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3DStar Trek: Specter of the Past



  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    the android from TNG, he appears in all the TNG Movies as well. Played by Brent Spiner.

    I was joking :-p

    I did pick the E specifically, but it's not going to stick around very long. We don't actually get to see any of its interiors (you're right, I never built a 1701-E bridge--started to till I watched First Contact again and saw how sadistic the designers were, that would be a NIGHTMARE for me to do with Bryce). Ironically, the script specifically describes that the 1701-E is to get treated like all the Excelsior-class "guest ship of the week" we saw on TNG, that just showed up as exterior eye candy and then disappeared. We don't even get to see Picard. They stick around just long enough to drop something off before heading off.

    Who or what do they drop off, I wonder? We'll find out soon...may not be who or what you expect though. Time will tell 8-)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    You could build the transporter room, its just a redress of the voyager one with a different pattern on the platform wall :D
    It would be fun to see, regardless. :)
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Well, considering its' been said that there's a temporal aspect to this story, it could be virtually anything. Anything from a P.A.D.D. with security codes granting the Fitzgerald crew access to the Guardian of Forever, the temporal deflector from "Admiral" Janeway, Q, or his son "Q2" as Starfleet's strictly classified ace-up-their-sleeve, or the alien coffee-shop barrista in human disguise that came to Kim & discussed the collision with their mass transit system that led to him ending-up back in San Francisco. It could even be one of The Borg Children with delicate information that could allow Reyf an edge over Garr. It could even be Reg Barclay, with Reyf hoping something triggers one of his accidental "hiccups" of brilliance after his (and the Ent-D's) encounter with the Cytherian "reprogramming" probe.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    It could also be John F. Kennedy's cup of coffee from the day before his assassination. Somehow i dont think so :rolleyes:
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Now now, you never know what unexpected additions might provide the ever-popular "aha" moment. I'm planning one of the best "aha" moments later in the film. I don't want to spoil too much of it, but it will involve Reyf and the Fitzgerald's stellar cartography lab (which will be as it appeared in Generations, not the series). That's still a ways off though.

    For now, just enjoy the ride. I certainly am :)
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Can't wait to install the latest updates at my new rebuilt anthology site.

    "Star Trek: New Worlds"
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    YouTube - Specter v10 Pt 11 Preview

    A small mini-update to answer the question, "Who's coming to dinner?" As I said, it may or may not be who or what you were expecting.

    This is a VERY rough cut of this scene, so there are some glaring transparency issues and a potential issue with the speed of the cuts near the end of the clip (that's up to y'all to decide).

    Let me know what you guys think!

    (I haven't rendered new shots of the 1701-E and the Fitzgerald yet so the intro shot is still the same as it was before; I know the Fitzgerald is upscaled compared to the 1701-E here, not to worry a new shot is coming soon)
  • BERmaestroBERmaestro2 Posts: 0Member
    nice, you have courage to play Data and troy, personaly i was thinkin to use enterprise in my comix too but i dont know what are i will look at you as my oracle :D :D
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    My guide for using canon characters is pretty straightforward.

    1. You have to be aware that they've got years of backstory that we've seen on screen and years more that was alluded to. So anything you write for them has to take that into account. (i.e. you can't suddenly have Deanna Troi being a full telepath)

    2. Also you have to be aware of the year in which your own project is set, and be mindful of what parts of their lives haven't happened yet (so this being 2375, obviously Nemesis hasn't happened yet).

    3. Write your canon characters so that your versions fit in with what's been seen on screen. This is particularly true of fan favorites like Data. Your audience has to feel like they're watching the character you're "borrowing." If they don't, they'll simply tune you out (audiences are harsh sometimes!).

    4. Above all else, treat your canon characters with dignity and respect. If your canon characters are special guest stars, as they are here, then give them a proper introduction (as I did here with "Total Logic") and clearly state why they're showing up. They have to play an important role in the story, you can't simply have cameo guest stars as window dressing.

