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2DDark Mirror Universe WIP



  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Woha, that's heavy. But very epic.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is my latest custom Character commission. This one is for Josiah Weaver. He wanted himself drawn as a Klingon/human Augment in an alternate Mirror Universe where the Terran Empire and Klingon Empire joined forces to form one stronger empire.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
    Adobe Illustrator CC
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Let's get my Titan into the Official Starships Collection. Share and share and share.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is kclcmdr's latest request.
    For this one he wanted a TOS Mirror Era Kes. So here she is in the Classic TOS Mirror Tunic. I may eventually to a Voyager era version.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
    Adobe Illustrator CC
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Makes me wonder how TE Neelix would look like.....
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Latest WIP shot of a ship I am working on for Robert Jackson. It is a small starship with under 10 decks.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
    Adobe Illustrator CC
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Hm... Somewhat Tholian-inspired... Were they assimilated into the Empire?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Ooh, I like naughty Kes. :devil:

    The ship is interesting. As Aresius said, it looks Tholian inspired. That may be inspired by the events of "In a Mirror, Darkly," where the Tholians were attempting to reverse engineer Starfleet tech.
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