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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    I'd leave it on the same color due to the light strip at the bottom, it kind of implies it's the same material and style. Not to mention that on the Saratoga/Prometheus set it was the same color as well, and I personally like that. The Enterprise viewscreen on the other hand is just stuck in there and clashes both with the color and shape of the surrounding bridge.

    At the same time, by making the viewscreen so wide, there's really no place to add any further detailing on the wall, except maybe some small panels.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @Rekkert how about making the inset/recessed faces around the screen itself darker? I reckon the color you used on the ceiling struts could work well, and it'd make the little target & LCARS displays "pop" a bit more. You get the best of both worlds that way by tying into the E-D and also avoid the screen looking too obviously like a rehash of the substantially older Excelsior version, without making the whole wall at odds with the rest of the bridge. :)
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Starscream I had no idea it was carpeted. I'll have to pull out my blu-rays and check it out! :lol:

    @Rekkert Sounds good, lets leave the wall the same color, but I do feel like it's missing something. The viewscreen feels too much like it's just part of the wall. Could we use a different color in the recessed part of the viewer and elevate the part around it much like the Enterprise-E's viewscreen, but keeping the current shape, building off of what Starscream suggested? Then using the same color for the curved part of the smaller screens (see crude drawing). Or is that just the same as changing the wall color, as much of the wall would be the view screen?

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I think you're on to something there @JMP11, but if I might add a slight amendment:

    Make the viewscreen inset the darker color so as to avoid taking too much from the main wall, but instead extend the cutout on the inner side of each auxiliary screen, so that they cut into the forward wall until they meet the main viewscreen frame -- then have them all the same color.

    ETA: Hmm, nevermind. I put the latest viewscreen image into PS to work up a quick edit, only to realise there are more faces between the viewscreen wall and the side panels than I'd originally thought. Before, I'd assumed the side walls connected directly up against the forward wall, but instead it seems they're slightly recessed, first. This would make my above idea look quite ugly!! :lol:
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    We decided to leave the viewscreen area for last, so that we have a complete picture of all the remaining elements before creating that area, which we could do from scratch if needed be.

    I've added some paneling and vertical LCARS to the aft walls. These were definitely not there on the set, but we never saw these walls on the Odyssey, and they aren't a stretch as they're pretty standard DS9 production paneling.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Those look great!
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @Starscream: Thanks! :)

    I've modified those panels a bit based on JMP11's feedback, and also worked on the corridors/alcoves at the back.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1184 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,624Member
    Looking good! Curious to see what you guys come up with for that center aft wall... ;)
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Awesome, those foyers look cozy :D I always woulda preferred that the Ent-D had had separate corridors separate from the bridge, rather than those weird asymmetric foyers.

    @BolianAdmiral based on one of the fuzzy set photos, I'd suggested previously that it looked kinda like standard Galaxy consoles, though I expect Rekkert will steer more for something based on the Prometheus & (preferably!) the Saratoga. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Thanks! :)

    I've modified those panels a bit based on JMP11's feedback, and also worked on the corridors/alcoves at the back.


    That one wall facing the front of the bridge looks a bit bare. Granted, there's consoles on the other side of it, so I'm not sure what would go there.... Artwork? Scultpures? More random LCARS or screens? Either way I love the rest of that look!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    You don't see sculptures on bridges - which technically this is a part of. Besides, sometimes less is more ;)
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    That one wall facing the front of the bridge looks a bit bare. Granted, there's consoles on the other side of it, so I'm not sure what would go there.... Artwork? Scultpures? More random LCARS or screens? Either way I love the rest of that look!

    It is bare, but it's to be viewed more of a corridor than a wall in a room and adding LCARS or screens with the consoles on the other side would be a bit much in my opinion. I'll save the artwork and sculptures for the observation lounge :D
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    JMP11 wrote: »
    It is bare, but it's to be viewed more of a corridor than a wall in a room and adding LCARS or screens with the consoles on the other side would be a bit much in my opinion. I'll save the artwork and sculptures for the observation lounge :D

    I agree. This is meant to be an egress corridor or an anteroom, and really doesn't need any kind of major decorating.
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    Logistically, you wouldn't want clutter there as it's an escape route in event of emergency on the bridge (if I'm following layout correctly).

    An option that could go here that wouldn't interfere with foot flow could be the "multi-purpose displays" found in TNG-era corridors (at least, that what I recall reading they were- basically, big black panels) or perhaps a turbolift map, as per the interior of the turbolifts in the TMP-era NCC 1701.

