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  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Here was the other big Star Wars event of the year for me. This video brought back some happy memories. So much so that it has even made me question even with a new Star Wars movie out, which was my favourite Star Wars experience this year? So strong was the Force with this one. Now the event is over this video reveals more of the secrets of this most secret of Secret Cinema experiences....

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Well, haters be hatin'. (sorry to be so cliche, but it's true) I just saw it. Fortunately, I decided to ignore the frivolous reporting saying that it's sold out for the first two weeks. I don't know if that was only online sales or if they just put it on more screens to keep up with the demand, but I had no problem getting in. In fact, I went to one cinema where it was sold out, so I went across town to another and there were four of us in the theater for the last showing today. It's a good thing I waited that late, because they said the previous showings were all sold out.

    Anyway, I thought it was fantastic. Sure, there were a few familiar things, but it's not really the same as the original trilogy. Also, there were a couple plot points you probably don't want to think too hard on, but it's a great trip. Now, I can't wait for the next installment. (what?! two years?! oh, crap!)

    This is the only part I have a major issue with:
    OK, the Death Star was mobile. It could fly to where a planet was, blow it up and (presumably) refuel in flight. However, the "Death Planet" is a planet! It doesn't move! It can apparently shoot worlds far away. Yet, it uses an entire sun as fuel. So, it's only good for one shot in a single star system and two in a binary system. So, what's the point? You have to build another one just to have another shot! That's kind of weak.
  • Wishbone_AshWishbone_Ash325 Posts: 250Member
    Well, haters be hatin'. (sorry to be so cliche, but it's true) I just saw it. Fortunately, I decided to ignore the frivolous reporting saying that it's sold out for the first two weeks. I don't know if that was only online sales or if they just put it on more screens to keep up with the demand, but I had no problem getting in. In fact, I went to one cinema where it was sold out, so I went across town to another and there were four of us in the theater for the last showing today. It's a good thing I waited that late, because they said the previous showings were all sold out.

    Anyway, I thought it was fantastic. Sure, there were a few familiar things, but it's not really the same as the original trilogy. Also, there were a couple plot points you probably don't want to think too hard on, but it's a great trip. Now, I can't wait for the next installment. (what?! two years?! oh, crap!)

    This is the only part I have a major issue with:
    OK, the Death Star was mobile. It could fly to where a planet was, blow it up and (presumably) refuel in flight. However, the "Death Planet" is a planet! It doesn't move! It can apparently shoot worlds far away. Yet, it uses an entire sun as fuel. So, it's only good for one shot in a single star system and two in a binary system. So, what's the point? You have to build another one just to have another shot! That's kind of weak.
    If you can move a vessel the size of a death star around I don't see why you couldn't scale up the drive system to move a planet...
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    If you can move a vessel the size of a death star around I don't see why you couldn't scale up the drive system to move a planet...
    The planet was many times the size of the Death Star. But, the fact that they can allegedly move things that large is one of the many reasons Star Wars is more fantasy than Science Fiction, so I guess anything is possible.
  • Wishbone_AshWishbone_Ash325 Posts: 250Member
    The planet was many times the size of the Death Star. But, the fact that they can allegedly move things that large is one of the many reasons Star Wars is more fantasy than Science Fiction, so I guess anything is possible.

    many hard sci-fi novels feature galactic civilizations moving things far larger than planets about - it's not really that unfeasible for a civilization that commands that sort of energy and resources. If anything Star Wars massively undersells the abilities of a Galactic civilization.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, one thing that comes to mind is Warworld, from DC Comics. It's a planet that moves through space. There was even a Superman story arc where some galactic bad guys were trying to turn Earth into a Warworld by destroying cities to build massive engines.
    I guess what the movie could have used is a throwaway line like, "The engines are here" during the briefing or the First Order saying, "prep the engines." Or, maybe, "The ability to move a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force." ;)
  • NanoGatorNanoGator1 Posts: 0Member
    I really enjoyed it! I do get some of the criticism of it but it doesn't spoil it for me. Will likely go again soon.
  • rojrenrojren2318 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,974Member
    I liked it. It was oversold and there was a lot of deja vu, but I liked it.

    It's ironic that the last movie I went to see was JJ Trek, which was so off-putting I stopped going to movies (there were other reasons as well), and that he then managed to lure me back six years or so later, with JJ Wars.

    I really enjoyed John Williams' revisit to the old themes.
  • rojrenrojren2318 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,974Member
    Oh, by the way. Where's Lando?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Somebody at work told me Billy Dee Williams is rumored to be in talks to appear in one or both of the next two films. I hope it's true and they do get Lando in there.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    That would be cool. He can still bring the super smooth cool that Billy Dee.

