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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Well That's a circular beam and I can see how some might think Bajoran vibe. Though to be fair, the "Flashback" Excelsior bridge would have had it too!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    The circular beam has in fact been present since the new Enterprise-A bridge debuted in TFF. The same ceiling design then returned in TUC for both the Enterprise and Excelsior, at which point it was rotated 45 degrees and the translucent dome was added (and indeed, an almost identical ceiling design appeared in Flashback).

    The ceiling was then modified slightly by the addition of four smaller diagonal outer struts (which Rekkert has reproduced here), and the removal of the dome, for its (final?) appearance on the Enterprise-B bridge in Generations. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Interesting! I can see why the circle can bring to mind a Bajoran aesthetic. But as Starscream points out, It's been there since Zimmerman redesigned the Ent-A bridge for TFF.

    I've modeled the rails for the pit (except for the front area), plus I've added one of the most distinct features of this bridge, the two standing consoles at each side of the Captain's chair. These sit on top of the rails helped by two supports each.
    I've also added the remaining light fixtures on top of the consoles, plus I've been playing around with the walls and floor materials, in order to make them more like the ones in TUC. This does result in a darker overall bridge, but I'm positive the Okudagrams, once in place, will more than make up for it.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    The color adjustment is perfect, I think I can concede to a little extra light now! :D Notes sent on email as usual...

    I can easily picture how the bridge looked when it first launched (sometime prior to TWOK): The overall shape would be the same, with a variation on the TVH seating; TWOK shaped helm, brushed steel strips in place of the buttress lights, no standalone stations (Tactical would move to the forward-port Aux Station with a "Spock" pullout), no leather, and with TVH ceiling and under-console light fixtures... Proto-Okudagrams interspersed with some TWOK controls would populate the consoles. :cool:

    The problem with the TWOK manual controls, as ever, is that they're so unique and obvious when put alongside anything else. It'll be tricky to find the balance on this one, though I've utmost confidence in Rekkert to reach it. ;) It's also the reason I want to avoid the more colorful blinkies and honeycomb/chord keyboards - they'd stand out too much!
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    The accordion buttons were pretty funky. When doing the controls for what was considered to be Phase II, they really thought out the controls and their functions. there's an "Enterprise Flight Manual" that lays out each station (though there are some differences).

    I've wondered if that top dome seen on various TMP-era bridges was the "automatic bridge defense system" (seen in the animated series episode "Beyond the Farthest Star"). It would fit. I know that probably wasn't the purpose of those in the movies, but it makes one think.

    I like how this one is coming together, though I'm not sure how Lee Cole's instrumentation can be blended with okudagrams. Then again, what do I know? To be fair, they were blended to some extent in Interplay's PC version of "Star Trek: Starfleet Academy."
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    The accordion buttons were pretty funky. When doing the controls for what was considered to be Phase II, they really thought out the controls and their functions. there's an "Enterprise Flight Manual" that lays out each station (though there are some differences).

    Yes, I've seen it. At least it tells us some thought was put into the functions (as it was re most of the ergonomics), even if not so much into the... aesthetics... of the controls! :D
    I've wondered if that top dome seen on various TMP-era bridges was the "automatic bridge defense system" (seen in the animated series episode "Beyond the Farthest Star"). It would fit. I know that probably wasn't the purpose of those in the movies, but it makes one think.

    From what I can tell it was a kind of gyroscopic vessel attitude display. Here, the functionality will be similar and maybe expanded, but it certainly won't be spitting out laser beams etc ;)
    I like how this one is coming together, though I'm not sure how Lee Cole's instrumentation can be blended with okudagrams.

