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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    So very beautiful! Aside from the quality of this model, I also can't believe this has all been created with Blender, lol... it looks to be an extremely capable program.

    Oh yes absolutely! Coming from 3DS Max, I can comfortably say that, while it has a steep learning curve, it's more powerful and easier to use once mastered. The Blender Foundation might not have the marketing money of big corporations like Autodesk or Adobe, but Blender is a seriously powerful tool recognized and used in some fashion by Pixar and other industry giants, particularly once the Cycles renderer was added in. That marked a huge increase in both the quality and ease of use of the program.

    In fact being free software (as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer', like the FSF likes to say) goes a long way because programmers for Pixar, ILM, etc can just add in what they want to make it useful to them without having to work out a partnership or some other stuff with a big corporation, which benefits us all in the long run.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Speaking to Blender, I find it much more powerful and capable than Lightwave. I find Cycles to be the best render engine I've ever used, and modeling is pretty easy to learn and do, but the learning never ceases in a program as packed with features as Blender. One thing that's great about open source software is that, with more eyes on its code, bugs are more quickly identified and dealt with, so you don't have the same bug rearing its ugly head in version after version. Plus, new versions are more frequent and anyone can contribute to the project. Plus, it works great in any desktop OS, with downloads available for Windows, Mac and Linux, and you can download and compile the source code in any other OS. As a hobbyist, I'll never go back to expensive software with this wonderful tool available absolutely free. It took me a long time to switch to Blender, and I'm not going back.
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Nice work on the interiors! Great stuff! Keep up the good work! :)
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @evil_genius_180: Oh yes absolutely, they are all positives there. :)

    @SeanP: Thank you very much!

    Well, I've started working on my next commission, once again by our very own BolianAdmiral. This time it's the bridge of the Cheyenne-Class USS Zodiac, so it's a little bit older yet very TNG in style. Like he said before, this bridge is based mostly on the Brattain, with some elements from the Sutherland, Enterprise-C, Quasar and Defiant.

    The basic structure is up, but other than that there's a lot to do!

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Sweet! I'm already loving how small this bridge looks, compared to the Quasar.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Looking good so far. I can definitely see the Enterprise-C influence with the general shapes.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BolianAdmiral: I'm glad you do. :)

    @evil_genius_180: Thanks!

    I've finished the general layout of the aft consoles, though a lot of details are still to be added there. I had to move the whole central area of the bridge forward half a meter in order to accommodate the tactical station behind the captain, which I still have to add.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    That little wall behind the chair is a bit distracting, but you know these landmark starships, you're not allowed to change ANYTHING. The historical society will be up in your face about it. Then the health and safety experts will get on your case if it's even remotely unsafe by standards that didn't exist when the ship was built.

    It's cool. Looks like a real set from the show.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Awesome update... I'm glad you chose the option to move the command area forward a bit... I do think visually, that was the best option.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    It's looking good so far!

    You know, I've always been curious to see a fully circular bridge made up of those aft consoles from the Enterprise-C...
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,400Member
    That'd be cool... maybe it would feel a bit claustrophobic, though, with all those screens towering over you.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Looking good so far. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BlueNeumann: Haha, well that wall behind the captain is original in this design (not true original, it's lifted from the Brattain, but on an Ent-C style bridge, it's unique to the Zodiac).

    @BolianAdmiral: Yeah, I've tried the other options we talked about, and it would just look a lot more awkward.

    @Starscream: Thanks! After I finished with the Patagonia I started a lot of different experiments, one became the Nomad, other the Galatea, other the Anchorage, but there was another one for a Lost Era design which was pretty much that, but it never went anywhere because the scale was way off, and I ended up losing the file when my HDD failed.

    @evil_genius_180: Thanks!

    I've started work on the ceiling, things are starting to get claustrophobic in here! :lol: The light levels will be adjusted once all the lights are in place, for now it looks a little dark.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    GREAT updates! Like I said in the email, I love the texture of the overhead light panels!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Dude, you're slaying it with these bridges. :thumb:
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Thanks! After I finished with the Patagonia I started a lot of different experiments, one became the Nomad, other the Galatea, other the Anchorage, but there was another one for a Lost Era design which was pretty much that, but it never went anywhere because the scale was way off, and I ended up losing the file when my HDD failed.

    Interesting... just how many of these consoles at their current scale and offset angle would it take to make a complete bridge, do you think? It could be just the camera lens, but it feels to me like these console segments (in place of, say, the 8 complete units in TFF) might make for a smaller bridge set.

