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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Had a couple of days with no electricity here after a pretty massive storm, but I'm back in action now!

    JMP11 made me realized that the aft consoles do have chairs on the Odyssey, even if we never saw anybody sitting there. Hence I've added the same chair style that was used on Worf's console for Generations.

    Meanwhile, I've added some more details to the viewscreen.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • AnarionAnarion338 Posts: 50Member
    First of all very nice work. But if I could offer a little criticism, it needs a little dirt. It would add to the realism.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rekkert Was Worf's seat not the same design as the one used for the side consoles?

    @Anarion I've yet to see a fully operational Galaxy-class feature scuff marks and dirt - particularly as "the ship cleans itself". ;)
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Starscream Nope, the side chairs didn't have backs to them. See below for a screen shot that shows Worf in his chair.

    @Rekkert I'm wondering about instead of placing the wall consoles from "Future Imperfect" on the left and right of the view-screen, how would a couple of data monitors would look there? They could show the captain tactical maps or be used as secondary widescreens. It would explain the side angles we always saw when he was talking to the runabouts on their screens. Like what was done with your Bradbury bridge? Maybe make the view-screen wider, taking up most of the wall to make them feel more connected. Something like the screen cap below. Let me know what you think.

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @JMP that honestly surprises me, particularly that they'd use that grey plastic (monstrosity, haha!) on the Ent-D -- it looks rather incongruous there, and they didn't even use that style for the rather utilitarian-looking Stellar Cartography set.

    Re: the viewscreen, bearing in mind it was actually taken from the original Ent-D battle bridge and modified, it makes perfect sense for you to reclaim it for another Galaxy! :D
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    @JMP11 - I think there were another set of stools that they used for those stations when they were seen on the Nebula-class Prometheus bridge from DS9's "Second Sight."

    @Starscream - I doubt that viewer was a reuse of the battle bridge viewing screen. I remember seeing that particular viewer being reused on "Star Trek: Voyager" as the main view-screen on the bridge of the Raven in the episodes "The Raven" and "Dark Frontier."
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rusty I commissioned the Bradbury bridge. I can assure you, the design we came up with was based on the Galaxy battle bridge, as the intention was to hint at it being a precursor to the later Intrepid - rather than one of similar age. ;)
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Anarion: Thank you! While I'd normally agree, supposedly by the 24th Century stuff just cleans itself up according to the Technical Manual. Of course the real reason is that it was a TV show on the early 90's, but the aesthetic of the show is pretty specific and I want to keep that aesthetic intact. :) If I ever do an interior of Star Wars, BSG, or any other universe (which I'm open to do), then I'll add all the dirt I can. ;)

    @JMP11: That could work. I'm attaching an image of the space available for someone to use this area, it's definitely not made for full time operation, but something like the TNG replicators or status monitors would work here.


    @Starscream: Yeah, not a very TNG look on that chair, but it's what they used. :p

    Over at TrekBBS they mentioned that these plastic chairs are actually boat chairs, so I was able to search them and get accurate measurements, so I've adjusted them accordingly. I've also added the three separate consoles on the tactical arc.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Yeah, that's not much space for a work station and in my head the replicator would be through one of the aft exits on a wall back there out of sight.

    Is the photo below from the perspective of the Captain's chair? If it is I would like to try the recessed "mini view-screens" displays I mentioned in my previous comment. The paneling around it is even close to what we see above the aft alcove LCARS.

    @Starscream They aren't my favorite chairs, but as a taller than average person, I can't stand the thought of those backless chairs! :lol:

    Bridge 1 (4).jpgC59A1639-82C7-4710-92B3-F38DA50B859A.jpeg
  • I14R10I14R1070 Posts: 140Member
    I really like your work Rekkert. These all look awesome.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    I love those aft station seats. Yeah, that space between the viewscreen and door alcoves is too small for the "Future Imperfect" circuitry access panels. If that style of panel is really wanted most, what you could try is a "single" version of the panel, like I had at the front of the Zodiac bridge, and Rekkert had at the front of his Charybdis bridge.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @JMP11 I definitely agree the backless ones look (slightly) less comfortable; my peeve is that they don't appear to have covered it to match the other seats.

    That said, I didn't like them on the Ent-B either - they looked needlessly "faux TOS". Slap on some black vinyl padding and they'd be right at home on the original Enterprise! :lol:
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @I14R10: Thank you very much! :)

    I did a pass at the front walls, adding the floor lights and lilac padding, while incorporating those mini viewscreens. Thoughts?


    Here's a view from the Captain's chair:

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    you could try is a "single" version of the panel, like I had at the front of the Zodiac bridge, and Rekkert had at the front of his Charybdis bridge.

