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  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    well keeps the slow moving 1's out of the way. i mean they don't want ppl blowing up before they leave the hanger lol BTW any pics of this new ship of yours?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Sounds like a great idea to me tadz, look forward to seeing more.

    I had an idea about my valkyrie class ship. I had already begun rebuilding the ship (again because I felt I could build it a hell of a lot better now than I did then). While building the fighter hangars I had this idea...basically, they're not fighter hangars anymore, well not primarily anyway. I'm turning the Valkyrie into a ground assault vessel. I made a crappy gif animation to show you the way I've done it. The ramps are located both front and rear of the hangars to allow easy entry and exit to and from the ship. The ramps extend outwards then down (very thunderbirdsy, going through a Gerry Anderson phase at the moment lol) and stop at ground level allowing wheeled vehicles to move to the ground and begin the mission. There would be a limited number of fighters/bombers/scouts on board for aerial surveillance, bombing runs etc.

    My original design didn't have the hyperdrive spires on it, and I'm in two minds now about whether I should add them now or not. I toyed with the idea of possibly having a single central spire instead of two wide ones, but I haven't decided yet.
  • TolbertTolbert331 Posts: 0Member
    OK, my new destroyer is now called the Loki-class.

    423 Meters

    20 x 300mm Railguns

    14 x 200mm Dual Railguns

    40 x Drone Luncher


    It has two little hangars for some shuttles. As you can see the most turrets are on the ventral of the ship as it is not only for ship to ship combat and escorting larger ships like the Simurgh, it is also for heavy ground bombardement on planetary aussault.

    My little fleet so far...


    I think i'll do a fighter next which is a little hard as all my tries doing one ended up in a corvette sized vessel...:rolleyes:

    But i'll try again.

    @ DR Lee: Iam using Sketchup

    @ Scorpius: Nice idea for your ground aussault vessel, looks like the ship for the support duties of my Fenris corvette ;)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I love these ships tolbert, they're all ships like "stargate, but not as we know it" type of thing. I like the side platforms on the Loki, it's like someone took the standard Daedalus type platform, snapped it over their knee, then put it back on the ship. Really nice.

    I tell ya, people who get their heads around Blender and SketchUp astonish me, they really do. I've tried numerous times to figure out Blender and I've failed miserably every time. And I tried SketchUp a few times and every time I do I just wish I was using max lol. So well done to you for that as well tolbert.

    I know what you mean about the fighter, I can't seem to get my head around designing anything smaller than corvette size ships. I will be getting down to it and designing a fighter, a bomber, a non-combat scout which will be a real challenge for me. Not to mention now I've gotten myself into the situation where I have (or will have) a ground assault vessel with nothing to assult the ground with lol, which means at some point I will be building some sort of ground vehicles, will probably look to the clone turbo tank from Revenge of the Sith for inspiration for that.
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    well keeps the slow moving 1's out of the way. i mean they don't want ppl blowing up before they leave the hanger lol BTW any pics of this new ship of yours?

    I will do soon, at the moment Ive just got basic ideas sketched out, Im going on holiday tomorrow so when I get back Ill be trying to model some of the ideas, or at the least make a 3d sketch of my ideas which are presentable.

    At the moment the idea is based on the Prometheus design but uprated and altered, the idea was to create a better version which was recognisable, similar to the idea sAs has done but taking the design further away from the 303 template.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    My original design didn't have the hyperdrive spires on it, and I'm in two minds now about whether I should add them now or not. I toyed with the idea of possibly having a single central spire instead of two wide ones, but I haven't decided yet.

    Have you ever seen the way the way the doors open and close on the BMW Z1?
    [ame= - BMW Z1 Roadster Chelsea London Carbon Black[/ame]
    Maybe something to think about on the valkyrie...
    It could look axactly as it does right now, but still have spires, with few mods.
    And it sould be great because, it could still get to hyperspace speeds without the spires up, but if they wanted to go REALLY, REALLY fast, the spires could extend upward from the hull...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    see I've toyed with the idea of doing something like that in a design but I could never get my idea down into max properly, always looked really really crap. Having seen that movie though I may well be able to get something decent now, using it as a reference point. Cheers for that Bar.

