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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Not bad, lol... some parts are looking familiar... I like the viewscreen, too. ;) :p

    I know why you like the viewer! :P ;)

    This is for one of my Galaxy Chronicles installments (that I'm still working on), where the USS Galaxy comes across the USS Dobrovolsky, the latter of which Starfleet lost contact with. I chose a Springfield-class vessel since it struck me as being a science vessel of which the Dobrovolsky is (not to mention having similarities between the earlier Oberth-class).

    For trivia sake, the ship is named for Georgi Dobrovolsky, the commander of the ill-fated Soviet/Russian Soyuz 11 spacecraft. In 1971, he and his two fellow cosmonaut crew were the only humans in history to ever die in space.

    There's no clear view of it, but like the USS Tsiolkovsky's plaque from "The Naked Now," the ship's name is in Cyrillic Russian.

    @Rekkert, as with the lights over the two side stations, I was more thinking of both of them being mounted over the center of each console, angled away from each other - e.g. / (the slashes should show the orientation of them).
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I too always thought of the Springfield-class as science ships (AKA "victim-ship of the week" :D ). I like that you're keeping the tradition intact for Russian cosmonauts to. :) Do you have both forward stations as Science consoles?

    Edit: Nevermind - couldn't see the station layout clearly on my cellphone screen :lol:
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Haha, yeah the Zodiac bridge, with its unique front end, became the starting point for the Chekov hence now also the Dobrovolsky, it's proving to be a popular design among Starfleet engineers. ;)

    I've changed the light fixtures to the inverted V positioning.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Haha, yeah the Zodiac bridge, with its unique front end, became the starting point for the Chekov hence now also the Dobrovolsky, it's proving to be a popular design among Starfleet engineers. ;)

    I've changed the light fixtures to the inverted V positioning.


    Yeah, that definitely looks better!

    Well, the Chekov and the Dobrovolsky are sister ships, so there should be at least SOME similarities with the bridges.

    @Starscream - Yes, it is very much a "victim ship of the week." The ill-fate of the crew? I can't quite go into that yet. If the installment was somehow a TNG episode, they probably would use the Oberth-class (or the Miranda-class). But I think we've seen enough of those relics being banged around in TNG and not newer ships like the afforementioned Springfield-class. Of course they couldn't go with those due to budget reasons.
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Such a shame that they couldn't use more 'modern' ships-of-the-week. Even for something like the Pegasus, which was supposed to be a 4 nacelled prototype for several technologies used on the Enterprise... ended up being an Oberth... It would've been so cool to see it as a Cheyenne-Class.

    I've also started work on the second commission, which is another room on board the USS Galaxy. Can you guess which one? ;)

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • I14R10I14R1070 Posts: 140Member
    Stellar cartography?
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2060 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Such a shame that they couldn't use more 'modern' ships-of-the-week. Even for something like the Pegasus, which was supposed to be a 4 nacelled prototype for several technologies used on the Enterprise... ended up being an Oberth... It would've been so cool to see it as a Cheyenne-Class.

    I've also started work on the second commission, which is another room on board the USS Galaxy. Can you guess which one? ;)


    Either the Battle Bridge, or one of the many re-dressings that included a court room and science lab. lol
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    IIRC the Pegasus was actually a modification of the Ambassador-class with underslung nacelles (there was a Sternbach sketch-diagram drawn?), but I agree entirely - ideally there would have been much more "modern" classes seen.

    Definitely looks like a Battle Bridge to me. :)

    ETA: @Rusty I imagine the Ent-D developed a superstitious reputation throughout the rest of the Fleet as the harbinger of doom for older vessels, simply on account of the sheer number of doomed ones Picard and co. came across :lol:
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    @ashleytinger - Yeah, the battle bridge set (originally redressed from the Enterprise bridge used from TMP to TVH) saw a LOT of redressing throughout TNG. Heck, the Zodiac/Chekov/Dobrovolsky bridge is all based off that as well pretty much.

    @Starscream and @ashleytinger - Yes it most certainly is the Galaxy's battle bridge. It won't look identical to the Enterprise-D's battle bridge but it will be extremely similar. I plan to show the Galaxy's saucer separation in the installment of Galaxy Chronicles that I plan to do after the one I'm working on.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Here's the original Pegasus, btw:


    You know Rekkert, that gives me an idea for an Apollo bridge based on the Ent-C we discussed...
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    Here's the original Pegasus, btw:


    You know Rekkert, that gives me an idea for an Apollo bridge based on the Ent-C we discussed...

    On my ship listings on the Galaxy bridge's Mission Ops, I specify two Atlantis-class starships, which is what I picture to be like many fans' renditions of the Apollo-class (the Ambassador-class variation). Perhaps it can be the Atlantis-class.

    I saw that picture. Not totally fond of the design (I prefer the fan-renditions of the Apollo-class - or what I dub the Atlantis-class).

