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3DAshley's Star Wars WIP Thread

ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
So I may have watched The Last Jedi and gotten into a Star Wars kick.. again. That and I got a Porg and Rey and BB-8 for my birthday, and while I like the Star Wars ships, there is a definite lack of interiors to put my characters in. There is a Falcon interior, but my YT-1300 would NOT be in that bad of shape. More like what we've seen out of the Solo film so far.

In an effort to keep my Star Wars creations separate from my Star Trek creations, I started another thread.

I'm currently working on a 'stock' interior YT-1300pf with an exterior that's going to have less greeblie bits hanging off of it than the later years of the Falcon.


Just did a basic layout for it at this point and I'm probably going room by room, and no, it doesn't match the Falcon exactly and it's not meant to. I may even mirror it to throw the cockpit on the other side of the ship. We'll have to see where my flights of fancy take me. I am thinking I'm going to need to 'stock' up the exterior a bit and plug some holes but We'll see. I want the interior done first.


Got some rough layouts done for this wip. You can see where the corridors are going to go along with crew sleeping quarters, the main hold/galley/lounge, the forward cargo holds, and rear cargo holds/engineering. The cockpit corridor is in place but I haven't even touched the cockpit yet. The boarding ramp is a placeholder I borrowed from another set. And I roughed out a full blown escape pod for the port side. I went with the 'official' length of the Falcon when I started roughing this out so right now the interior with the pod and cockpit are roughly 78 ft by 79.5 ft with a variable height. I put the corridor braces/arches at 7 ft. I honestly have no idea how big they really are but I saw the cockpit door of the Falcon was designed at 6ft7in so I just went a bit taller.

I'm kind of focusing on that main hold/lounge/galley area first and then building out from there. The corridors and the cockpit will probably be the hardest to build I'm thinking. When all is said and done though I'll have a full blown Star Wars 'stock' interior layout of a YT-1300 to play with. :)


Built some small parts of the outside just to be sure on sizing. I also wanted to check the height in the front part of the hold and surprisingly enough, there's enough room for a 6ft high human to walk around without cracking their head on the hull which surprised me.

I'm working on the shell for the corridor and I'm realizing that the way it's laid out in the 'deck plans' the corridor is off on the angles and isn't quite properly circular. I haven't decided quite how I'm going to handle that just yet.

Still, the interior work on the yet un-named light freighter continues.


Built up enough of the corridor to slap this together in DAZ Studio and give the micro-set a go. it's just the corridor and bulkhead repeated and yes I'm using what little we saw of the Falcon in the Solo trailers for the look of my freighter. Not everyone beats the hell out of their ship and leaves it that way. :P I don't remember what height I set this character at, but that's supposed to be a 7ft clearance minus the padding and it seems a little low. I may need to make it a little taller/wider. Haven't decided just yet. it's not like on Star Trek where you'll have extensive walking and talking scenes throughout or that there's miles of corridors snaking through the ship so it doesn't need a ton of room, but it needs to be usable.


  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member


    They left me bored on a conference call again. ;)

    I totally redid my interior corridor. Doing it piecemeal wasn't working so I did it up as a full corridor and started carving out the doors and sections that weren't needed for the main hold and the port airlock. I've realized though that the entrance to the cockpit, the gun well and the starboard boarding ramp are going to need me to get a bit more creative. The way the sliding hatch doors work, the corridor braces need to be parallel to each other and that doesn't work with the corridor going a full 360. So I'm just going to slice that whole section out and just put the curved pieces in to connect the two corridor braces in between.

    I did make a test wall brace for the entrances to the crew quarters and the main engine room as well as the engineering station and maintenance room access. Once I get the corridor hashed out I'll be able to actually sit down and work on the various rooms I think.

    The behind the scenes with Donald Glover and Lando's Falcon have given me some good ideas for a Captain's quarters as well as what to do with the actual galley. I'm hoping to have a proper corridor built before I throw it back into DAZ again to render it up.

