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3DCole Class Destroyer

RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
edited April 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Back for the first time in a while, not that I haven't wanted to be around, just that I've not been modelling that much and when I was before now it was for work and NDA'd so I couldn't post anything. But anyway as Combie ah.. I mean Tobian and a few others know I've been slowly working on some stuff for my own 'Setting' any one who remembers the reallly old Blood Class Cruiser (which has been thrown out btw and is no longer being used) might remember it but otherwise yeah.. Anyway.. This has been worked on and off now for about 3 years.. when I've been i the mood it's not done by a long shot but I figured why not start sharing it.

Like always I'm using lightwave. I'll give a blurb up later rather than post a wall of text with out any images. ;) some of these are older images some are newer.
Post edited by Rob on


  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    should note the reason you see two different RCS thruster designs there is i'm trying out an idea Tobian suggested to me ;)

    and the last few images overview gives a general overview of the craft.. and shows the block out (mid section is done on that image nothing else really had been finished) and a scale one which shows it with a block out of the fleet carrier. (there is a reason for the similarity between them)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nice work so far. I like the design and the modeling looks good too.
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    I really like the design and the modelling thus far, very impressive. One question, what is the purpose of the giant cut out in the front section for?
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    Forward LIDAR and Gravimetric Array as well as the forward Jump Emitters.

    Knight26: Originally it was just a design feature that's wormed itself into being explained as required for the Jump drive to function correctly with the bite being proportional in part to the ship size... smaller ships or those with less jump range tend to have less of a bite in universe it's a mass vs field location issue etc.. least that's what i keep telling myself ;)
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    started on the upper section.. also fixed an issue with the jump array segment
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    That's looking great. :)
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    About where i'll be stopping for the afternoon (pains getting the better of me at the moment as is the heat) but fixed up a bunch of mesh errors towards the rear of the uppersection .. normal mistake.. didn't check the cuts etc before extruding.. and detailed out some of the nose front segment. also fixed a 'dent' in the curve panel that's on the nose, don't ask me how it got there.. but it did heh. Likely a non-plan plane..

    like the bottom getting the symetrical stuff in first then the segments where it's unsymetric will go in (bottom has only 1 window on the other side where this side has the four etc. plus need to look at the polys causing that 'craease' as the front nose bend.. i know what's doing it just not certain if i want to leave it there or not..
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    The updates i've done so far
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    seems i'm size limited





  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Pretty cool. It looks like this ship is made more for broadside fighting with the arrangement of those turret groups, though. I really like the engines and the IDS emitter/reactors thingies. :p

    The images are plenty big when you open them in a new tab. ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Looking great. I especially like the sheets telling us what things are. I really like the design of the magnetic acceleration cannon. I wanted to tell you that the other day, but I didn't know what it was called.
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, comment on size limiting was that the files where too bit to upload as attachments ;) there more then 2500px x 2500px i tend to render in u-hd these days heh.. have to start on actually doing the material groups and lighting rig at some point before long i guess and evil if you liked those.. this one might help too


    and yeah long range or broadside combat is the most likely type she'd fight, missiles I did do all the math on works out if you just rapid fired everything she'd be bone dry in about 23 minutes and some one would have 3,000ish warheads closing on them though some of those (about 2/3rds) would be ballastic after a set range or going far slower to preserve energy.. of course it only has fire control links to control 2 missiles per 'tube' so really your never going to have more then 256 missiles space born at any given point unless your cutting the links and letting them self guide, so if you act on the presumption that every missile is controlled for at least 30 minutes it has about 7 days or so of combat endurance before it's down to the turrets and MAC only.. the mac well you can resupply that with anything ferros so .. so long as you have power and a place to mine for astroid chunks your good but the down side is that it's a ballstic weapon.. hits hard.. but can't move once you shoot it.. so mainly used on fixed targets or at close range.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nice job on the deck layout. :)
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    one thing i do love is lightwaves VPR.. makes checking things like this so much easier.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    I was using VPR earlier, it's very handy. :)
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    The A block of the Cole Class plus the engine test also redesigned some parts and switched out some of the turrets for a new version.



    owe Tobian and VK some thanks Tobian helped a lot with the textures and Vk let me use some settings and the like she had for the engine effects
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    ships quite cool but 250m long seems a bit small for the amount of missiles its carrying unless its launchers and missiles are tiny
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    The missiles are shown above and given the internals are all blocked out in 3D the # match the amount actually physically there. A capital ship missile is about 2 people in height while a mk 12a is just a little taller than a person as can be seen attachment.php?attachmentid=110442&d=1422133697

    Technically you could put a lot more than what I have in if you used a lot of the mid and fwd space for extra missile storage but it's not. you get 128 straight off the bat simply by storing them in the tubes, Evreything in that ship has had it's volume and loading etc all mapped out there is no slight of hand.

