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  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Exactly where is this lift, closer to the main entrance to engineering or...?

    I believe the back-lighting is a little too strong on the pool-table, but I really can't see that well from up here. Is that chairs I see down there too? Japme... I think you are showing signs of CGI designer induced drama :)

    I think that the Chief may be right, there needs to be at least 2-4 stations on the upper level, not to mention perhaps independent standing consoles on either side up near the core railing.
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    colbimista. you're right. the pooltable is the main tool to handle the primary systems. it gives you combined with the master system display an overview of all the main functions and systems. but a starship of this size is a very complex system and i think, it need several workstations to oversee and control the different systems seperately like warp drive, impulse drive, power management, tactical weapons, shields, environment systems, replicators, computer systems, sensor systems, recycling and waste managments etc.
    so as chief i need them all in main engineering.
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    Commander - Here is another shot of the lift's location

    Upper Workstations - I'll add a set of them back in... don't forget there will be couple consoles on the railing as well...
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    Here is the basic design I have started with, for the lifts.
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  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    looks great, japme!
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    Glad ya like it, because the lift is "done", and as I have the next 3 days off, I hope to make some noticeable progress on the rest of the room...
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  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    -Added the MASTER DISPLAY on the front wall
    -Added the 2nd set of control consoles to the second floor
    -Added additional "servers" under the MSD
    -Added some "field-medic" kits, to deal with those annoying battle-related injuries
    -Misc little tweaks and modifications...

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  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, it's an interesting look in the other direction for a change. :thumb:

    Sorry, but I can see without clicking on the thumbnail that the MSD is backwards. I also believe the field med-kits are supposed to be the size of a brief-case, while these industrial sized ones are 3x that size. And field medic kits are usually kept in the medical bay. But I think you might have inadvertently stumbled onto something here...

    These, while not originally planned so, might be considered the first-aid stations placed on both decks in Engineering; one station up top and out of the way like this might be used in case of an accident that isn't too critical to go bother the doc with, while the one on the main deck would be for treating serious injuries that need immediate procedures in place while the victim waits for a medical team to arrive or for the EMH program to warm up.

    Oh... can we please see some views of the pool-table please? I design the thing and wait six years for it to go into Engineering and only get to see the tip of it every now and then... hahaaa :)
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    uups!! there are control functions on the bottom of the MSD. with this view, they are hanging in the air on the level of the floor of the upper level and somebody would need a latter to use them. you will need to positioning the MSD much more down or i will have to change it completely. to be honest, i don't like to have this racks down there, sorry.
    if you have a look on the cutaway of the Grandeur on the bridge MSD, you will see, that there is second small medical bay on the same level with main engineering- just over the corridor. so there is no need for medical stations in main engineering itself. sorry, i can need this place far better for more controls. just my coniderations.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well... he's the chief engineer. :)

    COMMANDERSOZO- Chief, do you think that with the importance of the pool-table control readout, that the top view on the MSD should resemble the same thing so that the upper deck crew can just glance over and see the primary function being displayed?

    JAPME- Besides being backwards, when you go into the MSD image, crop off the bottom controls so they aren't there. With the pool-table being the main control spot for the deck, there is no need for MSD controls in my opinion.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    From my point of view, the upper deck has a pretty easy view on the MSD, so it really could serve them as a basic "that's the issue" readout, and in a way also does so for everyone on the main deck who're not on the pool table. As per the racks below the MSD, I've to agree with the Commander here, they somehow don't fit in. But then again that's a view mainly inspired by the previous engine rooms, where opposite the warp core was the main access and thus never had any equipment at all...
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    thnx, commander and aresius. good point and no problem. i can easely erase the controls. and it's true. why should the MSD not being different.......?
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    OK... that took a little longer than I thought it would... but I made the changes...

    MSD - updated the texture. I've left the "drawers" for now, as I haven't decided what direction to go with the "wall detailing/styling"...

    MED Kits - I left them and shrunk them. Even though there is a secondary Med-bay, it might not be big enough to handle everyone all at once, and it better for you co-worker to start field-treating you, than to wait for the Medic, which if Engineering "blows up", might be occupied somewhere else dealing with casualties. You can NEVER have to many medical supplies, when working around "explosives" of any kind.

