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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Ugh :( ... i have the Lurgie (Yakaboo)

    to get my mind of just how snitty i feel i've finally done some work on the carrier idea that i've had floating around my compy for ages-

    Stargate Carrier by ~SirDoctorLee on deviantART
    Stargate Carrier rear view by ~SirDoctorLee on deviantART

    umm... Yeah, Four seperate hangers,at least one of the lower two will be capable of holding GateJumpers/311 and the like. Docking ports for four Archers that would serve as patrol ships for the carrier. Considering having two seperate hyperdrive generators and engines as a whole. Rail guns, maybe beam weapons, Nukes, Asgard shields.

    Don't plan on having it capable of atmospheric entry/exit
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Ugh :( ... i have the Lurgie (Yakaboo)

    to get my mind of just how snitty i feel i've finally done some work on the carrier idea that i've had floating around my compy for ages-

    Stargate Carrier by ~SirDoctorLee on deviantART
    Stargate Carrier rear view by ~SirDoctorLee on deviantART

    umm... Yeah, Four seperate hangers,at least one of the lower two will be capable of holding GateJumpers/311 and the like. Docking ports for four Archers that would serve as patrol ships for the carrier. Considering having two seperate hyperdrive generators and engines as a whole. Rail guns, maybe beam weapons, Nukes, Asgard shields.

    Don't plan on having it capable of atmospheric entry/exit

    very nice :thumb: glad to finally see some work done on that ship lol
    it is looking very good the design is simple and practical and I think that having a ship not capable of entering atmosphere will be a nice change to the sg universe. keep up the good work cant wait to see more!

    Regards Jesh

    ohh and btw I am back from my trip it went well and I actually had fun for the first time in a long time:)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Your work scorpius got my mind going so here are a few new designs.

    Since the upcoming new ship form Atlantis "the Phoenix" turned out to be another Daedalus class I started my own Daedalus refit.

    And since my fleet is missing an Al'kesh equivalent. (I'm slowly working my way down to fighters :) )

    i love this.. its s shame i dident see it till now ;) also theres a new ship also again why did i not no about tis :( lol

    bar that is now 8 304's i want from you ;) lol, also a link to a video/pic of this new ship?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    very nice glad to finally see some work done on that ship lol
    it is looking very good the design is simple and practical and I think that having a ship not capable of entering atmosphere will be a nice change to the sg universe. keep up the good work cant wait to see more!

    Also the power requirements for something this big would be massive....

    And you get your wish-

    More info: 13 Decks tall, including two flight decks in each 'flight pod' with the lower deck taller than the upper deck, two banks of engines, will probably travel in a group with a couple of Corvettes and a churchill.

    Annoyingly i don't know if i can get a render of the carrier group as each time i've tried it's overloaded the program:mad:

    .... Hold on lads, i've got an idea...

    EDIT- yikes that was a cow to sort out....

    I did a quick fleet line up to check that i'd fixed the problem

    Also i restarted work on another old mesh= The midway-derived space station. The plan for this is to use modules similar to the Midway shape that combine into a space station. Currently all i have is this crew quarters module
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    nice pics, but they are rather dark, like i can barely make out anything unless i get nose close to the moniter...but i do like what i could see of the ships
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Also the power requirements for something this big would be massive....

    And you get your wish-

    More info: 13 Decks tall, including two flight decks in each 'flight pod' with the lower deck taller than the upper deck, two banks of engines, will probably travel in a group with a couple of Corvettes and a churchill.

    Annoyingly i don't know if i can get a render of the carrier group as each time i've tried it's overloaded the program:mad:

    .... Hold on lads, i've got an idea...

    EDIT- yikes that was a cow to sort out....

    I did a quick fleet line up to check that i'd fixed the problem

    Also i restarted work on another old mesh= The midway-derived space station. The plan for this is to use modules similar to the Midway shape that combine into a space station. Currently all i have is this crew quarters module

    hehehe... that makes me happy :D

    also to help with lanteans problem with seeing the pics right i would suggest that you change the background color from black to white. you can do this under the render tab in the "enviroment" options.