    There you go, hope that's useful :-)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    OK, I knew Data and Troi were coming from page 3 :D - but i was trying to play along, and not give anything away without it seeming "obvious" lol. Data i understand, its an android. not sure why youre bringing Troi on board, but by building her office it was pretty obvious that you were. I still think you should probably try and get one or 2 people to help with the voices, obviously you will have diff ppl for the final version.

    All in all, not too bad. I do think you need to tone down the music a bit, youre taking too much classic trek stuff for a post-generations movie, a few hints here and there are appropriate, but you should not have a whole mishmash of diff music types. I happen to think only the TNG music doesnt work so well, try and use something a little more "modern" with a few hints to the TNG music.

    Try and cut together a half hour "preview" bit encompassing the ISS Voyager breaking orbit, the rescue of the shuttle crew, and the rendezvous with the Enterprise. Perhaps add in a little dialogue "the enterprise is going to search the outer solar system for clues" or something along those lines - with a dangerous man running around on a fully powered voyager clone, 2 ships are always better than one.

    And last suggestion, try and score it fully, with your awesome intro of the Sov Enterprise, and PLEASE try and AT LEAST get a woman to voice the female characters for this preview, so we get a little bit of variety. take your time with this one, its mostly stitching together what you already got, and tweaking it a bit. Its really good so far!
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Data i understand, its an android. not sure why youre bringing Troi on board, but by building her office it was pretty obvious that you were.

    Data's there to make up for Garrett being out of commission (surprisingly he won't have very much to do with the android herself), and as for Troi, well...she may not get very much screen time, but she delivers some extremely important clues later. Immediately after this scene here, the three of them have a short "corridor walk" followed by a turbolift ride--and if anyone knows what purpose rides in the turbolift actually serve on Star Trek, you know what that means!
    I still think you should probably try and get one or 2 people to help with the voices, obviously you will have diff ppl for the final version.

    As a matter of fact I'm getting started with some of the other voice actors as we speak. I'm taking it really slowly though because this script is suddenly in flux again (an upcoming scene in Troi's office was a last-minute addition and there's some other places we'll have to do some tweaking), so I don't want to rope people in just yet. In point of fact though, I've already got the final dialogue for Dr. Falwell recorded (she only has two scenes in the entire movie), she just hasn't shown back up yet :)
    All in all, not too bad. I do think you need to tone down the music a bit, youre taking too much classic trek stuff for a post-generations movie, a few hints here and there are appropriate, but you should not have a whole mishmash of diff music types. I happen to think only the TNG music doesnt work so well, try and use something a little more "modern" with a few hints to the TNG music.

    So far we've heard (in order of appearance):
    1. "House" pilot opening
    2. "Prologue" (VOY)
    3. "Voyager Pop Remix" (Single)
    4. A tease of "Force Field" (TMP) leading right into "Deck 15" (GEN)
    5. "Are You Alive?" (BSG 04)
    6. "Time is Running Out" (GEN)
    7. "The Enterprise Departs" (DS9)
    8. "Four Seasons" (Vivaldi)
    9. "The Gift of Flesh" (STFC)
    10. "The Planet View" (INS)
    11. "Deep Space Nine Season 4 Title" (DS9)
    12. "Returning to Vulcan" (ST3)
    13. "Data Awakes in Engineering" (STFC)
    14. "Retreat" (STFC)
    15. "Watch Your Caboose, Dix" (STFC)
    16. "Finding an Answer" (ENT)
    17. "Ship on the Horizon" (ENT)
    18. "Voyager Synth Remix" (Single)
    19. "Postponed" (ENT)
    20. "Technodrome" (TMNT)
    21. "Escape Pods - The Lion's Den" (STFC)
    22. "Retreat" (STFC)
    23. "The Dish" (STFC)
    24. "Assimilation" (STFC)
    25. "Detaching-Separation" (TNG)
    26. "Total Logic" (TMP)

    Among the offerings still to come:
    "The Bak'u Village" (INS)
    "Not Enough Time" (VOY)
    more of "The Lion's Den" (STFC)
    "Captain's Star Log" (ENT)
    "Pretend We're Dead" (L7)
    "Stardate 7414.1"
    and excerpts from "Set a Course for Home"

