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3DAshley's Star Trek WIP Thread



  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    You must not have watched TMP lol
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    You must not have watched TMP lol

    Heh. That was brand new though. I'm not saying I want Wars or Alien level of grime, just, more, used but still in good shape kind of look.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    That was why I always preferred the TUC sets - they looked worn and lived in, while being suitably advanced.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member

    More old or already created parts appropriation to create a Vertical Jefferies accessway attached to the Jefferies corridor. This particular one is 60 ft. and runs the passable height of the secondary hull for the ships of the era. There is only one horizontal junction to it, but for rendering/filming uses that should work great. :) We never see this in Final Frontier, but we know they exist as of Khan, but the look for Khan didn't work with the other look I'd established so I went back to Mirror Darkly and mashed a few ideas and pre-built parts together to make it fit more with my Jefferies corridors.
  • I like it.
    It looks very authentic IMO.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    ulimann644 wrote: »
    I like it.
    It looks very authentic IMO.



    Side by side comparison of the 2016 and 2019 version of my Transporter Room set for the 23rd Century Starship. Also shows my progress with what I'm willing to try and my work on trying to get it to look a bit less like a 3D rendering. I'll have more renders to put this all together but I need to change up some materials in the corridors, re-import the mesh to fix some errors, and put the doors and TOS style transporter buffers in the next room. ;)

    After I saw Rekkert's Galaxy and Enterprise Transporter room I decided to re-visit a set I built when I first started working on 3D modeling Trek sets and gave it a full overhaul. Based MOSTLY on the TMP Transporter Room, but with some of my own twists to make it feel like a newer than TOS but not quite at TMP yet set.
  • ViperViper1691 Posts: 717Administrator
    That last render looks very nice :) I would make that blue in the back of the transporter pad a bit less saturated though. It looks a bit too harsh. Is this iray in daz3d?
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Viper wrote: »
    That last render looks very nice :) I would make that blue in the back of the transporter pad a bit less saturated though. It looks a bit too harsh. Is this iray in daz3d?

    Thanks! I haven't tweaked it at all so I can definitely play with it. I 're-appropriated' my warp core texturing and fiddled with it and basically slapped it on there so it wasn't a sea of blue behind the grid. I can definitely lower the light it gives off and tweak it a bit beyond that.

    It is definitely iRay in DAZ. I build in Truespace (old school tool of choice for me), convert my meshes to OBJ, import into DAZ and lay out materials with iRay in mind. I generally try to make the lights in the set do all the work, as lighting, I will be honest, is not my strongest suit.

  • ViperViper1691 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited February 2019 #100
    Yeah, I would try to change to something like this, if you want to keep the cyan color:

    I like this more though:

    And wow, haven't seen anyone using Truespace in a while! You should take a look at the new Blender. Version 2.8 is looking really good and they revamped the interface so it's easier to learn it. And it's cool to see Daz being used for something different. I do some characters with it now and again, but I just render outside. Daz interface for rendering is, well, crappy :tongue:

    BTW, another quick point, character looks really dark in the pad. Might want to have some light so they can be seen better. Transporter room technician must be able to see who is arriving ;)
    Post edited by Viper on
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Viper wrote: »
    Yeah, I would try to change to something like this, if you want to keep the cyan color:

    I like this more though:

    And wow, haven't seen anyone using Truespace in a while! You should take a look at the new Blender. Version 2.8 is looking really good and they revamped the interface so it's easier to learn it. And it's cool to see Daz being used for something different. I do some characters with it now and again, but I just render outside. Daz interface for rendering is, well, crappy :tongue:

    BTW, another quick point, character looks really dark in the pad. Might want to have some light so they can be seen better. Transporter room technician must be able to see who is arriving ;)

    Yeah the pads themselves are in O.F.F. Mode and are only giving off the barest bit of light. I'll probably kick that up a tad when I start using it for regular rendering.

    I've got like version 2.5 of Blender and a REALLY old version of Lightwave. I've tried branching out, hell I even downloaded Truespace 7.6 and I end up sliding back to 3.2 because I know it and know what I can do in it. Granted it's pretty limited, and doesn't use the resources of my PC properly like my other 3D programs do, but it's in my comfort zone. LOL

    I used to use Poser but switched to DAZ when they put the free version out. I'm all for trying new things when they're free. ;) Then they went and put iRay rendering options into it and I got hooked by the simplicity of building my light sources right into the sets. Ahh. I'll be honest, I haven't really begun to toy all that much with the rendering options. I tinkered with a few different things but ended up settling on a few settings that have become my default.