    @BolianAdmiral That's a good idea, but my concern with that would be making the bridge seem smaller than it already is. The Enterprise-D had three full sized panels. A half panel, to me, would give an impression of smallness.

    I love the look current captain's chair, but I hate that it doesn't have any displays for the captain. However, if we add these smaller side panel "view-screens" the captain could read information off of them or switch the main viewer to show LCARS as was shown on the USS Southerland and communicate visually with one of the side panels. This would explain all the side angles when they would communicate to the Odyssey from the runabouts.

  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Nice, could they be moved forward toward the view screen, so they aren't centered? I'd like them as close to the view-screen front wall as possible.

  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    I've stretched the screens so that the curved side starts as near to the viewscreen as possible.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Looking good, but two suggestions that may help tie them together a little more:
    1) Extend the viewscreen itself, so that it's closer to the displays,
    2) Reproduce the viewscreen style cutout for the displays (though obviously not as deep!).
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Nice, just what I had in mind!:)

    I like @Starscream suggestion. Lets extend the viewscreen itself to make it closer to the displays, to make it feel like one integrated system.

    I like Starscream's second point, but I would flip it. Make the viewscreen match the side displays (instead of the other way around). Then maybe put a LCARS ribbon flat across the bottom of it using the graphics you currently have inside the frame of the viewscreen or just add the paneling below it like on the side displays?

    The curved sides seem to fit this bridge well. The side alcoves entrances have curved bulkheads and the support buttresses are also rounded off.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Good point @JMP, that'd certainly lend a nice touch of uniformity to it! :) The only detractor is that those sweet looking Enterprise-D LCARS under the screen (that I'd somehow not noticed before!) would be a bit awkward placed fully vertical, I think?
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Starscream I wouldn’t want them vertical, if we kept them, I would want to see them under the viewscreen, still running horizontally. Really they would be in the same spot, just not on an angle because the tilled “frame” of the viewscreen’s top and bottom would be gone.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    That's what I'm saying: they'd be on a vertical face (not that they'd be rotated vertically), which would look odd. ;)
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    The electricity went out again for the last four days, hopes it stays working this time. :mad:

    I re did the viewscreen today to have those curved edges. The only worry I have with these is that now on the front of the bridge you have 'curved edges overload' where you have the alcoves, side screens, AND viewscreen with curved edges, while on the back half of the bridge you have none. Thoughts? Should I add the blinkies inside the recessed area, or below it?

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Fingers crossed it stays on! :)

    I do see what you are saying about the all curves and the curves seem to prevent the larger screen from being all that much closer to the smaller screens. Could I see your original viewscreen design with the viewscreen just wider? Getting it as close as you can to where the front wall meets the angled walls? Thanks!
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Something like this?

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    the second one looks greater! jus my two cents.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I agree with CommanderSozo's cents, the wider screen with the original edges looks better.

    How about eliminating the recesses from the side screens, and instead widening them and adding curved edges to match the main viewscreen?

    Nice to see you back online! :) Must be frustrating as hell...
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Yes, very nice, I think that looks better between the other two options. I think the blinkies and LCARS can fit nicely inside the frame of the viewer.

    What color could we make the front wall? I noticed on the Enterprise-D bridge that the front wall with the viewscreen is a slightly different color than the rest of the bridge. Do you think that could work here? Maybe the same grayish color as the two forward stations or even a darker color to match the two center ceiling supports?

    @Starscream I like your idea, but I really like the current look of the side panels as they are now. I think I’ll keep them as is.
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    JMP11 wrote: »
    @Rekkert Yes, very nice, I think that looks better between the other two options. I think the blinkies and LCARS can fit nicely inside the frame of the viewer.

    What color could we make the front wall? I noticed on the Enterprise-D bridge that the front wall with the viewscreen is a slightly different color than the rest of the bridge. Do you think that could work here? Maybe the same grayish color as the two forward stations or even a darker color to match the two center ceiling supports?

    @Starscream I like your idea, but I really like the current look of the side panels as they are now. I think I?ll keep them as is.

    One of the main reasons why it looked like it had a different color was because the viewer's frame was entirely carpeted, which is notable when watching the HD versions of the TNG episodes. I personally think it's good the way it is.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    The one thing I always detested on the TNG set was that weird arched viewscreen, and how it cut into the curve of the beige "shell" of the bridge.

    Knowing it was carpeted just makes me loathe it even more :lol:
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    The one thing I always detested on the TNG set was that weird arched viewscreen, and how it cut into the curve of the beige "shell" of the bridge.

    Knowing it was carpeted just makes me loathe it even more :lol:

    I was able to live with it, but I agree, I wasn't too crazy about it either.
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