    I did put in a temporary central spire like I said, but I'm not sure whether I like it or not. I'll give this new version a try and see what I can come up with.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    (very thunderbirdsy, going through a Gerry Anderson phase at the moment lol)

    hehe. Puppet Stargate :D

    anyway. nice idea with the dropship..ship. only suggestion: how about instead of rear ramps at the back, have them at the sides. so they don;t get in the way of the ships engines. Would be a messy situation, especially if the ship needed to make a quick getaway...

    just my 2 cents ;)

    and Tolbert: Really Sweet designs, :cool: but you've but some of the guns in front of the bridge. Hows the crew supposed to have a nice view now!?! :eek::p;)
  • TolbertTolbert331 Posts: 0Member
    Yes i thougt about this problem too, but they only wont see targets direktly in front of the ship an in this case the guns will see it...:D

    btw, thank you for all your comments. :)

    I think it will take some time to post again, as i have a lot to do for university now and my girlfriend is sitting up my neck if i dont do my work there ;)

    But i allready thougt about an new cruiser type vessel, the Simurgh Mk II or something like that i'll maybe do before the fighter as i really have weakness for the big thingies :)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote:
    hehe. Puppet Stargate :D

    anyway. nice idea with the dropship..ship. only suggestion: how about instead of rear ramps at the back, have them at the sides. so they don;t get in the way of the ships engines. Would be a messy situation, especially if the ship needed to make a quick getaway...

    lol, spot on. Well I've always been a fan of the show in general but especially the way they made the special effects. They were one of the first (possibly the first, not 100% sure) to use the "used future" style of effects, much like Star Wars did, making everything look futuristic but at the same time like it was actually used. The way they filmed things like explosions at high speed then slowing it down when viewing made them look so much more realistic, not to mention their use of miniatures paved the way for many special effects in future movies and tv programmes. Anyway, enough of me singing their praises lol.

    choo, I would have a ramp at the sides but the outer hangar was going to be for other craft, airborne probably. That said, I've toyed with the idea of turning the ship into a complete mobile command centre for ground based attacks and having certain sections open up. I could split the outer wall of the pod where the hangar would end and the engines begin, with the top moving up and the bottom lowering to become a ramp (don't think that makes any sense whatsoever, will try to do something to show what I mean).

    For the moment, I've attached a crappy animation to show what I've done with the hyperdrive spires so far. I'll do something more imaginative with the sections and the base so they're not so boring, but just to show the basic movements.

    And tolbert, look forward to any new designs you come up with.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Now THAT is freaking cool!!!!

    I love it!!!
    I even love the way the flat deck slides inwards!!!
    Good work with that!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    wow, you been smokin or snortin something bar? lol, glad you like it.

    Now THAT, was a ****ty way to spend an evening. It's now 2:15am and I'm sat here after having to perform an emergency transplant of hard drives. For some reason while I was working at about 10:30 my computer decided to lock up. No real surprise there, this is Windows after all and I had 2 copies of max running, photoshop, media player and god knows what else at the time. I couldnt get anything to close properly, ctrl+alt+del proved highly unhelpful so I had to do a hard reset. Trying to boot into windows was impossible for no apparent reason and I couldn't access the drive to try a windows repair. Now, after having installed Windows on one of my other hard drives I can now access the original one perfectly as if nothing went f**king wrong! I hate computers sometimes. Thankfully I actually used MozBackup to backup my Firefox and Thunderbird (I'm a big fan of all things thunderbird lol) profiles yesterday so no bookmark hunting or e-mail loss to contend with. I guess it's a blessing in disguise really as I recently had a whole ton of adware and spyware on here which I think I got rid of but the effects were still evident so this has forced me into starting afresh anyway.

    Anywho, enough of my tired ramblings. Will hopefully post tomorrow with more updates on the Valkyrie or the carrier or the Icarus or the Ares or anything else I decide to do tomorrow. By the way, does anybody have any decent references for the clone turbo tank from star wars episode 3? For those who don't know what I'm on about, it's the huge 10-wheeled behemoth of a vehicle the clone troopers used on Kashyyyk in the film. I don't intend on copying it entirely but I'd like to get some decent shots of it and design something based off of it.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Choo1701 and tadz - I love the design and a great job modeling it and bring the drawing to life.

