were likewise revised in some way or another to bring them up to par with the ones I use today. I've also moved the conn/ops consoles slightly forward in both versions. Besides that, there were some changes specific to each version:

    On the season 1 bridge, the Captain's chair was replaced by a newer model I did last year, as were the conn/ops chairs. I've also added the replicator cutouts below the dedication plaque and the ship graphic opposite it (something else that @Nayslayer pointed out to me, I had no idea those were there!)

    Old s1 bridge:
    New s1 bridge (more renders here):

    On the season 7 bridge, I shut down the Engineering station at the back of the bridge, to replicate the look it had on the bridge most of the time. I've also tweaked the color management options on the renderer, to better mimic that oversaturated look that late TNG sometimes had.

    Old s7 bridge:
    New s7 bridge (more renders here):

    In the end the new versions of the bridge are less than 70MB in size, which I'm quite happy with given the originally insane sizes. I'll do the same treatment to the Parallels bridge during the week, but first I'm gonna go ahead and finish the Yamato commission.
    Post edited by Rekkert on
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    @evil_genius_180 - They actually goofed on the markings - in the remastered "Contagion," when you see the saucer before its outer hull melts away, the registry is NCC-71806!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, I think the thing I read about Mike Okuda probably had to do with the LCARS he did for the episode. I don't know if he ever applied decals to models, that sounds more like someone on Greg Jein's crew.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Yeah, I think the thing I read about Mike Okuda probably had to do with the LCARS he did for the episode. I don't know if he ever applied decals to models, that sounds more like someone on Greg Jein's crew.

    It was Mike that came up with any signs, Reg, Lcars etc for TNG onwards.
    Becasue of this Mike and his Wife tired to keep continuntiy between everything we saw. They where basicly the people that made sure everything we saw visual kept to Canon.

    @Rekkert, I always thought that ships that had a distinguished service got to retain it Reg, so any ship that followed in it name would get the letter prefix added. This was a tradition that started with the Enterprise.

    Though very few ship names got this honour, as they where measured agent the original NCC-1701.
    Remember that ship had already done two five year tours before Kirk became her commander, and she only really made a name for herself under his command. I think it also in part to honour the Original command crew of the Enterprise as they stayed together on the replacement ship.
  • RekkertRekkert4080 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,308Member
    edited May 2020 #2716
    I've brought over all the modifications I did to the Enterprise bridges into Yamato, plus I think I'm finished with the modeling on this one. I've added the fabric details on the horseshoe (which as you can see cuts up the central LCARS panel, which is thus smaller on this bridge); and modified the conn/ops chairs to give them the padded design they had on the sides from season 2 to season 5.

    I've also decided to completely replace all instances of beige fabric with the new green one. This means that all the fabric on the chairs is now green, with only the leather remaining beige. I think this works in making the look a bit more uniform, and in tying the headrest strips into the design by making them look like the existing strips at the side of the XO/Specialist chairs.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    evil_genius_180FreakashleytingerLizzy777BolianAdmiralWarp Propulsion LaboratoryBrandenberg
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann631 Posts: 1,288Member
    The green is an interesting look... feels very mid-90s, which is kind of appropriate for the D bridge. It's reminding me of Windows 95 and Arizona Iced Tea.
  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Hi Rekkert, I'd like to speak to you about a commission, I have sent email
  • RekkertRekkert4080 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,308Member
    @BlueNeumann: lol, you're right! Now that you mention it, it reminds me a lot of that dark green 'Mystery' theme from 90's era Windows. I remember my grandmother's PC had it back then.

    @SATR: And I have replied to said email, let's continue there. :)

    Here's the Yamato bridge finished! I've modified all the LCARS to be the accurate season 2 versions.

    Honestly the green kinda grew on me (replacing the rest of the beige fabrics did the trick, at least for me), and I maintain that it works better with these LCARS colors than the actual TNG bridge does.

    Granted, I could've gone much further with this design, but I wanted to stay true to the set as best I could, and my client was of the same mind. They are considering a Yamato-A bridge commission for the future, so that's where all the "what if" ideas for this one will end up on. :)

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Great work as always, Rekkert.
  • trekkitrekki951 Posts: 1,404Member
    Yes, a great work.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1668 CaliforniaPosts: 1,942Member
    That's just breathtaking. I wish we could 3D print a life size sets from your meshes.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1115 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,568Member
    That's just breathtaking. I wish we could 3D print a life size sets from your meshes.

  • kadenkaden800 JapanPosts: 219Member
    It is really interesting all the little changes they made to the bridge over the seasons. I am currently watching the series and just past Best of Both Worlds, but the only obvious changes I have noticed so far are the extra chairs changing.

    I don't think the other bridges like Voyager changed at all.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1115 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,568Member
    The Defiant bridge on DS9 changed.
  • RekkertRekkert4080 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,308Member
    edited May 2020 #2726
    Thanks @evil_genius_180 and @trekki! :)

    @Brandenberg: Hahaha, that would be awesome to see, a full set coming to life layer by layer!

    @kaden: Indeed, I'm a sucker for that kind of details, all those little changes. Every hero bridge changed at least something in its series run, the Defiant's probably the biggest of them all, as @BolianAdmiral mentioned. The NX-01 bridge also changed quite a bit during Enterprise. Voyager's changed very little as far as I know; same with the TOS bridge, it only suffered minor modifications once the series proper started (not counting The Cage or WNMHGB).

    After finishing Yamato, I'm going back to Swiftsure. I had done some more work on the back area, and now I've finished modeling it. I've replaced the boring dark columns I had before with proper buttresses, as well as adding some spotlights and the final floor pattern.
    Post edited by Rekkert on
    BrandenbergWarp Propulsion Laboratoryevil_genius_180BolianAdmiralLizzy777Freak
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Warp Propulsion LaboratoryWarp Propulsion Laboratory913 BrooklynPosts: 322Member
    Loving the transparent MSD. :)
    Please visit my YouTube channel!

    Formerly furswift
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    furswift wrote: »
    Loving the transparent MSD. :)

    Agreed, that's really eye catching.
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    The only changes to Voyager’s bridge I can remember was done after the pilot or maybe after season one wrapped with some minor changes to the ops and tactical stations.

    The Yamato came out looking great!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    They probably tried to keep the look of Voyager's bridge consistent due to the lack of Starfleet facilities where the ship could have conceivably gotten refits. All of the other shows (except for Enterprise for much of its run) featured such facilities.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    They probably tried to keep the look of Voyager's bridge consistent due to the lack of Starfleet facilities where the ship could have conceivably gotten refits. All of the other shows (except for Enterprise for much of its run) featured such facilities.
    Which would be reasonable.... Any modification that can be done by the crew on their own is doable. Anything that would need extensive rehauls, overworks, or refits done in a yard, is a no-go.

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