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  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    pretty weak if you ask me

    look at the scale of the falcon!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    I know, right? It's only supposed to be 34.75 meters long in the movies. Also, shouldn't there be some damage that the ships caused when they crashed? If it was years earlier and the damage was repaired, then there would be moss, dirt and other crap built up on the ships.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Most of those are really poor, scale issues are ridiculous, they even got that X-Wing wrong which has to be the easiest, and the Falcon is an absolute joke.

    These ones by Cedric Delsaux are so much better.

    I used to use them as a cool example for my students when I taught a module where they had to composite their 3D CGI work into live photographs.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    These ones by Cedric Delsaux are so much better.

    I used to use them as a cool example for my students when I taught a module where they had to composite their 3D CGI work into live photographs.

    That is some exceptional work. In some of those, I could swear it's people in costumes or physically built robots. It's hard to tell in some where the CGI ends and the photo begins. Plus, the scales are much better.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    They're not actually all CGI, some of them are statues and premium figures. Half the fun is figuring out which Star Wars collectables he's used. The C-3PO for example is the old AMT/Ertl model kit. I know because I had one.

    there are some new ones since the last time I checked. The Battledroids and Buick is particularly cool, as is the Falcon docking at the Burj Kalifa in Dubai.
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    Damn, the forum stopped sending me email notifications a few days ago for some reason :(

    I wanted to make a quick comment regarding the Rebels A-wings. Before the new canon, we had this in the EU:
    Basically, we had appearences of A-wings as far back as 15 years before the battle of Yavin (!), and they retconned those into being a prototype fighter with a different name… which was nicknamed A-wing by the pilots. Later, the Rebel Alliance developed their own version using this fighter as a basis. So I don't think there's necessarily a huge contradiction here with what we knew from the EU, except that they now called the fighters 'A-wings' from the beginning. They've made them be manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards now, though. Perhaps because of their similarities with the Delta-7.

    There's a similar story with the H-60 Tempest bomber, a predecessor of the B-wing, although in this case the shape of the two fighters are quite different. However, in the season 2 Rebels trailer you can see a Mon Cal showing the B-wing to the rebels, so maybe the background is similar to the EU one but shifted in time. We'll see how this goes :)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    They're not actually all CGI, some of them are statues and premium figures. Half the fun is figuring out which Star Wars collectables he's used. The C-3PO for example is the old AMT/Ertl model kit. I know because I had one.

    there are some new ones since the last time I checked. The Battledroids and Buick is particularly cool, as is the Falcon docking at the Burj Kalifa in Dubai.
    thats some cool stuff. I love the AT-AT in the fog, and R2-D2 and another droid in a garage with C3P0 peering through the window looking betrayed :p
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    AT-AT in the fog and the battle droids in the car are my favorites. Though, I think they're all great.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    thats some cool stuff. I love the AT-AT in the fog, and R2-D2 and another droid in a garage with C3P0 peering through the window looking betrayed :p

    That garage shot is using just standard action figures for R2 and that second droid (can't remember it's name, but have it and it's an awesome figure). Yeah, that Walker in the fog is sweet.

    With the Battledroids in the car it is a great shot, still can't quite figure out what he did there. From the detail of the droids I'd say a high end premium figure/statuette, but then there are custom panel details in there. Augmented with CGI or customisation? Either way the end effect is a great result.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Here's the Star Wars vid reel from SDCC. Brought a lump to my throat, isn't it December already?



    With regards to the Han Solo thing, I'm not so sold on it, but it could be cool. I think Aaron Paul could look the part of a young Han, I'm just not sure if I want to see someone else take on that iconic role. I'd rather the spin off movies explore other areas or characters not covered in the movies already, plus with Han being barely 30 in the first movie anyway they haven't got a whole lot of time to play with anyway. Could be interesting though if done right, and seeing the Kessel Run and his early dealings with Calrissian and Chewie would be sweet if done right.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    This guy to play Han Solo in the standalone movie for surefor the win:

    And a nice bit of SW:Battlefront spacecraft air combat footage.

    Nice, love the look and sound of it. What did you think of the gameplay? Looked quite Rogue Squadron-esque, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Would prefer to execute evasive manoeuvres manually rather than them being slaved to a button, but I suppose they have to dumb it down a little for consoles. Still looks damned great though, you know it is going to rock, it is just how much and for how long?

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Apropos of nothing in particular, but is anyone else's OCD being driven absolutely bonkers by how uneven the black lines on the new EpVII stormtrooper helmets are? Likewise for the snow/flametrooper visor slits - was it really so difficult to make two parallel cuts instead of that weird wonky slit?? Between that and the whole "duckbill" palava going on with the stormtroopers, all I keep thinking is that someone really wasn't paying attention either during the design or construction phase.

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Sky Movies is showing all 6 Star Wars movies on demand from this weekend, but not only that, but the new channel they have dedicated to Star Wars has pretty much everything. Did The Clone Wars final season The Lost Missions finally get a UK airing in the end? I forget as I watched it on-line in the end. Well that is available (possibly for the first time) here, as are all the other series, plus the new Rebels animated series, not to mention documentaries and the like. So pretty much everything Star Wars in one convenient spot, they even have the latest The Force Awakens Trailer (not including the Comic Con exclusive) knocking about in there.

    Get some Star Wars goodness in this weekend guys.