    "Selectively", is the simplest answer! :D Those manual controls that can be reproduced in monochromatic matt black (ala many of the TUC controls) without looking weird, or that can be re-colored (eg the TWOK PhoTorp sliders & Prefix Code switches, Sulu's Warp/Impulse Sliders and Pitch/Yaw/Roll displays), are the best candidates; while for the display screens the intention is to insert the "useable" graphics into the standard Okudagram displays. Give me a few hours and I'll post an idea of some of them. :)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    You know, about those consoles on railings, I think what might be best is to terminate the railing beside the consoles so they don't overlap and put 'em on stands a la the transporter console used on the Enterprise-A transporter rooms in TFF/TUC. That might fit better.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rusty actually That's close to my intent: The railings should be leaning inwards a little towards the centre of the bridge, and although the consoles will still sit slightly above and behind them, they will be set onto their correct stands. I've also asked Rekkert to "bend" them in the opposite direction, so that their currently convex forward faces switch to concave, so as to match the railing. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    And indeed here are the bend consoles. :) I've also changed the railing color to black, and added the detachable panel on top of the consoles, as they're seen on the TNG battle bridge and other reuses of this style of console. Also, per Starscream's idea, I've added the front section of the railing as it was in TWOK, without the uniquely weird TUC elements.


    Because of the somewhat claustrophobic FOV It's hard to notice, but the railings do sit inside of the pit area, as the support struts are bended inwards quite a bit.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    It's awesome being able to view the bridge from that rear angle! The inverted consoles work really well too; I'm chuffed :) The access panels likewise - and they add a touch of "TWOK greebles" to the stations! :D

    If the railing issue is indeed the FOV then I'm unsure what to do: I liked the concept of the standalones sitting just outside the railings, but it'd force the stands back from the edge of the deck and the consoles to stick too far out - or at least it appears so. I'm really loathe to break up the line of the railings though...Edit: B0ll0cks to it, let's just cut that section of railing out and I'll quit whining about it :lol:

    Anyhew, I've attached some rough screen concepts I quickly cannibalised, sliced, diced, strung together and PS-bashed from a myriad of different sources, to give a vague idea of what I've been thinking for the displays.

    As you can see, I had it in mind that only the less "dated" elements were to be re-used from the TWOK era, for example:
    The Gravity generator diagram,
    Atmospheric recycling diagrams (very crude, sorry!)
    Duty Stations ovals indicators from the aft Internal Security displays,
    The circular element ftom Uhura's ComScan display,
    A vague nod to one of the lower "Atmosphere Test" displays,
    One of Spock's colorful Science video graphics :D
    The Standby Mode graphic from the Weapons console,
    The usual generic vessel cutaways
    Screen Concepts.png

    Again, this is set in the TUC era, so I don't want to devolve the displays too much.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Okey, I've reworked the standing consoles to have the independent stand. :lol:

    Other than that, in order to get a better idea of the final lighting levels before moving forward with the modeling, I'm doing a bit of work on the Okudagrams, plus I've added some text in each console indicating the station, as both the Stargazer and Hathaway had this, I'm using a combination of both, with the text located on the same spot as in the Hathaway, using the color it had on the Stargazer.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    The station labels are exactly what I was thinking - perfect! The controls are perfect so far too, and having them match the angle of the black panel at each end is a nice TVH-esque change from the "one size fits all" method they had to use on TNG :)

    The standalones are great, though I think we may need to think on adjusting the stand proportions a bit, as It's clear now that the canon ones actually look a bit like guys with pianos for heads when viewed fully! (not what I'd imagined, and It's no wonder we never saw them again!) :lol:
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    Looking great. I like the early TNG-esque stands, and I'm loving how the movie-era LCARS are starting to add color to the bridge.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Starscream: Yeah, those stands are... weird from the front. :lol: I'm thinking that once I do the labeling for the doors and walls, I could add a couple stickers to it, similar to how they were on the front of the Excelsior consoles, and that could improve the look somewhat.

    @BolianAdmiral: Thanks! Indeed, these are really colorful, they offer a perfect balance to all the dark muted colors of the bridge.

