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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    You mean this one? We've talked about doing it for Stage9 but it's way too big for any space on the ship, and it doesn't really flow with the rest of the design, it was clearly designed 10 years later than the rest of the interiors.

    Now this one from The Tour on the other hand, could end up being added to Stage9 in some way at a future release.

    Regarding the LCARS colors, I've been doing some research and having a chat with several people who know more about this stuff than I do. Pretty much all LCARS since halfway though TNG are purple/orange. The plexiglass 'static' LCARS look blue/yellow because of the way they were filmed and how they were treated in post, but I'm positive that on the set they looked purple/orange.

    For example, here's an LCARS that was recently auctioned, from Rascals:

    And here's how it looks on the episode:

    On Generations, DS9 and Voyager, we start seeing more and more TVs and computer monitors being used to display animated LCARS. These LCARS kept their colors a lot better than the static variety and hence look a lot more purple/orange. At the same time, when graphics were added in post, they were done in the real colors, and hence why they look so out of place given that all the graphics around them were color corrected. This is what happens in the Voyager shot you posted JMP11, as that animated graphic was added during post.

    Aaaanyway, I've finished the Mission Ops LCARS panels, so here it is in 3 versions, yellow/blue, purple/orange, and a mix of both as requested (though it should be noted that as the smaller graphics weren't animated, there's no way they looked this way on the set).

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert that’s really interesting about the coloring and why we see the difference in color on screen.

    Let’s go with the all yellow/blue version, I think that looks the best and is true to what we mostly see onscreen during the time period.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Hard to be sure, but it could be - I only have a hazy memory of a photo from an old magazine. Shame, as I rather like the idea of a grand central - or radial - corridor on either the D or E! :)

    As far as the graphics are concerned, IMO how they were made to appear onscreen takes priority over how they might have looked on set - otherwise to follow that logic you'd have to be modelling a big blue sheet behind the viewscreen, and ship modellers would include the armatures! :lol:

    With regards these graphics, the middle option looks good but for the mustard on the orange/purple graphics. That wasn't a major component of the monitor animations as far as any of my screencaps have ever shown. All depends on what look JMP11 is after though, of course.

    ETA: JMP11 got in before I could finish faffing over my bad grammar :lol:
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    The strictly yellow/blue colors do feel a bit too uniform. But those mustard and purple colors just look too different with the yellow and blue colors on the upper and lower displays. Maybe just add a bit of purple and orange to the center displays? But between those three selections the first one (yellow/blue) looks the best.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I had an idea on that and did a quick photoshop on it, don't want to go putting it up without Tadeo's say so first though ("I only act like I'm rude, Rogers; I don't really aim to offend people!" :D )
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Starscream: Oh I agree that how they appear on screen takes precedence; it's just that as I mentioned before, this particular set appeared with a lot of different combinations on different episodes. :lol:

    And sure, go ahead and post your idea!

    I've finished the LCARS on the other side. Given that we don't really see the 'Engineering' label on the right side station on the Odyssey, and that I had added an MSD on the left side station, I've decided to swap the labels between the two.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Good call on switching the labels. The LACRS look gorgeous! I always liked these three tiered stations, they seem more functional.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @JMP11 I too have always been incredibly fond of them - to the point that I'd like to reverse-engineer the TUC bridge backwards to create TWOK and TVH versions based upon it, at some point. I don't however agree with them being used in TNG era as a rule - I know the production team would have had to cut costs, but surely they could have re-used the Ent-D consoles once that bridge was done with... :(

    @Rekkert this is a little later than I planned to reply with it, but here goes:
    Odyssey manip.png

    As you can see, I've modified the smaller panels to simulate something approaching what we'd have seen onscreen if they'd been filled in with animations on monitors - so the colors are amended, and then more blue has been added to the mix overall and a little blurring applied.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @JMP11: Yeah the three row stations work best IMO, they can clearly display info to the rest of the bridge crew, while the person working the station can do so at the smaller monitors.

    @Starscream: I do like that concept of yours very much. The main issue I personally have with it, and the reason why I usually don't do that style of display, is that they look a lot more like a CRT monitor on a set, rather than a 'real' computer display on a futuristic spaceship. it's one of those areas where I don't strive for how it really looked like on the set; just like with the curvature of the displays, or the glue lines on the edges of the displays.

    @mdta: Those are some great references, and Doug's post was very enlightening. Thanks for sharing! :)

    I've been working on the aft wall, still some details to iron out, but the size of the elements is now pretty accurate. I'll further modify the LCARS to be a bit more unique, there's no point in having two panels labeled 'Science' there, even if it was what they truly said. I'll probably modify them to have the ship's name in there, and be kind of a 'Master Situation' console, like older ships had.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    it's looking awesome @Rekkert, you can see more photos of Doug's restoration and the back of the sheet here


    Also something interesting I found that Doug Drexler found and shared in the past, early ideas for the "visual branding" of the interiors for TNG. If the idea of a prototype galaxy class is still influencing you, you may find it interesting.

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rekkert yeah I tend to consider the CRTs as a 3D-capable element inside a 2D interface (ie, it can be used both for pseudo-holographic displays and also as a personal comms viewscreen if necessary). it's a way to suspend my disbelief over those sometimes painfully obvious TV monitors stuffed into the middle of the displays! :D

    And as to why I consider the rest of the 2D panels as not sharing the same functions, note "future" Dax and Bashir discussing those old 2D interfaces in DS9 episode "The Visitor" :)

    ETA: I'm getting backache just thinking about trying to use those lower rear displays! :lol: Where the heck is Starfleet's H&S dept? I'd like a word with those a-holes...