    Compared to what I'm used to with Truespace 3.2, DAZ rendering options are outstanding. LOL.
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771390 PNWPosts: 761Member

    I've got like version 2.5 of Blender and a REALLY old version of Lightwave. I've tried branching out, hell I even downloaded Truespace 7.6 and I end up sliding back to 3.2 because I know it and know what I can do in it. Granted it's pretty limited, and doesn't use the resources of my PC properly like my other 3D programs do, but it's in my comfort zone. LOL

    I used to use Poser but switched to DAZ when they put the free version out. I'm all for trying new things when they're free. ;) Then they went and put iRay rendering options into it and I got hooked by the simplicity of building my light sources right into the sets. Ahh. I'll be honest, I haven't really begun to toy all that much with the rendering options. I tinkered with a few different things but ended up settling on a few settings that have become my default.

    Compared to what I'm used to with Truespace 3.2, DAZ rendering options are outstanding. LOL.

    It took me a while to get comfortable with an upgrade from truespace 6.6 to a user update of 7.6b (Modelside v2.0). I don't even touch half the program because Modeside is basically TS 6.6 with better render engines. The Workspace half of the program is a completely different beast all together and I have no clue how to use its features.

    I tried to get into Blender, but was lost along the way. I found it to be more convoluted than 3D Studio Max.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • ViperViper1691 Posts: 717Administrator
    Blender 2.5 and 2.8 are two totally different beasts. I don't even know why they didn't just call it Blender 3.0 to honest. And I totally get the comfort thing. I've been a 3ds max user for a couple of decades. Leaving it is hard. But after spending a couple of days on Blender and going back, some things are starting to annoy me because they are so much easier in Blender. So give it a try.

    Daz surpassed Poser a long time ago IMO. Their business model is also much better. The Genesis 8 figure, while having it's own problems is pretty good for a free product. I do some stuff with it, but I don't post because it's just tests. I also keeping thinking I should get out of my ass and do the whole thing myself :tongue: Anyway, Iray is certainly better than whatever Truespace offers.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Viper wrote: »
    Blender 2.5 and 2.8 are two totally different beasts. I don't even know why they didn't just call it Blender 3.0 to honest. And I totally get the comfort thing. I've been a 3ds max user for a couple of decades. Leaving it is hard. But after spending a couple of days on Blender and going back, some things are starting to annoy me because they are so much easier in Blender. So give it a try.

    Daz surpassed Poser a long time ago IMO. Their business model is also much better. The Genesis 8 figure, while having it's own problems is pretty good for a free product. I do some stuff with it, but I don't post because it's just tests. I also keeping thinking I should get out of my ass and do the whole thing myself :tongue: Anyway, Iray is certainly better than whatever Truespace offers.

    I'll have to download it and take a look. Having more modeling options is always good. :)

    Right now I'm using Genesis 3, Gen 8's predeccessor and a few Genesis and V4 and M4 mods when the mood strikes me. ;)

    Yeah poor old Truespace 3.2 wasn't exactly cutting edge when Babylon 5 came on the air. I remember struggling to get the fan models to even look halfway decent in it render wise :(

    Lizzy777 wrote: »

    It took me a while to get comfortable with an upgrade from truespace 6.6 to a user update of 7.6b (Modelside v2.0). I don't even touch half the program because Modeside is basically TS 6.6 with better render engines. The Workspace half of the program is a completely different beast all together and I have no clue how to use its features.

    I tried to get into Blender, but was lost along the way. I found it to be more convoluted than 3D Studio Max.

    Hrmm. I might have to give it a shot again. I'm basically using it for modeling at this point and importing out to other programs to do actual renders.
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771390 PNWPosts: 761Member
    Hrmm. I might have to give it a shot again. I'm basically using it for modeling at this point and importing out to other programs to do actual renders.

    I get newer stuff for 7.6 from here:
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Hrmm. I might have to give it a shot again. I'm basically using it for modeling at this point and importing out to other programs to do actual renders.

    I get newer stuff for 7.6 from here:

    Thank for the link! Much appreciated!

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    edited March 2019 #107
    Still rendering up some emtpy Transporter room shots so....


    Junior Officer's Cabin.

    This actually took me more work than the Transporter room. Mainly because I couldn't settle on a bed design or layout. I have instead opted to visit Mike Minor's Phase II quarters and took inspiration from the bed in that design.

    I hollowed out the storage cabinet above the bed so those panels will actually open to stow things in. I re-modeled the sonic shower and visited Turbo Squid for a free toilet and sink that will probably never be seen again. ;)

    I also stole a re-worked some bridge parts for the micro-console in these quarters and re-did the dresser and mirror next to the bed. Plus I tweaked the entryway into the room so it has more curve to it and isn't nearly as blocky.