    A bit more work on the graphics, including the somewhat modified schematic of the Constellation as it was on its NX configuration, before so many add-ons were pasted on the design.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Like I said, It's no wonder those stands never reappeared! The PS image I sent previously should give a rough idea of what I had in mind, but yes let's look at that a bit further down the line :)

    I think the main Okudagrams need a bit more saturation (especially those light blues), as the lower control panels should look noticeably distinct from them (with their near-greyscale graphics) once they're in place on the seated consoles. Otherwise they're ideal, and you've certainly nailed the Constellation! :D
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    Are the Okudagram panels emitting any light?
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    mdta wrote: »
    Are the Okudagram panels emitting any light?

    If you look at the side of the buttress to the right, you'll see light from the Okudagrams being reflected off it. :)
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    I wasn't sure if that was the light or a blurred reflection.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    They are indeed emitting light. Given the porous material on the walls, things wouldn't reflect off of them if they weren't emitting light.

    I was basing the okudagram colors off of the Enterprise-C color pallet, which (given 'Yesterday's Enterprise' production date) were closer in colors to the TVH graphics than to the 'finalized' TUC ones. I've changed them to the full TUC pallet now, so they have a lot deeper colors.

    More work on the console graphics, plus the beginning of the viewscreen, and I've rotated the stands for the consoles at the back, I think that makes them look a lot better. :lol:

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Okudagrams are looking awesome now :thumb:

    Great idea on flipping the stands - it ties in nicely to what we saw under the rear station on the Enterprise-B, too!

    ETA: I had to look at these latest renders from my smartphone this morning; It's only now I'm viewing them from a proper monitor that I see just how much the bridge is taking shape, especially with the screen now in place. It's looking palpably real now, and IMHO suitably sturdy for a Constellation-class ship (like all hell could be breaking loose thanks to Anomaly-of-the-Week, and you'd still feel safe sitting in there! :D )
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Some more work on the graphics, including the TWOK honeycomb pattern for the science station (I couldn't resist :lol:, I can always remove it), plus I've added clocks on top of the Science and Engineering stations. However unlike the very out of place red LED clocks of TUC, these are incorporated into the console and keep the same unified look for the displays.


    Now for something completely different, I was recently contacted by Aaron of the Starbase 118 role-playing community, about creating a bridge for his Galaxy-Class USS Astraeus, after an upgrade received in the 2390's.

    The requested bridge was very straightforward to do, so I decided to do it in tandem with the Constellation for a few days. As you can see below, It's very similar to the Challenger, but keeps a more traditional Galaxy layout, plus some new features. The ship also got some unique changes to its outside, including brand new nacelles, and these are reflected in all the LCARS.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    Oh, that Galaxy bridge is BEAUTIFUL! I just love the carpet texture, too!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Hmm, a definite no from me on the honeycomb I'm afraid... As I said, the more dated elements from TMP/+ I do want to avoid. ;) I had actually contemplated trying to include them, but there was no way I could see them fitting in the displays, and tbh I think the render confirms this. At most I'd imagine there might be a honeycomb array of ODN ports or something lit up and blinking, safely hidden behind an access panel. :) Likewise on the clocks per discussion, as you know it was never an intention to have any such a display on the bridge -- just the blank panels as potential alert blinkers. Plus I'm not in favor of them taking up residence in what would otherwise be a useable display area for the Science/Engineering consoles... My command staff don't get paid to sit aimlessly watching the clock, y'know! :lol:

    The true Galaxy configuration for the command seats really works well with that color leather and carpet combination! The one thing I'd offer as an idea for any future variants on this would be to halve the height of the traditional "light blobs" on the console supports, and then apply the same style of horizontal lines to them as the console base lights :)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    @Starscream - Yeah, I don't blame you with regards to those "memory bank" honeycombs. They would definitely clash with the okudagrams.

