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3DThe Endless Pluto Station Thread



  • DavidChipmanDavidChipman171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm not sure you are necorposting, but I do look forward to see more discussion on this thread.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Thanks guys, yeah I did mention it at the time, but it takes a while to get round the world and such :)

    I did a more recent article they made available online too on doing some advanced surfacing techniques, if anyone's interested.

    Sorry for the slow progress of late, but I've been a bit busy ad the bit I'm doing now is just a bit chewy, and not much to show :)
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Weird double post!
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Necroposting time! :D


    This one took forever to render, because of all the reflections and refractions. Blergh! :) Still need to work on the ceiling some more, and those top doors, but the end is nearly in sight for this bit of the model!
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    Looks great - as always.

    Page 235. Wow....
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Thanks Tobias, and yeah I have been doing this for a while now. Haven't been doing too much of late, as I've had a few other things on the go, so it's nice to get a render out. Now I need to work on some trek Crates and shuttles to sit in there! :)
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member

    Blasted out some more renders. About as close as you're gonna get to an animation :D
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    ....whats the emoticon for two thumbs up?
  • BasillBasill172 Posts: 0Member

    Loving this latest work. I love the appearence of the bay doors from inside when closed, and I love how the little blue glow strips all line up when the doors are open. :)

    That big 2 looks a tad "sports jersey," but everybody's got their own style! ;)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Very cool, beautiful renders as usual.

  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Haha, well it's a scale thing. It looks over-big on the doors that close, an next to human scale, but seen from a distance, as part of the whole station it won't.. At least I hope :D Still not fully decided on orange, but I think it's time Orange had a comeback, so it ties in with other bits of the station.

    and yeah, that was the idea with the blue strips. Not 100% sure if I will have a visible forcefield projector or not, inside the doors.
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Love it.
  • kippakippa0 Posts: 0Member
    What I like about Tobain's work on the Pluto Station is what it shows us what can possible to do with lightwave if you apply yourself, very inspirational work. :)

    Can you load the whole station up in one go? And if so how much memory does it eat?
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Yes I can load it all in memory at once, but I haven't done it for a few months. Hopefully that'll remain to be the case :D

    and yes, with the exception of the post work, it's all done in Lightwave! :)
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member

    Been messing on with my turbolift, to make it a bit nicer in there. Not sure if I'll stick with the red leather, or do cream. Either way I am quite pleased, and yes I am aware of the jaggies. Deal with it :p
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Red looks good... But is it possible to see it in cream to compare?
  • wibblewibble1272 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    I am absolutely up for the red version. The red and white combination rules. But if you like the cream version too, you could just do both. I mean the lifts could be color coded, 'cause i do not think that every lift reaches every section of the station. That would just cause chaos and they would always crash in the tubes. So i think that there are just a few one who go through the whole station and then every section has its own lift system (with different leather colors, if you want). Of course this is your station, and i don't want to talk into, too much. This is just something i always asked myself if i watched star trek. How do they manage this? And this was the most usefull explanation to me.

    ... (did i already mentiond that my english is awfull)
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    I vote for the red. I think it looks damn good.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I vote grey, just to be different (difficult) :P
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Have the executive lift in red and the rest in cream.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    These latest render look sweet Mate!
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    I'll have to do a cream version when I get the chance, but for now I'll stick with the red. Doing cream colour is quite tricky to light!
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    It's Star Trek time again! So I fired up the lens flare generators :D


    Just been doing some material and shader testing of this bit of the station, and I did a cool little region render, so I thought I'd share! :) Back to modelmaking for me now though :D
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    I like it, a lot.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Well I wasn't going to do this, but then a friend of mine wanted something to test his new 32 core dual xeon beast, so who was I to say no :)

  • DavidChipmanDavidChipman171 Posts: 0Member
    This ilast picture looks better than the one before it. Previously, the ambient light seems too blue. But this looks pretty good.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    if you cropped the image, to the same size, it's near identical settings: It's just the bleed through of the glow in the area imediatelly adjacent to the plasma tube. It's just a weird optical effect :-)
  • DavidChipmanDavidChipman171 Posts: 0Member
    I realized that after my post. So, I would have to say things look good, except the blue lighting from the EPS conduit. Can you fix that? Tobias, you're still the master, just a quibble.
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    I'd personally go with a flock wallpaper for the turbolift, in this season's key colours of aubergine and fresh grass. I'd probably pair this with a hand-woven floor covering in a neutral shade and mood lighting around entrances and instrument panels...
    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Samurai wrote: »
    I'd personally go with a flock wallpaper for the turbolift, in this season's key colours of aubergine and fresh grass. I'd probably pair this with a hand-woven floor covering in a neutral shade and mood lighting around entrances and instrument panels...

    Well, Well look who it is, Where you been hidding the last few years Mate?

    Andrew stunning work as always.
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