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  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    Thank you all for the great response.
    Couldn't wait, had to do some renders with more light behind the dish.
    I find more and more angles with a good view at the deflector dish's supporting structure.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,190Member
    Nice. I really like how that light plays off of the framework.
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    edited June 26 #154
    Also added those greeble bits to the bussard collectors.
    Pretty happy with them. Only problem: they aren't mine. The currant name of the mesh: Accessory_Parts_NOT MINE_Delete and redo!.001
    I found them on a mesh from Chris Kuhn that I downloaded some time ago, ripped it out and put it on my model. What qualifies as shitty move. I know. It's just that they look so much like what I had in mind for that part that I couldn't resist and I don't know where and how I could contact him to ask for permission. Don't know if such a tiny detail is worth to worry but I definitely plan to rebuild them on my own.
    Post edited by wibble on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1924 CaliforniaPosts: 2,081Member
    It looks really awesome though.
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    It looks really awesome though.

    Though? It's from Chris Kuhn! It would be more surprising if it wouldn't look awesome.
  • seanrseanr1400 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 635Member
    wibble wrote: »
    Though? It's from Chris Kuhn! It would be more surprising if it wouldn't look awesome.
    LOL, indeed.

    The whole bussard assembly looks amazing, frankly. Nice work all around so far. :)

    BTW, you're missing some smooth shading on the pylon here:
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    edited June 29 #158
    seanr wrote: »
    The whole bussard assembly looks amazing, frankly. Nice work all around so far.

    Thanks a lot seanr. Nonetheless I remodeled the intake greebles, like I promised.
    Even though the difference is marginal Chris Kuhn's did look better, in my eyes. But then again once more it is a tiny detail that mostly won't be noticed and I just sleep better if I know there are no stolen parts on my model.
    seanr wrote: »
    BTW, you're missing some smooth shading on the pylon.

    I know, that's because they aren't final yet. ;)

    Post edited by wibble on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,190Member
    They look the same to me, which means they look great. But, I also know how it is to be that critical of your own work.
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    This is another project I started several years ago but never got really far.
    I was arguing with myself if I should even make a post with it 'cause there really isn't much to see. But the goal of this thread was to showcase the projects I have been working on over the years and I haven't shown much of that yet either. And who knows, maybe this even forces me to work on it again.
    Anyone want to guess what it is going to be?
  • StarCruiserStarCruiser379 Posts: 61Member
    Whatever it is - it looks rather industrial...
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1924 CaliforniaPosts: 2,081Member
    wibble wrote: »
    It looks really awesome though.

    Though? It's from Chris Kuhn! It would be more surprising if it wouldn't look awesome.

    I simply meant that wherever you got them, they did the trick.
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    edited June 30 #163
    I simply meant that wherever you got them, they did the trick.

    Thank you, I figured ... well, you know, after second thought. Whatever, I didn't meant it offensive.
    Whatever it is - it looks rather industrial...

    You aren't entirely wrong. But - speaking as Star Trek fan - what does an industrial facility reminds you of?
    Post edited by wibble on
  • StarCruiserStarCruiser379 Posts: 61Member
    Oh, I don't know...something Borg-like?
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    Oh, I don't know...something Borg-like?
    There you go.
    I came across some high-resolution Images of the "First Contact" Borg Cube filming miniature on flickr. My plan was to fuse the FC and TNG Cubes with an inner cube in the first contact aesthetic and a superstructure around it that is reminisce of the TNG Borg Cube. For this superstructure I collected reference photos of industrial facilities. For I have always been fascinated by industrial beam structures and thought they would make a great Borg Cube. But as you can see, after I finished the first piece and saw it compared to the base cube I instantly lost my motivation and never dared to go back to it ever since. According to memory alpha the cube is 3 km tall and after I saw what that means the scope of the project that would be, became too intimidating.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,190Member
    Cool, I was thinking it looked Borg-ish, it's nice to know that's what you're doing.

    On a simi-related note, I have John Eaves' sketchbook from the movies Generations and First Contact, and that book has a 2-page spread showing the detail of the Borg cube from FC.
  • srspicersrspicer394 Posts: 338Member
    Lots of great designs and thought processes in this thread!
    I really like your take on the Connie!!
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    @evil_genius_180 cool, would like to get a look into those sketchbooks. Are they still available?
    @srspicer Thanks a lot. I think it's mostly evil_genius_180's input that makes the thought processes in here interesting.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,190Member
    wibble wrote: »
    @evil_genius_180 cool, would like to get a look into those sketchbooks. Are they still available?

    Yeah, it's actually pretty cheap for a "Very Good" condition used copy on Amazon:

    I'm sure it's available elsewhere, maybe even Ebay with some nice pictures of the item you'll receive, but Amazon was the only place I looked.

    Apart from the 2-page spread showing the cube detail, it also has a really nice photograph of the sphere, and it's full of a lot of other great stuff too.
  • wibblewibble1270 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 570Member
    I decided that I will let the Deflector rest for a while. Got somewhat sloppy and couldn't bring up the patience to change it, knowing that it probably won't be seen anyway. But I will most likely return to it at a later point.
    Instead I'm cutting more windows into the saucer.
  • seanrseanr1400 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 635Member
    If you ask me, that looks perfect! Fantastic. :)
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