    Along with a few other surprises here and there (rumor even has it the theme from The Price is Right and snippets of music from "Titanic" might appear). A good balance but very little from TNG, unless you mean the TNG films of course. Which pieces do you think don't work? A lot of the scores for these scenes were made with the ever-reliable "just throw something in, we'll perfect it later" method.
    Try and cut together a half hour "preview" bit encompassing the ISS Voyager breaking orbit, the rescue of the shuttle crew, and the rendezvous with the Enterprise. Perhaps add in a little dialogue "the enterprise is going to search the outer solar system for clues" or something along those lines - with a dangerous man running around on a fully powered voyager clone, 2 ships are always better than one.

    You actually raise a point that I hadn't considered. This kinda got accidentally lampshaded now that you mention it. As written, the Enterprise just kinda disappears ("guest ship" treatment at its best). The interpretation I always got from this scene (and this isn't something that's really directly addressed in the script so it's just that, an interpretation) is that the crew assumes Garr wouldn't have stayed in the system after having been discovered, but that he masked his warp trail to avoid pursuit.

    Let me post the complete scene (culminating with the departure of the Enterprise), and if you still think it's something I should stick in when you see how it plays out, it's doable.
    And last suggestion, try and score it fully, with your awesome intro of the Sov Enterprise

    I don't quite follow this one. Is this related to what you said earlier about the hodgepodge of music in use?
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Yeah. I'd rather have two ships running side by side than suggesting "Shaggy, you & Scoob go that way & we'll go this way. Scream if you see anything."
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    At this point all I can do is remind everyone that Starfleet did dispatch "a survey team" to the area that's supposed to show up in just a little bit. There are possibilities, no doubt about that...we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    Ok, you pretty much got all my points i was trying to make. The classic TNG intro music when you introduce the sovvy coming out of warp is nice, but it feels a little over the top. It definitely should be a Crowning Moment of Glory scene score-wise, but i dont feel that music jives so well with everything else.
    tnpir4002 wrote:
    And last suggestion, try and score it fully, with your awesome intro of the Sov Enterprise

    I don't quite follow this one. Is this related to what you said earlier about the hodgepodge of music in use?
    it was reffering to the request to make a more "complete" 20-30 min clip from the last few previews uploaded, including, (preferably) female voice-acting. I know its not so easy trying to string everything together, but it would make it easier for us to follow, IMO. And yes, the Sovvy shot needs to be redone, but its not a bad filler. BTW,
    I hated turbolift scenes bec they were so talkative, lol :D
    And i think it would make more sense, plot-wise, to have Data coming because of the android, even if he does not spend time with him.

    Enterprise Leaving: Just add a 15-second bit of dialogue, explaining what the enterprise is doing; just make it make sense. ("Captian Reyf, the Enterprise is going to Starbase 42; theres a major sale at Macy's today.") :shiner: Do you think you can post a list of crewmembers, its hard to keep track of who's who
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Ohhh okay, you mean like another 10-minute block like I was doing there for a while. I've actually been thinking about doing exactly that, I'm right at 39 minutes of completed footage now. As soon as I hit forty minutes, I'll wipe out all the clips up on YT now and throw four complete ten-minute blocks (the maximum YouTube will allow). There's some new shots (including the full "V'Ger Flyover" sequence) that I think y'all will enjoy seeing.

    As for the crew list:

    Captain - CPT Gaius Sampson Reyf
    First Officer - CMDR Bradley Ezekiel Prentice
    Chief of Operations - LT CMDR Maxwell Garrett
    Chief of Security - LT CMDR Kendra Erickson
    Conn - LT Howard Parks
    Chief Engineer - CMDR Merv Ronston
    Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Elizabeth Falwell

    The USS Fitzgerald does not have an assigned ship's counselor.

    I know it's hard keeping track of an unfamiliar crew, maybe once I get the full-length clips up it'll get a little easier. Hang in there, more to come very soon :)

    As for the reason for turbolift scenes: you're right, they were very chatty, but take note of the type of discussions that were going on. Most of the time, it was personal discussions that you couldn't have in front of the rest of your crew. Per the text commentary on the Insurrection DVD, turbolift scenes (like scenes in shuttlecraft) served to isolate two or three characters so they could have a more intimate discussion.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Per the text commentary on the Insurrection DVD, turbolift scenes (like scenes in shuttlecraft) served to isolate two or three characters so they could have a more intimate discussion.

