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3DStar Wars projects thread



  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    I'm going with Kontos-class for the name. See full gallery:

  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member

    Sorry I couldn't resist. :D Loving this smaller design. :thumb:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome. Looks great from all angles. Nice job.

  • stonkystonky350 Posts: 489Member
    Stunning, as usual - the details - just, wow.
  • DanielSheniseDanielShenise0 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent. I'd give it an epic if you finished out the hanger space and had the doors open ;)
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    pretty cool. i can imagine a small dock on the front of a exeutor class ship with a bunch of these being deployed off of it.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    grifxo wrote: »
    pretty cool. i can imagine a small dock on the front of a exeutor class ship with a bunch of these being deployed off of it.

    That would be cool, great job.
  • BarricadeBarricade199 Posts: 181Member
    Possibly a [strike]better[/strike] more hilarious idea?

    Go 'Always a Bigger Fish', and have a Bellator hovering over Ansel's ISD-II, which is launching one of these, which is launching Ansel's missile-boat, which has an ejected random rebel scum pilot, in front of its guns/missiles.

    Only try not to think too much about the pixel size needed to fit even parts of that in. It'd make your head explode. ;)

    PS: please note that I -do- like the design. Just that certain viewing angles are less flattering to it (in only my opinion). The side shot looks excellent.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    So here's a new one (sort of):


    Escort shuttle. In theory a lambda variant. I've tried to get the proportions close to existing (almost all game engine) references for this ship, with as many lambda shuttle parts as is consistent with that. There will be a new engine assembly that fits over this basic shape, to make room for the aft turbolaser turret.

    So, what's it for, and what does it offer than something else in its size range, the Skipray for example, can't? It's not supposed to be particularly agile or fast, but it does have a turreted (must be short range) turbolaser aft, and the fixed guns are likely towards the top-range for fighter weapons (I've used guns from my StarWing here). Skipray seems optimized for strike, with fixed axis ion cannon and the lasers seemingly for self-defense and better straight-line performance. Escort shuttles aren't even really supposed to have warhead load. Habitability is likely to be better than the Skipray, since the potential compartment for crew is larger. So they can operate without tenders for longer too. So - courier, more defensible VIP transport, long-range escort. The shuttles can deal with attacking fighters by pointing on with their fixed guns, and have their turrets cover a convoy or engage any leakers.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    something about the proportions of the shuttle i'm not liking but will reserve judgement for now till its abit more done
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Fractal, Will the wings be foldable like the Lambda?
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    The wings will fold, and there will some combination docking port/ramp thing on the ventral side. Because the game design can do neither of those things, and therefore is stupid.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    something about the proportions of the shuttle i'm not liking but will reserve judgement for now till its abit more done

    I see where you're coming from - I think it might be partly down to the curved surface of the wings? Something Lambda-types don't normally have... From several views it seems to be making the hunched posture a little more awkward. IMO, at least.

    Fractal please tell me you're not going to apply that daft looking space camo to it like the game model has! :p
  • DanielSheniseDanielShenise0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm holding out hope that you'll do a Neb-B with more than three clearly visible weapons positions, and maybe some TIEs in racks hanging below the spine.
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    I'm holding out hope that you'll do a Neb-B with more than three clearly visible weapons positions, and maybe some TIEs in racks hanging below the spine.

    Or with the TIE hangar depicted in the West End Games roleplaying books… I've been thinking of doing that one day, if I ever learn 3D modeling properly :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    It is not a design I've ever really liked to be honest, as has already been mentioned, the wings are too much of a departure from other Lambda like vessels with their curved rather than straight shape (Perhaps a slight redesign inspired by the wings of Revenge of the Sith's Theta Class Shuttle might be an interesting compromise bringing it more in line with the Lambda?), but it also has something to do with the angle they stick out from the fuselage that somehow makes the thing look too awkward. I don't have a problem with the forward swept wings, I guess it is just one of those EU computer game designs that never seemed as well thought out as their movie counterparts to me.

