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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I personally have absolutely no idea what that is to be honest
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I personally have absolutely no idea what that is to be honest

    A-10D Thunderbolt, also known as the "Warthog"


    no offence, but wouldn't that just be your standard 302 with a gatling gun/big a$$ cannon at the front? :confused: :eek: ;)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    EliteNova, I'm guessing you meant having an A-10D looking fighter but made for space flight?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    you need to know anything about planes come to me, i studied them for over a year. :)
  • ElitenovaElitenova0 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    A-10D Thunderbolt, also known as the "Warthog"


    no offence, but wouldn't that just be your standard 302 with a gatling gun/big a$$ cannon at the front? :confused: :eek: ;)

    A A-10 refitted for space flight since they are bigger than a F-302 and more agile. My brother in law flown them for the Air Force during Operation Iraqi Freedom. What I can tell you is, the A-10 got hit by a couple of RPG rounds and it still fly in Afghanistan Campaign.

    I never like the F-302 you see.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Elitenova wrote: »
    A A-10 refitted for space flight since they are bigger than a F-302 and more agile. My brother in law flown them for the Air Force during Operation Iraqi Freedom. What I can tell you is, the A-10 got hit by a couple of RPG rounds and it still fly in Afghanistan Campaign.

    I never like the F-302 you see.

    Has an A-10 ever survived hits from goa'uld weapons, though?
    And it's more agile than an F-302?
    How do you know that for sure?(Did your Brother in law fly one too?:D)
    Seriously, you cannot take an aircraft, tack on some modifications, and expect it to beat a SPACECRAFT, which was designed as such from the ground up.
    It makes for a great mental excercise, of course!(Build a model with the mods, and there's no reason it cannot have a place in the SG universe depicted in this thread)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    good point sorry but i am on bar's side with this one, u could maybe use it for strategic bombing on the enemy but thats all i can think of. i am also looking for schematics of the Daedalus class's, i have searched for hours on the net and have had enough. so i wanted to see if any of u guys new where i could get them?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Right, i have now done as much as i am capable of with the Puddle Fighter.


    The idea i had was that while no PF's survived the wraith war they plans were safetly secure in the Atlantis Database.

    They were found and with the Asguard tech from Unending (Damn i like being able to freely talk about that episode) Earth now is able to create their own.

    It's armed with slightly smaller sized Drones than a PJ but they still pack the same punch. It also has it's own DHD
  • SGA-3DSGA-3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Little project I've been working on:


    The displacement map for the rock on the temple is switched off.
  • Aiden FordAiden Ford0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, this looks impressive, mate :thumb: I'm looking forward to seeing the final
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I loved the shots in the show when we saw Dakara. Especially when it became more populous and built up.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    SGA-3D wrote: »
    Little project I've been working on:


    The displacement map for the rock on the temple is switched off.

    WOW! :eek!::eek!::eek!::eek!::eek!: I think I just wet myself. Holy sheeeeeeee-iiiitttttt! SGA-3d, do you EVER make a bad model? Just once, I'd like to see you make a piece of crap for a change. All you ever do is deliver fantastic models/scenes. Heck, even my own fantacies don't look that good.

    LOL! Just teasing you!! Gotta rib you a little. That is really spectacular. Do you model for a living? And no I don't mean fashion/runway modeling. :lol: I could NEVER ever EVER do anything that good. My skills are soo noob.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Right, i have now done as much as i am capable of with the Puddle Fighter.

    I like it but I must admit I'm not entirely sure how much difference there is between this and the normal Puddle Jumper, aside from the points that you've mentioned, but speaking aesthetically.
    SGA-3D wrote: »
    Little project I've been working on:


    The displacement map for the rock on the temple is switched off.

    Sweet work as always SGA. Will you be modelling the ancient weapon as well?
  • SGA-3DSGA-3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks everyone :) .

    I don't model for a living, yet, considering I'm still at school and I don't do CG modelling either :D .