    I would also consider adding a handrail-type function, as it's quite an expanse to make your way across if the ship is listing or otherwise not behaving as expected (again, depicted in the attached reference pics). I definitely agree that you don't want to have "clutter" in there though, just something to visually break it up, and/or suggest that it's a "route to" area

    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Samurai wrote: »
    Logistically, you wouldn't want clutter there as it's an escape route in event of emergency on the bridge (if I'm following layout correctly).

    An option that could go here that wouldn't interfere with foot flow could be the "multi-purpose displays" found in TNG-era corridors (at least, that what I recall reading they were- basically, big black panels) or perhaps a turbolift map, as per the interior of the turbolifts in the TMP-era NCC 1701.

    I would also consider adding a handrail-type function, as it's quite an expanse to make your way across if the ship is listing or otherwise not behaving as expected (again, depicted in the attached reference pics). I definitely agree that you don't want to have "clutter" in there though, just something to visually break it up, and/or suggest that it's a "route to" area


    Yeah I think that was more what I was getting at.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    I really liked the handrails suggestion Samurai, so after talking it over with JMP11 and doing some tests, I've added some handrails echoing the ones on the Enterprise-D corridors.

    Like others echoed, the idea is for this to just be a transitioning area, nothing more, so the idea is to not clutter it up too much with stuff that could block traffic. Imaging being an Ensign getting some water from the replicator and all the senior staff come out of the conference lounge, not being able to easily get to the bridge because you're in the way. That would be awkward already, add some LCARS or other distractions there, and it becomes too much.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Hmm. Though it looks like authentic set dressing, the ribbing is a bit too busy to my eyes; while the missing bits of padding at the ends are a bit strange to look at, too. If you could solve that I think it'd probably fit perfectly - I quite like how you echoed the Tactical rail design in the handrail :)

    ETA: Unless Keogh wants to see new crewmembers peeing in the potted Geraniums in the conference lounge after their fifth raktajino, he'll get some signage ordered for those doors :lol:
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Excellent work! It really came out nice, I really like the detailing behind the handrails. It does breakup that wall and during a battle you could have something to grab and help yourself up, if you took a tumble. The missing padding on the ends are a bit odd.

    Or worse the ensign could be getting hot chocolate. We wouldn't want Captain Keogh to get his uniform dirty, he didn't have Q around for dry cleaning. :lol:
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    It'll take more than a Q to take the post-Jem'Hadar stains out :O
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    JMP11 wrote: »
    @Rekkert Excellent work! It really came out nice, I really like the detailing behind the handrails. It does breakup that wall and during a battle you could have something to grab and help yourself up, if you took a tumble. The missing padding on the ends are a bit odd.

    Or worse the ensign could be getting hot chocolate. We wouldn't want Captain Keogh to get his uniform dirty, he didn't have Q around for dry cleaning. :lol:

    The "Brave and the Bold Part 1" Trek novel, the second part goes into Captain Keogh with more depth. He DEFINITELY wouldn't take it as well as Captain Picard did.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Really liking the handrails! It definitely adds something so that wall isn't a sea of padding.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Starscream: The ribbing is the same one as on the Enterprise-D, I just removed the color from it as I felt that was too much.

    And don't worry, the doors now have labels.
    Starscream wrote: »
    It'll take more than a Q to take the post-Jem'Hadar stains out :O

    I laughed way too hard at that...

    @JMP11: Glad you liked how it turned out!

    @Rusty0918: I saw that one in a bookstore once, never to be seen again. I should have bought it.

    @ashleytinger: A sea of padding... that sounds comfy! :lol:

    I started work on the aft LCARS, I feel like I need to finish these first before tackling the central aft wall. The only seen consoles on the Odyssey were Engineering on the right side, and Mission Ops and Science on the left side. Looking at the previous appearances of the set, it's clear that the unseen fourth station was just a repeat of the Science LCARS, as these weren't made to be seen upclose. I've decided to make the unseen station the Environmental console, as the Ent-D had one of those. Also, JMP11 wanted it to have a ship MSD, so I've added that in while keeping the overall shape pretty similar to the Science console, as it originally was.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I know, I know; I'm a terrible human being :D

    The color must make all the difference, as I never noticed the ribbing on TNG! The poor production team having to suffer their made-for-TV handywork being highlighted on HD screencaps! :lol:

    The LCARS look great, and I for one am glad you're keeping with the regular Galaxy color scheme.

