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3DStar Wars Stuff



  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Animation eh?... sounds hard. I'll see what I can do though. :) I really liked the gunfire image too but I guess I'm partial to it LOL. Anyway, I'm taking a break from the Tormentor right now, mostly because I'm sick of the sight of the thing, but that will pass. So I've been redesigning my website and I decided to start rebuilding the old models I used in 1999. It's crazy to look at how crappy they are now and think there was a time when this represented several hours work and I posted them on the internet for all to see with a surge of pride. I originally made these with a program from Micrografx. Anyway this is the Nemesis class. The first two views are the original unmodified model and the second two of the just the tower shows what I've done so far...
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    One question:
    How long is this work of art?:)
    1000 meters?

    Anyway, I'M LOVIN' IT! :D
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Severus wrote: »
    Animation eh?... sounds hard. I'll see what I can do though. :) I really liked the gunfire image too but I guess I'm partial to it LOL. Anyway, I'm taking a break from the Tormentor right now, mostly because I'm sick of the sight of the thing, but that will pass. So I've been redesigning my website and I decided to start rebuilding the old models I used in 1999. It's crazy to look at how crappy they are now and think there was a time when this represented several hours work and I posted them on the internet for all to see with a surge of pride. I originally made these with a program from Micrografx. Anyway this is the Nemesis class. The first two views are the original unmodified model and the second two of the just the tower shows what I've done so far...

    In a forum-based role-playing game there were serious arguments and fights about who can use up your models for stories. The TIE Predator is still a magnificant work and during the past years I have never seen anything so cool TIE model like that.
    The same goes for your other works (especially for the tanks!), I just can't wait too see them rebuilt!
    But now I kindly ask to post larger pictures about them then last time! :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Most impressive ship. I'm pleased on it's classic design - very classic. And that's increases charm of this ship.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Thanks for the comments, glad your liking these ships. You know it totally sucks but somehow I saved an AT-AT model over my original TIE Predator model, so I'm going to have to completely rebuild that one from scratch. I haven't done too much work on the Tormentor or the Nemesis lately, since I've been working on an Enterprise model to break the monotony of the detailing on those two. Fortunately, with the Tormentor, Nemesis and the Enterprise models I've learned a lot more about using this program and how to do things much more quickly than I had been, so I'll be able to put out some decent models fairly quickly. The only thing keeping me back at this point is free time. Well like I said I haven't done too much more with these two but here's the latest updates. I've still got a ways to go with the Tormentor and I'm going to have to rework a few parts so that I can scale this more accurately. When I do that, then I'll throw some actual size numbers up here for you. As far as the website is concerned, since I'll actually have some details to see, yes, I will post some larger pictures.
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    nice work on tese babies they look great great work here hope to see more soon love those command towers pretty nice
  • QuinnQuinn0 Posts: 0Member
    I like the Tormentor class, great looking ship. I actually like the flat look it has, real easy to underestimate its capabilities until you get in close. I only have one question: What are the insurance rates like on one of these?:p
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Shield projectors are great! And details of the main tower are nice. Hope to see superstructure soon.

    P.S. That's unlikely you've erased your work. Hope you'll rebuild that TIE even better!
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Started reworking the hull for the Nemesis. AND, found an old unlabled cd-rom with a bunch of old model and luckily enough it had my old TIE Predator model on it. Of course now that I look at it, I'll probably just rebuild that from scratch anyway :lol:. Anyway, more updates soon now that I'm back to working on these.
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    That Tie looks fantastic!
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Severus wrote: »
    Started reworking the hull for the Nemesis. AND, found an old unlabled cd-rom with a bunch of old model and luckily enough it had my old TIE Predator model on it. Of course now that I look at it, I'll probably just rebuild that from scratch anyway :lol:. Anyway, more updates soon now that I'm back to working on these.

    It is so good to see you back:thumb:
    That TIE is a beauty, I just can't wait to see more about it!

    What about Tormentor?:rolleyes:
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    emp3ror86 wrote: »
    What about Tormentor?:rolleyes:

    I'm workin on it... :rolleyes:
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    I agree its looking good again hope to see more soon
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    So due to circumstances beyond my control (actually it was completely my own fault) I have lost all of the models that I had posted work on in this thread (and my Enterprise thread too if you were wondering) so onward and upward I'm starting over from scratch. So here is the Tormentor MkII... Overall its pretty much the same shape but a little wider and the main hull has some more slope to it. I had tons of issues with the previous model anyway, so hopefully with the trial and error knowledge gained from the previous version, I can do a better job on this one. Updates to follow erratically but probably sooner than a year lol...
  • JuanskiJuanski331 Posts: 30Member
    Sorry to hear that your lost your files. Sounds like your computer took a dump on you.
    I really liked what you were doing with your TIE Predator, Very original!
    I hope that we see more updates from you!
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Looks like you've got a good start going for Mk II :D
  • nova1701dmsnova1701dms331 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry to hear about your computer problems. A lot of us can relate to that. Tormentor looks good. Looking forward to seeing how she comes along.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Yeah computers suck lol. I still have the original Predator model on cd-rom... somehwhere :rolleyes: . Oh well, got some work on detailing the trench, lot more to do there though. I also readjusted height of the conning tower and that big landing bay on the underside to more closely approximate the original.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Nice. Looks very good.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Took a break from detailing the trench and worked on the main guns today. This time around I decided to make them more like the guns seen on the Venator class in ROTS. Of course then I look back at the pics earlier in the thread and I kinda liked those too. But these are done now so I'm going to stick with them, for now lol.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    cool. That's all I can say.
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    It's good to see you back and I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your computer. :(
    Nice restart! ;)
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Thanks for the comments guys. Got some more work done on the trench. I forgot to mention last post that I removed that dugout on top of the main hull, I'm going to go back to the type I had on the earlier model that cut across the hull. I know some of the details on the trench look too uniform and I'm slowly going back and reworking those to change things up and building some greebles, just trying not to get too bogged down in that to keep it interesting. Added two main guns to the front of the trench, don't worry there's still going to be a lot of stuff in there so it doesn't look too plain. And finally I worked out the dimensions for this thing...

    Tormentor Class

    Length - 1031 meters
    Width - 668.5 meters
    Height - 242.3 meters
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Did some work on paneling, I'm going to change up one of the sides because I don't like how carbon copy the mirrored side looks. I realize that's the point of mirroring but.. yeah.. anyway.. lol. Started on the superstructure, not a lot of detail there yet but like I said, I just started...
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Looking really good Severus :thumb: The panels and details look good so far. The turrets have a few too many of those extrusions on them but that's a small nitpick.
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    wow wonderful on the uptades love the guns great work
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Did a little more paneling and started work on the engines. Too extrudy on the turrets eh? I'll see what I can do.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Mind if I make a suggestion?
    The two big engines look a little "shaky." I think if you extend the housing forward and shortened the engine tubes it'd look more stable.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Like this?
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Salsa is indeed right! They looked like big tasty targets with a text: Shoot here!

    It's better now! And awesome as it is.
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