  • bosunbosun62 Posts: 0Member
    When our heroes despair and all hope is surely lost, Lando will show up with a case of Colt 45. It works every time.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    This is awesome, don't view unless you've already seen The Force Awakens, and if you haven't yet? What are ya thinkin?

  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    That is awesome! Even as we learn more about how this stuff is produced, it is inspiring to see how it all turns into the end product.

    Oh, and to give some perspective on the film and what Disney is doing, as well as our expectation vs. experience, I'm just going to drop this here:
  • rojrenrojren2318 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,974Member
    While his points were interesting, that guys droning, overly-careful cadence made me stop watching after a few minutes. If he just added some projector sounds, I'm sure I would have had high school flashbacks.
  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    But yeah, the points in the vid are solid. We complained about how the prequel episodes weren't enough like the original trilogy, and then complained when Disney did a sequel that it's too much like original. (Remember, Lucas himself even said that all the movies rhyme in certain ways, in that they follow a familiar pattern.) And while there are a few homages that I personally could have done without as well, I think it was what they intended it to be - a "safe", beautifully-shot, well-produced, well-acted film.

    But what's more interesting is the story that is really being told that people don't see. Everyone zero'ed in on Rey and Kylo, but Finn is significant in a profound way. He lies about being a "big deal" with the resistance, but he's at the center of every plot point in the film. There's also some Egyptian symbology that snuck in with he and Rey(Ra) as well that went largely unnoticed.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member

    At last we have some news on SW:BF DLC, there is a new update on the way that'll get us heroes in appropriate kits for the maps, it sounds pretty insignificant, but that is a big deal, for me seeing Luke in his Jedi outfit rather than the appropriate cold weather gear, and the correct lightsaber really ruined the immersion factor for me on the Hoth maps. Other pluses are private matches at last, which is a big thing, should make matchmaking with friends a lot easier.

    But the big news is what we'll be getting with the future Season Pass expansion packs, pretty much what we all expected, but still good to see officially confirmed. Bespin and the Death Star will finally be making an appearance together with an old SW:BF fave Jabba's Palace. This is great news, but people could argue this should have been included with the original game release. Would be nice to see more built up city like locations on some of the currently appearing worlds, such as a map based on Mos Eisley for Tatooine for example. There is an expansion pack still without content revealed which we can guess will be based on sequel movies TFA and perhaps Rogue One locations, but the thing still conspicuous by its absence are true space maps. Not there because we're going to get a dedicated Star Wars space battle game like X-Wing? We can only hope.
  • Judge DeathJudge Death0 Posts: 0Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    This is awesome, don't view unless you've already seen The Force Awakens, and if you haven't yet? What are ya thinkin?


    I haven't seen TFA yet and I don't plan to until I can see it in a way that disney doesn't make a red cent off of.

    What am I thinkin'? Well, I'm thinking "XXXX YOU DISNEY!!!" for the way it fired their whole CGI department in order to replace them with workers from india making a fraction what they do, while forcing the fired workers to train their replacements and not speak out publicly against disney or face repercussions.

    I'm really tired of biug american businesses throwiung mout american workers like trash, hurting countless working americans and destroying the middle clas to make themselves richer, so yeah, I'm not paying disney to see TFA.

    Also I have a great deal of personal empathy for CGI workers and respect for again, disney can take TFA and shove it.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    As a precursor to the first of the DLC map packs we've already been getting new content in Feb, and it is starting to shape up into the Star Wars Battlefront game we have wanted from the get go. Maybe it is just me with a bit of an OCD problem, or being a bit of a stickler for lore accuracy, but the addition of proper skins for the heroes for the appropriate maps has made a big difference for me. Seeing Luke running around on Hoth with a green lightsaber and his Return of the Jedi garb just had me facepalming on the release of the game. Han in his Bespin gear was a little annoying, but at least the time period was correct. So seeing the familiar and correct blue lightsaber across the frozen wasteland of a battlefield, and getting chopped up by Luke in the appropriate Hoth gear was heartening. As was playing a Heroes vs. Villains match on Hoth and seeing the big three all in the correct clobber. In addition to this to my surprise when playing on Endor last night I saw Leia was now in her correct Rebel Commando poncho for that environment too. Was as the result of a community challenge that I must have just completely missed somehow. It doesn't add that much to the gameplay, but having the heroes in the appropriate skins does wonder for immersion, which is very much something this game trades on. So it is a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

    The other big addition with the Feb update was the addition of a new map, a Twilight Hoth map taking place in some ice fields and caves near a downed Gallofree Transport, makes for interesting gameplay and is quite different in feel to the main Hoth map. Finally there is the fact that now the Turning Point game mode which was introduced with the Jakku map has now been added to all large scale maps, which gives them a unique twist on how those same maps were used before and results in quite different gameplay on these familiar maps. You also get a new co-op/singleplayer experience in the Hoth Ice Caves map which makes for a nice addition if that stuff floats your boat.

