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2DDark Mirror Universe WIP



  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Not Mirror U not Prime U and not JJ U My own universe set in Kirks Era.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Do you want him smiling when pointing a Phaser at you????
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Dark Saber wrote: »
    Do you want him smiling when pointing a Phaser at you????

    Yes, that would be nice. :p
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Dark Saber wrote: »
    Do you want him smiling when pointing a Phaser at you????
    Yes, that would be nice. :p

    LOL I was thinking the same thing.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I would like to introduce the captain of the U.S.S.Tucker. Captain Nathan Stone. He comes from a long line of Starfleet officers and even had a ancestor that served on the U.S.S.Enterprise along side Commander Tucker. So Captain Stone takes great pride in the fact that he is the Captain of the U.S.S.Tucker. Captain Stone finds his mission of Federation Border patrol as a vital and important mission. While other Captains are chomping at the bit to get a five year mission assigned to them, Captain Stone is more than satisfied with his current role patroling the Federation Border. He knows that at anytime he and his crew may be asked to defend and protect the Federation.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nathan Stone... Coincidentially an ancestor to Peter Stone? ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    I was thinking of Commodore Stone from Court Martial. ;) Though, Stone is a fairly common last name.

    Great work, as usual. I like what you did with the face. He looks less angry/grumpy and more like he's just serious. Of course, having the face fully done as opposed to just being a rough sketch probably makes a difference. :) I like the uniforms you've created for this series.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Nathan Stone... Coincidentially an ancestor to Peter Stone? ;)

  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I was thinking of Commodore Stone from Court Martial. ;) Though, Stone is a fairly common last name.

    Great work, as usual. I like what you did with the face. He looks less angry/grumpy and more like he's just serious. Of course, having the face fully done as opposed to just being a rough sketch probably makes a difference. :) I like the uniforms you've created for this series.

    Thanks, guys always say where are the pockets, well these uniforms (Males anyways) have pockets.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is the Perimeter Action Starship U.S.S.Tucker for my concept Star Trek Border Patrol.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
    Adobe Illustrator CS6
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    The ship is solid and tradiational
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, I wanted to keep a TOS feel but ad my design flare to it and I figured our a way to have a deflector dish and not have it at the end of a pole under the saucer.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is a Terran Empire Jump Helmet commission for Glenn Judd. I decided to try a new style on this. THis was completely painted in Photoshop
    Let me know if you like this concept painting style.

    Sean P. TOurangeau
    Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    I'm guessing those are lights on top.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Great helmet design, I like the color scheme too. :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work, though I think it's a bit much with the emblems...
    I'd put the one on the front plate central and bigger, but abandon the two on the sides. The bare colouring scheme should signify that it's an Imperial helmet, so some more emebelms are kinda overkill.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I would like you all to meet Commander Lissan th'Zarath 1st Officer of the U.S.S.Tucker.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Looking great, but where are the holsters for her guns? :p
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Velcro like
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Yeah, I figured as much, I just couldn't resist. ;)

    I always found that funny. TOS had high speed velcro for their phasers, making them just attach to the belt with no holster needed. Yet, in later Treks, they had holsters for everything. That made them seem less advanced by comparison, in my opinion. Though, from a production standpoint, it did make sense. I'm sure they had phasers fall off of the belts all the time, there are at least a few times where it happened and made it on camera.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    While I am on Pre-Evac notice here in the Colorado Springs area, I decided to atleast try and get caught up on a commission or two if I can. So here is yet another commission for Glenn Judd. This time he wanted me to apply the Helmet to his character so you can see the fully contained Imperial Hazard suit. He also requested a Katana sword. I also took the time to adjust some of the color and to add the updated Section 31 logo.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
    Abobe Photoshop and Illustrator CS6
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Looking good, Sean. Stay safe out there in Colorado. Hopefully, they'll get those fires contained before they can do much more damage.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    The neck area looks weird....

    Pre-Evac? Tornado-warnings, or why?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Just in case Sean had to evacuate and can't answer that, I'll answer it. The worst wildfire in Colorado history is bearing down on Colorado Springs. It's already incinerated hundreds of homes.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    And killed 2 people. So far I haven't had to run but we are ready.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is something fun I threw together this morning as part of my support of the Season 5 campaign I decided to make a fake Trek Magazine Cover.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804621 Posts: 11,193Member
    Nice work on the cover. :thumb:
    Dark Saber wrote: »
    And killed 2 people. So far I haven't had to run but we are ready.

    Ah, I hadn't heard a death toll and I didn't want to get it wrong, so I didn't speak on that part.

    I just hope that they get it contained soon before it gets any worse. Not only for your sake, but for everybody living out there. I also have an uncle that lives in Colorado Springs.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I was just going to play with Tron Coloring and Glenn like what I was doing a requested 2 new commissions with his character in a Tron Color scheme. He also wants one with he character helmeted. That will come later tonight.

    Welcome to the Grid Empire. Your Join us or you get Derezzed.

    Sean P. Tourangeau
    Adobe CS6
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    THe weirdest thing is, it matches. (though I suppose they should be red, being "evil")

    Wildfire... My my. I hope you stay safe.
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