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3DWing Commander Pixel Art-y Unity Remake!

Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
Remakin Wing Commander 1 in 640x400 in Unity3d! Why? Cause I think it looks cool. Ship re-designs inspired by Arne - And a running, AI-driven demo here: So far I just have the one cockpit, unfinished, and two fighters. I plan on replicating most of the ships from WC1 with a very few additions.
ViperMcCLizzy777evil_genius_180komaroFreakNathan Rubriclennier1


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    That looks awesome. I love how it looks retro and yet modern at the same time. I have the original Wing Commander for both the computer and the SNES. B)
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Awesome work! Is it all sprites? Or are you using actual 3D models in unity?
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    edited June 2019 #4
    It's all sprites!
    Post edited by Howard Day on
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    This is freaking cool. Never play any of the Wing Commander games though.
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Never too late to start! They're super cheap on :D


    Okay - medium update - I've added some animation to the player's legs - it always bugged me that they we static with everything else going on. now they're controlling yaw - I miiight change that to spin? Maybe. I've fixed the eject light and core damage warning lights - Eject will light up with 30% core damage - but only if your shields are < 50%. I've updated the explosions to inherit the ship's velocity when they die, also updated the projectile impacts to spawn debris when you start chewing through armor. The plan is to have specific Kilrathi/Terran armor and hull chips - but for now it's just spawning a bunch of rings like Sonic getting shot in the ass. Fuel's been coded and hooked up - a Hornet has the same fuel capacity as a F-14. 2400gals. Seemed a good starting point. In the background, but not quite live- I've been working on camera switching for right/left/back/ chase cam views - they look awesome - but I need to mess with the art-shifing logic a bit to make the m move around right when you turn.
    Lizzy777evil_genius_180Nathan RubricBrandenbergashleytinger
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Thanks! Doing some work on the main menu:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    Those look great. :)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice and Retro.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    Did I read you were using Unity?
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Yup. The running demo works in unity in your browser and, despite what it says, on your mobile:
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    That brings back some Nintendo memories...with the Game Genie.
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    edited July 2019 #14
    Hehe, I'm all about the nostalgia! So, gotta "ORIGIN" replacement logo, with a bit of a visual joke: l1kr1bslhitl.png
    and some more in-cockpit and chase camera footage!

    Going to finish up the two MFD models next!

    Post edited by Howard Day on
    Lizzy777Nathan Rubric
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    Cool emblem.
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Thanks, Brandenberg - not bad for a guy with shit logo design abilities.
    So, basically everything except for the Weapons Display, Damage Display, target display, Comms menu and navigation display are all done and working! ...yeah. Still work to go before this is at pairity with the basic Hornet cockpit. Then I gotta hit cockpit damage...which should be fun!
    Muwhahahah, I was right. I just did a pass on doing damaged versions too - these get dynamically masked in based on your ship taking core damage.
    Nathan Rubricevil_genius_180Lizzy777ashleytingerViperBrandenberg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    That looks really fantastic. I love the broken glass on the damaged version.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    This is so Cool!
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Got Damage Masking working!
    evil_genius_180Lizzy777Nathan RubricBrandenberg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    That looks great. :)
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Howard Day, I always knew you were talented, but I didn't realize HOW talented! This is spectacular!
  • Nathan RubricNathan Rubric180 GermanyPosts: 159Member
    Howard Day wrote: »
    Got Damage Masking working!

    Incredible and wonderful like always! =)

    Will you do seperate damage indicators for left and right too?

  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Yep! The damage covers the entire screen.
    Nathan Rubricevil_genius_180BrandenbergLizzy777
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    WOW! Love it.

    I'm digging the display screens as well, though I will admit I was thinking "I wonder if they'll be 3D reimaginings or not)
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member

    evil_genius_180Lizzy777Nathan Rubric
  • Nathan RubricNathan Rubric180 GermanyPosts: 159Member
    Oh nice... now with collision detection. :3
  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Yep, bashing faces with your entire ship since 1990!

    Here's the new added Salthi, both in turnaround and in action!
    Also showing off how well those damage effects work!
    Nathan RubricLizzy777evil_genius_180
  • Nathan RubricNathan Rubric180 GermanyPosts: 159Member
    edited July 2019 #29
    Looks gorgeous like always! <3

    Maybe you could add some flickering/distortion to the (nearest) displays when a electrical discharge happens.
    If this is possible.
    Post edited by Nathan Rubric on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    Perfect. Just like trying to watch TV back in the day when someone was running a hair dryer.
    Nathan Rubric
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