    And all of this is just a free taster before the first map pack titled Outer Rim comes out next month featuring Jabba's Palace (a favourite from the original game, so if they do a worthy homage to that map this could really be something) and Sullust Factory, and a new game mode, I'm wondering if this is going to be some interior environment close quarters style game mode or something based on the maps we appear to be getting. And following this is Bespin, Death Star, and an as yet undisclosed fourth map pack. Certainly seems to be a good year to be a Star Wars gamer fan.


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, Luke running around Hoth in his ROTJ gear has always been a sore spot with me. There's no Force power that I know of to keep you from freezing your butt off. Even if there was, it would likely require too much concentration to be used in battle. Han would be in even worse shape, having no Force powers.

    Though, I find that game somewhat disappointing anyway. The graphics are nice, but there are only a handful of maps. Maybe more content will help, but it's hard to say. I haven't even played since December.

    It would be nice if they'd add more single player content, even if it was just more survival maps. Survival on Jakku would be nice.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Well, Luke and Han now have their proper Hoth gear. That's a nice change. Luke even has his first lightsaber for the Hoth hero battle.

    Speaking of Hoth, I did the new Ice Caves survival map. It's wicked. Taking down TIE Fighters with hand blasters. I only died once, and that was because I backed off a cliff and "left" the game area. :shiner: I'm looking forward to seeing what the next survival map is. It may be on Jakku.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Could be, yeah am liking the new content a lot, and not just that, some serious balance issues seem to have been addressed too, and as I mention earlier, just having a new game mode for all maps makes a big difference. I also didn't realise the new Hoth map also featured a Walker Assault mode, that is awesome on that map. The walkers even leave deeper prints in the snow because of the nature of the terrain which is a nice touch.

    And yeah, you're not alone, that cliff edge on the Ice Caves map is a pesky hazard, have dropped off of that edge a few times myself when employing a jump pack. Just the other day it proved a critical problem when playing Heroes vs. Villains. We were kinda winning, we only had one hero left (Palpatine), but he was in good shape. He was just taking out their last hero when he used the speed/dash move in the scrap and flew off of the edge of the cliff, we all LOLed hard, but damn that lost us the match.


    Anyhow, moving to another related topic, check out this new fan film, probably one of the best I've seen, really well done. There have been some quality fan films coming out lately and this is right up there with the best of them.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    The film looks cool and focuses on one of the best characters created for the prequels. I'll watch it later. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, that was really freaking cool. Somewhat anticlimactic, given that we knew who was going to win, but still freaking cool. The performers all did really well in the film. I thought the action and special effects were perfect, and the music really set the mood. I got a strong "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" vibe from the last few minutes. Not only was the setup similar, but the music was almost spot on for the final shootout in that film. It was a nice homage. Looking at some of the hilts they used in the film, I'd say someone did some shopping at Ultra Sabers. ;)

    Though, I got a bit more of a Mortal Kombat vibe from the Jedi with the half mask on the bottom part of his face than I did a Star Wars vibe. He looked like the missing link between that game and Star Wars. :p
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member

    This looks pretty sweet. It's nice to see them finally doing a movie centering on a character who's not Force sensitive.
  • wibblewibble1149 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 517Member
    Yap amazing thing. But to be honest the thing I was most suprised by was the appearance of Mon Mothma. Do You know who is the actor? From what little we could see of her here it seems like a good cast. It almost looked like they had the original actor and made her younger. Of course we have to judge by her acting after the movie came out, if she can convince as mothma. But than again that can't be all too hard since she hadn't that much screen time in Ep VI. I hope they flesh out this minor character a bit more.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, I noticed that about Mon Mothma too. Darn good casting there. This is the actress playing her:

    She definitely didn't play her in 1983. ;)
  • wibblewibble1149 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 517Member
    Yah, didn't really expected that, although it would have been a nice way to reveal that they finally found the fountain of youth.
    But hey, at least she played Mon Mothma before.

    Anyway, the trailer looks like this could finally be it. After 33 Years and 4 more or less disappointing movies the one Star Wars Film we all have been waiting for. But than again that is the same I was thinking after the first Episode VII Trailer. We will see.
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