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3DStar Wars projects thread



  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    ^Omni lights inside geometry

    More stuff:
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Looking great.

    I do wonder if the front section below the cockpit would look better with an asymetrical panel layout - or at least the colour of the panels.

    Never really liked this design (the big goofy wheels just look out of place in the SW universe IMHO), but this is turning out very nicely...
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Looking great.

    I do wonder if the front section below the cockpit would look better with an asymetrical panel layout - or at least the colour of the panels.

    Never really liked this design (the big goofy wheels just look out of place in the SW universe IMHO), but this is turning out very nicely...

    This thing was originally in the concept art sketches for TESB, making it pretty old in the SW continuity. I do think it is the only wheeled vehicle with a sort of "conventional" layout in the movies; the hailfire, wheel bike, and droideka don't *really* count. That said, if I may be allowed a moment of vanity, I like to think I have a track record of taking designs people don't like and turning them into something they do like at the end :).
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    ...I like to think I have a track record of taking designs people don't like and turning them into something they do like at the end :).

    Can't disagree with that. :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    TBH, I never disliked the Juggernaught.
    Arguably, seeing a wheeled vehicle in a predominatly walker-using setting is strange, but it's a nice idea for a change. It shows that, only because you can, it doesn't mean you must.
  • experiment442experiment4420 Posts: 0Member
    I rember this, looks nice :)
  • BinkermanBinkerman0 Posts: 0Member
    The Juggernaut is Born ....

    The AT-AT had a bit too much hydraulic fluid one night, ... and with its view-finder impaired, decided it would be a good idea to chase a bit of wheeled tail .... along with the AT-AT not having much protection in the lower region ... conceived this by accident ....

    The AT-AT of course denies any association or wrong doing, ... which is now going through the Imperial Courts, with the wheeled family seeking Maintainence support .....

    @ Ansel: ... Speaking of Wheels, .. Something to get Ian (Pic below) ... Note the two snowspeeders circling over his head ...

    Jas Link To Full Size Pic
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    ^ Now that is epic right there!:)
    And as I've said before Ansel- YOU make it better. Better than ILM-better than anyone.
  • Maverick EagleMaverick Eagle0 Posts: 0Member
    Truly EPIC. Too be honest i'm kinda surprised ILM hasn't come knocking on his door yet begging to hire him.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Na the beggars just use his stuff.....
    Rebel scum!
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Let's hope they don't have the plans to his Death star...
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Nice ride there, Binkerman :)

    This thing is starting to come together:

  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Dang that is absolutely beautiul and I don't think anything more has to be said :D
    You never cease to deliver !
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    How do come up with the greebles? I can understand them being in a separate library and all, but where do you come up with the parts?

    EDIT: Also, it's kinda hard to figure out which is the front and which is the back, but you figure it out soon enough.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    He lives on top of a mile-long dungeon full of greeble slaves.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    How do come up with the greebles? I can understand them being in a separate library and all, but where do you come up with the parts?

    EDIT: Also, it's kinda hard to figure out which is the front and which is the back, but you figure it out soon enough.

    There are references for this vehicle, but otherwise, I've been looking at real-world artillery pieces, engines, or just making it up based on the other SW models I've done.

    The orientation of the vehicle is supposed to be in debate in-universe, according to the sources, since the vehicle can operate either way. Still, I think it's pretty obvious visually that the front end is to the right in the last full hull render.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    So, it's the SW equivalent of Justin Bieber, where you can't really distinguish between the ass-end and the front?
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Yes, the right end is the front to me as well. (the end with the most lights makes sense)
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    lol lennier

    Yeah, I think the "argument" is more hypothetical and there for flavor in the description - though it clearly can go in both directions. Right side gets the missile launchers to point on, but loses fire from the big repeating laser turret in the back. Trade-offs.

    For the record, almost all of the detail for this project was made from scratch for this project (I can think of ... 2 objects that weren't); very little cannibalization from other meshes.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Vaguely complicated turret:


  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Emplaced with some more of those lights ILM festooned this thing with ;)

  • Maverick EagleMaverick Eagle0 Posts: 0Member
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Dang amazing turret ! Are you planning to do animation(s) of the model once it's finished ?
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    ^We will see about the animation. As of now, everything is rigged properly, so it *could* be done.

    Some light plating to finish off the middle area:
  • Lord OvermindLord Overmind0 Posts: 5Member
    Now you just need to greeblize the underside, do some last-minute tweaks and she'll be ready to run over the Rebellion!
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    And Wookies!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Hehe, nice weapon, I take 10.
  • InsanityInsanity0 Posts: 0Member
    I want one of those turrets modified to shoot ewoks

    nothing more terrifying then lots of screeaming teddy bears coming at you at high velocity

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    OK, so here's the lookout thing. I thought the idea was stupid but looked cool, I decided to remake it into a sensor pod, with the "lookout" platform a narrow light mesh thing around it (~1m wide). Kept the ladder bit. Still not quite final, but this is the gist of it.

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