    You have to remember 250m is as long as a WW2 Carrier and only 75-100m short of a MODERN carrier it's not small.
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    Just to show btw.. every missile accounted for including the loading system, most of hte interior mapped out and actually will result in most moving forward and away from the bunkerage completely.. lot more space there then i thought, most of hte equipments accounted for and the rest is Mass for the reactors and fuel.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    i suppose with so much internal volume dedicated to missile storage you can fit them all in - its just you would think that space would be needed for other stuff - afterall a spaceship going to need more equipment than naval ship and its just a modern missile frigate carries a tiny fraction of that despite being comparable in size - take the british type 45 destroyer its 150m in length and carries only about 56 missiles and dedicated guided missile cruiser like the ticonderoga class only carries 200 or so missiles
  • VK08VK083 Posts: 0Member
    I'm like totally impressed with how quickly you're putting this out Rob, you know I love it from our discussions off board..
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    A modern naval vessel has no where near the same internal volume at all. Not once you actually adjust for the way the super structure and hull shapes.

    If we take the Sea Hawk alone which is a 108mx12 meter tube you can fit 7 of them in the same volume as the cole and still actually have a little to either side now the Sea Wolf is capable of carrying 140 men and women, and a mixed compliment of 50 - 70 Torpedos missiles and other items. Now ok I can see the response here ha see you can't have it 7 x 50 = 350 at the most, except that the actual weapon storage space on the sea wolf is actually small compared to the rest of the ship.

    Unlike those 7 sea wolves on the cole you have 1 ship area 100% dedicated to the missile bunkerage of the ship much like a WW2 destroyer, you have 2 Life support Plants one forward and one mid (the crew quarters are all generally 'forward' of the ship if you notice), you have every radiator accounted for, every engine accounted for, every reactor accounted for. The MAC system and ammunition storeage is accounted for, The Primary Mass for the Reactors is accounted for and actually takes up most spaces between the armor and any other system.. in the form of H2O which not only acts as a rather good Radiation shield in the real world but also is a rather good source for use when attempting to find a Fusion based fuel because the by product of the fusion can be used to keep your crew alive.

    You have a cargo storage that can and would be packed rather full during operations. And unlike those 7 Sea Wolf class submarines which have 980 crew in total.. you have 24 (thouhg i'm thinking of increasing it to about 96).

    Plus as any one who has actively served on any military boat will tell you just because it CAN hold that many doesn't mean it does operationally, just like in the real world most ships will go out on patrol with maybe 1/2 their magazines loaded if their lucky.. why? because just like in the real world there are shortages and the like.

    That being said I may end up reducing the overall magazine size simply from a safety point of view so that 1 good hit doesn't make the entire ship just go 'boom'... it's still a WIP at the moment.

    VK: Thanks :-)
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    ok i'll accept that the internal volume is greater than of a comparible sized modern naval vessel since can be boxy etc but i still think that you'd need more space for all the anciliary things in my mind anyway a spaceship needs a higher percentage of ships volume dedicated to just basic functions than a naval vessel - then again i suppose if you even half filled a nimitz's hanger deck with missiles rather than planes would be able to carry a incredible number of missiles so perhaps your right - i suppose it comes down to - if this ship was in a fight with a similar ship - would it be able to launch all those missiles before blowing up - a ship that dies while its magazines are full is badly designed so can the ship survive multiple missiles hits itself? as if say a salvo of 10 missiles can down the ship (assuming some kind of defence system) then carrying over 3000 missiles seems excessive but if it would take say 200 missiles to down her then would seem more hmmmmm balanced for lack of a better word