    Ignore the ceiling lights. That's where they'll be but to get them to be separate material zones on export I had to get creative with colors.

    You can find my first attempt with a borrowed chair and bed and and the basic layouts I started with I'm definitely going to knock out the one wall and build the Senior Officers Quarters (it's basically an addition to this one so that it has an office and sitting area) but I think I'm going to pass on the enlisted quarters. These layouts are based on Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise.

    Some furnished and better lit renders to come!
    Post edited by ashleytinger on
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member

    My overhaul of my 23rd Century Transporter Room is done, barring minor texture tweaks. This is specifically for a new Constitution class launching in late 2269 before the full on refit of the Enterprise would start.

    Top is the view of the control booth from the pads.
    Bottom is the view from next to the booth when you first walk in the room from the corridor.


    Top view is the gutted room where the lockers for the environmental suits would have been and instead have my TOS style transporter pattern buffers.
    Middle view is the lounge towards the back of the Transporter Room and the rear exit. The artwork/photographs shows the legacy of the Challenger depicting the HMS Challenger, the Apollo LM of the same name and the NASA Orbiter along with an anti-grav equipped model of the current ship.
    Last but not least, the attached corridor to the set which puts it squarely on deck 7 with the other three transporter rooms, some Jefferies access ways, sickbay and the brig.

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member

    In the later 2260s, the Constitution class was planning a refit of the ships originally launched in the 2240s. The last of the ships launched before the complete refit, the Challenger, in 2269, utilized the latest mix at the time of what had come before as standard and what was being propelled into the latter 23rd Century and would continue into the early 24th. This redesign included experiments with the quarters for the crew on starships. The office was removed and the quarters shrunk slightly for the junior officer, their offices, if needed, instead located elsewhere on the ship. The Senior Officers quarters maintained an office and lounge but were also re-designed following the features put forth in the Junior quarters.

    Before coming aboard, the officer could choose their quarters regular colors for part of the bulkhead, bed, dresser and bathroom fixtures as well as predominant lighting. Officers were also offered a selection of printed material, several art reproductions, and their preference of location on board the ship. The goal was to instantly make their quarters feel more welcoming as well as allowing a certain level of customization on board for that officer without them having to carry many personal effects on board.

    Officers that were on temporary assignment often just chose colors or used the colors from a previous officer rather than 'settling in' as they were only going to be on board for a few months.

    Junior officers quarters revamp with a bed based off the Mike Minor preliminary artwork for Phase II and the general layout from Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise. I forgot to put the exterior door in, so right now it's looking out onto Deck 7, where no quarters have gone before. :P Yes it has a bathroom with a toilet and sink, no I didn't include a render here. Top is looking in on the bed from the 'foyer'. Middle is the view from just above the bed on the 'knick knack' or bookshelf towards the main entrance and where a comm and library terminal is located for communications and entertainment purposes. Bottom is looking through the bathroom glass door in on the Sonic shower which also has its door closed and is in its standard operating mode.

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member

    Probably not going to post any WIP beyond this one as the room and exterior corridor are basically almost ready to go minus a few tweaks (the tweaks being the overhead lighting, outer wall lighting, and finished modeling of the table), but I'm revisiting one of the first sets I built for myself when I started down this Trek fanart rabbit hole. Well aside from my many attempts at the corridor.

    I've cut the Briefing Room down in size to almost the size it was in TOS versus MSGTTE although I'm sticking with that Phase II/TMP aesthetic. I'm also going to have it so you can turn off either side wall for 'filming', making it easier to get shots since I'm shrinking the room a bit.

    I'll probably have finished shots of the re-vamped set as it'll appear on the Challenger early next week.

    Bonus: The old Briefing Room Circa 2016



  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member

    OK, so I lied about another wip. I wanted to play around a little bit with the material and see how it turned out and I think I really REALLY like that wood paneling.

  • cool65cool65332 Posts: 29Member
    I like this one as wood paneling and little dark colors.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    cool65 wrote: »
    I like this one as wood paneling and little dark colors.



    Finished this up faster than I thought I would.

    While the Observation Lounges are nice places to hang out, the Challenger command staff needs places to hold meetings and briefings and troubleshoot without the distractions of the crew. Located on Deck 6, there are two Briefing Rooms dedicated for this purpose as well as a third that can be set up as needed. Communications can also be handled through the Briefing Room as well for required communications with higher priority from Command.