    Tolbert - Very sleek looking ship. :)

    scorpius - Again another ship that I love the design too and the animation was very cool.

    Well it's been awhile since I last posted so time for a new ship and pictures.

    I decided to work on a smaller ship due to a lack of free time, being in the middle of a heatwave and now having a member of my family pass away. (can't get much worse than things have been.)

    Well my new ship will be called the USAF Tempest and well be about 200m long and fill the role of an escort.

    (Note: The little pink thing is a little guy.)



    Sized with my Deadalus
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Choo1701 and tadz - I love the design and a great job modeling it and bring the drawing to life.
    sorry i have to add Scootes (Jesh)... and thanks
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Choo1701 and tadz - I love the design and a great job modeling it and bring the drawing to life.

    hey! whoa there partner. can't take all the credit.

    Scootes built the basic mesh, i'm just brainfarting all over it, so kudos to him too :thumb: (yeah...sorry 'bout the smell :shiner: )

    EDIT: um....Jinx tadz? :shiner: :devil:

    and good to have you back RJB :thumb: Like the tempest, very original design looks really heavily armoured. And the engines are very awesome. :cool:
    Keep up the good work mate :D

    and scorpius: how about some pods on the new ship that it can drop off to help its troops. Or is that too thunderbird like? :confused: :(
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    By the way, does anybody have any decent references for the clone turbo tank from star wars episode 3? For those who don't know what I'm on about, it's the huge 10-wheeled behemoth of a vehicle the clone troopers used on Kashyyyk in the film. I don't intend on copying it entirely but I'd like to get some decent shots of it and design something based off of it.

    Do you want screen-caps, or just images from different angles?
    I have the Chronicles. It has orthos in it.
    If it's just general shape, then there's a page about the vehicle on the site.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Do you want screen-caps, or just images from different angles?
    I have the Chronicles. It has orthos in it.
    If it's just general shape, then there's a page about the vehicle on the site.

    I have been on there and nabbed the image but anything else you have would be greatly appreciated. I've got the DVD but I'm too lazy to make my own screencaps if someone already has some lol.
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    scorpius: how about some pods on the new ship that it can drop off to help its troops. Or is that too thunderbird like? :confused: :(

    Can anything really be too thunderbird like?? lol. That's something I hadn't thought of but I'll certainly have a play about with it and see if I can come up with anything decent. Cheers for that. Maybe the ship can land, then rais up on struts leaving the pod on the ground...if required it can drop it from a height on water as well lol. See now I'm so gonna have to paint this thing green with a bigass 2 on the side
    RJB wrote: »
    Well my new ship will be called the USAF Tempest and well be about 200m long and fill the role of an escort.

    Sorry to hear about your relative RJB, it's very rarely good news for something like that to happen.

    Love the new ship, the rear is very ancienty (don't look at me like that, it's a word...just like thunderbirdsy is :rolleyes:), and quite clearly I'm a huge fan of hybrid designs so certainly gets a :thumb: from me. By the way, how near completion of your Daedalus are you now?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    lol My friends asked me to try draw a hybrid ship with all races of the series in it... besides wraith( it is ****ing hard to try) and it didn't turn out to good. But if anyone here whats to have a shot go ahead lol

    ok 2 things Severus new tag is "CFS-305 Severus-07" CFS = Capital Flag Ship, and how much has my spelling/ punctuation improved?
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    hey! whoa there partner. can't take all the credit.

    Scootes built the basic mesh, i'm just brainfarting all over it, so kudos to him too :thumb: (yeah...sorry 'bout the smell :shiner: )

    EDIT: um....Jinx tadz? :shiner: :devil:

    and good to have you back RJB :thumb: Like the tempest, very original design looks really heavily armoured. And the engines are very awesome. :cool:
    Keep up the good work mate :D
    Sorry Scootes that I missed you but as I said great ship. :thumb:

    Thank you and thats only the opening for the engines, I still have to model what goes inside. ;)
    scorpius wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about your relative RJB, it's very rarely good news for something like that to happen.

