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3DViper's miscellaneous Star Trek projects



  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    Viper wrote: »
    That was a good suggestion. I tried to incorporate it, but I keep changing the panel config to see what works. Anyway this, I think, works a lot better now and also did a first pass on windows:

    Nice! That does look a lot better and the windows also help. Are you planning on adding other surface details like on the 1701-A? Access hatches, escape pod covers and the like?
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    I like what you did with the panels, and the windows are looking great.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited July 2019 #34
    Ooops, what happened to the bridge? The windows really add a lot. This may end up a nicer design than the original Akira. I went back and looked at early pictures of it in this thread and personally would consider reducing the size of the hull under the saucer. Only because it is looking really sleek here.

    I had deleted it before accidentally. I took the opportunity to build a better base for it. And I appreciate the comment, but Alex Yeager is the man. He created the Akira design that I'm basing this on. As for the secondary hull, I kinda think it's a bit small sometimes. Once I get to that part I'll review the size.
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Nice! That does look a lot better and the windows also help. Are you planning on adding other surface details like on the 1701-A? Access hatches, escape pod covers and the like?

    Actually, I have to be really careful to not add too much stuff. The Enterprise is deceptive in its details. It looks like there's a lot, but there really isn't. The texturing step is very important to get the look right. I think for the outside I might review the lines and window placement, but apart from the very rear, this is mostly it. I'll add the famous docking port on the inside part that is flat. As for escape pods, are there any on the Constitution and Miranda? Or even the Excelsior for that matter? At least ones that are visible.

    Couple more images:

    Post edited by Viper on
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    Viper wrote: »

    Actually, I have to be really careful to not add too much stuff. The Enterprise is deceptive in its details. It looks like there's a lot, but there really isn't. The texturing step is very important to get the look right. I think for the outside I might review the lines and window placement, but apart from the very rear, this is mostly it. I'll add the famous docking port on the inside part that is flat. As for escape pods, are there any on the Constitution and Miranda? Or even the Excelsior for that matter? At least ones that are visible.

    I used these sets of blueprints as part of my collection of references when I built my upgraded Ares-class U.S.S. Dakota model. There are some surface details on the saucer and engineering hulls that look like hatch covers.

    As for the escape pod hatches? Yeah, I thnk you can see them on the Saratoga's saucer.

    The blueprints labeled them as EVA hatches.

    IIRC that's where I got the idea. I just added numbers to the squares on my Dakota build.

    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    I like that one better than the original Akira. Looks great with the TMP nacelles.

    I'm sure Section 9 likes it too.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited July 2019 #37
    @Lizzy777 Ah, right. I'm not sure those are escape pods. I think they are just access hatches. I might go the same route I went with the Connie and just texture those. I'll have to think about it.

    I focused the past few days on getting the shapes refined. The catamarans are pretty much final. I also took a stab at modeling the engineering hull to be similar to the Akira itself. I know the design looks a bit too advanced, but it does look a lot better than what I had before. I'll keep this for now while I work on other parts and see what I think. Any comments are welcome of course.

    Post edited by Viper on
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looking good.

    I am sure there is a way to make that engineering up look a little more like TMP era.
    I was thinking may be making the front end of it similar to what was done with the Excelsior or the Ent-B. It might work.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    edited July 2019 #39
    It's looking great, Viper. I think the engineering hull works really well.

    Those hatches on the Connie and Miranda are definitely access hatches. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Decker exit the Enterprise through one to reach V'Ger in TMP.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Honestly, depending on how you deck out the Engineering hull with the details, using the shape from the Akira is fine. By the time you're done detailing her out she'll fit right in with the era you're working on.

  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Decided to try merging the two.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    That looks really nice. It has a strong Excelsior vibe to it.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    OK, that really works.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    edited July 2019 #44
    O yeah!
    That really make it more of a TMP era and works really well much better than the original, which did not suit this era.
    Post edited by Freak on
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited July 2019 #45
    So I woke up today, saw the renders from last night again and my head just went "Nope, that doesn't look right". I decided to go back to the other one I had before. After a bit of tweaking I got a result I'm happy with. This will be the final shape as I need to move on to detailing if I ever want to finish this ship :p Sorry for the fans of the Excelsior style hull ;)

    Post edited by Viper on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Viper wrote: »
    Sorry for the fans of the Excelsior style hull ;)

    It's all good, it's our ship. :)

    I like that hull too, it fits the era just fine.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    While I like the Excelsior style hull it your ship so you can do what you want with it!
    So Now Worries, I still look forward to seeing what you do to that Engineering hull with the details to bring it in line with the Movie Era.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    Great model Viper. I like your latest design the best. That frontal bottom shot is gorgeous.
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
    Spot on, luv it!
    I also like the green panels and the 'stripes' around the 'pontoons', they all help give it mass.
    Good choice on the secondary hull mod.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    edited July 2019 #50
    I wish this ship had been part of the series or movies. I wish it was canon. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. B)
    Post edited by Brandenberg on
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    I appreciate all the comments :) I've spent the past few days just figuring things out in my head. Doing some tests. Here are my current plans for the Shuttle Bays:

  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    Oooooo. Can't wait to see how you do the door on the bottom bay.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    The bays look good so far. I take it there are no plans for the through-deck bay concept, like the original movie model?
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    The bays look good so far. I take it there are no plans for the through-deck bay concept, like the original movie model?

    I could do it in theory.The upper bay can go all the way to the front, no problem. I'll think about it. I haven't actually settled down on how the internals will look like. This is more of a proof of concept.

    Here's a cool shot that I took without any external lights:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    The lighting is looking good. :)

    I always thought the through-deck concept made sense, as the Akira was a fighting ship. Shuttles could be launched quickly out of the front, but landing and retrieval takes longer, so you have the catamarans protecting the shuttle. I'm just not sure of the role of your ship in the fleet, or if you've even decided on one.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited July 2019 #56
    The lighting is looking good. :)

    I always thought the through-deck concept made sense, as the Akira was a fighting ship. Shuttles could be launched quickly out of the front, but landing and retrieval takes longer, so you have the catamarans protecting the shuttle. I'm just not sure of the role of your ship in the fleet, or if you've even decided on one.

    The original idea is to be a test bed for new technologies, specifically for the Excelsior and Excelsior refit so maybe the deck through won't be a good idea. It would also kill my plans for a proper carrier ship.

    For now, I finished the saucer top. It was already pretty close anyway. Just added the phasers. I also spent a few hours setting up the substance file for the project. Doing the textures will be a breeze now. Top is already done. I'll do bottom next and also create the decals for those.

    Post edited by Viper on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    That is really coming along. Thumbs up etc.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Dude, I'm drooling over that paneling. Your specular settings are perfect. :)
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    @evil_genius_180 Heh, thanks. I'm considering a tutorial. But it would be rather large. I need to plan it properly.

    BTW, saucer bottom is done:

  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    This is a cool project!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    She's coming along nicely.
    Do you have plans to install a Hanger Control room on the back?
    I know the original had it just above the rear hanger, but seeing as you have two. It might be best to put it onto the rim of the source so they can keep an eye on both.
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