    Still, be interested to see what you can do with it to salvage the design. If there was ever an ugly duckling in need of an extensive redesign and a little TLC it is this thing.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member

  • DanielSheniseDanielShenise0 Posts: 0Member
    DarkSapiens, I don't think there is remotely enough room in either hull for a proper hanger. Especially with the number of fighters mentioned. You have to be able to move ships around within the hull for a host of reasons (pulling an engine, fixing a wonky switch, replacing seat padding, etc.), and I can't believe you'd get enough usable space for all the secondary, back of house uses that are required. Think of all the internal plumbing and wiring required for regular ship functions, then try to squeeze that around a hanger and its repair functions/spaces. Its why I always thought they'd hang under boom in quad packs similar to how they were stored in the first Force Unleashed game. I'd picture a series of docking gantries. Neb-B's would be less escort frigate, and more quick response carrier. Pilots hanging out in the forward hull unit needed, then scramble, board their ships, spool up, the Neb jumps in, starts hammering with the big frontal turbolaser and launching the fighters. The Neb then withdraws or stands off. In Rebel Alliance usage, they'd be more generalist, but certainly not fighter carriers. As hosts for small freighters yes (because of the docking points), fighters no.

    But in regards to the escort shuttle. I can't complain about the design, its good, but I think the existing Lambda is pretty well armed considering its role, and this seems over kill. Honestly Lambdas can handle most hot landing zones, and for those VIPs who need to show-off, just show up in a corvette.

    I can't say enough good things about that Kontos though. Just a properly designed ship and the modeling excellent as always. I love that ship. I think a little Outer Rim squadron with four of those light destroyers you did, 8 Kontos class screeners, and a few Intersectors for scoutingwould be a thing to behold.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good so far.
  • Wishbone_AshWishbone_Ash327 Posts: 250Member
    So here's a new one (sort of).

    I don't envy you trying to turn this awful thing into a good design. You'll need plenty of this:
    134.jpg 34.9K
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work on the shuttle, Fractal. It'll look way much better than the official version when finished :)

    And… DanielShenise, you're arguing for external racks with almost zero capability for maintenance, by saying that an internal hangar would have limited capability for maintenance. Here's a diagram of the TIE racks in deck 5:
    Have in mind that there's an open hangar space below those racks, reaching up to two decks below. Also, you mention the Nebulon B frigate in The Force Unleashed, that shows an even bigger hangar in the game:
    In the WEG and X-Wing games version, badly damaged fighters could be stored in the hangar until they reach proper repair facilities, while with docks only they would be probably lost…

    Anyway, sorry for the off-topic!
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    not sure why you are making this when you made the imp shuttle already and blew it out of the park. i am sure it will look nicely detailed but i would really like to see some rebel ships.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Fractal is quite clearly aligned with the dark side if you look at his body of work. Or Kuat Drive Yards have him on a retainer or something. He actually did make a start on some Mon Cal Cruiser details a while back, but don't know how far that went, was a promising start though, I'd like to see him tackle a couple of Rebel cap ships too. He could start with a Neb-B, that was after all used by both factions. Could be his gateway drug to further Rebel cap ship work.

  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    He could start with a Neb-B that was after all used by both factions.

    And it's a Kuat Drive Yards ship :D

    Would be cool to see how he envisions that ship without the modifications and refurbishment that the Rebel ones seen in the films surely have.
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Fractal is quite clearly aligned with the dark side if you look at his body of work. Or Kuat Drive Yards have him on a retainer or something. He actually did make a start on some Mon Cal Cruiser details a while back, but don't know how far that went, was a promising start though, I'd like to see him tackle a couple of Rebel cap ships too. He could start with a Neb-B, that was after all used by both factions. Could be his gateway drug to further Rebel cap ship work.


    i saw that mon cal ship i would love to see it finished.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    grifxo wrote: »
    i saw that mon cal ship i would love to see it finished.
    Don't tempt him, or he"ll start making mon cal star destroyers!! :D
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    Don't tempt him, or he"ll start making mon cal star destroyers!! :D

    "This is an Imperial equivalent, Kuat Drive Yards triangular version of the Home One" :D
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    "This is an Imperial equivalent, Kuat Drive Yards triangular version of the Home One" :D

    i actually started a mon cal manufactured star destroyer once never got around to finishing it though - should maybe go back to it but have other things i'm working on at the moment - besides would rather see fractals version than my own =)
  • jedi44jedi440 Posts: 0Member
    Hi Stormcloud.
    we miss your great designs also,please post again.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I'm going with Kontos-class for the name. See full gallery:


    Well, hot-damn it's only just occurred to me: This looks a whole lot similar to the Eidolon cruiser! Was that intentional on your part Fractal (and for that matter, have you modeled the Eidolon before at some point)?
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