    The chances are, I will model the weapon too.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    So... *sigh*
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member

    Just checking to see if I can upload this VR file and that it works properly.

    EDIT: Yup it worked! Hey guys, this is a test render of a quicktime VR scene I have been working on for Raynor. It is only at half resolution, and meant only as a test, but I think it came out decent considering. I am re-rendering it at full res and with a higher Anti Aliasing enabled. It's mainly just so that you can "take a look around" the scene, as a companion to the still images. The higher res renders take on average around 10 hours to complete. I'd love to do an actual animation of this scene, but at 10 hours per frame, I think that would be insane to say the least.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Ah yes. So is there any updates on that then?

    why yes there is!!
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    thanks scootes:)
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    no problem dude
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    awesome work freek and scootes. Freek, I'd certainly never have the patience to render an animation with each frame taking anything like that long, hell I get uptight waiting for frames that take 10 minutes to render let alone 10 hours!

    tadz the thing I like about your severus design is that it's definately a tau'ri design but without looking too much like either the prommie or the daedalus. Great work on the modelling so far scootes.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    yer thanks much appreciated scorpius and Scootes
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    hehe I noticed an error when I rendered this the first time turns out that the top section wasnt placed high enough from the middel section so this is a render that was made after the problem was fixed

    Regards Jesh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Scorp. I'll have another slew of updates coming, maybe today. Got a few things running right now. That higher res VR render is STILL going. It's been what, two days now? It's at 82% done, so it should finish later tonight. Hopefully. I did modify and update the fighter model as well. Made some changes and enhancements. Hopefully you all will like them.

    Edit: Thought I'd throw this pic in just for kicks. It's my screen name in hieroglyphics. Found a site that does this, and I'm going to use it sometime to make textures for a Goa'uld based room. I may even use the site to re-texture my old "Ra's Tomb" scene I posted a long time ago. Of course I will need to re-color it, and make a bumb map for it. I know bump maps are not the best, but for it's intended purpose, I think it will suffice.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    do u remember that site i will write Severus and put in in the Severus avatar :)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    do u remember that site i will write Severus and put in in the Severus avatar :)

    This is one of the sites I have bookmarked, and the one I used for the Cartouche:

    Make Your Own Cartouche

    I also have have a few other sites for other things bookmarked:
    1) a "Warning" label maker - look at the pic below
    2.) fantacy name generator

    Oh, just so you know before hand and don't find out the hard way like I did. If you try to save the cartouche pic, it only saves one symbol. So you have to save each symbol seperately or do a screen capture and then cut and paste into a image editing program.

  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    thanks and btw: major updates to the Serpent, it now folds up to make more space on the ship. sorry it is really bad drawing but i will try to hand draw steps of how it works and changes tonight :)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Ok guys. The VR render finally finished sometime last night. I checked it out and it looks pretty good. The image quality is much better than the last one I put up. Take a look and tell me what you think.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    the one on the left is the serpent when she is off the Severus's hanger and ready to attack. the one on the right is when she is on the Severus and folded up and the thing in the middle was a Go'uld design i made when i got bored BTW s this shows the sketch took about 5 minute that i am getting quicker at drawing with the same amount of skill put into it so i should be able to draw my station around earth very shortly:)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    awesome work freek and scootes. Freek, I'd certainly never have the patience to render an animation with each frame taking anything like that long, hell I get uptight waiting for frames that take 10 minutes to render let alone 10 hours!

    tadz the thing I like about your severus design is that it's definately a tau'ri design but without looking too much like either the prommie or the daedalus. Great work on the modelling so far scootes.

    Thanks. Well to be honest, it's not really patience. It's called "start the render right before you go to sleep so it's mostly done when you wake up" and "it's good to have multiple computers so you can render it and still do other things". LOL!!! Trust me, I don't have that kind of patience either, that's why I have so many computers. Te he he.:devil:
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