    MORE CONTROLS - I will be adding some "status boards" and "maintenance panels" into some of the smaller nooks and crannies that are too small for the full consoles we have on the side walls.

    UPPER Console - Added a console on the upper level, facing the core. This is more for monitoring the reactor housing, and coolant array. Its a backup to pool table and the warp core console on the lower level.

    MISC - Made some minor tweaks to the walls and shaders.

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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well, it's a military vessel, and as far as I know, every military has a couple of cross-trained personell. So it might be reasonable to assume that some of the engineers and tech-crews running around there are cross-trained into the medical area. I find it prudent to have medical equipment (even if it's only an emergency case with the most basic tools, like a tricorder, the most common vaccines, antidots, and sedations, and maybe some [insert medical Treknobabbling] tool) in an area nearby.

    Tho then again, I once read (this time NOt the hated Tech Manual) that the wall-panels sometimes also hold these things. emergency EVA-suits, breathermasks, medkits, emergency force-field generators, food ration packs, and whatnot. Tucked into certain padded wall-panels so they don't get damaged or radiated.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looking fantastic!
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice update! Looks great, Japme :thumb: Well there's another indistinct shot of the pool table... although that is a different and dramatic angle to view the E-MSD from, so I really like that shot.

    I agree that their should be medical supplies and stations with easy access to aid if the need arises, but having reduced their size now leaves it looking like a waste of space and not a place specifically directed for that use. Perhaps putting the kits side-by-side and adding a simple bench coming out of the wall about knee high would be practical in order that the recipient of whatever medical treatment might rest and focus on getting the treatment. Maybe a typical red lighted sign above the area with white bold letters that says EMERGENCY might help also.

    Over all I am really pleased with this whole room. I am often surprised at how wonderfully our ideas and floor-plans have translated into cgi reality with your skill. At some point soon, can we try the Grandeur cranberry/burgundy on the cream stripes on the floor? Initially that is the color scheme for the main departments. Although the cream color isn't annoying, I want to try the tested color and see if we should stay to specs or not.
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    i second the commander. great work, japme.

    one word to the medical supplies. in a combat situation with damages inside main engineering the common injuries will be plasma burnings. so the medical supplies on place make sense. in terms of design a cover with the letters emergency will be enough?
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    @thecommander: i first mirrored the pooltable topview on the MSD, but i didn't satisfied me. it looked odd. so i did this version.

    here is the MSD as seperate graphic. hope, you'll enjoy it.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Chief! Didn't see any notification that you posted that.

    Japme: are you spending some RnR down in the Star-Globe Lounge, my friend? :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Everything looks great. I love that MSD. The room definitely looks like it's coming together nicely.

    @TheCommander: Damn fine ship you've designed. Between this and Vektor's awesome model of the exterior, it has to be fantastic seeing your baby coming together. :)
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, I sure am proud of her, but between VEKTOR, COMMANDERSOZIO, and JAPME to name a few, I am but the inspiring instigator for the Project :) LOL Seriously, it has been a long haul and so anticipatingly pleasing to watch and be a small part of from the beginning!!
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    Hey everyone, sorry about the silence. I haven't been able to touch the Grandeur due to work, but I have a 3-day coming up, and am planning to make some serious dents in this, including the new screens, fresh from the shipyard.
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    Chief got some of the control systems installed and activated. More to come...

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  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Hey guys,

    Amazing work and attention to detail here.

    This may sound like a dumb question, but what is all this going to be used for? Is it because you just want to do it or a 3D animation or fan film? Either way, as I mention above, amazing work.

  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    looks great, japme.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks GREAT, guys!! :thumb:
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    That looks fantastic! Very well done!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work, but I'd put the warp drive console and the impulse drive console next to eachother. Just feels better to put the engine consoles next to eachother for the same of simplicity.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Nice work, but I'd put the warp drive console and the impulse drive console next to eachother. Just feels better to put the engine consoles next to eachother for the same of simplicity.

    I agree.

    Having said that, I think the consoles themselves and the LCARs in particular look awesome. Great work on everything. :)
  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    Shoot, I though I had fixed that... but then I had been up for roughly 20 hours, when the render finished...

    I'll fix that, and then later tonight throw the corrected render up, along with the others, as they just arrived from the manufacturer...

    Glad everyone is liking this.
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