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3DUSS Enterprise NCC1701 Deck by Deck..



  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Glad to see you back at it! For a while there I was worried I was bad thread luck with how quiet it was after I posted.

    It's looking great though. You've really gotten me inspired to take up 3d modeling of interiors one of these days and I've been learning about Skyrim's Creation Kit to import them into a game. Curse you for adding more interests to my already limited freetime. :P

    Can't wait to see more of your work on the Big-E!
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    This is going to be part of the main water supply feed from deck 4. Got a bit of work left to
    finish; but, it's about there. ;)
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1190 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,631Member
    Nice... at this point, you must literally be having pipe dreams... seeing all these little bits and greebles in your sleep, lol.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    I've been waiting for this part.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Still have details to add; but, this is essentially what the finished product will look like.
    Very happy with them so far.
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Cool! Was wondering where you had gotten off to....:)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    More work completed on the water redistribution system. Really shaping up.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    I work on building Tank Domes and New Tanks in Texas and I like what I'm seeing here.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    I work on building Tank Domes and New Tanks in Texas and I like what I'm seeing here.

    Thank you. And that's cool. Any input you feel like giving, just let it fly, as always.
    These are based on some equipment I've seen in the Plant I work in. I didn't want
    to make it exactly the same; but, I've made them really close to the setup we have.
    Still have a few shut off valves to put in and some cleanup work to do; but, nearly
    there ;)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    More upgrades and more work ;)
    Deck 4 was pretty out of whack once it was reimported. Had to go back to the original
    buildup and check placement on all the pieces. Finally got it in place and correct. Thought
    I had this done before; but, some of the parts were still a bit off. So, I'm off to the races
    again. The images here show some mods in progress. The Bridge deck floor has finally been
    hacked down into floor and ceiling sections. With that done, the remainder of the bracing
    for that deck can be built and tied into the lower structure. I've dealt with decks 2-4 as
    a single unit up to now. And they're still largely inseperable as the structure all ties together

    On deck 4, you can see some placeholders protruding through the outer hull. These show
    where the limits for the water tanks are and where plumbing and ductwork are to be routed.
    The structural members for decks 1-4 will all be generated and tied together while the dressout
    for decks 3 & 4 is done.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    What is those channels at each quadrant?

    Havoc, not to draw attention away from your creation but would you have a recommendation for a high level workstation GPU?
    I need levels like this with ease (or relative ease)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Saquist, I'm using an Nvidia 560ti at the moment. Delivers some killer performance and has
    sped up my work quite nicely. I'm still functioning on a dual core 5600+ AMD machine; but,
    my render times are floating under 2 minutes in the several million poly range. Still doing
    upgrades and expecting these results to improve once I'm able to go Crosshair V. I've pretty
    much upgraded everything now save for boards and processors; so, that's next. And btw,
    one of my latest upgrades was to the Antec lanboy air case. Got one to try it out.. amazed
    by its usefulness and performance. Lovin it.


    This is the latest. You can see here the work has now been done in crafting the basis for the sides of the watertanks.. essentially bulkheads that will have a pressure door access
    once finished. It's not on the plans; but, I don't know how you have a storage space that large with no access to do
    inspections or cleaning as needed.

    The first of the support structural frames can be seen between bulkheads in view as well. This will wind up being much added to and tweaked; but, the base is there now to work from. Both took quite a bit of time to derive; but, happy so far with the outcome. The last image shows a set of water towers in place. These look small to the space; but, combined with small pumps on the other decks, they'll serve to move water quite well throughout the ship. They need some work yet as the material broke on import and needs reapplied; but, very happy with this as well. Next will be work to the floors in this section. Haven't decided exactly how to do them yet; but, have some really good ideas brewing.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Been working on finishing the plumbing for the water storage section of deck 4. You can see in the first
    few images some thinking going on as to how I was going to handle floor bracing in the exposed area.
    Didn't like the first approach, dumped it and went for something similar to what I did with the framing on
    the Bridge deck. Overall, seems to be coming along well, so.. back to work. Enjoy!
  • BorklessBorkless171 Posts: 0Member
    You, sir(or madam) have far to much time on your hands. And it is AWESOME!
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Still doing cut and cleanup work; but, ...

  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Borkless wrote: »
    You, sir(or madam) have far to much time on your hands. And it is AWESOME!

    Wish I had too much time lol. But gettin back to it in the holiday downtime anyway ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    That's some really nice work on the framework. :)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Thanks again ;)

    This is the latest. Still working on cleanup of the deck 4 framing. Big job; but, had to be done in order
    to have a base mounting point for the deck 2 & 3 framing. The Blue necklace shaped spar will be the
    central mount point for the framing on the upper decks. Since that is now in place, I've already derived
    a base model to make the framing supports from for the upper decks. I also split the deck 4 walls for
    inner and outer hull sections. The last image shows this as well as work done to the deck 4 flooring.
    Been a very long and busy day of editing. Very pleased with the result though there's still a long way
    to go to complete this section of the ship. Plowing forward.
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    You're mad! Mad I say!!!
    Seriously, all sorts of fantastic this is.:)
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member

    Outer ribbing has all been trimmed and cleaned. They were booleaned to mate up with the "necklace"
    ring I spoke of earlier. A few more mods will be needed to allow for the PWT feed through the aft
    of the deck; but, no sweat. The last images show the buildup of the ribbing for decks 2 and 3 in
    progress. Back to work ;)
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    This looks really intensive. I don't want to add to it but I would point out that your verticals need stiffeners.
    Vertical supports aren't really as important as one make think in space but because the ship is in motion not every part of the ship will freely move with the engines and will cause torsional stresses on the Ship's Frame, Especially the joints like the pylons and neck.