    ETA: I just did a quick cut+paste using the old Vance blueprints: looks like 12 console segments would make up an entire bridge circumference, and with not too dissimilar footprint from the actual Enterprise-C set. Coupled with the fact that you'd likely want the turbolifts etc on the same deck level as the consoles in that instance, I think it might make for a cramped (moody) looking bridge.
    Ent-C temp.png

    Obviously I've not put in exits or the viewscreen. Right now I can't help but think the configuration would be better as an older bridge for something like the Constellation-class (the Hathaway used the same console units), with a single center-aft turbolift and the three forward segments replaced with a viewscreen alcove...
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BolianAdmiral: I'm glad you do! :)

    @evil_genius_180: Thank you very much!

    @Starscream: Well, I said similar, I didn't use these consoles, :lol: but rather the console seen at the left side of this image. It was used as a background while on the Ambassador-Class USS Excalibur in TNG, and it's pretty similar to the consoles from the Enterprise-C, so I can imagine it being perfect for a TLE ship. The bridge had an octagonal shape, with these consoles in 4 sides, and the other four used for a small corridor, two doors and a viewscreen. It was pretty unique and I liked it, but had to scrap it due to scaling issues and never went back to it due to time.

    I'm mostly done modeling the aft section of the bridge, I've added the tactical station behind the captain. The black rectangles at feet level on the aft consoles will be isolinear chip bays.

    The ceiling dome is a replica of the one from the Brattain, though with a standard white light rather than the orange it had on that ship.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Great work! Wow, you do this stuff fast.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Well, I said similar, I didn't use these consoles, :lol: but rather the console seen at the left side of this image. It was used as a background while on the Ambassador-Class USS Excalibur in TNG, and it's pretty similar to the consoles from the Enterprise-C, so I can imagine it being perfect for a TLE ship. The bridge had an octagonal shape, with these consoles in 4 sides, and the other four used for a small corridor, two doors and a viewscreen. It was pretty unique and I liked it, but had to scrap it due to scaling issues and never went back to it due to time.

    You said it was "pretty much that"! :p

    Cool - it's nice to get a few more console variants in the mix! (Didn't the Tsiolkovsky have those, too?) With just four of those science lab consoles though I can imagine it'd be even more cramped than what I was thinking of - ideal for smaller transports, etc?

    Think I might keep playing with that blueprint (is it showing up, btw?); see if I can mix in elements from the Ent-A or B to develop the idea of a Constellation variant...
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @evil_genius_180: Thanks! Haha, being my full time occupation, I use a large part of each day on it.

    I've added the Brattain style columns, and I've started working on the viewscreen area, which is based on the Sutherland bridge.

    Per BolianAdmiral's suggestion, I've changed the tactical console support to look like the TNG battle bridge tactical station. It gives the back area of the bridge a bit more open space.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Those struts look perfect, and BolianAdmiral was right; the TNG console supports definitely look better - and they also promote a more uniform appearance.

    I can't help thinking now though that the dark metal dividers between the rear consoles stand out a bit (and might run the risk of making the bridge look a bit too antiquated). Have you considered having them the same grey as the struts, and then maybe doing something with them decal-wise? Putting an embedded spotlight under the tip of each one might also give them more of a "purpose", as they seem to stop a little abruptly otherwise. :)

    Like the re-use of the Quasar isolinear banks, btw! :thumb:
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @Starscream: Sorry I didn't reply to you before, you posted just before I did and I didn't notice.

    It wasn't cramped at all, on the contrary it was waaay to big for the little used space it had. Here's a rough sketch of how it looked like. Maybe with some more work it could've looked good, but like I said I never got the time:

    Getting back to the Zodiac, I've added some Defiant style consoles for the captain, and continued working on the viewscreen.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Hunter GHunter G1927 Posts: 544Member
    It look great! I like small bridges, they feel more "secure" I guess you could say.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Oh, wow... those side chair consoles look GREAT! I love how the viewcsreen area turned out!

    Hunter G: Yeah, they can be more secure, but you want to be careful not to overcrowd it with stuff too much, or it could become a death trap in the event you need to evacuate, lol. That's one thing I'm struggling with with this bridge, decor-wise - I want to make it seem cramped and visually interesting, yet I don't want to overdo it to the point where either it looks like overkill, or where certain decor elements look like "pasted-on afterthoughts". Like the Quasar, I want this to look as much like a "factory-stock" bridge, and not something that's been refitted a bunch of times over.

    Just a quick side note of backstory for this ship, then I'll get back on topic. As earlier stated, this ship, the Zodiac, is from the same story as the Quasar. It's also commanded by the same Captain. This was that Captain's very first command, and this ship is the first ship featured in the story, in a flashback sequence to Wolf 359. I purposely wanted this bridge to feel very small and claustrophobic, since the Cheyenne-Class is a very small ship, and also so that when the Captain takes command of the Quasar, she is just blown away by how "palatial" the Quasar's bridge feels, in comparison.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972338 Posts: 1,216Member
    You must have been reading my mind with those Defiant consoles. Really well executed as well. I'm rather liking how this bridge is shaping up.