    Regards Jesh
  • scootes wrote: »
    hehehe... that makes me happy :D

    also to help with lanteans problem with seeing the pics right i would suggest that you change the background color from black to white. you can do this under the render tab in the "enviroment" options.

    Regards Jesh
    I wasn't having any trouble seeing the images I actually want to replace the current fire effects that I'm using with lights to represent engines trails. I have seen how it looks with a white backround but the only reason I don't use one is because my eyes adjust to well to my laptops screen at night and it seems brighter then it should since it's on the lowest brightness setting. On the note of my ship I am placing the turrets around it now and I just need to start on the base and internal structure now. I also have another carrier in mind now but this one is about 6 times smaller then the current one and it is slightly smaller then the Daedalus, it will be used to transport F-302's and land vehicles to the surface of a planet during an assault or scouting mission:D and it definitely won't be as crazy powerful as the current one and neither is the other one I have in mind that is 3 times smaller then this one and it is......well it's pretty much based of elitewolverine's Leviathan class carrier but the design will be different with what I have in mind. Guess thats enough of my rant:lol:, updates soon, good night:cool: Oh and nice work on your fleet Dr. Lee:thumb:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Here's a slightly different version of the carrier group with a white backie-


    EDIT- anyone got a good 'Alien planet' jpeg i could use:confused:
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Well, after quite some time away from modelling, I decided to go back and redo one of my models. I thought the original was great in concept, but modest in execution. My skills have improved since I first did this model, so I am redoing it. Hopefully it will come out much better than it did the last time. I'm actually planning on re-doing a few of my older models. For now, I am concentrating on my Valkyrie model. It's still going to be a missile cruiser. And it is going to remain basically the same ship, but with some improvements, (I hope.) I'm only in the beginning stages. Even though it's still early on, I've already noticed an dramatic increase in poly count. I've done this model a little different. Instead of building the model in one single piece, I'm doing it in several pieces. This way I can adjust the length of each, while leaving the others unaffected. Later on when I have most of the structural elements done, I can go back and replace the individual sections with one long piece. If you look at my older Valkyrie model, you'll see that it is very unusual in shape. This time around, I am going for a more "Deadalus" like main hull and hangar bays, flat and more boxy. Now, the one change I made was the missile tubes. Instead of being slanted outwards on each side, I kept them on the sides and the top slanted, but made the tubes vertical and "inbedded" in. These side missile tubes will be for the smaller missiles, and I'm going to put the larger tubes in the middle a la Daedalus style. This will fix one major shortcoming the original model had, lots of empty space on the top section of the main hull.

    Anyways, here it is so far. Only about 10% done though, and untextured. C&C???
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    @Dr. Lee
    very nice now it is abit easyer to see those dark ships :lol:

    well its looking abit better than the origanal if i can remember correctly. either way i like you new missle layout i think it fits that ship quite nicely :thumb:

    Regards Jesh
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    @Dr. Lee
    very nice now it is abit easier to see those dark ships :lol:


    To get my mind off that traversty of a 'football' match last night:mad::eek::mad::eek::mad: I fiddled about with the 310 mesh and came up with this-


    While the 310 started out as only a carrier, it's morphed into a mobile base(with it's own fleet). The 315 (No name yet) is simply a carrier, no fancy 'Archer- carrying' abilities, nor it's own support fleet.... (Er scratch that i might have it paired with a Corvette.) Just a fighter bay, living quarters for the pilots and it's own self defense abilities. I'm considering having the hyperdrive slightly better than the ones before allowing it to be a bit quicker into battle and it will have Asgard-derived Shields.

    The main hull of the carrier is slightly slimmer than the fighter pods from the 310 and it's also a bit longer

    The main offensive capability of the carrier are the fighters it carries, though it will be equipped with Railguns and a handful of missiles (Maybe a nuke or two?). Looking to be about ten decks high with around a couple of hundred crew. maybe a brig. general in command?