    I've done tank domes before (geodesic tension ring domes) and to keep our vertical walls "plumb" in the wind we'll add stiffeners between the vertical beam from the top of one to the bottom of the other diagonally. Sometime (depending on the load we'll add stiffeners to every space between verticals or we'll use every other space. And even then sometimes we'll use TWO stiffeners per space to create an "X" pattern and this keeps the structure circular and stiff.




    but it looks like you have more than a lions share of detailing to do.
  • bagera4000bagera4000251 Posts: 1,516Member
    you got balls framing out 1701 id only do that if i had 100 man design team backing me
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    This looks really intensive. I don't want to add to it but I would point out that your verticals need stiffeners.
    Vertical supports aren't really as important as one make think in space but because the ship is in motion not every part of the ship will freely move with the engines and will cause torsional stresses on the Ship's Frame, Especially the joints like the pylons and neck.

    I've done tank domes before (geodesic tension ring domes) and to keep our vertical walls "plumb" in the wind we'll add stiffeners between the vertical beam from the top of one to the bottom of the other diagonally. Sometime (depending on the load we'll add stiffeners to every space between verticals or we'll use every other space. And even then sometimes we'll use TWO stiffeners per space to create an "X" pattern and this keeps the structure circular and stiff.

    but it looks like you have more than a lions share of detailing to do.

    Yeah, the key at the moment though is to get enough of the framing in so that I can plan and execute HVAC,
    plumbing and power.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1190 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,631Member
    I continue to be absolutely blown away by the scope and detail of this project.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Video recap of the most recent work done.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, still working the superstructure for decks 2-4; but, nearing completion.


    This was in dozens of pieces as of the time this render was done. After a week worth of eyeballing,
    measuring and stitching bits together, this is now largely in two pieces and I may have another update
    yet tonight. I rechecked position on the windows and resultantly dropped the height of the window
    placement on deck 2. The outer and inner hull sections have been cut to match the new placement.
    Will have to mod the lowpolly skins as well; but, such is life.. Still workin it tonight; so, back at it.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Still workin; but, here's another update in place..

    Still have a number of things to do; but, everything has been combined at this point. Now I have to
    mod it for the bridge deck floor, gangway and the turbolift passthrough/support. Framing for the
    observatory door is already done.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Worked it till my eyes crossed and went to bed. So, here's a render I did before bedtime


    Trimmed the top for the bridge floor, gangway and turbolift. Cleaned it up a bit and it's now two pieces.
    The last bit will be to tie it up to the bridge structural and mod it for the photorp bay in the front. The
    last part of that I likely can't do until the photorp bay itself has been finished.
  • Havoc92Havoc920 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, lots done...

    Here you can see the cutout for the Observatory area. Above, you can also see an area where
    work still needs done. The superstructure is intruding into the turbolift area and must be modded to
    fit it better.

    Here you can see the modded inner hull skins in place within the superstructure. It may not be
    readily apparent; but, it has been modded to include the balance of the ceiling area for deck 2,
    something that had been lacking earlier.

    This shows the outer hull skin in its present condition. Still needs work obviously; but, with all the
    access points, and windows cut in save for the photon torpedo bay ports, it's nearing a point where the
    final work can be done to clean it up. Still a little way to go...

    This is here just to show the uneven nature of the ceiling due to the unusual manner in which the
    bridge deck intrudes upon deck 2. The drop floor of the bridge makes the deck 2 ceiling rather more
    interesting than it otherwise would be.

    Here's a shot showing the modded window placement. This seems like a much more comfortable placement
    and I'm quite happy with the result.

    And a view of the deck 2 corridor space, again showing the ceiling in place.

    Finally, a shot that shows the rollercoaster manner of the ceiling. This shot also seems to make the
    deck 2 corridor feel more roomy - perhaps more than it really is.

    Where I am now:
    The windows and trim need further work. They are in a temp state for now that allowed me to get
    other things done. They will be revisited probably when I get off work tonight.

    The superstructure mods remaining to be done are the photon torpedo launch area and the turbolift
    area. The turbolift fix is already worked out and just needs to be executed. The time involved should
    be minimal. There are quite a few structural intrusions visible in prior renders that have been fixed.

    Furnishings on deck 2 appear to be in need of adjustment. This is apparent in the current renders. Part of it
    is resultant from a change in the thickness of the hull. In the course of building the superstructure, I also
    thickened the hull on the upper decks a tad. So the geometry change is also affecting the internal assets.
    Some pieces may also have simply shifted. Will have to have a close look at what's going on.

    I've researched the telescope for deck 3 and while I can't say I entirely understand the workings of them, I
    have quite a few examples and have picked one that may be suitable for the space.

    More to come.. ;)
  • akb1979akb1979172 Posts: 0Member
    Wow! Just wow!
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