    I still hated them lol. And it would have been nice to see a transporter from the sovvy :D (redressed voyager set).

    Thanks for the list, am anxiously waiting for this to be finished!
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Thanks for the list, am anxiously waiting for this to be finished!

    At 40 minutes in, we're only about a third of the way through the movie. LOTS more twists and turns (and just plain villainy) to come. :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Okay, I hit the forty-minute mark, so I pulled down all of the clips from Specter v7 or later. In their place, four very high-resolution clips from Specter v10 are uploading at this very moment. I'm keeping an eye on that, as soon as they finish going up I'll start posting links here. Well worth watching from the beginning even if you saw it already.

    No text commentaries this time, promise ;) Instead I'll post the information here so that you can read about a scene before or after you watch it, at your leisure.

    All four of them are up, but at the time of this post the third and fourth still hadn't finished processing.

    YouTube - Specter v10 Hi Res Pt 1
    YouTube - Specter v10 Hi Res Pt 2
    YouTube - Specter v10 Hi Res Pt 3
    YouTube - Specter v10 Hi Res Pt 4
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks good watching them all in big ten min clips :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    I just realized the prologue doesn't have its music track, I skipped that part when I QC'ed the clips I was making. My fault guys! I'll redo Part 1 as soon as I finish the turbolift scene.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    when are you going to fix up the bluescreen and matte's in clip 4? and how the hell do you track the camera and all in poser; then copy the pan's to bryce? its great work, (and would probably be a hell of a lot easier in maya, once youre on top of the learning curve!) :thumb:

    Alright, you need to make a few changes to clip 1 - first of all, make sure that the characters lips are moving, doesnt need to be lip-synced right away, but we need to tell whos talking.
    2 - Rank pips* need to correspond to characters actual rank - there is always only one captain on the ship (unless you have a guest captain) but that does not appear to be the case, im sure poser has the ability to hide some of the ranks.

    and 3 - timeline: I suggest keeping the entire Daystrom scene as the full cold-open sequence, followed by the opening credits and the "5 years later" tag.

    4 - Uniforms: Chellik as captain is wearing a red uniform in the prologue, later, hes still a captain, but now a doctor, and wearing a blue uniform. Rayf is wearing blue in the opening scene, and now is wearing red. And where does Brian Garr get his uniform from if hes been gone 5 years?? (i suppose he could have gotten it replicated anywhere, lol)
  • 3D Master3D Master171 Posts: 0Member
    I could probably like that website above, and watch movies there, if there wasn't this really loud background music that doesn't have a button to turn off. Thus, I can't hear anything on any videos.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    3D Master wrote: »
    I could probably like that website above, and watch movies there, if there wasn't this really loud background music that doesn't have a button to turn off. Thus, I can't here anything on any videos.

    What website are you referring to?
  • 3D Master3D Master171 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    What website are you referring to?
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    3D Master wrote: »
    Just watch it on youtube, the links are on the previous page.
  • 3D Master3D Master171 Posts: 0Member
    Just watch it on youtube, the links are on the previous page.

    There's no previous page on that website. I go there, that's the website, there's nothing previous there.
  • hazendhazend171 Posts: 0Member
    I think homerpalooza67 meant the previous page of this forum (page 20).:thumb:
  • 3D Master3D Master171 Posts: 0Member
    hazend wrote: »
    I think homerpalooza67 meant the previous page of this forum (page 20).:thumb:

    I've watched the Specter stuff. The site however has more than just Specter stuff, videos that are not in this thread.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Do us a small favor, since this thread is about Specter--and only Specter--if there's issues with a third-party site that offers other material, I would suggest starting a separate thread. It's hard enough keeping things straight with just Specter in the mix--better that we don't have to start keeping track of multiple things here :)
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Are you planning to finish the entire story before you go back to edit and make changes?
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