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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Finally got around to uploading my new renders into Photobucket....

    I have to admit that i've been raiding a few different SG threads on here for ideas on what kinda greebles to use....dunno if i should post credits for where i got the greeble ideas from or not.
    The ship is looking great and we all look at other designs for inspiration, thatA’s why this place exists.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I've often looked at other designs for inspiration, especially for greebles. May I suggest also looking at non Stargate threads for ideas as well. I've looked at so many other threads, many of which weren't Stargate related, for greebling ideas throughout my designs.

    Hi again everyone by the way. RL been getting in the way of me getting on here for a while now, but I'm gonna try and get on here a bit more from now on. (I'm sure you all missed me lol).

    Nice work on the model Rob. I must say your modelling seems to be improving quite a lot but even more impressive is how much better I think your WIP renders are looking now as well. The shadows are really nice and I'm liking the underneath mirror as well, very RJBish! I really got into tinkering with reflections when I was working on some Gerry Anderson stuff, particularly with interiors and making chrome-like metallic surfaces.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Hi again everyone by the way. RL been getting in the way of me getting on here for a while now, but I'm gonna try and get on here a bit more from now on. (I'm sure you all missed me lol).
    same here lol lots of things too do again ( like school ) hehe and also for anyone who watched farscape the series, there is now a movies to finsih off the series ( well 2 extended episode really ). i just watched them a minute ago it is really gooood :thumb::D
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    ok from what I know there's a new web series starting (similar to the current Battlestar Galactica ones that are running), but these haven't started yet. You must be talking about the Peacekeeper Wars yes? I used to watch the series religiously and when I finally got to watch the Peacekeeper Wars miniseries (I say miniseries, the time I watched it they showed it on Channel 5 here in the UK as 1 single episode, it's quite a marathon to watch in one go lol, about 4 hours long if I remember rightly) I loved it every minute of it.
  • big guns on the sides there heh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    ok from what I know there's a new web series starting (similar to the current Battlestar Galactica ones that are running), but these haven't started yet. You must be talking about the Peacekeeper Wars yes? I used to watch the series religiously and when I finally got to watch the Peacekeeper Wars miniseries (I say miniseries, the time I watched it they showed it on Channel 5 here in the UK as 1 single episode, it's quite a marathon to watch in one go lol, about 4 hours long if I remember rightly) I loved it every minute of it.

    yep peacekeeper wars it is wicked and explains a lot BTW it does kind of have something to do with stargate.. it has Vala and leader of SG1 in it as main characters ( i forgot his name )
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder
  • rjb: how much does lightwave cost?

    i presume its very expensive like most other modelling and effects products ?
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Here in Canada it is going for 995. Waaaaay cheaper than many other Packages.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    mikala wrote: »
    Here in Canada it is going for 995. Waaaaay cheaper than many other Packages.
    Thats the commercial package but if he is a student I get he could try to get the academic package with I think runs about $350-400 USD

    So your a fellow Canadian too mikala? Never noticed :thumb:
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    You got it!
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member

    tis been awhile sence i have been on here aswell for about the same reason too... i am moving... to a place with highspeed good bye dailup!!! wil hope to get some work done on my ship if i can find the time.

    regards jesh
  • scootes wrote: »

    tis been awhile sence i have been on here aswell for about the same reason too... i am moving... to a place with highspeed good bye dailup!!! wil hope to get some work done on my ship if i can find the time.

    regards jesh
    Thats great! I hope you have a smooth move then:). I'm gonna post some updates on my ship after I finish the basic turret and as soon as I can start the 7th challenge:D.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »

    tis been awhile sence i have been on here aswell for about the same reason too... i am moving... to a place with highspeed good bye dailup!!! wil hope to get some work done on my ship if i can find the time.

    regards jesh
    NICE!!! well i am building a computer from scratch and also making a side profit with my mate buy building custom computers and selling them so i will hopefully be able to get a lot more max done a lot quicker :D
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    NICE!!! well i am building a computer from scratch and also making a side profit with my mate buy building custom computers and selling them so i will hopefully be able to get a lot more max done a lot quicker :D

    very cool Tadz. i also run a small buisness in building computers i actually just got done building one for a customer... i am currently putting in this reply from it :D:lol:. i hope it goes well for you.

    regards jesh
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Not much to show atm, More details on the Corvette and i've managed tp drop the polys on the Gatejumper down to under 14,000. Now working on rebuilding the panels.



    Good to see you Scootes, hope the move is quick and easy.:thumb:
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    thank you Dr. Lee. i hope it goas well too.

    other news... if i get accepted then i will be starting college on november 12.

    regards jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work as always Dr Lee, I'm liking the Corvette more and more.

    And (hopefully) congrats jesh, what you going to be doing at college? (sorry if you've already said somewhere, not had a chance to catch up on everything in this thread since I started coming back on here)
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you Scorp.
    I havent posted what I am going to college for yet so no appology needed:) I am going to college to study 3D modeling and animation. and one of the cool things about it is that one of the classes teach 3ds max... wich i already have experience in. they told me that because i do have experience with it that i can prolly skip over the beginer and intermediate lessons and go stright into advanced:D

    needless to say i am very stoked over this and am reaky hoping i get accepted:D

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    That's what I went to uni to do, only unfortunately there was none of the "you can skip the beginner type stuff" for me which is partly why I left uni in the end. So when will you find out whether you've been accepted?

    In other news: Scorpius has indeed returned to modelling after a hiatus of...some time, and is set to unveil his latest design when he can be assed :thumb:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    *Sticks a fake donkey head on Scorpius*

    There... now you are 'ass-ed'

    I'll get my coat
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    In other news: Scorpius has indeed returned to modelling after a hiatus of...some time, and is set to unveil his latest design when he can be assed :thumb:

    I look forward to your updates, Jay...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I'll get my coat

    I think that's probably a good move lol.

    Ok then here we go. It's been a while but good to be getting back in the game. It's about 1 and a half hours work so far. I wanted to try and bring in some more Prometheus elements to this latest design, hence the step type areas at the back. And I wanted to also move away from standard Daedalus front sections that I've normally used so I've designed something completely new yet hopefully still quite Stargaty (Stargaty?? Meh, it'll do!) not sure if it works or not so I'm eager to hear comments on that one.

    As for what the ship actually is, well it's not got a name yet, will ponder that. It's meant to be my first straight battleship type vessel. I've designed carriers, fast attack ships, planetary assault ships but the closest I've come to making a proper battleship was the Argo but that was really meant as more of an Enterprise-esque flagship.

    So, C&C welcome as always
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Kewl. I like the new direction.
    Keep us updated when you get more done.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Looking great scorpius and Dr Lee.

    This started out as a signature picture I made for a friend and he liked it so much he wanted it made into a wallpaper so here it is.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Has real "feel" to it! Well done.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    mikala wrote: »
    Has real "feel" to it! Well done.
    Thank you. :)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    So cool!
  • RJB wrote: »
    Looking great scorpius and Dr Lee.

    This started out as a signature picture I made for a friend and he liked it so much he wanted it made into a wallpaper so here it is.

    What are the smaller objects between your cruisers? I can't quite make them out.
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