    Re: a sea of padding, IIRC the TMP Enterprise had padded corridors on at least one deck. I always thought it'd be neat if the Galaxys had a similar setup, on say the civilian quarters decks (though I'm not too sure about the Odyssey doing them in lilac! :lol: ). I would've likewise liked seeing the medical decks/sections feature white instead of beige -- though of course this would have been cost prohibitive on the show!
  • I14R10I14R1070 Posts: 140Member
    Rekkert, what program do you use for making LCARS?
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    @I14R10: I use Inkscape for all the LCARS and graphics.

    @Starscream: The LCARS colors... that's a weird one, on different screencaps and different reuses of the set they seem to be of completely different colors, despite being the exact same design... On season 1 they seem to be of the same color combination as the Enterprise-D LCARS, but with a weird orange color predominating the keyboard area. Then on season 2 they're of the 'orange and purple' variety, so the keyboard doesn't look so out of place now. Finally for the Odyssey, they appear to be a mix of the two, with the bigger displays being orange, but the smaller row beneath them being blue/yellow.

    To make matters even more confusing, the BTS pictures look completely different, and here on the Odyssey (on the top image) it seems as if even one of the keyboards was changed to the blue/yellow combination, while the other one is still orange...

    I just picked the blue/yellow combination to have some consistency, but this could change depending on JMP11's opinion on this.

    I've made some small progress on the LCARS, finishing the smaller monitors. Also, the aft corridors are now quite a bit shorter, to make more space for the side rooms; otherwise the Turbolift door at the front alcove was too near to the Head door, there wasn't enough room for both to exist.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2061 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    I know, I know; I'm a terrible human being :D

    The color must make all the difference, as I never noticed the ribbing on TNG! The poor production team having to suffer their made-for-TV handywork being highlighted on HD screencaps! :lol:

    The LCARS look great, and I for one am glad you're keeping with the regular Galaxy color scheme.

    Re: a sea of padding, IIRC the TMP Enterprise had padded corridors on at least one deck. I always thought it'd be neat if the Galaxys had a similar setup, on say the civilian quarters decks (though I'm not too sure about the Odyssey doing them in lilac! :lol: ). I would've likewise liked seeing the medical decks/sections feature white instead of beige -- though of course this would have been cost prohibitive on the show!

    Well depending on the source material (I'm talking Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise), most of the decks on the Refit Enterprise were color coded with different colored padding or metal. I think it was deck 4 that was nothing but crew/officer quarters had the brown padding which was where Decker and Ilia talk in the film. That was mainly for the saucer though. All the decks in the secondary hull had the same paneling and lighting. I'd like to think heavy traffic areas where the crew live would have the padding instead of metal panels.

    By the time Wrath of Khan started filming they just simply stopped changing out the panels for the different decks and they were all silver colored metals.
  • JMP11JMP1151 Posts: 130Member
    @Rekkert Nice touch adding the Federation’s insignia on the one monitor. I like the blue and yellow for most of it, but what do you think about making the center rows of LCARS monitors more of the organge/purple look? On both the Enterprise in Generations and Voyager those types of displays seem to have the more orange/purple look.

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    @AshleyTinger yep I'm familiar with the history of them, but much prefer the TWOK/TUC aesthetic for that era - especially the latter, with the color-coded piping exposed, etc. The padding as seen in TMP just felt very dated to the 70s (naturally! Haha).

    My take for the Galaxy would have padding & added "plush" for family/civilian/diplomatic sections rather than simply for heavy footfall areas, then default TNG for the rest. I'd leave the color-coding to doors/signage - something a bit more useful than those orange and purple ones! :lol:

    Does anyone else remember the "grand central corridor" idea that was floated about for the Galaxy-class?

    ETA: I agree with JMP11, orange/purple displays would be in keeping with the Generations bridge from the same timeframe, too. :)

    AETA: Not sure having a warp propulsion or stellar chart on the Environmental console is such a great idea...
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1184 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,624Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    Does anyone else remember the "grand central corridor" idea that was floated about for the Galaxy-class?

    Maybe? Do you have a link or pic you can post to jog my memory?
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Unfortunately not. My only -uncertain- memory is of them trying to realise a portion of it in, I think, one of the Star Trek Experience type setups.
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