    I did finally draw up a list of names for her, right now though I think Silver Venture may be winning out. I've also given some serious thought to a huge modification that I'm going to put on her, but I wanted the 'stock' version before I even touched that.
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Nicely done. I like that you started with the interior and are working your way out.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Knight26 wrote: »
    Nicely done. I like that you started with the interior and are working your way out.

    Thanks! Yeah I figured that was the only real way I was going to fit everything into it. ;)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member

    Dug up this old fossil from last year and did a few edits, like completing the corridor going to the cockpit, adjusting the ramp off the top part into the escape vehicle, adding the escape vehicle, and then making sure everything in my interior is still going to fit in the hamburger bun. And for the most part it does. Lost some wall height here and there and I'm going to have to pull in the front wall a bit to match the floor gap, but I'm also thinking I can put a ton of greeblie stuff there that lines the walls and makes it look even more like a Star Wars ship. :)

    Remember, I'm angling for something like we saw in Solo for this, more stock, less junk strapped to it, nice interior, but she's still something of a cargo hauler. I've worked out her crew and a name for her, Silver Venture. She won't be completely pristine, at least further on into the Empire's reign, but around the end of the Clone Wars she'll be a bit cleaner.

    When I'm done though I'll have a full interior that's tied to a full scale exterior and that'll all actually fit together unlike the Falcon every time we see her on the screen.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    *Necro tag begone*
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member

    Work has been keeping me devoid of any real ability to gather the ambition to model, but then something happened and ehe Star Wars muse has bitten again, and I'm working on my own custom interior for the YT-1300, yes again. Instead of building it to fit inside the model, I'm basically extrapolating off what we saw on screen with my own twist. Trying to make it all fit got frustrating and I think that's where the whole experience there fell flat. Started off with the main hold/crew compartment. I'm blending a few ideas from SOLO and what we'd seen of the Falcon and putting a bit of my own spin on it. The main hold here is going to function primarily as the crew mess and hangout along with the crash couch and an additional sleeper unit.

    Goal is to have this function as a full blown interior. I've kind of put aside my other version of the YT-1300, for now, but I'm using what I learned while working on it planning better for that one in the future.

    I actually have this further along than I've got pictured but I wanted to get some parts of the corridors done so I could at least set this up as a set, devoid of props mind you, but a set.

    Built in TrueSpace 3.2
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    edited October 2019 #8
    I'm glad you brought this back. I missed a year ago. Love it. I get to go to the new Star Wars land in Anaheim CA in early December. There's no ship quite like the Falcon.
    Post edited by Brandenberg on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    This is a fantastic project, I enjoyed reading through the earlier posts and catching up with what I've missed in the thread. The idea of doing a YT-1300 interior that matches how you think it should look is a great one, rather than trying to copy the Falcon interior exactly. The details you've got going so far for the floors, walls and ceiling look great. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    I'm glad you brought this back. I missed a year ago. Love it. I get to go to the new Star Wars land in Anaheim CA in early December. There's no ship quite like the Falcon.

    I'm so jealous! They need to hurry up with the Florida one so I can go! And thanks!
    This is a fantastic project, I enjoyed reading through the earlier posts and catching up with what I've missed in the thread. The idea of doing a YT-1300 interior that matches how you think it should look is a great one, rather than trying to copy the Falcon interior exactly. The details you've got going so far for the floors, walls and ceiling look great. :)

    Thank you! While I'm not entirely abandoning my previous work, this is still kind of following parts of the Falcon but with some overhauls, kind of like Solo. Granted we've only really ever seen the front half in any detail, I'm definitely taking liberties with the back half a bit. I figure with as customizeable as this ship was and in the numbers produced, very few are going to look exactly like another one. Especially inside.


    The outer shell of the crew compartment (main forward hold) is completed. Added some extra lights and started on the corridors leading off from the compartment. I put in a simple shape for the Auxillary Engineering entrance door. That door is going to be a lot more detailed in the final. I'm probably going to refine the wall padding a little bit, but overall I like the pattern.

