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2DDark Mirror Universe WIP



  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Very Nice Sean
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    They're your take on the "Battle between the Mirror worlds" (sry, I call them this way) whre the ISS Enterprise A gets into our world?
  • AndurilAnduril0 Posts: 0Member
    nice work Sean,your Luna class is still best non-canon trek ship,except mybe of pathfinder and excalibur,
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I am Currently working on a new set of Samples to send
    to IDW based off of the Intelligence Gathering Sample script that the Trek Editor sent me.
    Here is a teaser of what I am doing. This is Data from one frame of a page. I will be submitting art without color, but
    I figured I would do this panel up. Hopfully I did Mister Spiner Justice here.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    He looks a bit plain and the eyes are not right. The whole face feels a bit pushed aside, as if the symmetry line of the face is not where the symmetry line of the head is. Got me?
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    ^ I would have to agree with that.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Well During August and September I haven't been able to draw as much as I would like since my wife and I just moved
    from our old house with bad neighbors to a new house in a
    nicer neighborhood.

    Here are some Trek Sketches I did during that time. Some are for a new set of samples that I will be creating for submission to IDW once I get un packed, the others are just for fun.
  • SDGreywolfSDGreywolf0 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice Sean
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    The Benzites ears are too vulpine and the Andorains buldges do not pass into their antennas.

    Is that on the far right side a Deltan-Vulcan halfling?
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Over at there is a thread about the U.S.S. Aventine captained by Ezri Dax. And in that thread a bunch of us where wondering what it may look like. So here is
    a few of my Conjectural Concept Images for the U.S.S. Aventine. Enjoy.


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Interresting idea. Got a nice touch of the Intrepid class. I like the left version of the lower image. Especially the bent nacelle is great.
  • Drake744Drake7440 Posts: 0Member
    i don't mean to be a nit picker... but the USS Aventine carries around 700 crew as well as a very powerfull weapons array.

  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    True, who says that these sketches are in popryion with a intrepid. I was sketching them with a sovie/ Galaxy class scale in mind. But as I said these are conjectural and are in no way official. I am working on more ideas as well. Many of these may eventually make it into my Dark Mirror Fleet.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Oh, I'm so waiting for more of your mirror-universe work. They're great.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    As most you know , I have been trying to get in with the folks over at IDW. They have given me
    a sample script to work with, but since I recently moved from one house to another, I haven't
    really had the time to work on the new samples.

    But I had an idea, so I came up with this. I wanted to see
    what A Titan Comic Cover might look like so I drew this up.

    I wanted it to have the same kind of feel as that of the novels that are out.
    Ellery was kind enough to send me
    a few shots of the Titan with out any background to work with. So here is what I
    came up with. I may do a few more
    with different crew members as the focus.

    Illustration & layout by Sean Tourangeau
    U.S.S. Titan Designed by Sean Tourangeau
    U.S.S. Titan Mesh by Ellery Connell

  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Sean that Looks great.

    I would love to see your version of the Dark Mirror Universe in a Comic.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    This looks wonderful, but I somewhat have the feeling that you made Riker about 5 or 10 years older than he should be....
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    This looks wonderful, but I somewhat have the feeling that you made Riker about 5 or 10 years older than he should be....

    Nope, If anything I made him look younger/ Less Haggered. Attached you will find the photo
    of Riker I used as reference.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    He just seems to have too many wrinkles....
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is another Concept sketch for the Aventine, This time I tried a different Nacell Configuration compared to the first four ideas.


  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    That's a really nice ship Sean :thumb: It looks like a shorter version of the Voyager, with some Equinox parts :) But I like both ships so I like this one too. Is a 3D version coming anytime soon ?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice idea, but somewhat, I think the downward bent nacelle idea was better... Don't ask why, I call that a hunch...
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looking good mate.

    How big is she?
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    That's a really nice ship Sean :thumb: It looks like a shorter version of the Voyager, with some Equinox parts :) But I like both ships so I like this one too. Is a 3D version coming anytime soon ?

    This design will most likely get a 2d Vector image schematic, then if some one wants to do a 3d version, contact me and I would be happy to send a hi-res
    image to them.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Nice idea, but somewhat, I think the downward bent nacelle idea was better... Don't ask why, I call that a hunch...

    I tend to agree, but I had to try a upward look. either way I have a few new ships to add to my Dark Mirror fleet.
  • mladen225mladen225171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm surprised not to see any fighters.
    Such crafts would come very handy to a imperial fleet.
    And, I have to say that the ship design and the uniforms are great!
    I hope to see more of the uniforms, the rank insignia and maybe some fighters.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Ask and You will receive, I thought that I still had these posted. Here is the Dark Mirror Ranks reposted.

  • mladen225mladen225171 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you for the quick reply.
    I'm new at this forum and I have been through all of the 93 pages there were no rank insignia.
    when it comes to star fighters, I saw some Star fleet Javelin class starfighters at Narsil's forum called "Interceptor Class Tech Manual", those could be adapted for the dark mirror side.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Yeah, after some time, the pictures in older pages cease to exist.
    Some due to expires links or because the picture was moves from the URL, some because the owner removed them.

    Welcome here.
  • SDGreywolfSDGreywolf0 Posts: 0Member

    I was wondering if an alternate Starfleet version could be made with these ranks
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