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3DIncom Corporation's T-65 X-Wing Fighter

HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
edited August 2014 in Work in Progress #1
I started using a new program at work, Autodesk Inventor, and wanted to do something fun with it. HereA’s what I came up with.
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  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    autodesk inventor? explain the program please.. is it like maya, max? or are there preset stuff or something?

    looks darn good!
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    awesome engine model, the rest looks quite good as well.
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Autodesk Inventor is a 3D prototyping software. It integrates well with AutoCAD and 3ds MAX. It has a parts/assemble relationship that allows for ease of manufacturing, as well as design editing. Visualization is easy. These images are straight from the produce.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,048Member
    Wow, great details so far. This will always be one of my favorite space ships. :)

    That looks like some really nice software for modeling. Though, I'd imagine it hasn't got the same rendering juice as software like Max and Maya.
  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    Beautiful work so far! :thumb:
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    I must agree with McC, its a Beauty!

    i was given an eval copy of inventor a while back, but never got around to using it.... seems that may have been a mistake! :lol:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Indeed, a cracking level of detail you've managed to stuff into this thing so far, and the accuracy is pretty damned spot on too. Nice work. Almost looks like you're putting a model kit together, actually reminds me of one I built as a kid.

  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Indeed, a cracking level of detail you've managed to stuff into this thing so far, and the accuracy is pretty damned spot on too. Nice work. Almost looks like you're putting a model kit together, actually reminds me of one I built as a kid.

    That's exactly what I thought. You crate the parts and assemble them together like model building. I did a lot of models when I was a kid and through my twenties. :D
  • japetusjapetus2966 SeattlePosts: 1,401Member
    That's cool, i've heard of Inventor before but not used it at all. Great work on this! I'll have to check out Inventor some more. I take it that it's probably mostly nurbs modeling?
  • RekkertRekkert4200 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,321Member
    Wow, the details look amazing!
    From what I've read Inventor doesn't have as much settings to create cinematical renders, but it does look really great to create models.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,048Member
    That's looking great so far. :)
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm loving it, great work! Reminds me I need to make the leap to 3D one of these days.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    looking great!
    are you trying to replicate any specific model, of just a generalized x-wing?
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm trying to get as close to the originals as possible. A more detailed explanation is here.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    nice website, that is a VERY nice R2 you have as well! i should have been more precise, i meant are you trying to replicate any 1 of them, like red-2, or 4 etc. i ended up with a mammoth file full of interchangable parts for about 6 different x-wings, both hero and pyro models. (to this day i am STILL not happy with my fuselage. every couple months i open it up and tinker with it!)

    seems like all your source files were from MMM, there's a gold mine for the X on this link:

    and i know several of the guys over there that will start buggering you to produce 3d grown parts for them... :)
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    This is just a generic, showroom floor X-wing. According to expanded universe stuff the X-wing was designed for the Empire and stolen by the Rebellion. So I was looking into an Empire or Republic paint scheme. I’m also thinking of a factory diorama.

    The beauty of Inventor is that every part is a separate file. Then only the face info is loaded into an assemble file as it’s used. Once you learn the interface it’s really easy to use. I may go back and remodel R2 with it. I quit using MAX years ago because I couldn’t get the level of control I was looking for. I hear that has improved as of late.

    The Falcon is on my list too.
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Work on the Engineering Bay (as I call it) begins.
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Since I decided to remodel the R2 unit I thought I should do more research and see if I could find more accurate drawings to work from. I soon came across the original studio schematic of R2. After hours of studying the schematic, photo and my original R2, I drew a few conclusions. The first was that my R2 was far closer to the photographic evidence than the schematic. The second is that the scale of my R2 was off slightly. Width wise, I was off by 1.5”. And height wise, off by around 5”. The web consciences is that R2 is 108cm high. This correlates to the studio schematic at 108.4cm scales. Armed with this new information I will remodel R2 so that he is more accurate.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    have you been to the builders-club yahoo group? all the schematics, cad files, individual part profiles... everything you need to build an R2 real or virtual:
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Thx for the info. I’ll check it out.

    I’ve seen a lot of schematics out there. Most are duplicates of each other or very similar. If I hadn’t seen the original drawings from the movie I wouldn’t have bothered with the changes. Even in that, the drawings are imperial and I’m converting them to metric. I’m almost done with my drawings.
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    r2 was actually patented, and the blueprint in the big super expensive book that came out last year (the same one you're talking about that had been posted around for years and years) you can actually request a copy of that patent issue to get the plans. :D

    but those prints are what all the dxf's we've got archived at the group are based on, except they're also done as 3d-dwgs.

    i did a low detail version of R2 for my xwing based on them too, as an experiment trying out the 3d modeling side of autocad when i first got release '08.

    if you'd like to compare, here's the file. all the basic parts are there, but no detail. i tried exporting it to max this morning, but i had to scale it up about 1,000,000x before exporting to get the mesh to retain any sense of order or detail in max>.< (it still mystifies me how bad files xfer from cad to max when both are made by the same developer. i guess thats where your app comes in!)

    edit: added a couple old screenshots of it;
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    The group stuff will definitely help. Thanks.
    With Inventor I can step up the detail. I don’t think I’ve seen two R2 units that are exactly alike, even production ones. So in the end this will be subjective.
    I just want the base R2 so I can finish the X-wing. Then I think I will come back and do a really detailed version with a set of prints. (Maybe a tech manual.)
    Inventor translates directly to 3dsMAX. AutoCAD doesn’t do that. But MAX has gotten better at reading AutoCAD files. (Native DWG’s)
    Did you use solid modelling in AutoCAD?
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Since the premise of my site is the OEM of the X-wing, I’ve gone about “cleaning up” the plans. i.e. converting to metric and rounding to “clean” values for dimensions. (I don’t know what they use to measure distance in the Star Wars galaxy but I’m sure it’s not the imperial system)
    For example, the studio plan shows R2’s body at 1’ 7 5/8” or 19.625”. This comes out to 498.475mm. I would assume that a manufactures of fine droids like Industrial Automaton would not use a measurement as arbitrary as 498.475mm, so I rounded it up to 500mm. That gives you a new imperial measurement of 19.685”, a difference of 0.06”.
    All this so that I feel that my plans look “logical”. (All hail the great Mr. Spock. “Live long and prosper.”)
  • HyqsHyqs0 Posts: 0Member
    Here's where I'm at with R2
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