    Frankly, in "The Pegasus," I consider what Pressman said about the Pegasus to be suspect - it didn't have all those experimental systems, except for the phasing cloak. The claim about it having experimental engines and weapons systems was false. Makes sense that way.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Oh, I'm not suggesting that this be the Apollo - though I concede it's certainly possible it might have ended up being... It does sit quite nicely between the Mirandas and the Nebulas, after all! :D

    I did like the overall fan concept of the Apollo, too, but TBH found some interpretations to be a bit "meh". Most follow a little too exactly the hurried detailing job done to represent the Enterprise-C onscreen for my tastes (I loved most of the hull shape, just not the heavy-handed paintwork); while the split angular pod precursor looks entirely illogical.

    In my headcanon, all of the Ambassador derivatives take their surface detailing cues from the 3D-realised version of the Probert concept that Tobias Richter modelled anyway - hence the Apollo would suit a saucer version of the Nebula's delta-shaped pod.

    Just my take on it, of course. :)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Well speaking of the Pegasus, I picture the Dobrovolsky's engineering section looking very much like the engineering we saw on board that ship in the episode, with some differences: the corridors would be more like the Tsiolkovsky's from "The Naked Now," and the warp core and shaft would be where that apparatus was on the Pegasus engineering which housed the illegal phased cloaking device, though the core itself would look different than that redressed station core from "Quality of Life" / Romulan warp core from "Timescape." That's how I had it in mind when describing it when the away team from the Galaxy investigates the vessel. Also, the engineering section on board Springfield class ships is actually located in the saucer! (used a fan-made MSD to determine where it was).
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I love those corridors! Always liked seeing the different variations, such as the ship corridor the Siskos exit from the Holodeck into in DS9 "Emissary", and those seen in TNG "Interface"... Nice to see there are slightly more variations between classes/eras than just the bridges.

    I think I can pretty well visualise what you're describing for Engineering; makes sense to me :) Would your M/ARC assembly look a little more like a smaller Ent-D variant then?
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    It most certainly would be a smaller Ent-D variant warp core, Starscream.

    As with the corridors on the Dobrovolsky, the concentric ones would look very much like the Tsiolkovksy's from "The Naked Now," while the concentric ones would also look like the Tsiolkovksy's, but with those partitions like the Enterprise-A had in her concentric corridors in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" (which was done to disguise the Enterprise-D corridors in that movie).

    In "The Sound of the Shiant," the "victim ship of the week" was the USS Poseidon, which was an Enterprise-B subtype Excelsior-class. I pictured her corridors looking very much like the Raman's from "Interface" (and the Pegasus's from "The Pegasus").
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Well, that's actually the second proposed design for the Pegasus, originally it was gonna be a four nacelled ship, hence why the LCARS displayed on Engineering have four nacelles.


    I'm not very fond of that kitbashed Ambassador, it looks rather silly IMO, but I do like the fan made Apollo quite a lot.

    Both the Tsiolkovsky and the Pegasus/Raman corridors are really nice versions to me, I love the added details on the lower panels that the Raman had, in fact we made those corridors the ones on the Enterprise-D's cargo sections on Stage 9.

    I've finished the Dobrovolsky renders today. I've noticed that we just passed 1000 posts on this thread, that's unbelievable to me, I never thought I'd be making these for so long let alone as a job. I want to thank you all for this, for every bit of help, every commission, every nerdy discussion, every comment. :)

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    That's interesting about the 4 nacelles - maybe set design and Sternbach were simply not in communication on it... Similar to how we ended up with the Stargazer being a Constellation (and not Constitution) class.

    In-universe I guess we could always say that the Pegasus' two other nacelles were unseen because they were located further aft and thus phased with the asteroid! Hahaha

    WRT the Apollo-class, each to their own! :thumb: I think I do prefer the concept drawing in some ways, mainly because it looks more hunkered down and evocative of the Reliant - even though the pylon locations are a bit odd...

    Seems we all agree here: (Doomed!) Ship-of-the-Week corridors look cool! I almost forgot, the Tsiolkovsky type are on the Saratoga in DS9 "Emissary" too. Based on the registries and launch dates seen on the ships we know to have used this type, I'd suggest an early-mid C24th variant. Maybe introduced around the time the Ambassador-class came out?

    Dobrovolsky looks nice and clean, and I expect suitably "atmospheric" once all hell breaks loose and you're left with dinky spotlights for illumination... ;) Congratulations on the post count! I know I've loved both coming here to watch your updates, and our commission interactions, and we can all guarantee there's plenty more nerdy discussions where those came from :D
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    That's interesting about the 4 nacelles - maybe set design and Sternbach were simply not in communication on it... Similar to how we ended up with the Stargazer being a Constellation (and not Constitution) class.