  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    maybe its just my moniter but these ships i just cant see, like all i can see is the top half, if that even...mine is adjusted using 3rd party app for cinema viewing, 22'' widescreen
  • Freek = i blame you for the next useless post. :cool: Nothing personal, but the Valkyrie got me thinking about a few ideas. :thumb:

    How do you re load in space? As we all know the Daedulus is a) hard to spell, and b) has VLS tubes at the front (the big hatches near the nose). But well, how do you re load them in space? (and "using the asguard teleporter is cheating people!! :p Besides, there only good at rescuing SG teams... ...)

    So, i got thinking (yes, it hurt! :mad: ) and came up with a simple idea, sort of like a Revolver barrel. One side you have the launch system, as the missiles are fired, the barrel spins until its on the other side, were the tubes are re laoded with a convo belt or something, and then it continues around until it reaches the launch system and fired at the enemy..or something. A ferris wheel at a fairground is another example. :)

    Also, i think i'd save space, instead of having loads of tubes all over the place, just one or two launchers with a bucket load of ammo near by. :devil:

    Oh, and i designed a little missile destroyer too, something were the system could be applied. Little top down view of the uh....Bob Class Destroyer. :D

    th_SGMissileShip1.jpg th_SGMissileShip2.jpg

    Hope that all made sense to you all. :eek:
  • good thinking, really good thinking
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    Freek = i blame you for the next useless post. :cool: Nothing personal, but the Valkyrie got me thinking about a few ideas. :thumb:

    How do you re load in space? As we all know the Daedulus is a) hard to spell, and b) has VLS tubes at the front (the big hatches near the nose). But well, how do you re load them in space? (and "using the asguard teleporter is cheating people!! :p Besides, there only good at rescuing SG teams... ...)

    So, i got thinking (yes, it hurt! :mad: ) and came up with a simple idea, sort of like a Revolver barrel. One side you have the launch system, as the missiles are fired, the barrel spins until its on the other side, were the tubes are re laoded with a convo belt or something, and then it continues around until it reaches the launch system and fired at the enemy..or something. A ferris wheel at a fairground is another example. :)

    Also, i think i'd save space, instead of having loads of tubes all over the place, just one or two launchers with a bucket load of ammo near by. :devil:

    Oh, and i designed a little missile destroyer too, something were the system could be applied. Little top down view of the uh....Bob Class Destroyer. :D

    th_SGMissileShip1.jpg th_SGMissileShip2.jpg

    Hope that all made sense to you all. :eek:

    Te he he he! Ain't I a stinker!

    Ok, reloading on the Valkyrie. Simple task. As you can see, the ship is actually quite tall. And the missiles don't extend the full height of the tubes. Remember, this ship is between 40-60% longer than the Daedalus class. So, this also translates into it being much taller too. The tubes are more than twice the height the missiles are, the side ones that is, and are seperated into two sections by a pressure blast hatch similar to the gate's iris. The bottom of the tube has a side hatch where missiles can be loaded into the tube. Then that bottom side hatch is closed, the middle hatch is opened and the missile is moved up into firing position. The middle hatch closes again, sealing the tube into two parts again. They are then free to fire the loaded missile and to reload again. It's very similar to how a shotgun shell is loaded. Simple, effective, and doesn't rely on the Asgard beaming or any fancy shmancy technology.

    The whole reason for so many tubes is so that they can fire a lot of missiles very very rapidly, like the Daedalus did in "No Man's Land", but better. The standard for crews of this ship is they have to be able to fire 1 missiles every second for 3 minutes. Since there are only 88 missile tubes, the large tubes don't count for this standard, there will need to be reloads to keep firing for the entire time. Since they can have one reload already in the lower section of the tube, they have 176 seconds to reload 4 missiles from stores. Adhering to this standard certifies that any Valkyrie class ship can open a can of whoopass and withstand both a numerical and technological advantaged enemy. When combined with the Large Caliber Rail Guns (LCRg's), this enables the Valkyrie to unleash a tremendous amount of firepower. It is hoped that this capability would deter any hostile acts, harking back to a military philosophy of "Peace through Strength" and M.A.D.

