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3DUSS Excelsior



  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Wow! Simply just wow! Love it, Tobias! :thumb::thumb: No more needs to be said. :)
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1920 CaliforniaPosts: 2,074Member
    A long slow emphasized Nice....

    Also Tobias, did you ever put up orthos of the Reliant and Grissom?
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    The textures are pretty much done - maybe a tweak here and there - have to make a few more test pictures, but it shouldnA’t be a lot of work. I think I might not put interior in here, as the windows are considerable smaller then the other vessels and you wonA’t notice anything. Maybe just a few cardboards...

    Saquist - I work on a standard I7 with 16Gig Ram.

    I wanted to get the same thing but I was only able to get the 16 GIGs of ram...I couldn't get the 3930K like I wanted to.
    Apparently a shortage...but I'm going to attempt to get the new EVGA SRX Dual Socket later on.

    I'm ..stymied...
  • yotsuyayotsuya177 Posts: 13Member
    I think this thread is in need of being revived. Tobias did excellent work (as Wishbone_Ash did before him) but the number of reference photos I have found and the details of the changes to the model have exploded and I have access to a bunch of things that were not available in 2012. There is so much I'll have to post a link to an external site and just post the highlights here. The only two big mistakes I see with Tobias's model are the top of the saucer and the top of the nacelles. The original studio model had a grid system that divided the saucer into 22 segments with the RCS at the end of the grid lines and the phasers lining up (Wishbone_Ash got this right, at least in the version I have). The second studio model by Greg Jein did not get this detail correct. The top of the nacelles is a bit different with the top hatch of the MPC kit of Darth Vader's tie fighter serving as the done right being the front cowling. Also, the lower hanger is definitely a hanger. For Star Trek VI, they added two long range shuttles docked in there (not the usual landing on a deck, but attached from the top) and lacks some greebles.

    For Generations, they did not just add the parts. They went back to the original sculpts and recast the top of the saucer and the bottom of the secondary hull (Bill George kept the original pieces so they really couldn't restore it). You'll be hard pressed to find many differences from the original except in what got painted blue. The bridge is the same as in ST VI, as is the forward part of the aft hanger, but the impulse deck was completely redone. It is very similar to to the ST VI version, but is slightly longer to completely cover the original area (the ST VI version was too short and revealed some of the original underneath, including a void visible from the back).
  • kuckuk333kuckuk333178 Posts: 209Member
    Necro-posting... please re-read the forum rules on that topic.
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