    In-universe I guess we could always say that the Pegasus' two other nacelles were unseen because they were located further aft and thus phased with the asteroid! Hahaha

    WRT the Apollo-class, each to their own! :thumb: I think I do prefer the concept drawing in some ways, mainly because it looks more hunkered down and evocative of the Reliant - even though the pylon locations are a bit odd...

    Seems we all agree here: (Doomed!) Ship-of-the-Week corridors look cool! I almost forgot, the Tsiolkovsky type are on the Saratoga in DS9 "Emissary" too. Based on the registries and launch dates seen on the ships we know to have used this type, I'd suggest an early-mid C24th variant. Maybe introduced around the time the Ambassador-class came out?

    Dobrovolsky looks nice and clean, and I expect suitably "atmospheric" once all hell breaks loose and you're left with dinky spotlights for illumination... ;) Congratulations on the post count! I know I've loved both coming here to watch your updates, and our commission interactions, and we can all guarantee there's plenty more nerdy discussions where those came from :D

    Actually the Saratoga's corridors are somewhat different, though the door signage is similar if not identical to the Tsiolkovsky's.

    And in the installment I'm working on, the Dobrovolsky herself isn't that bad off. it's mostly what happens to the crew!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Different how? I just watched the opening to "Emissary" and the bulkheads at least look to be the same - though I admit the lower portion of the panels could be different.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just realised I've been misremembering the Tsiolkovsky corridors - they were just blatant reuses of the TNG ones with some modified panelling :lol:

    That's (sort of?) a shame about Dobrovolsky - I always love those semi-lit, disaster bridge scenes :D
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    Different how? I just watched the opening to "Emissary" and the bulkheads at least look to be the same - though I admit the lower portion of the panels could be different.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just realised I've been misremembering the Tsiolkovsky corridors - they were just blatant reuses of the TNG ones with some modified panelling :lol:

    That's (sort of?) a shame about Dobrovolsky - I always love those semi-lit, disaster bridge scenes :D

    Well, in "The Sound of the Shiant," that should accomodate you! There's a semi-lit disaster bridge scene in THAT installment!

    Anyway, here's a picture of the Tsiolkovsky's corridor from TNG "The Naked Now:"

    And here's a picture of the Saratoga's corridor from DS9 "Emissary:"

    They're NOT the same!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I'm guessing you must have typed that as I was making my "EDIT" comment :lol:

    ETA: @mdta thanks for the photo of the unknown ship from Emissary; that indeed is the one I mentioned a page or so back. :) Certainly looks like it could be from another older class.
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    Yeah there are similarities between the Saratoga and Raman/Pegasus corridors, but they don't appear totally the same. Though the corridors for the latter two ships are redresses of that hospital corridor from TNG's "Frame of Mind!"
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Yes indeed, the shape of the back walls remain the same.

    When you look at that original corridor though, upon closer inspection the bulkhead angles are quite noticeably the same as the default Starfleet ones - makes one wonder if they cribbed them from somewhere else, or simply fabricated them specifically to echo the TNG corridor for the sake of that episode. The Saratoga ones actually appear more simple still, after all... Either way, it's the thickness of the frames which stand out the most, and are a welcome alternative.

    Speaking of the Raman, I always thought that little four-station console in Auxiliary Control would make an ideal alternative to the TNG Engineering "pool table" console for a guest ship...!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1162 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,612Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    I want to thank you all for this, for every bit of help, every commission, every nerdy discussion, every comment. :)

    You're quite welcome. The quality of your work speaks for itself. And it is I, who should also thank you, for allowing me to see my visions come to life, via your work. You'll always have a friend and customer with me. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2060 Central OhioPosts: 1,262Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    Yeah there are similarities between the Saratoga and Raman/Pegasus corridors, but they don't appear totally the same. Though the corridors for the latter two ships are redresses of that hospital corridor from TNG's "Frame of Mind!"

    The Frame of Mind corridors look REALLY similar to the Kronos One corridors from Star Trek VI... Looking at the side by side, the wall panels DEFINITELY look simliar.

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Definitely the same panels and back structure! Had suspected the same thing yesterday but didn't have any ST:VI to refer to :)
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 453Member
    The Frame of Mind corridors look REALLY similar to the Kronos One corridors from Star Trek VI... Looking at the side by side, the wall panels DEFINITELY look simliar.


    WOW! I never noticed that before! And those corridors were definitely later redressed for the Raman and the Pegasus in "Interface" and "The Pegasus" respectively.
  • RekkertRekkert4240 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,322Member
    Well I had to start from scratch (again), but I wanted to make sure this was as accurate as I could make it, and blueprints for the TMP/Phase 2 bridge aren't exactly easy to find, much less so accurate ones for the battle bridge.

    By the way, good thing I couldn't finish the Enterprise-C bridge last year, it would've ended up having an inaccurate viewscreen...

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
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