    The one thing I haven't completed is the 'guest' bunk behind the crash couch. That I need to do yet as I do want that in the final version. I'm treating the rest of everything that's going into this room as props to be built.

    Props for the room:
    Navigational Computer
    Navigational Chair
    Crash Couch
    Dejarik Table
    Kitchen Prep Table
    circular mess hall table (think Alien)
    modified crash couch chairs for use around mess hall table (also Alien)

    Built in TrueSpace 3.2
    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.10 with iRay

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    That's looking really sweet.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    That's looking really sweet.

    Before I saw EG-180's text, I looked at your last three renders and said to myself, "Ohhhhhhh, that is really sweet." So at the risk of not being in the slightest original, that's my comment and I'm sticking to it. :)

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    That's looking really sweet.

    That's looking really sweet.

    Before I saw EG-180's text, I looked at your last three renders and said to myself, "Ohhhhhhh, that is really sweet." So at the risk of not being in the slightest original, that's my comment and I'm sticking to it. :)

    LOL Nothing wrong with that. ;)

  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    That's looking really good! I think the gaps between panels should be smaller, but not sure how easy it would be to change that.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Viper wrote: »
    That's looking really good! I think the gaps between panels should be smaller, but not sure how easy it would be to change that.

    Right now that wall padding is kind of a placeholder. I'm working on a few ways to round it out a bit so it's not quite so squared off.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    Yeah the pillowed look is great... and sweet. B)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    I'm BAACCCKKK. After finalizing the exterior of the ship through a kitbash (I posted an exterior render over in finished works), I'm back at it on.. well this counts as interior and exterior, but you get the idea.


    I decided to get away from the main hold a little bit and try to tackle the biggest and most annoying size discrepancy in the entirety of the YT-1300. There is ZERO chance that the gun well, as depicted on screen, would fit inside the Falcon or any other YT-1300. It's just not that tall given the 'official' specs. I am however not joining the interior and the exterior at all with this version, so i can fudge it a bit.

    I started off by shrinking the tunnel between the ventral and dorsal guns. I was going to shrink the gun pits a bit but I didn't want to shrink the chairs. I'm also re-designing the gun area a little bit. There will be some consoles mounted there, but this would have been a far less piecemeal installation than on the Falcon. I've got the initial padding in the corridor as well as the lights. I need to carve into it and put the corridor access in, but that's coming after I have everything else modeled.

    The guns are mostly placeholders that I ripped from the exterior model. They're getting rebuilt so they're a little less kitbash but keeping the same relative shape. I also need to have the cannons able to alternate firing sequences and as built, these cannons can't do that.

    So after about 4 hours last night trying to figure out how in the hell I was going to do this, I ripped the band aid off and got to work and here we are with the base parts laid out. Based partly off the Hayne's manual and what we saw of this part of the Falcon in the films, this is definitely going to end up being it's own beast and fit with the rest of the Astral Oath and it's interiors.

    I'm itching to get this done because I've been sketching up the two cabin's (the second cabin is going to be a mirror of the Captain's cabin) and extended beds and want to get those built soon too.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member

    Apparently I'll be bouncing all over this ship until she's completed because I decided to work on the cockpit access corridor and the cockpit itself. I'm going with the rough dimensions and design for the ANH version of the Falcon cockpit (shorter length, fewer controls and blinky lights, no flight yokes or at least not the ones from the other films but probably some flight sticks or something as I kind of like the idea of the controls from Smuggler's Run in Disney) although the controls are not going to be an exact match, and neither are the seats. It'll be recognizable as a YT-1300 cockpit when I'm done, not that it doesn't look like one already.
    evil_genius_180Lizzy777Warp Propulsion LaboratoryBrandenberg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Looking great. :)

    Everything evolved between ANH and TESB, mostly because ANH was done with whatever they could scrounge up. Actually having a decent budget for TESB helped a lot. ;)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Looking great. :)