  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    A good Star Wars The Force Awakens image dump today, from Twitter and Entertainment Weekly, check 'em out. Some interesting articles regarding some of the characters too.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    It was actually yesterday, but that's neither here nor there. :p
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972322 Posts: 1,202Member
    Cast and crew info on Rogue One. Excited for Donnie Yen and Alan Tudyk. :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, that image certainly has me intrigued. Gritty and dirty looking, definitely gives you that Star Wars via The Dirty Dozen/ Saving Private Ryan like vibe they seem to be going for. I'm sold.


    Also intrigued by the vast multicultural cast they've put together (love how the two oriental characters are practically dressed as Samurai, harking back to some of the original influences on Star Wars in the first place), will definitely be interesting to see these guys in action and witness how they work together as a cohesive fighting force.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Please tell me somebody in that group has the character name Kyle Katarn. (Jan Ors would be nice too) Yes, I know they undid all of that stuff, but they could at least throw us a bone here and there and keep a character name or two.
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    TALON_UK wrote:
    love how the two oriental characters are practically dressed as Samurai, harking back to some of the original influences...

    Someone been at my wardrobe again...?
    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • bosunbosun62 Posts: 0Member
    Anybody else notice how Diego Luna is wearing Biggs' moustache? I'm thinking we're looking at a Tatooine connection here.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Force Friday Adventures

    So Force Friday hit. How did it go? Well a friend and I decided to hit up the Disney Store in the Trafford Centre (Manchester) at Midnight, only to be scuppered at the final hurdle by the M60 being closed and the exit to the Trafford Centre being closed off. Heading to the next exit to do a U-turn and see if we couldn't get off at the Trafford Centre going in the opposite direction we found to our dismay that the roundabout after the exit was totally gridlocked. Nothing moved an inch, for a long time, and I mean literally. So we ended up going the only direction that was clear which was in the opposite direction to the Trafford Centre, and with no options to find alternative routes back we headed over to Warrington's Toys'R'Us, we could still make the midnight deadline if we put the pedal to the metal. We got there at midnight to find a massive queue outside the store, got in it, and eventually made it inside the store around 1am, and of course typically all the good stuff was gone. Still members of the ever dependable 501st were there to soften the blow.


    So headed home pretty much empty handed after all that, save for some freebies gained in the queue, a little cute Lego TIE Fighter that my daughter and I enjoyed putting together just before I took her off to nursery this morning.

    All was not lost however. Once I got home in the early hours of this morning I went on-line checked out Amazon and picked up a couple of Black Series 6 inch TFA figures from there. Slapping my forehead going what was I thinking going to the midnight opening? It is the 21st Century after all.

    That said, after dropping off the Little 'Un at nursery this morning I got a call from my fellow Force Friday Adventurer notifying me that I'd better get my arse down to the Trafford Centre sharpish, as he had bobbed in just before work and found it to be like an Aladdin's cave. Had the M60 closure prevented everyone from making the Disney Store's midnight opening? Or was it just armed for bear as far as their stock was concerned? Needless to say, I got my arse over there pronto, and it turned out that this Force Friday Adventure had a happy ending after all.

    I won't say how much I spent (I wish to stay married), I won't say how much my friend spent (don't want to be responsible for his divorce, but I will say that you'll know who my fellow adventurer was Wiz ;)), but it is enough to say we had a good day, and to tell you that you need an App-Enabled BB-8 Droid in your life. That is all.


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    You can't tell me the trip to Toys 'R Us wasn't worth it for that picture alone. :) It looks like you got some really cool stuff at the Disney store.

    The funny part is, I didn't even know "Force Friday" was a thing until less than an hour ago. I guess I should pay more attention. :shiner:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Yep, first day of The Force Awakens merchandise being made available.

    There's a cute BB-8 droid that is larger than the one shown there which I got for my daughter as a surprise when she got home tonight, and she loved it, it roves around and makes noises and such, and can be voice activated, but fakes the ball tech (the ball doesn't move, but has a clever wheel hidden under it that it speeds along on), unlike the App-Enabled one that actually replicates the freaky tech used on the movie prop.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Apparently, most everybody knew about this beforehand but me. But, such is life. It's not like I have any money right now anyway. ;)
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    so how does the droid work? is the head free of the body or what?
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    It is really freaky, it weirded me out when it was calibrating it's systems on the dock when I first activated it with the smart phone app. Basically you have the head dome with a pair of little wheels under it, you can balance it on top, but the slightest nudge and it falls off. So far, so meh. However when you turn it on, after it warms up it suddenly locks to the surface of the ball with a vice like grip. I'm guessing some type of electromagnet is involved to keep it attached, the ball surface (on this droid replica at least) is very smooth to minimise friction I'm guessing, and the ball feels like there is weighty stuff in there shifting about. So I'm thinking some combo of gyroscopes and electromagnetic tech is at it's heart to facilitate the freaky effect. It has to be said it looks awesome and will be the source of many...

    "How did they do that?"

    Conversations for some time to come.
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    Interestingly enough, Sphero, the company who make the toy, were partnered with Bob Iger at Disney for their merchandising ahead of Friday gone. He was so impressed with the tech they developed for the toy, he put them in touch with the production crew, who used some of the design cues in the production model.
    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Less new Star Wars, and more the old, just bought a pair of tickets for Secret Cinema this Friday. Have just received coded transmissions via subspace detailing the secret Rebel rendezvous point. Best dust off that blaster and prepare to head out.

    Woop Woop!!!

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    I've seen a few unfavorable reviews on that little app enabled BB-8 droid. Apparently, it doesn't quite live up to the promo video. At $150, I would expect it to be a bit more feature rich than it apparently is. (of course, it's licensed from Disney, so the $150 is no surprise)
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