    not sure where your going with the H2O fusion thing though - you can split the water into hydrogen and oxygen and can breath the oxygen certainly but hydrogen hydrogen fusion probably not the best for power generation - if your using hydrogen not deuterium then i would look to the hydrogen boron fusion - its aneutronic so much safer to be around and then energy is released as charged particles so can be directly converted to electricity rather than through thermal conversion processes - regardless which way you go though you usually end up with helium which isn't much use for keeping you alive - in my universe i liquefy the helium and store it when the ship isn't in combat and the radiators are fully deployed then when the ship goes into combat is can be used as a coolant and when the gaseous helium has filled the reserve tanks you can even still use the liquid helium and just vent the gas - also considered using it as some sort of laser diffusion defence but not sure helium would work well in that role
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    good points and i'm not saying your wrong either by the way.. I've already started to do modifications just based on our talking on here.. :) the crew size after talking to an Army friend who's wife is ex navy just got a boost.. as she pointed out.. navy cram's you in so i've done that.. and i miss judged a few items sizes .. like ah.. really i can fit about 50x's the crew size i have not that i'm going to but I'm boosting it a little.. oxygen was the biggen.. basically they take the h20 split it for oxygen, the helium likely ends up being used as mass for the thrusters (likely).

    Missile count is likely to drop simply due to what you say there.. the suvivability factor.. lets face it why carry 7 days worth of fighting strength if 4 hours in to the fight your going to loose the rest of it when some one puts a BPL or a massive bit of metal through the magazine and the ship goes boom.

    working on some of the interior items.. this is the new enlisted quarters.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    are you fully modeling the interior aswell? your crazy!

    but yeah 7 days of continuous fighting seems unlikely - crew would be worn out long before the battle -you could reduce the size of the magazine but have it hot swappable so in a big fight ship drops back and rearms from supply ship behind the lines - as for oxygen i would assume that 2000 years in the future we would have worked out a simple oxygen recycling system so its kinda like a super air conditioner splits the oxygen from the carbon returns the carbon to food processors etc - for my universe i assume that all consumables are recycled 100% - a bit revolting eating poop but we already kinda do :) i did consider water as a radiation shield but it would be very heavy and difficult to construct as well but i heard about some promising plastic polymers that provide good radiation shielding for little mass penalty that and the armoured hull should be sufficient
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    modelling certain parts at the moment, more so i can later do like a booklet going 'this is a standard room on a Terran ship' etc. And yeah I do have them using Nanite based machinary for food and waste handling but they put limits on what it's allowed and not allowed (historically there was some reallllly bad experiences with people using nanotech on the moon.. that turned some people into little piles of waterish goo) mazines likely gonna be cut down a litttle not certain by how much yet have to finish at least blocking out the new magazine and loading system designs... while trying to not take a knife to my kidneys at the moment :(

    that being said I've done the Crew Quarters, Laundry and Shower rough outs.. 20 sets of laundry can be done per laundry room ;) and 50 people can all shower at once.. just don't be shy hehe.
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    I thought this was an Arleigh Burke Navy Destroyer...whoops.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    you dont necessarily need nano tech for recycling but thats a plot choice so cant complain

    one thing on your stat sheet you have a max acceleration of 5.349km/s or 550G - km/s is a speed not an acceration need a squared on there dont know how to do little 2's though (you need amazing inertial dampners lol) and you have a top speed listed - have never liked top speed for spaceships unless your stating that 0.39C is as fast as you can get the ship going before its out of fuel and gone ballistic - or that its the top speed can reach and then come back to a relative stop - better to simply state the acceleration rate and the endurance of the fuel at max thrust

    in an interesting aside at your stated acceleration you would reach the speed of light (assuming that was possible) in only a little over 15 hours

    if you want to state a speed better to say something like standard crusing speed or something like that
  • RobRob0 Posts: 0Member
    It's maximum speed that you can go before particle shielding and IDS can not safely continue to shield so it's not listed wrong in terms of being a maximum and hrm.. some reason the ms2 vanished grr i'll have to fix that later.

    The IDS reduces the effects of inertia both in terms of apparent mass and as a sink so you can rapidly accel / decel while you have it active, it's energy hungry hence why it's attached to the reactors themselves, and none of the ships beyond 'small' things really can move with out the IDS fields active in some respect.. loosing one would reduce the acceleration rate by 1/4th (the ship has 4 after all) basically every military ship will eventually reach .39c that's what their shielding is rated to .. every civil ship will reach .24c which is what their shielding is rated to. so really it's a mute point but *shrugs* heh.

    the Angelious i think has like 18 IDS emitters when I get around to actully making it. When i'm feeling a little better i'll add that small 2 that vanished back in.. i'd guess i forgot to unhide the layer..
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