    Everything evolved between ANH and TESB, mostly because ANH was done with whatever they could scrounge up. Actually having a decent budget for TESB helped a lot. ;)

    True, but Lucas did want the smaller cockpit. Irvin Kirshner and the actors wanted a bigger cockpit (it is really cramped) and while Lucas was busy, they increased the size of the cockpit by 2 to 3 feet in length and filmed the scenes before he could do anything about it. Or at least that's what I've read. Apparently that's why almost all the cockpit scenes in Empire on one of the DVD releases is cropped to make the cockpit look smaller. He was that ticked about it 24 years later.

    And I do like the look of the Falcon in Empire, but I also chock a LOT of that up to Han and Chewie cramming a TON of garbage into that poor ship. LOL
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    The cockpit at the ride in Disneyland holds 6 people. It still seems fairly small although we weren't cramped.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    And I do like the look of the Falcon in Empire, but I also chock a LOT of that up to Han and Chewie cramming a TON of garbage into that poor ship. LOL

    Well, Han did say he made a lot of special modifications. ;)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    The cockpit at the ride in Disneyland holds 6 people. It still seems fairly small although we weren't cramped.

    AHH so jealous!
    And I do like the look of the Falcon in Empire, but I also chock a LOT of that up to Han and Chewie cramming a TON of garbage into that poor ship. LOL

    Well, Han did say he made a lot of special modifications. ;)

    Too true.

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member

    Spent a bunch of time working on the main console. Need to build a bunch more buttons, some striping, several sets of toggle switches and the 4 throttle levers. Most of my time today was trying to figure out how to build one of the astromech droid interfaces into the back panel. Definitely something unique to the Astral Oath over the Falcon. And I built it in sections, so if I wanted to animate it, I could, but yeesh.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    I've seen some of this on DeviantArt and here, of course. This looks great!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    I'm still plugging away on my freighter, but I got inspired by the new about The High Republic, and I decided I wanted to tackle an astromech from the era. More advanced than what we saw IN Knights of the Old Republic and The Old Republic, but nowhere near the main films in levels of tech.


    Obviously a work in progress. The idea is that the droid has legs for civilized worlds and running around a ship, but when they have to accompany our heroes over forest or something else that wheels wouldn't work too well on, the mech has repulsor lifts. I figure it'd be an unnecessary drain on the power supply and probably not great for the frame of the droid which is why it doesn't just float all the time.
    evil_genius_180Lizzy777Warp Propulsion LaboratoryFreak
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    That looks cool so far.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looks like your off to a great start.
  • ThePartTimeGeekThePartTimeGeek5 Posts: 5Member
    Oh wow, this is looking excellent!

    I'm relatively new to 3d art (toyed with daz for a couple of years), and I've started on a Star Wars kick myself, rendering several of my own characters, and trying to kitbash environments for them, primarily to have solid references for drawing a fan comic. I'm wanting to try my hand at crafting a YT-2000 at some point, but have no clue where to start. Your WIP is giving me inspiration to tackle that!

    I'll definitely be bookmarking this page in the hopes of seeing more work whenever you're willing to share. Thank you for your skill and talent!
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Oh wow, this is looking excellent!

    I'm relatively new to 3d art (toyed with daz for a couple of years), and I've started on a Star Wars kick myself, rendering several of my own characters, and trying to kitbash environments for them, primarily to have solid references for drawing a fan comic. I'm wanting to try my hand at crafting a YT-2000 at some point, but have no clue where to start. Your WIP is giving me inspiration to tackle that!

    I'll definitely be bookmarking this page in the hopes of seeing more work whenever you're willing to share. Thank you for your skill and talent!

    Thanks! I have been forced to swap over to Blender for Artists from Truespace so I'm still getting my modeling legs under me, but I'll be coming back to the YT series here soon. I have a massive Star Wars itch but I need to get my TMP refit bridge finished too.
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