    Let's see if a Wraith Hive ship and Darts can intercept ALL those missiles, bloomin buggers. Strategy is, fire a few missiles to draw out the Darts. Then launch a bunch of missiles to take those darts out, and right behind those missiles you can unleash the big boys on the hives unimpeded. No Dart screen = no defence against the big missiles. And that's not even including it's small railguns and fighters. The idea is, to counter the Wraith's counter measures.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Here is my new ship the USAF Naxos, compared to the others I have made.

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    wow those are some nice ships you got there.

    Dr. lee
    i kinda like the older version but thats just me

    Choo I like that new missle cruiser. it is very well thought out and you did a good job on it.

    very interesting ships you have came up with i am realy liking the Lazarus and the Typhon they too are very well desighned ships. will wait to say any thing about the Naxos untill I see a 3d version of it but overall it looks like its a ship to be reckoned with good job.

    Regards Jesh
  • Here's a ship i made in paint. I wish i had the skills to model it but if someone else wants to go ahead. It is an asgard ship similar to the beliskner class that has been refit by the tauri. I don't know where they found an asgard ship but they did. It has 3 200mm coilgun turrets, 1 triple asgard energy weapon turret, 2 350mm coilguns, and 2 more asgard energy weapons on the "wings". It has all the regular asgard tech (transporters, reactors, sensors, communications,vanishing beam thingy) plus some ancient tech (rings, stargate, a few drones). The bridge is left over from the x-303 project and it has some earth-style back-up sublight engines. There is also 2 hangers under the "wings" that hold 2 F-302's or a puddle jumper. It also has a larger hanger in the front "hammer" part that holds 8 F-302's or 4 jumpers.

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    quite an interseting mix of a ship you have there. I would modle it for you but i dont even have the time to work on my ships :lol: sorry :( anyway that is a good job for it being done in paint.
    congrats on your first post it was a good one. and welcome to the comunity :thumb:

    Regards Jesh
  • Really interesting design airsoftfarmer. I would try since it looks simple enough but I can't texture and I'm still not that good at modeling =| and you made that in paint O.O, your good, probably very good:thumb:
  • Thanks. I think i need to angle the wings and the back of the front "hammer" part though. What do you think?
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    I think that angleing the front of the back wings would do I think that the front ones look good. hmmm... or possibly angleing the back part of the back wings forward might work too... just an idea.

    Regards Jesh
  • I changed the front and wings but i'm not sure if i lke the front. I might change it back later.
  • some serious paint skill there im not bad at paint either but not that good
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    MasterWong wrote: »
    some serious paint skill there im not bad at paint either but not that good

    Im no good at paint, so when I want to design something I do it by hand
  • Thanks guys. That's actually the first paint drawing i have done from scratch. i usually just modify other people paint art.
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    i love this.. its s shame i dident see it till now ;) also theres a new ship also again why did i not no about tis :( lol

    bar that is now 8 304's i want from you ;) lol, also a link to a video/pic of this new ship?

    Curious, why 8? So far theres only been 5 including the new one....anyone got a link to the news about anothe other 304s? Somehow Ive missed that one like Tadz
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    in the SG-1 epi where they met the washington panel (And vala questioned the guys manhood) they mention that they were going to build a total of 12 -304s.

    Tadz must not know about the secret one...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    starburst wrote: »
    Curious, why 8? So far theres only been 5 including the new one....anyone got a link to the news about anothe other 304s? Somehow Ive missed that one like Tadz

    hehe yeah i want another 2 just too name them ETC and then another one too stuff round with ( mod it if im allowed lol )

    Really Dr lee now i need 15 :P lol
  • As said, here is an update on my progress so far:). I've spread the cannons all over the bridge area now so the top section is mostly armed and defensible but the bottom is still vulnerable. The last two images show what my main turret design could look like, it is going to be the easiest turret type to animate since the energy barrels will be connected to the pivoting section. The parts that stick up are going to house launch tubes for missiles and drones and maybe even some other projectile variant( if those exist). I'll probably re-work the turrets design to become more like how I thought it should be like. Feed back is what I really need on this! So give some if you can. Great work to everyone so far as well:thumb:. Oh and I just recently thought of this but my design doesn't seem like it would be able to fit into the Stargate universe with the changes I have made to it, so I'm not sure if I should keep on posting about it in this thread. What do you think?
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