    With regards that ribbed lighting effect on the lights that are part of the supports of the Conn and Ops consoles, I had that in mind for the Conn/Ops and secondary command stations for the USS Galaxy on a request I made to Rekkert when the ship has been upgraded to Battle Group Omega edition (for down the line), based off the Challenger and Astreus bridges.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Hehehe, I knew the honeycomb wouldn't stand a chance, but I though it was cool. ;) I misunderstood you on the clocks however, I though those were a go, I'll likewise remove them then.

    I've been doing some more progress on the viewscreen area. Because of the depth of the Ent-C consoles, there's a big gap in the ceiling between the light elements and the viewscreen wall. Anything in particular I could do there? (the same gap in present on the turbolift alcoves as well).
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Cripes, these consoles really are deep aren't they! I pity anyone with short arms who has to use them! :lol:

    Not sure what to do with it TBH. I would like to have the black "clock" fixture in there without the LEDs (to use as a Red Alert blinker instead). My only stipulation would be to not add any extra lighting fixtures - the current TWOK/Stargazer lighting level is perfect as-is. Beyond that I guess there could be some subtle access panels? But certainly they're not vital. :)

    As for the viewscreen wall itself, I'd thought about having the Plaque to the right and an Okudagram display to the left - maybe something that incorporates a subtle, abstract representation of the TWOK blinkies etc here? __0684.jpg

    ETA: @Rusty0918 I've been thinking further about how some sort of hex/honeycomb reference could be worked in, and took a look at some of the TNG/+ era LCARS. By the time of Voyager they'd introduced the Bio-Neural Gel Packs, and accompanying them was a nifty little Diagnostics/Integrity sweep scan animation seen on some monitors. I don't like the idea of using the honeycomb for "memory banks" as it doesn't fit the technological aesthetic by the time of TFF/TUC, but I wondered if it might work for something like a sensor array of some kind, so bludgeoned together the below concept image quickly in PS:
    Science - Optical Sensor Check.png
    What does everyone think?
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    That does look good! Maybe it doesn't have to be related to the ship. One of the stations can just be showing a schematic of the Argus Array. :lol:

    Remember how I said some inspiration would come from a certain alternate timeline? Well, here it is, the chairs for the stations are a modified version of the Kelvin bridge chairs, which are one of my favorites to ever appear on a starship bridge. The color pallet, and the base of the chairs, are lifted from the TUC Enterprise-A.

    The chairs are an actual purchasable product, the Silver 810S by Interstuhl. They provide cad documents and files of the chairs on their website, so these are directly referenced from there, making my job a lot easier. :lol: (Do keep in mind I only do this because It's straight from the manufacturer)

    As you can see, I've also added labels on the four central consoles, similarly to how the Stargazer had them. I will have to modify the helm station slightly though, currently It's based in its appearance in TFF, so it sits higher than it did on TUC (plus, I have to add the little table add-on at the back).

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Glad you like it :) Funnily enough, it reminded me of the Argus Array, too... The hex graphic was actually swiped from a Trekcore screencap of the ...uh... Scientific module thingymabob from TNG "The Child", and I have no idea what it actually represented :lol:

    I'm immensely pleased those chairs have turned out so well! they're a bit comfier looking than the anemic TUC version, as well as giving this bridge another unique element :thumb:

    Minor nit: The Security & Tactical stations should be reversed so that Tactical is in front of the Egress door (as we discussed in light of pedestrian traffic flow etc) ;)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    @Starscream - That's what I first thought of when seeing those honeycombs. they're supposed to be storage modules for a deadly "plasma plague" that the Enterprise is transporting in "The Child."
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rusty0918 Ideal to represent some kind of sensor array, then! :D Maybe I'll update with a modified closeup of the Argus Array schematics at a later date, to be more of a nod to them...

    Ahaaa, storage modules! Thanks :) I couldn't remember offhand, as I'd never found the (recycled Phase II) episode particularly interesting -- the graphic was simply useful for the concept! :lol:
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