    AETA: Nice find on those embiggenated-style door signs, @mdta! They look ideal for a Starbase or ground station... Hmm. I miss Doug's old Drex Files site; that was a real treasure trove.
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    @Rekkert yeah I tend to consider the CRTs as a 3D-capable element inside a 2D interface (ie, it can be used both for pseudo-holographic displays and also as a personal comms viewscreen if necessary). it's a way to suspend my disbelief over those sometimes painfully obvious TV monitors stuffed into the middle of the displays! :D

    And as to why I consider the rest of the 2D panels as not sharing the same functions, remember "future" Dax and Bashir discussing those old 2D interfaces in DS9 episode "The Visitor" ;)

    Well I'm sure nowadays they'd probably have those being "bar displays," those elongated video screens that are available to show the true potential of LCARS.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Probably, but it is what it is ;)
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    I've always rationalised those CRT cut outs as just a programmable section of the console, like a window in a current day OS, you choose what it displays contextually, but it is a flush full display.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @mdta: Ohh, those are cool concepts! I don't have a Facebook account actually, having worked for an Internet carrier and seen first hand all the data they suck out of you, I have no intention of ever doing so, even if it means losing out on some interesting content every now and again.

    @Starscream: Do those give you backache? Just try to use those stations on the early Defiant bridge!

    @Rusty0918: I would actually like to see one of those with a usable and tastefully done LCARS layout.

    I've modified the layout a bit and added a light strip at the bottom. We know that it wasn't there on the set, but it gives something more interesting to the wall... Also, the ship's name didn't fit into the LCARS, so I just added 'Galaxy-Class' in there, similar to how MSDs were labeled.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    Starfleet would cater for species big or small, maybe there are some little guys who are expert at those lower displays :D
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    I checked a few of Doug's LCARS graphics he has posted, and nabbed some colours you may want to use

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rekkert, they do! And as far as the Defiant is concerned, it's just one more element I'd fix :D

    Definitely with you re: Facebook; I killed off my own account 18months ago for similar reasons.

    I must say I like the panelling you've gone for above and below the aft stations; they evoke the Galaxy-class pullout seat padding :)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    mdta wrote: »
    Starfleet would cater for species big or small, maybe there are some little guys who are expert at those lower displays :D

    In my "Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Galaxy Chronicles" installments, the chief engineer is vertically challenged (and has a resemblance to Peter Dinklage!)!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    Nice work on the aft center wall. That really is a problem area, lol. I love that you continued the lower strip of lights on the bottom... I think it helps to add a bit more visual interest and generate a bit more light.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Agreed - I'm honestly surprised it wasn't there on the real set wall either, as it was present on both Excelsior and Enterprise-B.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @mdta and Rusty0918: Both good points regarding LCARS uses! And thanks for that color sheet! :)

    @Starscream: Yeah I tried to mirror the usual Galaxy-Class aft padding there, just for the sake of tying it somehow to the design we know. :lol: I could see these as being circuitry access panels as those were in Generations for the side consoles.

    @BolianAdmiral: Thanks!

    Regarding the lack of light on the real set wall, you're right Starscream, it was on the Enterprise-B, and that was being filmed at the same time, hence it couldn't be used for DS9!

    I think the aft wall's done now, having made changes to pretty much all the measurements to get them right, and then adding chamfers and stuff. I've also further modified the LCARS with input for JMP11 and changed the colors a bit to be more similar to what we saw.

    Also, we've decided to change the alcoves padding color to the same grey it was on TNG rather than to keep it lilac, it was a bit too much. :lol:

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Funny; I'd kind of gotten used to ODing on lilac! :lol:
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Starscream Well, like I told Rekkert IMO the lilac alcoves make the bridge look more like an early TNG bridge. Where as the grey alcoves give it a more late TNG or DS9 look. It was an lilac OD :lol:
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    You've completely stumped me there - I don't recall them using purple-hued padding on TNG? :confused:
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    Not that specific color, but the use of more colors. Think of the teal color of the USS Yamato's horseshoe, the colored padding used in Picard's ready-room, or the splashes of colored padding on Starbase 173. I could see the lilac or another color used on an early TNG ship of the week, but not so much on DS9.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    The ironic thing there is that you've now reduced the chairs to being that "extra" color, rather than the more uniform appearance of before. :)

    Don't get me wrong, not a fan of lilac! :lol: But having them the same color both tied things together and also reinforced the idea that this was a DS9 "ship of the week". Have you thought of meeting halfway on both chairs and padding instead, ie, grey with a more subtle lilac hue?
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    I actually think it's the reverse, with the gray fabric reminding me more of TNG than the lilac, which to ME, fits much more with the DS9 color palette. Again, that's just me. If it were me, I would switch the lilac of the bottom of the walls to match the alcoves, for the sake of uniformity. I'm honestly not sure what I'd do with the chairs here, since I'm not really a fan of fabric chairs. The vast majority of chairs we've seen on Trek ships, and certainly TNG-era ships, have been leather. I think the Pasteur had fabric, and IIRC, those chairs were white.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Agreed, lilac definitely fits the DS9 palette. In this case the seats actually came from the Pasteur set apparently, but I do question as to whether their color as seen was due to the lighting rather than the fabric itself (I tend to think of them as an off-white also)...

    Think it'd be a bit much to upholster these in white or purple leather though - it's Captain Keogh, not Lando Calrissian! :D
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