    Love the new ship, the rear is very ancienty (don't look at me like that, it's a word...just like thunderbirdsy is :rolleyes:), and quite clearly I'm a huge fan of hybrid designs so certainly gets a :thumb: from me. By the way, how near completion of your Daedalus are you now?
    Well in a way it was good new since the alternative would have been a longer and far more painfully death over 1-5 years and I would rather see a family member pass faster than have to surfer over a long period of time.

    Thank you and maybe the word "ancienty" will catch on.
    As for my Daedalus, the modeling is still at about 75-80% but it's been too hot to work on anything more than 30 minute to an hour. Anything more than that and I'm soaked with sweat.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    ah well that's why I said it's rarely a good thing, but there are situations like this where it's a far better alternative than a long drawn out and painful end.

    So where exactly are you? Where I am we're lucky to get more than a few hours of sun per day and even then it's barely hot. I hope to see more work on any of your models anyway, am a great fan of your Excalibur and Ares models.
  • Admiral DanevAdmiral Danev171 Posts: 0Member
    Tolbert wrote: »
    OK, my new destroyer is now called the Loki-class.

    423 Meters

    20 x 300mm Railguns

    14 x 200mm Dual Railguns

    40 x Drone Luncher


    It has two little hangars for some shuttles. As you can see the most turrets are on the ventral of the ship as it is not only for ship to ship combat and escorting larger ships like the Simurgh, it is also for heavy ground bombardement on planetary aussault.

    My little fleet so far...


    I think i'll do a fighter next which is a little hard as all my tries doing one ended up in a corvette sized vessel...:rolleyes:

    But i'll try again.

    @ DR Lee: Iam using Sketchup

    @ Scorpius: Nice idea for your ground aussault vessel, looks like the ship for the support duties of my Fenris corvette ;)

    i LOVE!!! this ship, it has a great design, very original, my only thought is that it should be scaled up, maybe to be more daedalus in size or larger, but i like wat u have done with it.

    keep up the great work!!!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius, i think the land attack/command ship thing, as great as it looks now, should lose some of its familiarities with conventional ships bu making the hanger bay areas much longer (running along more of the main hull of the ship) - surely that would be more practical allowing for more equipment etc to be deployed within one of these things? - making it look more like a transporty/commandy ship than a converted warship kind of thing.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    ah well that's why I said it's rarely a good thing, but there are situations like this where it's a far better alternative than a long drawn out and painful end.

    So where exactly are you? Where I am we're lucky to get more than a few hours of sun per day and even then it's barely hot. I hope to see more work on any of your models anyway, am a great fan of your Excalibur and Ares models.
    I'm just glad that there is a bright side to her death.

    I'm up in Alberta, Canada. At first it was not bad with temperature in the 25-27'C but we also had high humidity which just started making it unbearable. Now we are up in the 30-38'C which looks like it will last for next week and maybe more. Normally summer would be 22-27'C-ish with the rare 30'C and would be very dry air which helps a lot with a fair number of storms to break up the heat. So it has been a bit of an unusually summer.

    There will be more models to come, I can't see myself stopping just pacing a little so I don't cook myself alive. lol. :)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Does anyone know how big the 'hole' is in the stargate? Or how big a PJ is? I've been fiddling with a small tau'ri version of the PJ but i'm unsure of how small it'll have to be to get into the gate
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Carach wrote: »
    scorpius, i think the land attack/command ship thing, as great as it looks now, should lose some of its familiarities with conventional ships bu making the hanger bay areas much longer (running along more of the main hull of the ship) - surely that would be more practical allowing for more equipment etc to be deployed within one of these things? - making it look more like a transporty/commandy ship than a converted warship kind of thing.