    Some of the crew may also use the viewer for entertainment purposes in off hours.

    This is a rebuild from my previous Briefing Room that I built back in 2016. Almost everything was rebuilt from scratch, the room was slimmed down a bit from the MSGTTE version to something more similar in size to the one from TOS but with more of the Phase II/TMP aesthetic.

    I also tossed a 2270s style PADD and some storage disks on the table, cause why not?

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member

    My ultimate goal with the interiors I've been working on is to tell the stories of the characters I've had bouncing around in my head for years using a comic or graphic novel format. I'd been planning on using a specific uniform for the TMP era for them until I saw JBogguess work over at Deviantart and I just had to try and adapt his uniforms into something wearable for my characters. I've got the female versions ready to go and although I'm having problems with the male textures on a slightly different outfit, I'm hoping to have them ready in a week or two depending. Then I'll be back to building more rooms again. lol

    From left to right, Operations Duty Uniform, First Officer Casual Uniform, Science Officer Dress Uniform, Security Officer Duty Uniform.

    JBogguess Uniform links:
    Science Dress uniform
    Security Duty uniform
    Operations Duty uniform
    First Officer Casual Uniform

    Briefing Room built in Truespace 3.2
    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.10 with iRay
    Uniform design by JBogguess
    Courageous outfit from DAZ
    Original patterns for Courageous by Dope_Fish
    Genesis 3 figures from DAZ
  • ViperViper1691 Posts: 717Administrator
    Forgot to comment on this when you posted. I really like this conference room. I also like the use of wood for details.

    My only criticism would be that the table should not be using a floor texture. Looks a bit odd right now.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann669 Posts: 1,321Member
    Oh yeah, the wood paneling looks great! It's a nice bit of connectivity between TOS and TMP. And natural elements in spaceships are very in, as far as I'm concerned.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Viper wrote: »
    Forgot to comment on this when you posted. I really like this conference room. I also like the use of wood for details.

    My only criticism would be that the table should not be using a floor texture. Looks a bit odd right now.

    I'll have to see if I can come up with something better. I just wanted the table to match the wood of the walls and the other ones I was pulling looked awful on the table unfortunately.
    Oh yeah, the wood paneling looks great! It's a nice bit of connectivity between TOS and TMP. And natural elements in spaceships are very in, as far as I'm concerned.

    Thanks! Yeah I figure anything that Starfleet could do to make this feel more like home they'd do and natural bits here and there really take that tin can feeling out of a long trip in a spaceship.
  • ViperViper1691 Posts: 717Administrator
    That looks like a fairly standard ashwood or something like that. Shouldn't be hard to find a texture that is just the wood grain, without the tiling to match. I like the wood look, just didn't think the tiling looked good.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Going in a bit of a different direction with this, I'm collaborating with PDSmith on this to build a TOS style stateroom that you might find on a Starship or Starbase of the time. VERY low budget, but a huge space for dignitaries on board.


    Going clockwise starting with the entryway, we have a large office, bedroom, living/gathering area, dining area w/ access to food slots/replicators and of course, the bathroom. Going to be working on this while I'm working on texturing up the Male Phase II outfits so I don't get burnt out on one thing as I go. I loathe texturing.


    I decided, while I was waiting on this stupid cobbled together hunk of junk PC at work to upgrade it's OS, to do something productive, and worked on the kitchen area for the VIP Stateroom. The shelves are based off the ones in McCoy's office in TOS, the nook shelf, well that I built to fit in the nook :P, and the Food Synthesizer is a standalone that's going to ape a few ideas from Discovery but be far more TOS like. I have no idea what that thing is going to be hanging off the ceiling, but I just hated the ceiling being bare there so I took part of the Food Synthesizer and flipped it on the ceiling. It may never get any more detail than what it has. We are on a budget here people.

    Definitely not done with the food processor as I need some buttons, lights, and I want the doors to slide open so people can retrieve their food.
  • Arvis1804Arvis18047 Posts: 16Member
    The blue bed and furniture in the quarters looks really nice, and the wood panels and table in the conference room is a really nice touch. :+1:

    Just my $0.02, I think the floor of the conference room needs some carpet accents. Maybe just a different color around the edge of the room or under the table?
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Arvis1804 wrote: »
    The blue bed and furniture in the quarters looks really nice, and the wood panels and table in the conference room is a really nice touch. :+1:

    Just my $0.02, I think the floor of the conference room needs some carpet accents. Maybe just a different color around the edge of the room or under the table?


    I'd played with that a little bit with the flooring but didn't get anything I liked. I was thinking about doing a recessed inner floor all the way around the table.
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