    My only real critique is with the light dome. It seems a bit much having the entire thing lit the way it is.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Awesome job on the supports and stuff. I agree that the tactical console looks better. This bridge has a real utility look to it, like it's not pretty but it gets the job done. This is the kind of thing you expect to see in smaller "workhorse" ships.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @Starscream: Sorry I didn't reply to you before, you posted just before I did and I didn't notice.
    It wasn't cramped at all, on the contrary it was waaay to big for the little used space it had. Here's a rough sketch of how it looked like. Maybe with some more work it could've looked good, but like I said I never got the time:

    No worries! :) I like the look of that bridge plan; as I think I mentioned before, it sounds ideal for a smaller transport or science ship (something Jenolen sized?). It might be improved by having only two exits, allowing six console stations by removing the port/starboard lifts... What era was it for?
    Getting back to the Zodiac, I've added some Defiant style consoles for the captain, and continued working on the viewscreen.

    I'm not sure about their supports, but I love the mini consoles! Always thought something like that would have been cool on a TNG-era ship...

    The viewscreen stands out in gunmetal grey IMO, as do the rear supports per previous comment (That, and of course I feel a bit sorry for the bridge crew stuck with a relatively small screen, sorry! :D ) Cheyenne-class ships had a pre-TNG exterior - and in fact the only onscreen example had a registry in the 70000s - whereas this leans quite noticeably into the early C24th. I'd be curious as to your thoughts on this, BolianAdmiral.

    I'm certainly there with Hunter G on smaller bridges, but I also think this one could look nerve-wracking under low lighting, abandoned ship-of-the-week conditions!! Imagine the Borg beaming over... :runs:

    Re: Vortex's comment about the light dome - have you guys looked at any other variations?
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Awesome job on the supports and stuff. I agree that the tactical console looks better. This bridge has a real utility look to it, like it's not pretty but it gets the job done. This is the kind of thing you expect to see in smaller "workhorse" ships.

    Thanks! Yeah, that's the feel I was going for - something down-to-business, and no-frills, in terms of "luxury" elements. She's a very small ship, so being cramped comes with the territory. Every bit of usable space IS used, and for a purpose.

    Starscream; I see what you mean about the rear column supports and the viewscreen in the gunmetal gray. I had been toying in my mind with changing them to the same light gray of the CONN/OPS consoles, but decided against it, as that would be too much light color, and would make the bridge look kinda like light blue and white neapolitan candy. :p The gunmetal gray IMO "anchors" the forward and aft walls of the bridge, and both draws your eyes to and keeps them focused on the viewscreen area, where most of your attention would be, normally.

    As for the NCC number... yeah, IDK why the Cheyenne-Class has such high numbers, especially when a lot of the Nebula-Class ships from Wolf 359 had numbers that were lower. I tend to just chalk it up to the fact that these were ships (models) just quickly built to be seen as mere blobs in the background, so no in-depth thought ever went into their registries.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Yeah, the lighter metal would definitely not work! :lol: I suspect though that if you went with the standard bulkhead grey used elsewhere, then the black of the viewscreen itself should draw enough attention - bearing in mind plenty other bridges need no such emphasis. :) Hey, speaking of other bridges: Have you thought about having moving blinkies like so many others do?

    Maybe the Ahwahnee was simply a later production run; since as you say the Nebula-class numbers originate in the 60000s and this looks to be slightly older if the nacelles are any indication.

    I sometimes forget just how small the Cheyennes are...
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @Hunter G: Thank you! Yeah I like them as well for this kind of ship, they look more functional.

    @Vortex5972: Thanks! Well the lighting fixture was completely lit up on TNG as well, we just changed the color to white.

    @evil_genius_180: Indeed, perfect for a smaller ship. :D

    @Starscream: That bridge was supposed to be for an Ambassador Class, I wanted it to be a mix of what we saw in the Ent-C with the Excelsior, hence the doors at the back.

    As for the dark grey on the columns, keep in mind that all the screens will add a lot more light to the bridge, particularly the aft section, so those columns will look brighter once the LCARS are added.

    And on the Cheyenne registry numbers, indeed most likely the only seen ship in canon was a latter production model, while the original run with the USS Cheyenne was probably on the 5XXXX. After all, the Springfield-Class uses the same nacelles and the Chekov had the registry NCC-57302.

    I've finished with the modeling of the bridge and started with the UV mapping.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
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