    I've been thinking about changing the overall shape of the ship as well, basically because like you say it's all too familiar at the moment. You probably missed the original version of this ship though. When I first made it it was planned to be a replacement for the daedalus class in sometime between 15-20 years from the present timeline, the same time my Argo and other ships are set. It was only when I first started remodelling the ship that I decided to turn it into something completely different. Aside from anything else, I think I've built enough other ships that would serve as Daedalus replacements, the Asgard class mainly and also Bar's Ares class that I'm still in the middle of building.
    RJB wrote: »
    There will be more models to come, I can't see myself stopping just pacing a little so I don't cook myself alive. lol. :)

    Well I suppose that's a smart decision lol, being cooked alive is bad for a person's health I've heard.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Oke doke I've been hard at work tinkering away with the Valkyrie, I must admit I didn't think I'd be working on it still, thought I'd have had the rebuild done or at least almost done by now. I've changed the overall shape of the ship as per Carach's comment. I'm not totally sure on the scale of the ship yet, originally it was pretty much identical in length to the Daedalus (as it was supposed to be a direct replacement) but now the whole mission profile has changed I may well revise that upwards to accommodate the amount of vehicles that would be carried in the bays and the fact that it would be serving as mobile command post as well.

    I've split the hangar as well now into 2 sections, the front section now has a side door that opens outwards while the rear section houses the outer engines. I've got to build a ramp for easier access to those outer bays as well, doesn't make sense to have to go in via the front or rear ramps. I've changed the way the platform retracts now as well, the tips move up and then in, kinda like the ramps but backwards. I've also added doors inside to allow access between each hangar.

    So, attached is another of my crappy animations to show what happens now and a render of the hangar as it stands, with the doors open.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Does anyone know how big the 'hole' is in the stargate? Or how big a PJ is? I've been fiddling with a small tau'ri version of the PJ but i'm unsure of how small it'll have to be to get into the gate

    *cough* Wikipedia *cough cough* Long answer: diameter is 22 ft or 6.71m
    scorpius wrote: »
    Oke doke I've been hard at work tinkering away with the Valkyrie....

    and i hope it enjoyed it! :shiner: :p :lol:

    Seriously: um....too many moving parts for my liking. Love the clam side doors and fins, but with such a huge door on the side, are the front and back ones really needed when you can just add a ramp to the big one? just my two cents. ;)

    Oh, and please add the pods and green paint work!! Thunderbird 2 rocked!! pmpn :p
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I check Wiki, And three other Stargate forums and i couldn't see nowt.

    Thanks though
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Yes. If i am being totally honest, i don't think you'd need the side doors when you have already included rear doors on this one.
    Just my opinion.
    I still love the flip up panels which hide the new hyperdrive spires though(And maybe there should be just a little protrusion of them into the upper surface of the hangar ceiling).
    It does look amazing.
    I can't wait for your next-next-gen starships which will also have some variant of the telescoping hyperdrive!
    It's like a Stargate version of the flip up nacelles on Voyager!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Too many moving parts? Clearly you all underestimate quite how much Gerry Anderson stuff I've been watching recently lol, I was just about to cover it with flashing lights then blow it up lol.

    Yeah granted in that animation it looks like there are too many moving parts but that's every single moving part on the ship if you see what I mean. All those things would never be moving at the same time. The platform only retracts when the spires are going up which is only for faster hyperdrive travel. That said, I was thinking about taking out the front and rear ramps. As much as I like them and personally think they're quite cool they don't make as much sense now having the side openings, so I may take those out completely and cover up the hangars completely, they're far too exposed at the moment.

    And next-next-gen ships? Sounds right up my alley lol. You're basically talking about variable geometry hyperdrive spires now? A total rip of voyager but I love it lol.

    Oh and a couple of total off-topic items while I'm thinking about them. You may already know this, really off-topic but I read that Farscape is coming back. There's going to be a series of 10 mini-sodes, much like the Galactica Resistance shorts. It's not known who out of the cast will return, if any, or what the storyline is. And also, there's gonna be another Galactica mini-series depicting the first Cylon war which should be great.

    The other thing was something I noticed in the Stargate Wiki article linked by Choo. There's a section about the Asuran satellite weapon used in the Atlantis season 3 finale. A lot of people noticed the stargate in it only had 8 chevrons. In the article, the author claims the Asurans developed an 8 chevron gate for it. Just wondered what you all thought of that?
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